



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2016-2017年小学五年级英语下册期中试卷姓名班级评分听力部分一 你将听到一个句子,根据你所到的内容,选出相符合的一项,将其字母编号填在括号里。(10分)( )1. A. eat breakfast B. eat lunch C. eat dinner( )2. A.spring B. summer C.autumn ( )3. A. often B. usually C. sometimes( )4. A.January B. June C. July( )5. A.trip B. holiday C. vacation二.听录音,判断句子或图片是否与录音内容相

2、符,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“T”,不相符的打“F”(10分) 1.( ) 2. ( ) 3.( ) 4. ( ) 5.( )三、根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里(分)( )1. A. I like apples. B. I like winter best. C. I like June.( )2. A. Its warm and windy. B. Its in winter. C. Its winter.( )3. A.Because I like snow. B. Because I can pick apple C

3、. No, they are.( )4. A.At 9 oclock. B. In 9 oclock C. Its 9 oclock.( )5. A. Its in January. B. Its in February. C. Its in March.笔试部分四、判断下列每组单词的划线部分读音是否相同,相同的划“”,不同的划“×”。( ) 1.A play B.eggplant C people( ) 2.A clock B class C uncle( ) 3. A library B umbrella C brown( ) 4.A Chinese B China C chil

4、dren( ) 5A .sheep B fish C chicken五、找出不同类的一项,写在括号内。( ) 1.A play sports B. class C eat dinner( ) 2.A island B. spring C winter( ) 3. A which B where C usually( ) 4.A March B sheep C fish( ) 5A Tree Planting Day B August C Fathers Dayin on go where when at六Read , choose and write.(选词填空,注意字母大小写。)1. I o

5、ften shopping on the weekend.2. - do you go to school?-I go to school _8 oclock.3. - is your photo? -Its on the wall.4.We will have an English party February.5.What do you have Tuesdays?七、Read and choose.(选择最佳答案。)( ) 1.I often watch TV and play ping-pong _my father . A. with B. and C. but( ) 2. On t

6、he weekend , I _ _wash clothes ._ _I cook dinner.A.sometimes , then B. often , but C. usually, sometimes( ) 3. I like autumn best. Because the are pretty A. colours    B.snow   C.colour( ) 4. Christmas is in _. A. February B. December D. January( ) 5.-When is Mid-Autumn

7、 Day? 绿色圃 -It's usually _September October. A. in ; on B. in ; or C.on ; and( )6.That _ like a lot of fun .A. sound B. sounds C. sounding( ) 7. _ do you like summer? _ Because I like summer vacation.A.Why B. What C. Which( ) 8. We have _ Easter party. A. a    B.an  C. /( ) 9.

8、 _ is in June. A. Fathers Day. B. Mothers Day. C. Teachers Day( ) 10.I like spring because I can _.绿_._色圃 A. pick apples B. make a snowman C. go on a picnic八根据汉语及句意,填写单词或短语补全句子,注意字母大小写。 1I often_ _(去游泳 ) on the weekend. 2. _ (春天) is my favourite season. 3The _( 鱼) is fresh.4. I usually _- _ (吃午饭) at

9、 12:00.5.New Years Day is in _.( 一月)八,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I often do morning _( exercise) at 9 oclock.2.I can go _( shop) on the weekend.3.There _( be ) many beautiful flowers.4.I will _( go ) to the Great Wall.5.Wu Yifan _( get ) up at 7:00 every morning.八、按要求完成各题。1. season best you which do like (?) (

10、 连词成句) 2. I often go for a walk on the weekend.( 对划线部分提问)_ _ _ often _ on the weekend?3. I like autumn best .(改为一般疑问句)_ _ like autumn best?4.Mother Day is in May . (找出错误的一项并改正) 5.We will look for eggs. (翻译成汉语) 九、Read and choose.(将答语的序号写到括号里。)( ) 1. When do you eat dinner? A.I often pick apples.( ) 2

11、. What do you often do in autumn? B. At 6:00.( ) 3.Do you like summer? C. Its in March.( ) 4.When is Tree Planting Day? D. No, I don't.( ) 5. Is Christmas in December? E. Yes, it is.十、Read and choose. (阅读短文,选择正确的答案。)My name is Amy. I'm from Canada. I usually have Chinese class on Tuesdays. I

12、 often go for a walk on the weekend. I like spring best. It's windy and warm. We can go on a picnic with my family. And I like winter, too. Because my birthday is in December, and I can play in the snow. My mothers birthday is in February. My fathers birthday is in April.(     

13、60;) 1. Amy usually has class on Tuesdays.A. English       B. Chinese       C. music绿色(     ) 2. Which is Amy's favourite season?A. Spring.          B. Winter. &

14、#160;      C. Spring and winter.(      ) 3. -Why does Amy like winter?              -Because_.A. her birthday is in December    B. she can play in the snow    C. A and B (     ) 4. Is Amy's mothers birthday in August?         A. Yes, it is.         B. No, it isn't.


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