



1、Employment information 雇佣信息年平均员工人数Poisoning 中毒Post this Summary page from February 1 to April 30 of the year follow ing the year covered by the form; 将这份包括表格的汇总表在今年的下一年 2 月 1 日至 4 月 30 张贴公布;Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 50 minutes per response, in

2、cluding time to review the instruction, search and gather the data needed, and complete and review the collection ofinformation. Persons are not required to respond to thecollection of infor mation unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. If you have any comments about these estimate

3、s or any aspects of this data collection, contact: US Department of Labor, OSHA Office of Statistics, Room N-3644, 200 Constitution Ave, NW,Washington, DC 20210. Do not send the completed forms to this office.作为收集来自公众报告的这方面信息估计平均每起需14 分钟,这包括阅读用法说明、查询和获得必要的数据、完成和审查所收集的信息。除非显示现有有效的管理和预算办公室(OMB)控制编号,否则

4、不要求任何人对收集信息作出响应。如果对于以上这些估计或信息收集的任何方面有任何建议,请联系:美国劳动部,统计的OSHA 办公室,N-3644 室,宪法大道西北 200 号,华盛顿特区,20210。不要把整个表格发送给OSHA 办公室。OSHAs Form 300ASummary of Work-Related Injuries and III nesses与工作有关的伤害和疾病汇总Year 年LOGO(All establishments covered by Part 1904 must complete this Summary page, even if no injuries or i

5、llnesses occurred during the year.Remember to review the Log to verify that theentires are completed and accurate before completing this summary)联邦法规第 29 卷 1904 部分所包含的所有公司即使在该年度没有发生任何职业伤害和职业 病,都必须完成这页汇总表。在完成本汇总表前,记住要审核记录表以确认所有项目都已完成的和准确的。(Using the Log, count the individual entries you made for each

6、 category. Then write the totals below, making sure youve added the entries from every page of the log. If you hadno cases write 0.)运用记录表,统计每类分类中的单独事件数;确认记录表中每一页累加的记入事件数,然后将总事件数写在下面栏中。如果没有发 生事件,就在该栏目中填写为“0 ”.(Employees former employees, and their representatives have the right to review the OSHA For

7、m 300 in its entirety.They also have limited access to the OSHA Form 301 or itsequivalent,See 29 CFR 1904.35,in OSHAs Recordkeeping ule, for further details on theaccess provisions for these forms.)雇员、以前的雇员和他们的代表有权查阅 OSHA 300表中的所有内容,他们也有有限制使用OSHA 301 表或等效表格。对于更详细的有关使用这些表格的规定,参阅联邦法规第 29 卷 1904.35 条款:

8、OSHA记录保存规定。Establishment information 公司信息Establishme nt n ame公司名称Street 街道State 国家City 城市Zip 邮政编码Total nu mber of deaths死亡总数Total n umber of cases with daysaway from work无法工作事件总数Total n umber of cases with jobtran sfer or restricti on转换工作或工作受限事件总数Total nu mber of otherrecordable cases事件总数Annual aver

9、age nu mber of employeesNumber of Cases 事件数量(G)(H)(I)(J)Number of Days 天数Total n umber of days away from work转换工作或工作受限总天数Total nu mber of days of job tran sfer or restrict ion无法工作总天数Total hours worked by all employees last year上年度所有员工工作总时数(K)(L)Sig n here 签字Knowin gly falsify ing this docume nt may result in a fine. 故意伪造本文档可能受至 U 惩Injury and Ilin ess Types 职业伤害与疾病种类Total number of(M)总数I certify that I have examined this document and that to the best of my knowledge the entries are true,accurate, and complete.兹证明我已经检查了这个文档,据我所知,本条目是真实,准确,完整。(1) Injury


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