1、程序改错1.题目:已知C的公式表示如下:' n!' C=-' (n-m)!*m! '函数过程fac( )求k!函数,在Fomr_Click事件中完成运算,'请修正程序中错误。'-Option ExplicitPrivate Function fac(k As Integer) As Single Dim x As Single, j As Integer x = 0 For j = 1 To k x = x j Next j fac = xEnd FunctionPrivate Sub Form_Click() Dim C As Single D
2、im m As Integer, n As Integer m = Val(InputBox("请输入一个整数(m):") n = Val(InputBox("请输入一个整数(n):") C = fac(n) / fac(n - m) * fac(m) Print "C=" CEnd Sub2.题目:程序功能为打印下列图形:' *' *' *' *' *'-Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Form_Click()ClsDim i As IntegerDim j As
3、 IntegerFor i = 1 To 7 For j = 1 To 5 Print "*" LoopPrintNext iEnd Sub3.题目:本程序的功能是随机产生的10个两位正整数,并进行递减排序。'-Option ExplicitPrivate Sub CreateRND() Dim Temp As Integer Dim I As Integer Dim N As Integer Dim X(10) As Integer Dim J As Integer N = 10 Print "数据:" For I = 1 To N X(I)
4、= Int(Rnd() * 90) Print X(I); Next I Print Print "排序:" For I = 0 To N - 1 For J = I + 1 To N If X(I) > X(J) Then Temp = X(I) X(J) = X(I) X(I) = Temp End If Next J Print X(I); Next I PrintEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click() CreateRNDEnd Sub4.题目:随机产生并输出100以内大于50的20个整数,输出时每5个数一行。'-Opti
5、on ExplicitPrivate Sub Form_Click()Randomize TimerDim i As Integer, ma As Integeri = 1Do Until i < 20 ma = Rnd() * 100 1 If ma > 50 Then Print ma; i = i + 1If i 5 = 0 ThenPrint End IfEnd IfLoopEnd Sub5题目:以下程序段用于计算5的N次方。'-Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Form_Click() Dim n As Integer, k As Intege
6、r, s As Long n = InputBox(" Input n ") k = 0 s = 0 Do While k <= n s = s * 5 k = k + 1 Next Print "5的" "n次方是" sEnd Sub6.题目:下面程序可输出如下图形:' *' *' *' *' *'- Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Form_Click()Dim m As Integer, n As Integer, s As String, i As I
7、nteger, j As Integern = 4m = 1s = "*"For i = 5 To 1 Step -1 Print Spc(n) For j = 1 To 2 * m - 1 Print s; Next j Print n = n + 1 m = m - 1Next iEnd Sub7.题目:用自定义函数的方法求sum(x),求当-1x1时,' sum(x)=x/2!+x2/3!+x3/4!+xn/(n+1)!,' 当x1或x-1时,函数值为0。当n=0时,输入数' 据错误。X、N都是由用户输入。'-Option Explic
8、itPrivate Sub Command1_Click() Dim s As Single Dim n As Integer, x As Single, k As Integer n = Val(InputBox("Please input a integer value:") x = Val(InputBox("Please input a single value:") If n <= 0 Then k = MsgBox("数据输入错误!", vbRetryCancel + vbExclamation, "数据输
9、入") Exit Sub End If s = Sum(x, n) Print sEnd SubFunction Sum(x As Single, n As Integer) Dim i As Integer, ss As Long ss = 1 Sum = 0 If x > 1 Or x < -1 Then Exit Do Else For i = 2 To n ss = ss * i Sum = x (i - 1) / ss Next i End IfEnd Function8.题目:以下程序功能是输入三个数,由大到小排序。-Option ExplicitDim A
10、As IntegerDim B As IntegerDim C As IntegerPrivate Sub Form_Click() Dim nTemp As Integer A = Val(InputBox("Please input first integer", "输入正整数") B = Val(InputBox("Please input second integer", "输入正整数") C = Val(InputBox("Please input third integer", &q
11、uot;输入正整数") If A <= C Then nTemp = A A = B B = nTemp End If If B <= C Then nTemp = A A = C C = nTemp End If If A <= B Then nTemp = B B = C C = nTemp End If Print "The integers in order is" A; B; CEnd Sub9.题目:用辗转相除法求两个整数的最大公约数。'-Option ExplicitFunction gcd(ByVal m As Integ
