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1、20142015学年第一学期期中质量检测八年级英语试题 (考试时间:90分钟;满分:100分)温馨提示:亲爱的同学,欢迎你参加本次考试,祝你答题成功!1卷(I)的答案涂在答题卡上,试题答案直接写在卷(II)的答题纸上。2请务必在本试卷密封线内填写自己的学校、班级、姓名、考试号,指定位置填写座号!卷IListening Part 听力部分(20分)I听句子,选出与听到的句子意思相同或相近的句子,每个句子读一遍(5分)1. A. Whats the best radio station? B. How do you like 970 AM? C. Whats the best movie thea

2、ter to go to ?2. A. Have a good trip. B. Where are you going? c. Where did you go for your holiday?3. A. David wants to play football. B. David hates playing football. C. David is a good football player.4. A. Where do you usually go on Sundays? B. What do you usually do on weekends? C. What do you u

3、sually do on weekdays?5. A. Jim is shorter than Tom. B. Jim is taller than Tom. C. Tom is not taller than Jim.听对话,选择有关图片和正确答案,每段对话读两遍(5分) 8.Does Kate go to the movies this weekend?A. No, she doesnt. B.Yes, she does. C. We dont know.9.How often does Jim play basketball?A. Hardly ever. B. Twice a week

4、. C. Four times a week.10.Who is more careful?A. Kate. B. Li Lei C. Bill.III听对话,选择正确的答案,每段对话读两遍(5分)听第一段对话,回答第11和第12 小题。11. What sports does Alan like best?A. Basketball. B. Volleyball. C. Baseball.12. How often does he play it?A. Once a week. B. Every day. C. Twice a week.听第二段对话,回答第13至第15小题。13. Mary

5、 loves _ best.A. talk shows B. talent shows C. soap operas14. Marys parents _ cartoons.A. dont mind B. cant stand C. love watching15. Marys parents like_.A. comedies B. talk shows C. talent showsIV. 听短文, 选出正确答案, 短文读两遍 (5分)16. Linda _ to school every day.A. rides a bike B. takes a bus C. drives a car

6、17. Ben runs every morning _.A. after breakfast B. before breakfast C. at breakfast18. Kate thinks _ are both boring.A. riding and playing basketball B. riding and running C. running and swimming 19. _ thinks playing basketball is a good way to keep healthy.A. Paul B. Jack C. Molly20. John goes swim

7、ming _ a week.A. five times B. once C. three timesWriting Part 笔试部分(80分)V. 单项选择。从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够完成或回答这一小题的正确答案。(每小题1分,共25分)21. I never think much for _.A. I B. my C. mine D. myself22. We often do lots of activities after class such as _ soccer and baseball.A. play B. plays C. played D. playing23. Th

8、is is my friend. He is _ outgoing than I am.A. much B. more much C. a little more D. a lot of more24._ you work hard, Ill buy a new computer for you.A. So long as B. As well C. As long as D. As well as25. Andrew is _ his father in many ways, especially, they are both very tall.A. similar to B. the s

9、ame like C. similar with D. different from26. Who do you think is _ actor in Hollywood?A. the funny B. the funniest C. the most funny D. more funnier27. Zhen Zidan and Li lianjie have much _. They often _ similar roles in movies.A. in common, played B. in common, play C. in fact, took D. in the end,

10、 got28. Sarah wants _ at home, but Julie plans _ shopping.A. to stay, to go B. to stay, going C. stay, go D. staying, going29. Im very busy. Could you _ to go to the party?A. take place B. take me place C. take the place of mine D. take my place30. I saw two _ an apple when I walked by.A. mice eatin

11、g B. mouses eating C. mice ate D. mouses eat31. -Is there _ in todays newspaper?- No, there isnt.A. anything special B. special anything C. everything special D. nothing special32. She does homework as _ as me.A. careful B. more careful C. carefully D. more carefully33. Bob swims _ than I, but he do

12、esnt swim _ my brother.A. much well, as well as B. better, as good asC. much better, so well as D. better, so good as34. -Why does Toms mother ask him to drink milk?-She says its a _ drink, and its good for his _.A. health, healthy B. healthy, healthy C. health, health D. healthy, health35. Mike hur

13、t his back seriously and can _ get out of bed without help.A. quickly B. easily C. nearly D. hardly36. We never _ because we always have _ to do.A. feel boring, interesting something B. feel bored, something interestedC. feel bored, something interesting D. feel boring, something interested37. It is

14、nt warm today, _ the sun is shining.A. or B. and C. because D. although38. The weather was terrible, and it _ me _ sad.A. make, feel B. made, feel C. made, felt D. makes, feel39. There was _ rain last year, so the plants didnt grow well.A. many B. little C. much D. few40. -Did you have a good Nation

15、al Day?-_. I enjoyed myself with my family on the beach.A. Im afraid not B. Im not sure C. Of course D. I hope so41. _ black eyes and black hair.A. They both have B. Both they have C. They have both D. Both they has42. -What do you think of the new book?-_.A. Id love to. B. I think so. C. I love it.

16、 D. So do I.43. This is _ very exciting _.A. an, action movies B. a, action movie C. a, action movies D. an, action movie44. Here _ the results _ the student activity survey.A.is, with B. are, of C. is, of D. are, with45. _ all the students in his class, Xiao Ming writes _.A. Of, the most careful B.

