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1、1 . Choose the correct forms(选择正确的形式完成句子) 1. Toms aunt _ got many CD-ROMs. (have/has) 2. His brother _ autographs. ( collect/collects) 3. Janes parents _sport and music.( loves/love) 4. The pupils in Year 5 _ hard at English. (works/work) 5. Mike often _ her storybooks.(reads/read) 2. Read and match

2、(将问句与其相应的答语对应,将答语的代号写在相应的问句前括号内) ( )1.Is there a bus near here? A. It's my uncle's.( )2. Do you like Science? B. They are going to the library.( )3.Can you stand on your head?C. Yes, she is.( )4.Whose new bike is it?D. Yes, let's go by bus.( )5.Is your aunt a teacher? E.I go to work by b

3、ike.( )6.Where are they going?F. He is going to ride a horse.( )7.How do you go to work?G. Yes, she has.( )8.Has Linda got a sister?H. At twenty to eight.( )9.What is Mr Ma going to do?I. No, I can't.( )10.When do you come to school? J. No, I don't.3. Choose and complete.(选词完成句子) wakes no fi

4、sh happy playground fishing 1. Can we go _ again tomorrow? 2. We need some _ for dinner. 3. They are going to the _ tomorrow. 4. My mother _ me up early every morning. 5. Nicola finds _ playground at all. But she is very _.4. Read, choose and complete the text.(阅读短文,选词填空使短文完整) clean computers great

5、boring work singing Its _ here! There are no _. We cant use the Internet. There are no KTVs. We cant go _. And the old TV doesnt _ sometimes! But the weather is _. The water is nice and_ . We can often go swimming.5. Fill in dont or doesnt.(根据题意,选择填空) 1. I _often watch sports programmes.2 .My sister

6、 _ like cartoons.3. My brother _watch romantic films.4. My father _watch science fiction films.5. My mother _like detective films.6. Put the dialogues in the correct order. (将对话重新排列顺序)(12分) 1. ( ) Bye. ( ) Excuse me, wheres the post office? ( )Left, then right? ( ) No. turn right. Then left. The pos

7、t office is next to the school. ( ) The post office? Turn right, then left. ( ) Thank you. Bye. 2. ( ) Its behind the park. ( ) The park? Thats easy. Go straight ahead. Then turn left. ( ) Excuse me, wheres the police station? ( ) Thank you. ( ) Wheres the park? ( ) Thats OK.7. .Look and write.(看图,完

8、成句子) (10分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.1.-Excuse me, where is the school? -Its _the museum.2. -Excuse me, _is the museum? -Its _the church.3. -_me, where is the school? -Its_ the swimming pool.4.-Excuse me, where is_? - Go_.5. -Excuse me, where is the _office? -Turn_ here. Its not far.8. Find the answers.(从框中找出各问

9、句的答语,将其代号写在相应问句前括号内) A beautiful car. B. Australia. C. Its warm here. D. She is riding a horse. E. Yes, Liu Minghua.( ) 1. Whats Barbara doing? ( ) 2. Have you got a Chinese name? ( ) 3. Where are you from? ( ) 4. Hows the weather? ( ) 5. Whats that on the beach?9. Look and write.(看图, 写句子) (10分) Wha

10、t are they doing ? read a book eat ice cream buy a drink ride horses collect shells Lily Alan Mark Rita Bob1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 10. English into Chinese. (将短语与其汉语意义相对应,将代号写在括号内) ( )1. come to a stop A. 在那里;在那边 ( )2. go fishing B. 购物中心;购物大街 ( ) 3. over there C. 醒来;叫醒;唤醒 ( ) 4. wake up D. (去) 钓鱼 ( ) 5. a sh

11、opping mall E. 北极 ( ) 6. great fun F. 四周张望 ( ) 7. North Pole G. 很有趣;很开心 ( ) 8. look around H. 停下来;停止;停住( )1. the best ice cream A. 在学校的对面 ( )2. go left B. 在.隔壁 ( )3. Dont be late. C. 公交站( )4. turn right D. 最好的巧克力 ( )5. Go straight ahead. E. 别迟到( )6. a bus stop F. 往左走 ( )7. opposite the school G. 往右转

12、( )8. next to H. 笔直走11. Words to sentences.(连词成句) (8分) 1. next, I, again, come, year? Can 2. here? Do, it, you, like 3. show, my, Ill, TV. you 4. doing, over, he, there? Whats 5. watch, dont, I, cartoons, often 6. never, detective, we, films, watch 7. romantic, Maria, films, watches, sometimes 8. pr

13、ogrammes, brother, doesnt, my, like, nature 9. doesnt, she, programmes, watch, sports 10. children, Five, games. Playing, are 11. boy, A, listening, music. to, is 12. the, weather, Whats, there? like 13. of, I, afraid, horror, am, films.14. last, sing, a, Can, song?I 15. parents, proud, His, him! ar

14、e, of 12. Read and choose.(选择正确答案)(12分) ( ) 1. Lets go_. A. fish B. to fish C. fishing ( ) 2. Whats that _the water? A. of B. in C. at ( ) 3. -Who is the boy? -Toms _. A. brother B. father C. mother ( ) 4. We _playing basketball. A. is B. am C. are ( ) 5. Bobs friend is _a phone call. A. makes B. make C. making ( ) 6. A boy and a girl _letters. A. is writing B. are writing C. writing ( ) 7 .I like the story. Its _. A. stupid B. interesting


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