



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Lesson 33 0ut of darkness 冲出黑暗一单词讲解darkness nu黑暗,漆黑反义词brightness光明eg. The house was complete darkness这个房子一片漆黑。dark da:k1) adj黑暗的,漆黑的(light)a dark street黑暗的街道 a dark night 黑漆漆的晚上2)深色的,暗色的dark suit 深色的西服 dark hair 深色的头发3)阴暗的,忧郁的dark expression忧郁的表情4)不吉利的a dark sheep in his family 害群之马a da

2、rk horse 黑马(竞赛中实力不明但被认为可能获胜的人)adj+ness(名词后缀) ndark-darkness careful- carefulnessgood -goodness careless-carelessnessexplain V解释,叙述,辩解,辩护,成为的理由explain sth to sb 对.解释explain +that/wh 从句 解释例: Could you explain that question once again?你能再解释一下那个问题吗?The manager explained to the customer why the goods wer

3、e late.经理对客人解释为什么货物晚了。A week later, the girl was able to explain what had happened.一个星期后,这个女孩才能解释发生了什么。He was late. He explained that the bus had broken down. 他解释说,公共汽车拋锚了。How do you explain your rude behavior?你怎么辩解你粗鲁的行为?That explains her sudden anger./That explains why she got angry all of a sudde

4、n.那就是她为什么突然生气的原因。explain oneself为自己的行为立场辩解explanation n u解释C解释的语言事实,情况He resigned without explanation.他辞职没有做任何解释。Do you have any explanation for your being later?对于你的迟到你要做任何解释吗?coast n海岸,海滨(邻近海或洋的较宽阔或狭长的地域)eg. We live on the coast 我们住在海滨。shore湖或海的边缘或水边的狭长陆地,比coast范围小。海岸,海滩eg. She swam to the shore她游

5、到岸边。beach shore的倾斜部分,往往在涨潮时被漫过的bank河岸(江河,溪流的)Tongue twisterShe sells seashells at the seashore. And the shells she sells are seashells, I' m sure. Because if she sells shells at the seashore, the shells she sells are seashells, for sure.她在海岸线上卖海贝壳。我确定,她卖的贝壳一定是海贝壳。因为一旦她在海滩上卖贝壳的话,那么她卖的贝壳一定是海贝壳。sto

6、rm1)n风暴,暴风雪(常用构成复合词)a rainstorm 暴风雪 a snowstorm 暴雪a dust storm 尘暴 a sandstorm 沙暴a thunderstorm 大雷雨 brainstorm群策群力eg. After a storm comes a calm(谚)雨过天晴,否极泰来。2)(喝彩,责难等的)嘈杂声,(枪弹的)纷飞,(感情的)激动.a storm of applause 暴雨般的鼓掌喝彩3)be caught in a storm遭遇暴风雨be caught in the rain 淋雨eg. A storm in a teacup. 小事惹起的轩然大波

7、小题大做,大惊小怪。4) wind风breeze微风 tornado龙卷风 cyclone暴风,旋风storm风暴gust 阵风gate强风 hurricane飓风 typhoon台风rockl)n岩石eg. The house is built on a rock这些房子被建在岩石上面。climb up a rock爬上岩石2)pl暗礁3)rock (candy) 冰糖(美) (sugar) candy (英)4)V摇动,震动,晃动rock a baby to sleep/rock a baby asleep 摇婴儿睡觉Our boat rocked to and from on the w

8、aves我们的船随波摆来摆去。Rock your body,everybody.摇动你的身体,晃动身体。5)V使(某人)震惊例: The news of the president' s death rocked the company. 总裁的去世震惊了整个公司rock the boat(团队中某个人)兴风作浪,捣乱rock 'n' roll 摇滚乐20世纪50年代由黑人音乐和西部乡村音乐混合而成light1) n光线,光亮the light of the sun阳光 the light of the lamp灯光the tight of the fire火光2) n

9、光源,尤指电灯turn on the light打开灯 turn off the tight关掉灯例: From the TV tower, we can see the lights of Beijing. 从电视塔上,我们可以看到北京的万家灯火。Keep going; the lights are green继续开吧,是绿灯。A sea of lights and a river of cars, have you noticed the beautiful night-scenes in Beijing?你看到灯的海洋和车的河流映衬的北京的夜景多么美了吗?3)n火柴,打火机等的火eg.