12、er, ByVal n As Integer) As Integer Dim r As Integer r = m Mod n Do While r <> 0 n = m n = r r = m Mod n Loop gcd = rEnd FunctionPrivate Sub Form_Click() Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer a = InputBox("输入一个整数") b = InputBox("输入一个整数") a = Val(a) b = Val(b) Call gcd
13、(a, b) Print a, b, cEnd Sub10.题目:下面的程序用“冒泡”法完成数组a中的10个整数按升序排列,请修正程序中错误。'-Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Command1_Click() Dim a Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, a1 As Integer a = Array(-2, 5, 24, 58, 43, -10, 87, 75, 27, 83) For i = 1 To 9 For j = i+1 To 9 If a(j) >= a(i) Then a1 = a(i a(i) = a(j)
14、a(j) = a(i) End If Next j Next i For i = 0 To 9 Print a(i) Next iEnd Sub11.题目:程序功能为求解一元二次方程的实根,请修正程序中错误。'-Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Form_Load() Dim a!, b!, c!, root1#, root2#, work As Double a = Val(InputBox(" 请输入系数a的值") b = Val(InputBox(" 请输入系数b的值") c = Val(InputBox("
15、请输入系数c的值") work = b * 2 - 4 * a * c If work >= 0 And a <> 0 Then root1 = (Sqr(work) / (2 * a) root2 = (Sqr(work) / (2 * a) Debug.Print "有二个实根" + Str$(root1) + "," + Str$(root2) Else Debug.Print "无实根!" End IfEnd Sub12.题目:下面程序的作用是产生100以内的全部素数,并按每行5个数据输出。'
16、;-Option ExplicitPrivate Function prime(ByVal n As Integer) Dim i As Integer prime = 1 If n <= 1 Then prime = 0 For i = 1 2 To n - 1 If n Mod i = 0 Then prime = 0 Next iEnd FunctionPrivate Sub Form_Click() Dim i As Integer, k As Integer k = 0 For i = 1 To 100 If prime(i) = 1 Then Print Tab(k Mod
17、5) * 8); i k = k + 1 If k Mod 4 = 0 Then Print ; End If Next iEnd Sub13.题目:输出40以内能够被3整除的数,要求输出结果为5个数一行。'-Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Form_Click()ClsDim x As IntegerDim i As Integeri = 1For x = 1 To 40If (x / 3) = (x 3) Then Print x i = i + 1End If If i Mod 3 = 0 Then PrintEnd IfNext xEnd Sub14题目:
18、程序功能:求1+2+3,直到其和超出3000为止,并输入结果。'-Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Form_Click()ClsDim i As IntegerDim s As Singlei = 1s = 1Do i = i + 2 1s = s + iLoop s > 3000Print "从1 到:" i; "的和是" sEnd Sub15.题目:以下程序段用于输出100-300的所有素数'-Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Form_Click()Dim n As Integer,
19、k As Integer, i As Integer, swit As IntegerFor n = 101 To 300 Step 2 k = Int(Sqr(n) i = 2swit = 1While swit = 0 If n Mod i = 0 Then swit = 1 Else i = i - 1 End If WendIf swit = 0 Then Print n;End IfNext nEnd Sub16.题目:本程序的功能是随机产生的10个两位正整数,并进行递减排序。'-Option ExplicitPrivate Sub CreateRND() Dim Temp
20、As Integer Dim I As Integer Dim N As Integer Dim X(10) As Integer Dim J As Integer N = 10 Print "数据:" For I = 1 To N X(I) = Int(Rnd() * 90) Print X(I); Next I Print Print "排序:" For I = 0 To N - 1 For J = I + 1 To N If X(I) > X(J) Then Temp = X(I) X(J) = X(I) X(I) = Temp End If
21、 Next J Print X(I); Next I PrintEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click() CreateRNDEnd Sub17.题目:输入两个正整数m和n,求其最大公约数。'-Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Form_Click() Dim m As Integer, n As Integer, r As Integer m = InputBox("输入m的值:") n = InputBox("输入n的值:") Do While n <> 0 r = m / n m = n n = m r Loop Print "两数的最大公因子为:" nEnd Sub18题目:下面程序将10个整数从大到小排序'-Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Form_Click()Dim t%, m%, n%, w%Dim a(10) As IntegerFor m = 1 To 10 a(m) = Int(10 + Rnd() * 90) Print a(m); " &quo
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