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1、新课标人教版初中英语七年级下册英语精品试题及答案本试卷满分95分 考试时间90分钟 第一卷(选择题 共40分)一单项选择(每小题1分共 15分)21.Bob couldnt buy the dictionary becuase he had_money with him.A.a few B.few C.a little D.little22.The old teacher is a friend_.A my brothers B my brother C of my brothers D of a brother23.-Did you see the football match last n

2、ight? -Yes,I have never seen_.A such a B so a C such an D so an 24.-Is that red bike Miss Gaos? -Yes,it is_. Bautiful,ist it?A his B ours C hers Dshes25.If you want to book a round-trip ticket,you will have to pay_200yuan.A more B other C the other D another26.Thats the only thing_cant be forgotten

3、in my life.A that B which C who D 27.Since you are_trouble, why not ask_help.A in,for B in,to C with,for D with,to28.Its raining so_that we can_go out.A hard,hard B hardly,hardly C hard,hardly D hardly,hard29.She prefers_rather than_.A write,read B to write,read C to write,to write D write,to read30

4、.-Do you know_man on TV? -Yes,he is_active person.A the,the B a,an C the,an Da,the31.Personal computers_in1976,It has changed the whole world.A invented B are invented C have been invented D were invented32._he is only 8 years old,he knows more about science than his father.A but B though C so D bec

5、ause33.-Did you arrive late? -No,I just managed_.A to make B to get it C to make it D to make them34.His parents were worried that he_too much time chatting on line.A spend B cost C paid D had35.Grandma_us stories when we were very young.A used to tell B is used to tell C take out it D take it out二完

6、形填空(每空1分共10 分) In Britain winter is not very cold and summer is not very hot. There is not 36 difference between summer 37 winter. 38 is this? Britain has a mild(暖和的) winter and a 39 summer because it is an 40 country. In summer the sea is cooler than the land. The winds from the sea 41 cool air to

7、Britain. The western winds blow 42 Britain all the year. They blow from the southwest. They are wet winds. They bring rain to Britain all the year. Britain has a lot of 43 all the year. The west of Britain is 44 than the east. The four seasons are 45 three months long. Winter is in December, January

8、 and February. Spring is in March April and May. Summer is in June, July and August. Autumn is in September, October and November. 36 A. a little B. a few C. a great D. a small37 A. but B. and C. to D. for38 A. Why B. What C. How D. Where39 A. hot B cool C. cold D. warm40 A. English B. island C. ope

9、n D. important41 A. take B. carry C. bring D. fetch42 A. on B. under C. over D. above43 A. snow B. rain C. wind D. sunshine44 A. cooler B. wetter C. drier D. hotter45 A. every B. sometimes C. both D. all三阅读理解(共20题25分)A)从下面方框内选出适当的句子,完成对话 5分Bruce:Hi,Kate!How was your summer holidays?Kate:_46_Bruce:Wh

10、ere did you go?Kate:I went Yinchuan with my parents.Bruce:_47_Kate:Its one of the most beautiful cities in the northeast of China.I like it very much.Bruce:How long have you stayed there?Kate:We stayed there for five days,_48_.Bruce:Which is your favorite place?Kate:_49_.When I was there,I lost myse

11、lf in the beautiful scenery.Bruce:What interesting things did you do there?Kate:Lots of things, such as swimming,boating and fishing._50_.Bruce:Oh,really,I cant wait to go there.A.I think Sand Lake is the best.B.Oh,thats all right.C.Weve been to many wonderful places.D.How do you like Yinchuan? E.Ho

12、w did you go there?F.But I think sand sliding(滑沙)is the most exciting one.G.Oh,it was great.B) 根据短文内容判断各句是否符合短文意思,符合的选“A”,否则选“B” Mr. and Mrs. Bell are very forgetful(健忘的). For example, Mr. Bell sometimes goes to his office for work on Sunday morning, for he thinks it is Monday. And Mrs. Bell sometim

13、es forget to cook supper for the family.One summer they planned to fly to New York for their holidays. They got to the airport only ten minutes before the plane took off. So time was short. But suddenly Mrs. Bell said she must tell Alice, their daughter,not to forget to lock the front door when she

14、went to school. As Alice was then at school, they couldnt tell her about it by telephone. So they hurried to the post office. Mrs. Bell wrote a short note to Alice while Mr. Bell bought a stamp and an envelope(信封). Soon the note was ready. They put the stamp on the envelope in a hurry and dropped it

15、 in the letter box, but suddenly Mrs. Bell began to cry. The short note was still in her hand. She had put the plane tickets in the envelope.根据短文内容判断各句是否符合短文意思,符合的选“A”,否则选“B”。51.Mr. Bell is so forgetful that sometimes he takes Sunday for Monday and goes to work on Sunday morning.52.One summer they p