10、Can you give me a light? 能借个火吗?Put a light to sth 点火according to one' s lights 根据自己的判断能力bring sth to light 揭露eg. His past was brought to light他的过去公布于众。in (the)light of鉴于ahead1) adj./adv. (空间性的)在前面,向前反义词behindeg. He passed me and ran ahead他经过我身边又跑了。She saw a light ahead 她看见前面有灯光。May I use your di

11、ctionary? 我能借一下你的字典用吗?Go ahead用吧。2)(时间性的)预先,事前think ahead 事先考虑 plan ahead 实现计划eg. Try to look ahead to the future事先计划一下将来。Our team is ahead by three runs我们队领先了三分。表语形容词asleep 睡着的 alike 相似的alone 独自的 alive 活着的ahead 前面的cliff n悬崖,峭壁,绝壁 (plcliffs)stand on the edge of a cliff站在悬崖边上precipice绝壁,断崖stand on th

12、e edge of precipice 濒临危机例: The country's economy was on the edge of a precipice.该国经济处于崩溃的边缘。struggle1) v斗争struggle with sb/fight with sb和打斗例: The landlord struggled with the thief.店主和小偷扭打在一起。struggle for sth 为斗争,努力struggle against sth 反对而斗争fight for freedom /struggle for freedom为自由而战例: The peopl

13、e are struggling for freedom.人们为了自由而斗争着。Chinese people struggle against Japanese for eight years.中国人民同日本侵略者斗争了八年。2)v挣扎,艰难的前进make one's way with difficultyeg. She struggled up the cliff她艰难的爬上悬崖。The chick finally broke through the shell and struggled out.小鸡终于冲破蛋壳,挣扎出来了。3) n挣扎,手脚乱动,奋斗例: Don' t

14、give up without a struggle.你不要没有努力就放弃。hospital n医院an emergency hospital 急诊医院go into (the) hospital 住院 /be in (the) hospital leave (the) hospital 出院住院,出院在美国英语要加the,在英国英语中则通常不加the。易混淆的词hospitality nu殷勤招待,厚待'hspi'tælitigive hospitality to a personshow hospitality to a person款待(某人)二、关键句型Key

15、 structures表方向介词:to,from, into,out of, for, towards,at等与动词的搭配问题。1. phrases with to and fromfrom door to door 挨家挨户from cover to cover 从头读到尾from beginning to end 从头到尾from China to Peru 从中国到秘鲁(遍天下)from hand to mouth 所挣的钱仅够糊口eg. He flew to Washington last night. He will be flying from Washington to Chic

16、ago on Wednesday.他在昨天晚上飞往华盛顿。他将于周三从华盛顿飞往芝加哥。2. phrases with into and out of1)into: entrance 进入in: position 在.里在.地方2) out of: exit 离开,出去例: Where is Carol?She has just gone into the kitchen.Where did you throw that piece of paper?I threw it out of the window.3. phrases with forfor: the destination for

17、 journey 一个旅途的目的地eg. We set out for the village at six o' clock next morning.我们第二天早上6点出发去那个村庄。George has left for Scotland.乔治己动身去苏格兰了。leave somewhere离开某地leave for somewhere离开去某地4. phrases with towardstowards: direction approaching a place朝着eg. The car came towards me车朝我开来了。She swam towards the s

18、hore她朝岸边游了过去。She swam to the shore她游到到了岸边。5. phrases with atat放某些动词后含有“不礼貌”“攻击性”的含义。eg. She threw the ball to me她把球扔给了我。The boy threw a stone at the dog.这个男孩拿石头砸向了狗。Don' t shout at others不要对别人大喊大叫。It is so noisy that we have to shout to each other.这里太吵了,以至我们不得不喊着说话。It is rude to point at people用