17、 In, the most carefullyC. In, much more carefully D. Of, the most carefullyVI阅读理解。阅读短文,做出正误判断或选出最佳答案及完成任务。A篇为判断正(A)误(B)题,B篇为选择题,C篇为任务型阅读。(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)ALess than an hour Jack has a small red car, and he likes driving it very fast. This is all right when he is out in the country, but in towns and

18、 big villages driving fast is dangerous, so there is always a speed limit(速度限制). Its fifty kilometers an hour. Jack often drives faster than that through towns. One day Jack is driving his small red car through a town when a very young policeman stops him and says, “You are driving at more than fift

19、y kilometers an hour, sir, please give me your name and address.” Jack looks at the young policeman carefully for a few seconds and then says to him, “But I started my journey less than an hour ago!” The policeman is new to his work and doesnt know the answer to Jacks excuse. He thinks for a few sec

20、onds and then let Jack go.46. The speed limit is fifty kilometers an hour.47. There are differences between time and speed.48. The policeman is a new one.49. Jacks excuse is really right.50. Its right for the policeman to let Jack go.B When people talk about city life, they will probably think of ta

21、ll buildings, busy streets, big supermarkets and so on. What about country life? The first feeling that comes into peoples mind is quiet. In the country, people live a quiet life because there is less noise and pollution. City life and country life, which is better? The answer is not certain. People

22、 who live in the country want to be city people. In their thoughts, cities are full of chances and challenges. Today many country people leave their homes for big cities. They want to find some good jobs and make a lot of money. The pollution problem in big cities is becoming more and more serious.

23、The air is not clean enough for people, especially in downtown areas. But in the country, the situation is different. Many people think its pleasant to live with green mountains, the blue sky, green trees, the red sunset and golden crops.But now the difference between the city and the country is not

24、 as clear as it was in the past. The country looks like modern cities, and some cities are as beautiful as the country.51.Many people think the country is _. A. dirty but quiet B. noisy and dirty C. noisy but clean D. clean and quiet52.Many people want to live in big cities because_. A. they cant fi

25、nd jobs in the country B. the environment in cities is better C. they want to live a better life in cities D. the country is too far away from cities53.Whats the meaning of “downtown areas”? A. 乡镇中心 B. 闹市区 C. 城市周边 D. 偏远乡镇54.According to the passage, in the old days city life was_. A. quite different

26、 from country life B. almost the same as country life C. much richer and easier than it is now D. more difficult and terrible than it is now55.We can learn from the passage that_. A. theres no noise or pollution in the country B. most city people want to live in the country C. people have different

27、ideas of city life and country life D. people cant see green mountains or golden crops in the country nowC These years supermarkets are very popular in many big cities in China. Many people go there to buy what they need. Why are they popular in China? First of all, things there are cheap and good.

28、The same goods in a big department store are _. Secondly, its convenient for people to choose the things they like. They can touch and have a close look at the things they need. They can choose things freely. One more thing is that supermarkets are mostly in the neighborhood of some houses. So peopl

29、e can buy things on their way home or when they are going out for a walk. I like going shopping in supermarkets. 任务一:填空。56. _ reasons that people like going to supermarkets are mentioned in the passage.57. The underlined word “convenient” means _ in Chinese.任务二:根据上下文,在横线处填入适当的词汇,完成句子。58. _任务三:翻译划线的句

30、子。59._任务四:选择。60.Which is the best title(标题) for the passage?.Supermarkets and Department Stores B. Supermarkets and People C. Supermarkets Are Good D. Why Are Supermarkets PopularVII.综合填空。(每小题1分,共15分)A用所给动词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。 become, happen, try ones best, not reach, share, bring out, choose61.As studen

31、ts, we should _ to study well. Its our duty to do so.62.She went to the store and _ a red scarf .63.-Do you know what _ just now? - Sorry ,I dont know.64.In our class,its important for the students _ the best in each other.65.Im sure our country is _ more and more beautiful.66.Lucy is friendly. She

32、always _ her things with the classmates.67.Larry _ school on time this morning.B短文填空,选择恰当的单词填空。每词限用一次。(有两个词是多余的。)countries, visit, enjoy, work, take, make, do, during, spend, their Now in China, some children are very lucky. They can 68._ their vacation in many different ways. 69._ the vacation, par

33、ents often take them to many interesting places, like parks, zoos and museums. Some of them even have the chance to travel in foreign 70._ , such as France, the US, the UK and Australia. They will meet different people and 71._ foreign friends there. 72._ vacation is colorful and interesting. But so

34、me other children are not so lucky. They have no money to travel. They even have no time to 73._ or play with their friends, because they have to help their parents 74._ a lot of housework. Some families are too poor, so the children cant go to school and begin to 75._ to make money.VIII.句型转换。根据题后括号

35、内的要求改写句子。(每空1词,每空0.5分,共5分)76.The boy goes to the movies every month. (划线提问) _ _ does the boy go to the movies?77. The boy did the reading last night. ( 一般疑问句) _ the boy _ the reading last night?78.Tara sings well. Tina sings well too.(合并为一句) _ Tara _ Tina sing well.79.Tim is more outgoing than any o

36、ther student in our class.(同义句) Tim is the _ _ in his class.80. She has a piano lesson on weekends.(划线提问) _ _ she have a piano lesson?IX.根据每个句子所给的提示,写出单词的正确形式,每空1词。(每小题1分,共10分)81.He w_ what was the reason for being late for school.82.I was tired. So I stopped and d_ some tea.83.You are not strong enough .You need to start e_ every day.84.The story touched the h_ of all the people at the meeting.85.We can learn much i_ from the newspapers a


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