16、lanned to fly to New York to see their daughter.53.There was no telephone at the airport, so they had to write a note to Alice.54.In a hurry they dropped their tickets in the letter box.55.She had put the note in the envelope.C.根据短文内容选择最佳答案(5分) If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time,

17、 they will become weak, when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that. Yet many people do not seem to know that memory(记忆)works in the same way. When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. Whe

18、n someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance(机会) to become strong. If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know hat it is his own fault(过错). But if he tells us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents may be blam

19、ed(责备), and few of us know that it is just his own fault. Have you ever found that some people can't read or write but usually they have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember thing, they cannot write them down in a small notebook. They have to remem

20、ber days, names, songs and stories, so their memory is the whole time being exercised. So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people: practise remembering things in a way as other people do.56.Someone can't have a good memory if _.A. he can't read or writeB. he doesn't use

21、his memoryC. his parents haven't a good memoryD. he doesn't use his arms or legs for some time57.If you do mot use your arms or legs for some time, _. A. You can't use them any more B.They will become strongerC.They become weak but they slowly become strong againD.They become weak and wo

22、n't become strong until you use them again58. Which of the following is true?A.Your memory works in the different way as your arms or legs.B.Your memory, like your arms or legs, becomes weak if you do not give it enough chance for practice.C.Don't learn how to read and write if you want to h

23、ave a better memory.D.A good memory comes from less practice.59.Few people know that it is only _if a friend has a poor memory.A. his own fault B. his parents' fault C. his teachers' fault D. his grandmother's fault60.The writer wants to tell us _.A.How to use our arms or legsB.How to re

24、ad and write strong arms and good memoriesC.How to have a good memoryD.How to learn from the peoplD)阅读表达,阅读下面的短文,完成41-45题每题2分共10分Jeffri poe,a student who does computer studies at Texas University, found his own parents with the help of Internet.the news got around soon and many of his friends came t

25、o share his happiness.Some of them even asked him to help them find jobs on the Internet.Before he turned to Internet for help,Jeffri had spent one year looking for his parents who let him 26 years ago when he was a baby .Using knowledge on computer and network,Jeffic found out his birth information

26、 and sent a notice to Internet in hope of finfding his parents.Only one day later,Jeffic"s dream came ture.When Jeffic flew to Los Angeles to meet his father,Stphen,they embraced each other lovingly.They enioyed the family meeting.Later on Mother"s Day,Jeffic met his mother Silvia.Three ye

27、ars ago,Stephen himself tried hard to look for his son but his try ended in nothing.Jeffic"s try on the Internet has turned to be a happy ending. 英语试题 第二卷(非选择题 共55分)得分评卷人阅读第一卷文章回答下列问题61)What does Jeffic Poe do at Texas University? 62)HOW old was Jeffic when Stphen tried to look for him? 63)How

28、did Jeffic find out his birth information? 64)How did Jeffic go to Los Angeles to meet his father? 65)With the help of Internet,what can you do? 得分评卷人四完成句子 (每空一分共10分)A)按要求转换下列句式,每空一词66 Both Tom and Tim are good at chinese.(改为否定句)_Tom_Tim_good at Chinese.67 Mother told him not to do that again.(改为直接引

29、语)Mother said to him.“_ _that again.”68 A pan is used for cooking.(对部分提问)_ a pan _ _?69 Its an unusual experience.(改为感叹句)_ _ the experience is!得分评卷人五词汇运用 (每空1分共20分)A)用动词的正确形势填空70.Do you mind _ (travel)by bus?71.Would you like me _ (go) together?72.He put up some signs _ (ask)for different stamps yes

30、terday.73.Jim _ (take)after his sister.But jim doesnt.74.Julia _ (boil)drinking water over an open fire when I saw her.75.My mother made me _ (stay )at home yesterday.B)在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空一词,词首字母已给出。If you want to be happy every day,you must communicate with others.How many people do you communi

31、cate with in a day?Probably a lot more than you did years ago.Now we can talkto people in many w_76_ ,not just face to face or on the phone,but also through the Internet.Its very important for e_77_to try and improve their commmunication skills,so lets r_78_the four golden rules of good communicatio

32、n.F_79_,be as clear as you can.Misuanderstangings happen if we dont say c_80_what we mean.Second,we have to work hard at listening,pay attentinot to what the oher person is saying.Third,ask other people what they t_81_.Fourth,give them time to say what they want,and show an interest in what they say.If you follow these r_82_,you will be a good communicator.76_ 77_ 78_ 79_ 80_ 81_ 82_C)用括号内所给动词的适当形势填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词My father died when I was 10 years old,and my mother had to go out_83_ (work).I was the only child,so I used to play in the street with other childre


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