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1、商业计划书方案【理大国际学生创新挑战赛】商业计划书编写教程(一)2009-03-23 10:30|(分类:默认分类)Bus in ess Pla n Writ ingBackChapter 1 In troduct ion - What is a Bus in ess Pla n?The fun dame ntal role of a bus in ess pla n is to gen erate a framework t hat evaluates all aspects of the econo mic feasibility of the bus ines s project in

2、clud ing an expla nati on and an alysis of the bus in ess pros pects.商业计划的基础职责是创建一个框架,以能评估商业项目的经济可行性,包括 解释和分析商业前景。Fun cti ons of a Bus in ess Pla n:商业计划的功能It can determ ine and focus your bus in ess objective.他可以决定和集中你的商业目标It can be used as a selli ng tool to acquire finan ce.他可以用来作为营销工具以用来获得资金It ca

3、n reveal omissi ons and weak nesses in the pla nning process.他可以显示出你计划进程中的遗漏和不足It can be used to solicit opinions and advices from experts about your bus in ess.他可以用来征求专家关于您的项目的意见和建议In order to write a successful bus in ess pla n, the follow ing steps are importa nt to no tice before you start: 为了写一

4、份成功的商业计划,在你开始之前下面的步骤需要重视Write out the primitive bus in ess con cept.写出原始的商业理念Collect all the necessary information on the feasibility and the specifics of your bus in ess con cept.收集所有关于可行性的必要的信息以及你的具体的商业理念Focus and perfect your con cept based on the data you have collected.基于你收集的数据,关注并完善你的商业理念Draft

5、 the particulars of your busi ness.拟定出您的商业项目的详情Put your plan into a con vi ncing form.将您的计划以一个有说服力的形式展现出来The course starting from the next chapter will help you create a bus in ess pla n, which is divided into seve n key eleme nts through chapter two to chapter eight, including descriptions, guideli

6、nes for creati on and tips for avoid ing com mon mistakes, together with a bus in ess p Ian sample and finan cial stateme nts formats in the appe ndices.本教程从下一章节开始帮您创建一个商业计划,它被分为7个重要部分,从第二章到第八章,包括描述、准则建立和常见错误避免提示、连同包含一份商业 计划样本和财务报表格式的附录。【理大国际学生创新挑战赛】商业计划书编写教程(二)2009-03-23 12:46|(分类:默认分类)Bus in ess P

7、la n Writ ingBackChapter 2 In troductory Eleme nts第二章介绍性内容The very first part of your bus in ess pla n in cludes the in troductory eleme nts, which is the cover page, executive summary, and table of c on ten ts. It creates the first impressi on of the whole inv estme nt pro ject to your readers .In

8、such case, the in troductory eleme nts, espec ially the executive summary, decide whether your readers will read t he rest of your pla n or not. Furthermore, the table of contents indi cates how well you have orga ni zed the en tire pla n. Therefore, all of your in troductory eleme nts must be of go

9、od quality both in appeara n ce and substa nee.您的商业计划的第一部分应该包括介绍性的内容,比如封面、执行总结(内容 提要)以及目录。他会给你的读者关于整个投资项目的第一印象。可以这么说, 介绍性内容尤其是执行总结,决定了读者是否会继续阅读你的商业计划的余下 内容。此外,目录还暗示出你是如何组织整个计划的。因此,计划书的介绍性 元素在外观和内容上都要拥有很高的质量。A)Cover Page 封面The cover page should be a simple page that contains the project nam e and the

10、 prese nti ng team's n ame. Also in clude the words "Bus in ess P Ian" as the head ing of the page.封面应当是一个包括项目名称和团队名称简单页面,当然你也可以把“商业计 划”的字眼作为封面页面的标题。B)Executive Summary 执行总结The executive summary is an introduction to your project. It is the part with in the bus in ess pla n that most r

11、eaders will go through firs t. I nv estors will read the executive summary first to get a sn apshot of your project and to evaluate your professi on alism and the feasib ility of your bus in ess.执行总结是对于您们项目的一个介绍。这是商业计划中大多数读者将首先阅读 的一部分。投资者往往通过执行总结对您的项目留下第一印象,并且对项目的 可行性和团队的专业性进行评估。As the executive sum

