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1、DB专利研究DOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., LDOCBOX Confidential 内部公开国外专利申请翻译国外专利申请翻译问题及撰写标准问题及撰写标准DOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOCBOX Confidential Page Page 2 2主要存在问题(主要存在问题(cond)1,对于方法的权利要求中的动作,尽量用doing的形式表达,因为方法权利要求要表达的就是做什么,实在不能用doing表达的(比如句子本身不包含任何动作,只是对某个部件或组成部分的进一步解释),可以用陈述句表达。2,在一个权利要求中,分号后的句子不要以大写字母开头,因为一

2、个权利要求只是一句话。3,表示“包括”的意思时,权利要求中尽量用comprising,说明书中尽量用including以上三个问题可在的权一中发现。DOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOCBOX Confidential Page Page 3 3 译文写法:1. A content playing method for the digital broadcast service, including: Set priorities for broadcast contents; When broadcast contents conflict, the contents

3、 to be played will be determined by their priorities推荐写法:1. A content playing method for the digital broadcast service, comprising: setting priorities for broadcast contents; when broadcast contents conflict, determining a broadcast content to play according to their priorities.DOCBOX TRANSLATION Co

4、., Ltd.DOCBOX Confidential Page Page 4 4主要存在问题(主要存在问题(cond)4,术语的引用要保持全文一致,尤其是权利要求中,如权三 The method of claim 1, further including: When broadcast contents conflict, contents that are not played will be stored; 推荐写法: The method of claim 1, further comprising: when broadcast contents conflict, storing b

5、roadcast contents that are not played; DOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOCBOX Confidential Page Page 5 5主要存在问题(主要存在问题(cond)5,权利要求中尽量避免使用it, that, their等代词。说明书中尽量少用这些代词。6,权利要求中名词第一次出现用a, 再次出现用the. 7,方法权项中,动作的主语最好在后面用by 的形式表达,而不是直接放在动词前面。问题6和7见权一:译文写法:1. A method for publishing presence information, compr

6、ising: The delegated presentity or application server sends information published by the presentity to the presence server;推荐写法:1. A method for publishing presence information, comprising: sending, by a delegated presentity or application server, information published by the presentity to a presence

7、 server;DOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOCBOX Confidential Page Page 6 6主要存在问题主要存在问题注意:1,如果权4是一个独权,那么权4中的名词即使在前面(权1权3)出现过,仍然算是第一次出现,仍然要用a。 2,如果权2引用的权1,权3也引用的权1,那么权3中的名词如果没有在权1中出现,而是在权2中出现过,那么权3中的名词仍算是第一次出现,仍然要用a.e.g 1, A method for sending message, comprising 2, The method of claim 1, wherein the messa

8、ge is transmitted by a transmitter 3, The method of claim 1, further comprising, a transmitter transmitting the message to(虽然transmitter在权二中出现过,但由于权三引的是权一,所以仍然用a) 4, A method for sending message, comprising, a transmitter transmitting via a relay(虽然transmitter在前面出现过几次,但因为权4是独权,transmitter在这个独权中第一次出现

9、,所以用a) DOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOCBOX Confidential Page Page 7 7A Glimpse of a Specification (US)Title of the InventionField of the inventionBackground of the InventionSummary of the Invention Brief Description of the Drawing(s)Detailed Description of the InventionClaim or ClaimsAbstractFiguresD

10、OCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOCBOX Confidential Page Page 8 8专利翻译的特点专利翻译的特点术语严谨,全文连贯统一术语严谨,全文连贯统一 专利申请不是文学作品,对于术语即关键步骤词语的运用,要求全文内统一。避免使用语气强烈、限制性强的词语避免使用语气强烈、限制性强的词语 *must, required, only, obvious, the advantage等词尽量不用 *建议使用may, maybe, an advantage这样的词语尽量避免使用长句尽量避免使用长句 虽然专利申请文件很正式,但并不代表其中的句子结构要复杂。能用简单句

11、子表述清楚,请不要追求长句的雍容华贵。DOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOCBOX Confidential Page Page 9 9专利翻译的特点专利翻译的特点thereof, thereby, hereunder, therein, wherein等词慎用等词慎用 这类词看起来很高深的样子,但常常让人不知所云,所以,不用为好。为了简洁,权利要求书中可以使用。 eg. Hereunder the speaking priorities are sorted from top to bottom.Better: The speaking priorities are

12、sorted from top to bottom as follows.“包括包括”一词,在权利要求书中使用一词,在权利要求书中使用comprise, 在其余部分用在其余部分用include权利要求书中常常会用到权利要求书中常常会用到said一词(一词(注意:不是注意:不是the said),表,表示示“上述,前述上述,前述”的意思,但在说明书和摘要中尽量不用。的意思,但在说明书和摘要中尽量不用。 DOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOCBOX Confidential Page Page 1010权利要求的翻译(权利要求的翻译(1)权一前加上权一前加上 I/ We c

