



1、教师演讲英文结尾教师演讲英文结尾一Victor Hugo once said:The causeis noble flower, and fruit is sweet cause, let us dothecause oftheleaves,because the cause of theindustryisextraordinaryandhumble,teacherssilentlyasthegreenleavesthat, whenthemomentcarved frame of the beautiful flowers.Today I also had the honor of doi

2、ng the cause oftheleaf,butIwas stillyoungleaves,when Isetfooton this land, I hesitate, I can do please? But when Isaw a senioreducation,Ican be very proudtotellyouthatIhavenoregretstodayisWho leavesthisdetermination to do so is she, an ordinary teacher, abit ordinary private kindergarten teachers -

3、teachersTwenty yearsago sinceshe labeledas childking crown,itis destinedto accompany herwiththeordinary,thereisno substantialincome,no enjoymentofluxury,thereareonlybusy lifeand shoulderheavy responsibilities,inthisextraordinaryearlychildhoodeducationposition, has spentmore than two dozen SpringandA

4、utumn Annals, he no regrets, she does not obliteratethe heart of love, as a motto to inspire, and remind ourselves to constantly improve themselves.20 yearsago,awoman, intheabsenceofanyconditionswiththehelp of a man propped up thisbanner,what she has insisted this is love, love of childrenis a love

5、ofeducation,For many years,her rainorshine,as she said, so the teacher, I extraordinary, and sothe teacher,Iam rich,and so theteacher,I am happy,and so the teacher,I have no reasontoregretthislife.She once said: every day to come into contact witha group of innocentchildrenis a well-being.Therefore,

6、she and the children often work together to build arectangular square has become a high-rise buildings,with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck into the tens ofthousands of households crayon green with red chalkdepictingthefutureworld,usingfinesilkthreadwoven cloth beautiful fairy tale, it is so light inyo

7、ung childrenin thefadinggolden childhood,butherheart willnotincreasewithage and the disappearanceof the passage of time.I asked her when a teacher what is most needed? She answered without hesitation: love, teachers are theimplication of a love and dedication, the hearts of teachers, teachers of the

8、 situation should be like a rain shower flower leaves, and only in the growth of love in their hearts to their children is pure andbeautiful of.Her children were very small age, poor self-careand will not wear , Xu things which are silently everyday for her children were doing, I remember On oneocca

9、sion, a child was accidentally nails poked feet,fromathick,shemouthtosuctionoutthechild,childrentrouserspulledthe stool,shetookthechildren to take home for the cautious good clothes.Encounter these things, she always said no, and theirchildren are.20xx to December 19 of a mother is the most cruelday

10、,thisday,her son,only24 yearsold,was diagnosedwithadvanced livercancer,theteacherleavesthefaceof this news, the really faint passed you can not, ah,his children a few days ago it was good, how can Goddo that to a kind-hearted mother, ah, when all theothers have insistedthat the mothercouldnot,she di

11、edof illnessinchildrenAfterlessthanaweekhasreturnedtotheclassroom,thechildrenreturnedtotheside, what is it? What is a mother will allow us to dothis,islove,he said,these pointsarenotherdarlingbaby,arehermostbelovedchild.Everyone says:teachersistooordinary,and yes,teachersareextraordinary,butthecause

12、 isgreat, becausetheyarequietlyengagedin thecause ofthe dedication andselfless sacrifice.教师演讲英文结尾二im a big fan teachers.hello,everybody!what makes a good teacher?ofteachers.imheretopraiseim a big fan of teachers.im here to praise teachers.what makes a good teacher?three qualities create excellence.t

13、hree traits make a teacher great.good teachers have knowledge.good teachers have commitment.good teachers have patience and love.first,academic knowledge is most important.good teachers are info experts.good teachers are masters in their field.great teachers are great students.they are aggressive le

14、arners.they outwork even the best students.besides,they are skilled instructors.they know how to teach.they know how to pass on knowledge.second,good teachers are committed.they are dedicated to their career.they are enthusiastic about teaching.good teachers are devoted to learning.they are passiona

15、te about education.they have high standards and expectations.they put students first.they inspire students to work hard.they make students believe in themselves.tird,good teachers are patient.they are tolerant and understanding.they are sensitive and sympathetic,too.good teachers truly care.they res

16、pect and trust their students.their concern is a special kind of love.they are kind,yet demanding.they are fun,yet serious.they all have hearts of gold.finally.good teachers are role models.they are fair and honest.they have honor and integrity.they praise you when you need it.they encourage you whe

17、n youre down.they try hard to improve themselves and expect you to do the same.theyre like loyal friends.theyre like foster parents at school.theyre excellent mentors to follow.good teachers can make you feel great.they can light up your life.they can change you forever.thank god for good teachers.g

18、od bless all great teachers.without teachers we wouldnt be here.thank you for listening.i invite you to be a teacher.improve the world and make a difference!教 师 演 讲 英 文 结 尾 三 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, its a great honor to speak here: I am an English teacher.People often say: Teacher is t

19、he engineer of human spirit.Last September, I became a teacher.How to become a real teacher? This is the first difficulty that I come across in my career.At first, I felt so good and fun to stay with somany lovely students, then I integrated with them, and soon, the problem came out.If a teacher can

20、t set up her dignity in front ofthe students, itwillmake theclassteaching moredifficult.In my lessons,the studentsoftenkepton talking,acting, and asking questions.What should I do? I cant get along with them like this any more.I must be strict with them.Pay more attention to what should be praised,

21、what should be criticized.Any carelessness is not permitted.At last, the class discipline became better. Nowadays, the importance of learning English isobvious.The associationofeachcountryiscloserandcloser.People call the earth as a global village.Englishisthefirstcurrentlanguageintheinternational w

22、orld.The communication of politics, economy and culture is upon English.As we know, we willtake a beatingifwe lay behind.How to catch up with the world? That is, studyEnglish well to gain the first hand data.The entrance of WTO, the Olympic Games which willbe held in 20xx, shows that we must learn E

23、nglish wellas quickly as possible.Forcingstudywontstayintheheart,feedingknowledge into the brain wont get a good result, andhigh mark isnt our teaching goal.To geta satisfiedeffect,we shouldmake thestudents learn on their own initiative.How tomake themfeelinterestedinstudyingEnglish? I think the key point is the teaching design.It must be vivid and vigorous.We canchangeourstudycontentsintogames,performances, competitions and so on.Let them believe English is easy and fu


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