12、mary is the most importa nt part in your bus in ess plan, prepare it when you have finished the whole plan. When you wr ite on other secti ons of your pla n, extract few senten ces for insert ion in your executive summary. This work will remi nd you to in clude the esse nee of these secti ons. The e

13、xecutive summary should be kept in brief, to the point and in teresti ng, and should con sist of the fo llow ings in brief:由于执行总结是计划书中最重要的一部分,你可以在完成整个计划之后再来书 写这一部分。当你书写其他章节时,你从中可以摘录几句到你的执行终结中去。 这项工作将帮助你记住每个章节的概要。执行终结应该简洁、突出重点、有趣、 而且包括后续章节的概要。? A description of your company, including your products o

14、r services对你们公司的描述,包括贵公司的产品和服务? Your mission statement你们的任务说明? Your bus in ess's man ageme nt team你们的管理团队? The market and your prospect customers市场和你们的期望客户? Marketing and sales strategy 市场和销售战略? Financial projections财务预测The executive summary will end with a summary statement, usually a p ersuasi

15、ve senten ce, which are desig ned to convince the readers that your bus in ess is a winner.执行总结最好以一句总结结尾,通常是一句有说服力的语句,用来说服读者相 信您的项目将成功。It is extremely important to know that the executive summary is the first thi ng all readers will exam in e. If your executive summary is w ritten badly, then it wil

16、l be the last thing that people will read a nd ignore the rest of your whole pla n.你必须明确一点,执行总结将是读者审阅计划书的第一部分。如果执行总结写 的很烂,那么最后的事将是人们会看,但忘记整个计划的余下部分。C) Table of Contents 目录The purpose of the table of contents is to provide readers a quick a nd easy way to find particular secti ons of the pla n. All p

17、ages of yo ur bus in ess pla n should be nu mbered and the table of contents should in clude page nu mbers. After you have assembled your pla n and nu mber ed your pages, go back to the table of contents and in sert the pagenu mbers. Make sure you have created head ings for all major sect ions and s

18、ubsecti ons.目录是为了为读者阅读计划书各个章节提供一个快速简便的途径。整本计划书 每一页都应当有页码,而且目录也应该标出章节的页码。当你完成计划书编写 和页码的编制,你可以回到目录并把页码添加进去。确保所有章节、小节的标 题都列在目录中。【理大国际学生创新挑战赛】商业计划书编写教程(三)2009-03-23 12:47|(分类:默认分类)Bus in ess Pla n Writ ingBackChapter 3 Busin ess Descripti on项目介绍Your bus in ess pla n must be able to project a clear pictu

19、re of what y our bus in ess is about. The bus in ess descripti on is your corporate vi sion that in cludes: what in dustry you are in, what products or servi ces you can offer, what is your positi on with in the market, and at w hat price range are you going to sell your products or services.您的商业计划应

20、该让别人清晰的看到你们的业务是什么。业务描述是你们的企 业愿景,其中包括:你们处于哪个行业,你们的产品/服务是什么,你们处于市场中是一个什么样的地位,以及你们的产品/服务打算卖多少钱。A)In dustry Overview行业综述This sect ion is a brief overview of the in dustry you will be sett ingup your bus in ess in. To impress readers, you will n eed to dem on stra te that you are in a hot in dustry with

21、a good prospect.这一部分是对业务所处的行业的一个概述。为了给读者留下印象,您需要证明 您处在一个前景看好的火热行业中。The follow ing points will help you gather in formati on on describ ing the in dustry circumsta nces:下面的要点将帮助你收集关于描述行业环境的信息What is the size of your in dustry?Who are the leaders in this in dustry? 军者What are the markets for this in d

22、ustry? 是什么What econo mic trends will affect this in dustry? 的经济趋势会影响到这个行业What is the Ion g-term view for this in dustry? 的远景如何行业的规模有多大 谁是这个行业的领这个行业的市场什么样这个行业? What are the barriers to entry in this industry?这个行业的进入壁垒是什么In order to gain more statistics and in formati on regard ing differe ntin dustri

23、al sectors, you can visit the gover nment trade departme nt w ebsite in your own country. You can collect more information about i n dustries and trade demographics from your gover nment statistics dep artme nt, local chamber of commerce or econo mic developme nt cen ter, e tc. Try to collect as up-

