



1、客户满意度调查程序Customer Satisfaction Survey Product(ISO9001:2015)1.0目的 Purpose:规定一定的途径,调查客户对本公司产品或服务满意度 , 以便本公司及时获取用以改进 分析的数据, 而谋求不断改进。Specify the method to survey the customer satisfaction towards ourproductand service so that we can get the appropriateinformation and make continuous improvement.2.0范围 Sc

2、ope:适用于本公司客户满意度调查 Apply to customer satisfaction survey initiated by dxc.3.0定义 Definition: N/A4.0职责 Responsibility:4.1总经理 General manager :调查问卷内容评审; To review Survey Questionnaire调查结果分析,确定改善行动。 Survey result analysis, improving action confirmation4.2项目部 Director Program Director:收集和更新调查问卷 To collect

3、 and update the questionnaire改善行动的效果跟进。 To follow up the progress of improving actions.4.3项目经理 / 项目助理 Program Manager / Program Assistant:发出调查问卷予客户, 追进反馈问卷 To send the questionnaire to the customer, andfollow up the feedback改善行动的效果跟进。 To follow up the progress of improving actions.UJUJUJtOp.COfT好好学另

4、天天向上德信诚培训网IS09001-2015 内审员升级培训(100 元)IS09001-2015 内审员培训(200 元):http:/4.4项目部客户满意度调查统筹人:the leader of organizing customer satisfactionsurvey组织客户满意度调查 To organize the customer satisfaction survey.调查结果统计并公布 To make the survey result Statistic and send to the concernedpers on.记录和分发改善行动清单 To record &

5、distribute the impro ving actio n list.4.5各职能部门经理 Each functional dept manager :调查结果分析,提出改善行动 To analysis the survey result and propound the improving actio n组织实施改善行动 To implementing the related corrective actions。5.0程序 Procedures:5.1客户满意度调查每季度调查一次Customer satisfactionsurvey is performed onceper qua

6、rter 。5.2每季度客户满意度调查开始时间由项目部客户满意度调查统筹人决定并通知项目经 理和项目助部。结束时间则依 Flex 总公司每年确定的时间。The start time customer satisfact ionsurvey is determ ined by the leader of orga nizing customer satisfaction survey per quarter.The end time follows Flex Co. s.5.3项目经理/项目助理根据客户每季度的销售额和与本公司的生意前景来确定哪些客户需要进行“客户满意度调查,当并向巳确定的顾客发

7、出“客户满意度调查” QF-PA-006问卷表,收集顾客对我公司产品质量、技术、交付、价格、服务等方面的 意见,并追回反馈的调查问卷。顾客满意度调查表应在预定结束时间前追回,并保 证回收率超过 60%Program Manager / Program Assistant shall determine which customers n eed to be conduct“ customer satisfact ion survey ” based on thequarterly sales and perspective bus in ess with Flex GM site and se

8、nd“Customer Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire” QF-PA-006 to those decidedUJUJUJtOp.COfT好好学另天天向上德信诚培训网IS09001-2015 内审员升级培训(100 元)IS09001-2015 内审员培训(200 元):http:/customer and follow up the feed-back questi onn aire before the due end time,and en sure the feedback rate of customer survey questi onn air

9、e is above 60%.5.4项目经理/项目部助理将收回的客户满意度调查表转交项目部客户满意度调查统筹 人进行结果统计及归档,客户满意度调查表保存时间为 1 年。Program Man ager /Program Assistant forward the feedback customer survey questionnaire to the leader oforganizing customer satisfaction survey to makestatistics and file it. Customer Satisfacti onSurvey Questi onn ai

10、re will be kept by program departme nt.5.5客户满意度统计的范围不只限于反馈的调查问卷,如客户有关本公司的“产品不良 统计图或“供货商评分表或“供货商月质量评价等资料反馈予我们,由QE按客户抱怨处理FQP-CFR0 负责统计分析和实施改进措施。Customersatisfaction survey is not limited to the feed-back questionnaire,the otheri nformation provided by some customers such as related“ Productnonconformi

11、ng statistical graph ” or “ Supplier performanee ” or “Supplier mon thlyquality evaluati on” shall be made statistics, an alysis andimproveme nt by QE as per FQP-CFR01.5.6项目部客户满意度调查统筹人须于 2 周内完成客户满意度调查结果的统计 QF-PA-010,并将统计结果 e-mail 给所有相关部门或人员。若客户某一项满意度分 数低于 3 分时,项目部 Director 必须在一个月内召集所有相关部门负责人分析调查 结果,

12、确定改善活动和实施相应的纠正和预防措施。若有抱怨产品品质不良事件, 则项目部 PM/PA 专 QE 按客户抱怨处理FQP-CFR0。vThecustomer satisfaction statistic result QF-PA-010 shall befinishedby of the leader of organizingcustomer satisfact ion survey with in 2 weeks after survey and send to all related departments/pers onn el. If certa in item score is below 3, ProgramDirector must to organize all related personnel to analyze the survey result and confirm theimpro ving acti on and take the corrective and preve ntative actions within one mon th. Ifhave any compla i


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