



1、浅析英语中表示强调的方法摘要:本文介绍了英语中表示强调的几种方法。关键词:英语;强调英语中表示强调的方法多种多样,掌握这些语法现象对于准确理解课文,明白说话者的情感、意图是十分重要的。我们在实际的英语交流过程中经常使用强调,强调就需倒装、需要使用 it等特殊句型。本文将从几个方面探讨其表现方式和作用。一、用词或词组表示强调 1.用副词表示强调:a lw ays,rea lly,so,certa in ly,quite,indeed,even,ever,m o st,tha t,ju st,fa r等;某些副词的比较级前加 even,much,still,也可表示强调。如:1)You a re

2、qu ite m istaken.2)H is conclu sion certa in ly soundedrea sonab le.3)Can ha rd w o rk change a p erson tha t m uch?4)H e w a s no t ready tobelieve som th ing just becau seA risto tle sa id so.5)Fo rtuna tely,p eop le a re beginning to rea lize justhow seriou s the w ho le situa tion is.6)W e have

3、seen tha t the hiberna ting an im a l reducesm ovem en t to f a r below the o rdina ry level.2.用形容词表示强调 1)Its such an in teresting book.2)Its just the th ing the v ery thing.3)Gessler decided to get ev en tougher.4)E v en the b lindest p erson m u st see that,th iselep han t isnt like any of the th

4、ings you nam e.5)Ive go t a m ost in terestingbook.3.用助动词 do,does,did 强调谓语动词 2)H e d ose lead a happ y life.3)A nd inthe end he d id land u s safe bu t the sh ip sanksoon after she reached L iverpoo l.4.连词“and”连接数个词性相同的词以强调列举的每一个成份 It is round and sm ooth and sha rp.5.用动词、副词、形容词等的重复表示强调 1)H e w en t

5、 on cu ttingand cu tting un til the cam e to theend of the b rook.2)“Poo r boy!”sa id the cap ta inov er and ov er.6.用介词词组表示强调:in the w o rld,by fa r,onea rth,fo r certa in,fo rsu re,a t a ll 等。1)Dont agree w ith you a t a ll.2)“W ha t on ea rth can th is mean?”sa id the Em p ero r toh im self.3)I h

6、ad no th ing in the w orld bu t a million2poundno te.4)T he Pacific is by f a r the la rgest ocean and coversa lm o st ha lfof the to ta l ocean a rea.7.同源宾语表示强调 1)H e d ream ed a d ream.2)H e led adogs lif e.8.利用反身代词与某些介词的搭配表示强调 1)T he m ach ine w ill w ork by itself.2)H e fin ished h is ta sk a ll

7、 by h im self.二、用不同的句子结构形式表示强调 1.使用 It 强调句式要强调句中的某一部分(通常是主语、状语、宾语),可以把 It 当成先行词。这种句子的结构是“It is(was)+被强调部分+that(who)+句子的其余部分”。如果强调的部分是人可用 who,whom 代替 that。1)I t is I w ho amgo ing to a ttend the m eeting.2)I t w as the day befo re yesterday tha t I m et h im atthe sta tion.3)I t is a ll becau se your

8、e a foo l tha t Im often ill.使用 It 强调句式要注意几个问题:1)特殊疑问句中的特殊疑问词被强调时,特殊疑问词要放在句首,原问句中特殊疑问词后的一般疑问语序要变成陈述语序,句式也要相应地变成一般疑问语序。W hen did you m eet M r.Sm ith?W hen w as it tha ty ou m et Mr.Sm ith?2)句中的人称代词被强调时,应保持该人称代词格的不变和原句中谓语动词在人称和数上的不变。She loves h im very m uch.I t is h im w ho shelovesvery m uch.3)对 no

9、 tun til句型中的 un til状语强调时,不仅要把 until置于 it is was 之后,还要把 not 置于 until 之前,原来的句子要变成肯定句。R egu la rradio b roadca sts didnt begin un til 1920.I t w as not un til 1920 tha t regu la r radiob roadca stsbegan.4)倒装句中的某一部分被强调后,原倒装句不再用倒装语序。Nev er has he seen a w o lf befo re.I t is a w o lf tha t he has nev er

10、seen befo re.2.用倒装结构表示强调英语句子的自然语序是主语在前,谓语动词在后。把谓语动词放在主语之前,就叫倒装结构。如果全部谓语放在主语之前,叫全部倒装;如果只把助动词或情态动词放在主语之前,就叫部分倒装。使用倒装以引起注意:1)用部分倒装结构表示强调(1)用于疑问句。D o y ou sp eak English?(2)用于“形容词(或名词、动词)+a s”引导的让步状语从句。P retty as she is,she is no t clever.C h ildas he w as,he had to m ake a living.T ry as he w ou ld,he

11、m igh t fa il aga in.(3)用于省略 if的虚拟条件状语从句。H ad y ou receiv ed you r lesson s,you m igh t have p assedthe exam ina tion.S hou ld it ra in,the crop s w ou ld be saved.(4)用于 nosoonerthan,ha rdlyw hen,sca rcelywhen 和 not until 的句型中。H a rd lyhad I reached the bus stop w hen the bu ssta rted.N ot un til th

12、e teacher cam e d id hefin ish h ishom ew o rk.(5)用于 never,ha rdly,seldom,sca rcely,ba rely,little,often,a tno tim e,no t on ly,no t once,m any a tim e等开头的句子中。N ev er sha ll I d o th isaga in.L ittle d id he k now w ho the w om an w a s.S eld om d o I g o to see a film.(6)用于 on ly开头的句子(放在句首,修饰副词、介词短