24、to-date research in formatio n as possible.为了获得关于某一工业部门的统计数据和信息,你可以访问当地政府的商业部 门网站。你也可以从政府统计部门、当地商会或者经济发展中心等等机构收集 更多的关于行业和贸易特征的信息。尽可能去收集一些最新的研究数据、信息。The following are some skills for writing on this section:下面是书写这一部分的一些技巧? Don't just base your bus in ess pla n on assumpti ons. Backi ng up with so

25、lid research work and realistic demographics wil l make your pla n seem more reliable. Quote for all the source s of these data. 不要将你们的商业计划基于一个假设。扎实的调研 数据、真实可信的行业特征将帮助你的商业计划更加可信。标注出这些信息的来源? Collect in dustry and seas onal trends from bus in ess n ewsp apers and magazi nes.从商业报刊上收集行业和季度发展趋势? Listing

26、out possible risks your company or your industry may encoun ter dem on strates pragmatic research work. Make sur e to in clude how your compa ny's policy or marketi ng strategy can overcome such risks.列出公司或者行业可能遇到的风险,这会让大家觉得调研数据很务实。但一定也要写出面对风险,你们公司的策略或市场战略将如何应对。B) Compa ny Summary 公司简介The purpos

27、e of this section is to give the readers a clear point of view about your compa ny. Start with a missi on stateme nt on who your product or service is targeted to. The n elaborate more on the tech ni cal aspects of your company. Maintain your writing in a story tellin g form to keep it interesting.

28、Good points for discussion are:你可以通过这一章节让读者清晰的看到你们公司是什么样子的。你可以在一开 始就说明你们的产品/服务的对象是谁。然后详细描述你们的技术现状如何。最 好像写故事一样,让你们的公司简介读起来生动有趣。可以详细论述的要点有:What kind of role is the compa ny play ing? Wholesaler? Retailer? Manu facturer? Service Provider?公司的角色是什么样的?批发商?零售店?制造商?还是服务提供商?? What is the legal structure for

29、the bus in ess? Sole proprietorship? Corporatio n? Partn ership?你们公司的法律形式是什么样的?独资?合资?还是合伙人?? Who are the company's principal owners and what pertinent experie nee do they bring?谁是公司的主要拥有着,他们会带来什么样的有益的经验?? What market needs will you meet? Who will you sell to? H ow will your products or services

30、be sold?我们的供应市场女口何?我们的产品/服务卖给谁?你的产品/服务将如何出售?? What kind of supportive systems will be utilized? Customer service? Advertis in g? Promotio n?将采用哪些支持系统?客户服务?广告?推销?Overall, this sect ion of your bus in ess pla n should give the readersa better un dersta nding of what your compa ny is about. Aga in, kee

31、p itcon cise and avoid irreleva nt pers onal in formati on.总之,这一部分应当让读者对于你们的公司有更加深刻的认识。此外,确保语 言简练并避免无关的信息。C) Products or Services产品或服务In this secti on, provide in details of each of your products or serv ices. Describe who are the end users. Highlight the specific feature s or fun cti ons of your pr

32、oducts.在这一章节,相信的描述产品/服务的每一个细节。描述一下最终顾客是什么样 子的。突出产品的具体特征和功能。Here, you have to emphasize your USP, "Unique Selling Point". This i s what most bankers and investors would like to explore. Without a U nique Selling Point, your products or services will not be interesti ng at all and you will n

33、ot be able to convince people to con sume the m.在这里,你必须强调你的专利。这是很多银行家和风投商最想看到的。没有专 利,你的产品将变得毫无吸引力,你也很难说服人们去购买它。Examples of USP for several differe nt products:不同产品的专利实例Head & Shoulders: "You get rid of dan druff"海飞丝:告别头屑Olay: "You get youn ger-look ing skin"玉兰油:Red Bull: &quo

34、t;Gives you win gs"红牛:让你飞翔Domi no's Pizza: "You get fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minu tes or less - or it's free."FedEx: "Whe n your package absolutely, positively has to get there over ni ght"M&M's: "The milk chocolate only melts in you

35、r mouth, notin your hand"Also, you may men tio n a comparis on of the products or services your competitors are offering in relation to yours, and how your produc ts can prevail in this market. Think of a nu mber of reas ons for thi s - it is a new tech no logy to the market, the locati on is e

