



1、一、       写出下列名词的复数形式1、orange              2、class               3、text           4、monkey            

2、0; 5、piano             6、child            7、shelf                 8、bed                9、country  &#

3、160;         10、family  11、toy               12、foot             13、Japanese             14、radio       

4、     15、photo             16、army          17、tomato         18、fox          19、woman            20、knife

5、       22、sheep        二、选择填空   1、There         on the wall .They are very beautiful.A. are photoes      B. are photos C. is a photo        D. is photos

6、60;  2. This kind of car       made in Shanghai. A. is   B .are   C .were D .has   3. There are four       and two           in the group.     A. Japanese, Germen

7、60;   B Japaneses, Germen C. Japanese,German    C.Japanese, Germans   4. Thata      art book. A. an   B. a   C. the D are5. The boys have got  already.A. two bread   B. two breads C. two pieces of bread D. two piece of b

8、read6. The old man wants          .A. six boxes of apples   B. six boxes of apple C. six box of apples     D. six boxs of apples7. There       some       in the river. A. is ,fish   B. are,

9、fishs C. is, fishs D. are ,fish8. There     two     in the box. A. is watch B. are watches C. are watch D. is watches9. We should clean       twice a day. A .our tooth B. our tooths C.teeth D.our teeth10.The _ meeting room is near the readi

10、ng room.A.teacher   B.teachers   C.teachers D.teachers11. In Britain _ are all painted red.  A.letter boxes B.letters boxes C.letter box D.letters box写出下列各词的复数形式am        is        he       she&#

11、160;       it     that        this       you      pen             desk         keyorange      &

12、#160;  boy             friend     mother      father      parent          sister brother       son        daughter&

13、#160;          cousin          case           box            card family按要求变换句型(把110句变为复数句。 1. This is my friend. 2. This is a bike. 3.That is her brother.

14、 4.This is a book. 5.That is an eraser. 6.It is a red orange. 7.He is a teacher. 8. Whats this? 9.This is my mother. 10.He is a Chinese boy.二、选择填空1、There on the wall .They are very beautiful.A. are photoes B. are photos C. is a photo D. is photos2. This kind of car made in Shanghai. A. is B .are C .

15、were D .has3. There are four and two in the group.A. Japanese, Germen B Japaneses, Germen C. Japanese,German C.Japanese, Germans4. Thata art book. A. an B. a C. the D are5. The boys have got already.A. two bread B. two breads C. two pieces of bread D. two piece of bread6. The old man wants . A. six

16、boxes of apples B. six boxes of apple C. six box of apples D. six boxs of apples7. There some in the river. A. is ,fish B. are, fishs C. is, fishs D. are ,fish8. There two in the box. A. is watch B. are watches C. are watch D. is watches9. We should clean twice a day. A .our tooth B. our tooths C.te

17、eth D.our teeth10.The _ meeting room is near the reading room. A.teacher B.teachers C.teachers D.teachers11. In Britain _ are all painted red. A.letter boxes B.letters boxes C.letter box D.letters box二、用所给的单词的复数的正确形式填空:1There are so many_(wolf)in the forest. 2.There are three _(chair) in the classro

18、om. 3.These _(tomato) are red. 4._(hero) are great. 5My brother looks after two _(baby) 6There are some _(deer) eating the grass. 7My father likes to eat _(potato). 8Chinese _(people)like to eat noodles. 9I have a lot of _(toy) in my bedroom. 10I help my mother wash _(dish) in the kitchen. 11I have

19、two_(pencil-box).   12There are some _(bus)in the street.13Peter has eight _(foot).    14Linda has three _(tooth).15There are some _(child) in the garden. 16Michael likes the _(mouse). 17There are some _(goose)in the river. 18My uncle and father are _(man). 19Tom and King ar

20、e _(boy).    20Linda has three _(tooth).三、选出正确形式1I can see three _ in the zoo. A monkeys    B monkeys    C monkey2.The pig has four _.A. foot B. feet C. foots3.My two brothers are both _. A. policeman B. policemans C. policemen4.There are four _ in the cl

21、ass.A. Japanese  B. Japaneses C. Japan 5.I can see ten _ in the picture.A. sheepB. dog C. pig6.The _ has three_.A. boys, watches B. boy, watch C. boy, watches7.C an you see _on the plate? A. bread  B. breads  C. breades8.The girl often brushes her_ before she goes to bed.A. tooth B. t

22、oothsC. teeth9.Mr Black often drink some _.A. milk  B. milks  C.milkes10.There are some _ on the floor.A. child B. water C. books11. _ will learn English.  A. Woman B. Women C. Man 12.Lucy will show us some new _ of hers.A. photo B. photos C. photoes13. I drank two _ A. bottles of ora

23、ngeB. bottle of orangeC. bottles of oranges14.The cat eats two _ last night.A. mouses B. mice C. mouse15.I need a pen and some _. A. books   B. desk  C. chair16 Jim was late for two classes this morning. He said that he forgot both of the _.A. rooms number   B. Room numberC.

24、 Rooms number  D. Room numbers17. The newly-built library is a _ building.A. five-storey   B. five storeysC. five-storeys   D. five storeys18. - Whose umbrella is it?- Its _.A.  somebody elses     B. Somebody elseC. Somebodys elses  &#

25、160; D. Somebodys else19. I feel terribly hot, Whats the _?A. temperature of room    B. Rooms temperatureC. Room temperature     D. Temperature of rooms20. _ will make a trip around the world during the coming Christmas.A. The Evens  B. The Evens C. The Evense

26、s  D. The Evenses21.The girl talking to Mary is a friend of _.A. Marys sister B. Mary sistersC. Marys sisters D. sister of Marys22. The woman over there is _ mother.A.     Julia and Shelleys    B. Julias and ShelleysB.     C. Julia and Shel

27、leyD. Julias and Shelley23. He is very tired. He needs _.A. a night rest B. a rest night  C. a nights rest D. a rest of night24 -Excuse me,where are _ offices?-Over thereA teachers B teachers C the teachers Dthe teachers25 Today is September 10th.  Its_ Day. Lets go and buy some flowers fo

28、r our teachers.A. Teacher  B. TeachersC. the Teachers  D. Teachers  常考的可数名词和不可数名词1. 常考的不可数名词furniture luggage clothing equipment poetry jewelry machinery weaponry scenery information knowledge homework evidence foliage advertising healthA : 流体 air waterB: 颗粒状物体 rice saltC: 抽象名词 inform

29、ationD: 总称名词 poetry machineryE: 疾病不可数 diabetes糖尿病 measles麻疹F: 自然现象 rain dropsG:学科不可数 mathematics economics statistics physics politics mechanics genetics geology geography chemistry philosophy biology history2.常考的不规则单复数man/men woman/women tooth/teeth foot/feet goose/geesebasis/bases analysis/analyse

30、s crisis/crises hypothesis/hypotheses axis/axes alga/algae larva/larvae fungus/fungi stimulus/stimuli datum/data bacterium/bacteria medium/media spectrum/spectra mouse/mice child/children phenomenon/phenomena radius/radii3.常考的单复数同型的名词aircraft spacecraft series species means sheep deer bison salmon trout carp4. 常考的可数名


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