13、语或状语从句)。O n ly th isafternoon d id I fin ish the novel.O n ly in th is w ay can y ou m a ster English.O n lyw hen he to ld m e d id I rea lize w ha t troub le hew a s in.(7)so 修饰形容词或副词放在句首时。S o bad ly w as he in ju red in the acciden t tha t he w a ssen t to the hosp ita l fo r trea tm en t.(8)摘要:本文

14、介绍了英语中表示强调的几种方法。关键词:英语;强调英语中表示强调的方法多种多样,掌握这些语法现象对于准确理解课文,明白说话者的情感、意图是十分重要的。我们在实际的英语交流过程中经常使用强调,强调就需倒装、需要使用 it等特殊句型。本文将从几个方面探讨其表现方式和作用。一、用词或词组表示强调 1.用副词表示强调:a lw ays,rea lly,so,certa in ly,quite,indeed,even,ever,m o st,tha t,ju st,fa r等;某些副词的比较级前加 even,much,still,也可表示强调。如:1)You a re qu ite m istaken.

15、2)H is conclu sion certa in ly soundedrea sonab le.3)Can ha rd w o rk change a p erson tha t m uch?4)H e w a s no t ready tobelieve som th ing just becau seA risto tle sa id so.5)Fo rtuna tely,p eop le a re beginning to rea lize justhow seriou s the w ho le situa tion is.6)W e have seen tha t the hi

16、berna ting an im a l reducesm ovem en t to f a r below the o rdina ry level.2.用形容词表示强调 1)Its such an in teresting book.2)Its just the th ing the v ery thing.3)Gessler decided to get ev en tougher.4)E v en the b lindest p erson m u st see that,th iselep han t isnt like any of the th ings you nam e.5)

17、Ive go t a m ost in terestingbook.3.用助动词 do,does,did 强调谓语动词 2)H e d ose lead a happ y life.3)A nd inthe end he d id land u s safe bu t the sh ip sanksoon after she reached L iverpoo l.4.连词“and”连接数个词性相同的词以强调列举的每一个成份 It is round and sm ooth and sha rp.5.用动词、副词、形容词等的重复表示强调 1)H e w en t on cu ttingand c

18、u tting un til the cam e to theend of the b rook.2)“Poo r boy!”sa id the cap ta inov er and ov er.6.用介词词组表示强调:in the w o rld,by fa r,onea rth,fo r certa in,fo rsu re,a t a ll 等。1)Dont agree w ith you a t a ll.2)“W ha t on ea rth can th is mean?”sa id the Em p ero r toh im self.3)I had no th ing in t

19、he w orld bu t a million2poundno te.4)T he Pacific is by f a r the la rgest ocean and coversa lm o st ha lfof the to ta l ocean a rea.7.同源宾语表示强调 1)H e d ream ed a d ream.2)H e led adogs lif e.8.利用反身代词与某些介词的搭配表示强调 1)T he m ach ine w ill w ork by itself.2)H e fin ished h is ta sk a ll by h im self.二、用

20、不同的句子结构形式表示强调 1.使用 It 强调句式要强调句中的某一部分(通常是主语、状语、宾语),可以把 It 当成先行词。这种句子的结构是“It is(was)+被强调部分+that(who)+句子的其余部分”。如果强调的部分是人可用 who,whom 代替 that。1)I t is I w ho amgo ing to a ttend the m eeting.2)I t w as the day befo re yesterday tha t I m et h im atthe sta tion.3)I t is a ll becau se youre a foo l tha t I

21、m often ill.使用 It 强调句式要注意几个问题:1)特殊疑问句中的特殊疑问词被强调时,特殊疑问词要放在句首,原问句中特殊疑问词后的一般疑问语序要变成陈述语序,句式也要相应地变成一般疑问语序。W hen did you m eet M r.Sm ith?W hen w as it tha ty ou m et Mr.Sm ith?2)句中的人称代词被强调时,应保持该人称代词格的不变和原句中谓语动词在人称和数上的不变。She loves h im very m uch.I t is h im w ho shelovesvery m uch.3)对 no tun til句型中的 un t

22、il状语强调时,不仅要把 until置于 it is was 之后,还要把 not 置于 until 之前,原来的句子要变成肯定句。R egu la rradio b roadca sts didnt begin un til 1920.I t w as not un til 1920 tha t regu la r radiob roadca stsbegan.4)倒装句中的某一部分被强调后,原倒装句不再用倒装语序。Nev er has he seen a w o lf befo re.I t is a w o lf tha t he has nev er seen befo re.2.用倒

23、装结构表示强调英语句子的自然语序是主语在前,谓语动词在后。把谓语动词放在主语之前,就叫倒装结构。如果全部谓语放在主语之前,叫全部倒装;如果只把助动词或情态动词放在主语之前,就叫部分倒装。使用倒装以引起注意:1)用部分倒装结构表示强调(1)用于疑问句。D o y ou sp eak English?(2)用于“形容词(或名词、动词)+a s”引导的让步状语从句。P retty as she is,she is no t clever.C h ildas he w as,he had to m ake a living.T ry as he w ou ld,he m igh t fa il aga in.(3)用于省略 if的虚拟条件状语从句。H ad y ou receiv ed you r lesson s,you m igh t have p assedthe exam ina tion.


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