36、xcelle nt, the market is ready for your product, the product has a competitiv e product ion cost such that it can be sold at a lower price, etc.当然,你还可以提起一些你和竞争对手的对比,以及你的产品凭借何种优势在市场中立足。你可以从这些角度论述你的优势:这是一项新技术、区域优势十 分明显、市场已经形成、这是一个具有竞争力的而且可以低价出售的产品等等。D) Positi oning 定位Your position is your standing poi

37、nt in the marketplace. It is abou t where your products and those of your competitors will set in the market. As you cannot sell your products to all customers with in t he market, your positi oning is based on how much you will charge an d which group of customers you are target ing. The followi ng

38、 factors can help you find your position in the market:定位指的是你们将在市场中处于何种位置。 这关乎你和你的竞争对手将会以何 种姿态存在于市场中。如果你不能将产品卖给所有顾客, 那么你的定位应该以 目标市场的大小为基础。下面的内容将帮助你更好的寻找自己的定位。o What uniqueness does your product or service have?你的产品 / 服务有多少独特之处?o What customer dema nd does your product satisfy?你的产品会满足顾客的那些需求?o How do

39、 you want people to view your products or services? Hi-tech and expe nsive products with better desig n or cheaper products with fewer functions?你希望顾客如何看待你的产品?高技术讲个昂贵设计精美还是功能简洁价格低廉?o How do your competitors positi on themselves within the market?在市场中你的竞争对手是如何定位自己的?After an alyz ing the above factors

40、 yon can now clearly know where yo u can positi on yourself, and show the readers a clear picture of wh ich part of the market your products will be sold.在分析上述因素后,你会很清楚的知道你该如何定位自己,然后清晰的展示给读者你产品的市场是哪个部分。E) Prici ng Strategy价格策略Your prici ng strategy dem on strates how you will make a profit while all

41、owing the price to remain competitive. When calculating the price, identify fixed costs and variable costs. Determine a breakeven point, that is, how many products do you have to sell in order to cover your fixed costs. These can be derived from the finan cial sect ion la ter in the pla n. You may h

42、ave to con sider con struct ing your financia l sect ion before completi ng this topic.您的定价策略表明你会怎样赚取利润, 同时使价格保持竞争力。当计算价格时 分清固定成本和变动成本。确定一个盈亏平衡点,即你买多少产品时能够不亏 不赚。这些数据都应来源于计划书的财务部份。当然,你也可以在完成财务分 析之后再完成此章节。You may also discuss whether your price will be lower or higher tha n your competitors and why yo

43、u can maintain your market share in the prese nee of competitio n so that your can make profits. For example, a souvenir shop sets higher prices since it considers its products t o be luxury items. A cafe in an expensive location may charge slight ly more tha n other restaura nts to cope with higher

44、 spe nding customer s.你们应该论述一下定价是应该高于你的竞争对手还是低于你的竞争对手、为什么在竞争中你可以保持你的市场份额并获取利润。比如一个纪念品商店采取高价策略,因为他认为他的商品都是奢侈品。一个开在高档消费区的咖啡馆会比其他地方的餐馆要贵一些,因为她面对的都是高消费的顾客。However, i nv estors are trained to reject bus in ess pla ns in which the products or services will be higher in quality and lower in price t han tho

45、se of their competitors. This creates a bad impressi on since it is in here ntly un realistic. If you really have a higher quality pr oduct, it is more likely that you will charge more to con sumers with a higher dema nd.而且,风险投资者往往拒绝接受对高质量的产品制定比竞争对手价格低的商业 计划书。这将会给别人制造一个不好的印象,这样的计划也是不切实际的。如 果你真的拥有一个高

46、质量的产品并能满足顾客更多的需求,理所当然你可以向你的顾客收取更多的费用。【理大国际学生创新挑战赛】商业计划书编写教程(四)2009-03-23 12:51|(分类:默认分类)Bus in ess Pla n Writ ingBack点击可看原文Chapter 4 Market Analysis 第四章 市场分析This sect ion is to provide facts to convince readers that your bus in ess has eno ugh customers in an in dustry, and can create sales in the f

47、ace of competition. It is one of the most important parts of the p Ian. Taking into acco unt the curre nt market size and tren ds, you may have to perform exte nsive research on this. Many of the finan cial r equireme nts, such as manu facturi ng and marketi ng costs, and the amou nt of capital that