19、手指着别人是不礼貌的。三、课文讲解TextNearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her.passedpass v经过例: He passed my house this morning.他今天早上经过我的房子。pass the exam考试及格fail in the exam考试不及格past1) prep经过eg. He walked past my house他经过我的房子。2) adj过去的例: He told me about his past experience.他

20、告诉我他过去的经历。3) n过去eg. He seems to live in the past他似乎生活在过去里面。the past,the present and the future过去,现在和将来be able tobe able to与can区别:1) be able to:可用于任何时态can:只可用于现在时或过去时(can/could)例: I will be able to open the lock in five minutes.我五分钟之内就能打开这个锁。He hasn't been able to go to work for a month.他已经一个月不能上

21、班了。2)表经过努力而做成某事用was/were able to例: The plane was able to fly over the mountain at last.这架飞机最后终于飞过了大山。The girl was able to explain what had happened to her at last.最后这个女孩终于可以解释发生什么事情了。3)can:能够,有可能性做某事be able to:有能力,有办法做某事eg. There is no paper. 工can,t write没有纸,我不可能写。The child is not yet able to write.

22、这个孩子还不会写字呢。One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm.以时间为线索,随着时间推移展开故事。one afternoon 天下午towards evening 邻近黄昏的时候then 然后early next morning 第二天一大早when she woke up a day later当她第二天醒来的时候Towards evening, she boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea,strik

23、e- struck-struck此处可换成hitThen she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.During that time she covered a distance of eight miles.cover1) v行走(距离):走过,飞过,跃过(不用被动语态)eg. How far can we cover a day? 我们一天能走多远呢?She covered 1000 meters in less than 4 minutes.她不到4分钟就跑完了I000米。2) v遮盖,隐瞒,蒙蔽;

24、(用东西)覆盖(此处可用被动)eg. He tried to cover his mistake他企图掩盖他的错误。Dust covered his desk 灰尘盖满了他的桌子His desk was covered with dust. 他的桌子被盖满灰尘。hide 隐藏 conceal 隐瞒bury 埋葬 cover 覆盖Early next morning, she saw a light ahead.next morning区别next与other:next: 下面的,接一下来的other: 另外的eg. Early next morning she saw a light ahea

25、d.第二天一大早她见前面有灯光。the next day第二天例: We arrived in Paris on Tuesday evening. The next day we went sight seeing.周共的晚上我们到巴黎,第二天我们去观光the other day几天前/a few days ago例: I saw Mary the other day.I saw Mary a few days ago 前几天我看见玛丽了。She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffsOn

26、arriving at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen.On arriving at相当于 as soon as she arrived at the shore on doing sth 一就例: On hearing the news, she cried.一听见这个消息,她就哭了。On seeing the girl, he didn' t know what to say.一看到这个女孩他就不知说什么好。注意:用on doing表“一就”,前提是动名词doing逻

27、辑主语须与主句主语一致。That was all she remembered. When she woke up a day later, she found herself in hospital.she found herself in hospital.主 谓 宾 宾补eg. I find myself stupid 我发现自己很笨。I found the film boring 我发现这部电影很枯燥。I found him dishonesty 我发现他不诚实。We found him a liar 我们发现他是个大骗子。He is finding the trip very exc

28、iting.他发现旅途非常刺激。总结文章中表方位的介词应用:1set out from the coast从海岸线出发2jump into the sea 跳进海里3swim to the shore 游到岸边4towards the light 朝着灯光Special Difficultiespast/passed与next/other的练习:1. I tried to telephone you the other day. You must have been out. (the other day/the next day)我前几天给你打电话,你出去了。2. Have you passed your driving test?(past/passed)你通过驾驶考试了吗?3. On the first day all went well. But on t


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