13、laim,The invention claimed is,what is claimed is等字样;等字样; 每项权利要求由大写字母开始,以句号结束每项权利要求由大写字母开始,以句号结束,每个权利要每个权利要求有且只有一个句号;求有且只有一个句号;除缩写词外,每项权利要求中不可使用括号;除缩写词外,每项权利要求中不可使用括号;权利要求中包括许多元件或步骤时,各元件或步骤应当另权利要求中包括许多元件或步骤时,各元件或步骤应当另起一行;起一行;DOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOCBOX Confidential Page Page 1111权利要求书的翻译(权利要求书

14、的翻译(2) 慎用或不用慎用或不用and then,then等有顺序倾向的词语;等有顺序倾向的词语;方法权利要求中尽量不用主语;方法权利要求中尽量不用主语; 1) 可直接删除主语 2)可将主语置后,使用by 的形式,不需要变为被动语态eg: 1, A method for., comprising, the decoding module decoding the packet, (不推荐) 1, A method for, comprising, decoding the packet, by the decoding module (推荐使用)如果后面有并列动词,则采用:by the de

15、coding module, decodingand doing 权利要求中,部件或步骤等第一次出现应当用权利要求中,部件或步骤等第一次出现应当用a/an,后续出现使用后续出现使用the; *注意:注意:前面的独权及其从权中虽然出现过,但在后续独权及其从权后续独权及其从权中第一次出现时,也应当使用a/anDOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOCBOX Confidential Page Page 1212权利要求书的翻译(权利要求书的翻译(3)不使用不使用is characterized that,直接使用,直接使用comprise;使用开放性词语使用开放性词语,避免使用

16、封闭式词语避免使用封闭式词语 *开放性词汇开放性词汇 comprise:权利要求中需使用; include:不用于权利要求中,多用于说明书中 *半开放性词汇半开放性词汇 mainly comprise:我司通信专利极少使用 *封闭性词汇封闭性词汇 consist of:我司通信专利基本不用 eg. 1. A method for, consisting of (Wrong) 1. A method for, comprising (R)DOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOCBOX Confidential Page Page 1313发明名称的翻译发明名称的翻译简洁明了

17、,简洁明了,27 words为宜为宜 (适用(适用US),不超过),不超过500 characters;要指出独权的类别要指出独权的类别(是方法,还是装置)是方法,还是装置) eg. Charging Method in POC Service Apparatus and Method for Realizing User Switching between IP Network and PSTN Network Method for Displaying Charge on Terminal Device in Real TimeDOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOC

18、BOX Confidential Page Page 1414技术领域的翻译技术领域的翻译技术领域以不超过两句话为宜技术领域以不超过两句话为宜eg. The present invention relates to the technical field of electronic or communication equipment manufacturing, in particular, to an interconnect structure between HyperTransport bus interface boards. The present invention relat

19、es to communication technology field, and more particularly to a method for displaying charge on a terminal device in real time.DOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOCBOX Confidential Page Page 1515背景技术的翻译背景技术的翻译风格类似于一篇风格类似于一篇Scientific paper,语句尽量简单易读,语句尽量简单易读,追求地道追求地道DOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOCBOX Conf

20、idential Page Page 1616发明内容的翻译发明内容的翻译基本是将权利要求部分基本是将权利要求部分copy过来,再进行改写,变成更过来,再进行改写,变成更易读的形式就可以了易读的形式就可以了注意:权利要求书中的注意:权利要求书中的comprise, wherein等词,应替换等词,应替换成成include, in which等词,但并不拘于此,关键是要把等词,但并不拘于此,关键是要把意思表达清楚意思表达清楚DOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOCBOX Confidential Page Page 1717附图说明的翻译附图说明的翻译 避免使用避免使用 t

21、he (present) invention *应当使用“one,” “example,” “exemplary”, or “illustrative” embodiment of the invention 等词语 eg. Fig.6 shows a schematic diagram of a connection structure of HyperTransport chips on two PCBs in different planes according to the present invention; (wrong) Fig.6 shows a .according to a

22、n embodiment of the present invention (R) 附图和实施例文字部分应完全对应附图和实施例文字部分应完全对应DOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOCBOX Confidential Page Page 1818具体实施方式的翻译(具体实施方式的翻译(1)应以下述段落及其类似段落开篇明义应以下述段落及其类似段落开篇明义 In the following detailed description of the preferred embodiments, reference is made to the accompanying drawi

23、ngs, which form a part hereof, and within which are shown by way of illustration specific embodiments by which the invention may be practiced. It is to be understood that other embodiments may be utilized and structural changes may be made without departing from the scope of the invention. Or, The i

24、nvention is hereinafter described in detail with reference to the embodiments and accompanying drawings. It is to be understood thatDOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOCBOX Confidential Page Page 1919具体实施方式的翻译(具体实施方式的翻译(2)结尾结尾It should be appreciated that the foregoing is only preferred embodiments of the

25、 invention and is not for use in limiting the invention. Any modification, equivalent substitution, and improvement without departing from the spirit and principle of this invention should be covered in the protection scope of the invention. It is apparent that those skilled in the art can make vari

26、ous modifications and variations to the present invention without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention. The present invention is intended to cover these modifications and variations provided that they fall in the protected scope defined by the following claims or their equivalents. DOCBOX TRANSLATION Co., Ltd.DOCBOX Confidential Page Page 20


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