48、 you n eed, will be based on the sales estimati on y ou have created here.这一部分是为了使读者明白,您在行业中有足够的顾客而且可以在竞争面前创 造销量。这是整本计划书最重要的部分。在这一部分中,你应当对市场进行大 量的研究以便于计算市场规模和预测发展趋势。在这一部分将会为财务分析中大量的基础数据提供依据,如制造成本、营销成本,以及需要的资金规模等等。A) Customer An alysis客户分析The description of your target customers defines the character

49、istics of the people whom you want to sell your products to. I n here you w ill describe whether your customers are price elastic or quality con scious.描述一下你的目标客户的基本特征。在这里你应当谈一下你的客户是否具有价 格弹性和质量意识。Before an alyz ing your customers, research work is n ecessary. Use the following questions to start wit

50、h your analysis:?再分析你的客户之前,调研工作非常重要。下面的问题将帮助你开始你 的分析? How old are they?他们多大了?? What gender are they? 他们的性别?? Where do they live?他们在哪里生活?? What is their family structure? (Married? Number of kids?)家庭情况如何?(婚否?有几个孩子?)? How much do they earn?他们的收入多少?? What do they do for a living?他们以何为生?? What is their

51、lifestyle like?他们的生活方式如何?? How do they like to spend their spare time?他们如何消遣时间?Whe n writ ing on this secti on, avoid describ ing customers in un clear gen eral terms, such as "all people who want to buy cars" or "a nyone who n eeds a mobile phon e". You may also n eed to in clud

52、e details of w hat geographic regi on you pla n to sell in. Is your market n ati on al, regi on al, i ntern ati on al, or local?当书写时,要避免用不确定、不明晰的总体来描述客户,如“所有的人都想买 车”或者“每个人都需要一个移动电话”。你可能还要指明产品的地理销售区 域以及细节。市场涵盖全国?地区?全球?还是只涵盖本地?B) Market Size and Tren ds 市场规模和发展趋势This sect ion defi nes the total market

53、 size as well as the segme nt of the market your bus in ess will target. You will have to use nu mbers as well as trend information to make a case for a feasible current m arket as well as its growth pote ntial.在这一部分将确定市场规模、选择目标市场。你应当基于数据和趋势信息提出 一个可行的市场以及他的增长趋势。Follow these questions in order to det

54、ermine the size of the market:下面的问题将帮助你测定出市场规模? What proporti on of your target market has already con sumed on a similar product to yours before?在目标市场中,和你类似的产品已经占了多少份额?? How much of your product or service might your target ma rket buy? (In terms of sales amount an d/or in un its of produc ts sold.

55、)你的产品/服务可以卖多少钱?(销售额以及/或者单价)? What proportion of your target market might be repeat customers?在你的市场中,回头客将有多少?? How might your target market be affected by economic eve nts (e.g. duri ng stock market crash)?经济事件将对你的目标市场造成何影响(比如股市崩溃)?? How might your target market be affected by government p olicies (e

56、.g. chan ges in tax rates)?政策将对你的目标市场造成怎样影响(比如税率改变)?Once you have all this information, you can start writing on this se ction in the form of several short paragraphs. Describe whether thes e events will have a positive or negative impact on your specific bu sin ess. If you have several target marke

57、ts for differe nt products, y ou will have to divide them into sub-sections. Remember to properly quote your sources of in formatio n within the sect ion.当你掌握了所有的信息,你可以开始以几个小段的形式书写这一章节。描述出, 这些事件将对你的项目造成积极影响还是消极影响。如果不同的产品有不同的 目标市场,你将不得不将他们分节论述。切记标出引用数据、信息的来源。C) Competition 竞争Competitio n is a way of

58、life. Prese nti ng your bus in ess in the face o f competitio n proves that you un dersta nd your market. Adva nces in in ven ti on tech no logy can wipe out the profit margi ns of a successful b usin ess and cause them to collapse over ni ght. Because of this un pred ictability, it is important to know your competitors well.竞争是一种生活方式。以你认识的市场为基础,让你的业务面对竞争。发明技 术的优势将抹平其他市场已存业务的利润率并且可以让他们倾夜崩塌。正是因 为如此的不确定性和风险,你必须认识到竞争对手的优势,这十分重要。Questions like these can help you identify your competitors:下面的


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