1、favoriteDo you know a few famous classical composers.作曲家作曲家创作者创作者歌手歌手singer音乐会音乐会concert艺术家艺术家artist音乐家音乐家musician开音乐会开音乐会give a concert古典的古典的classicalWho is he ? Do you know ? Who is he ? Do you know ? 莫扎特莫扎特 中文名称:沃尔夫冈阿玛多伊斯莫扎特 国 籍:奥地利 外文名称:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 原 籍:德国 出生地:奥地利萨尔茨堡 民 族:日耳曼民族 擅 长:交响
2、曲、协奏曲、钢琴音乐、歌剧 乐 派:古典乐派 出生日期:1756年1月27日 逝世日期:1791年12月5日(享年35岁) 代表作品:奏鸣曲、协奏曲、安魂曲 主要成就:欧洲最伟大的古典主义音乐家之一。 职 业:作曲家,欧洲古典主义音乐作曲家。 莫扎特的一生时短暂的,但他创作的音乐作品,数量之多,技巧之精湛都是十分惊人的!他创作了部歌剧,部交响乐和繁多的各种名曲。后人将他的作品搜集起来,印成厚厚的二十七本莫扎特全集。 1791年12月5日卒于维也纳。 莫扎特三岁起显露音乐才能,四岁跟随父亲学习钢琴,五岁作曲,六岁又随父亲学小提琴,八岁创作了一批奏鸣曲和交响曲,十一岁写了第一首歌剧。他仅仅活了三十
3、六岁。How much do you know about Mozarts childhood ? Think about it and check your knowledge with the following facts. Mozart was born in Austria in 1756. At the age of three, he was able to play the piano by himself. At the age of four, he started taking music lessons. When he was five, he began to wr
4、ite music by himself. When he was seven years old, he and his sister began playing for other people.年龄;时代;年龄;时代;日期日期Read and understandRead and understandWatch the flash of 1a and answer the following questions.视频视频1a-P671. What do you know about Mozart ?2. Who was Nannerl ?3. How did Father feel wh
5、en little Mozart began to write music ?He is a great composer.She was Mozarts sister.He was surprised.Read and understandRead and understandWatch the flash of 1a and answer the following questions.视频视频1a-P674. What does the word “wonder”mean in the title? Can you find another word like it?5. Why did
6、 Wolfgang smile in Paragragh 4? 6. What do you think of Mozart?It means “奇迹,奇才奇迹,奇才”.Yes,amazing. He was so happy that he could play the piano and he loved music so much.He was an amazing child, a born musician.Listen, read 1a and fill in the Listen, read 1a and fill in the blanks.blanks.Mozart the
7、Wonder BoyBefore Father taught himMozart asked his father to give him a _lesson, but his father said he was too _.Why Father decided to teach himWhen Mozart was alone in the room, he played _ without any help. The music sounded _.After Father began to teach himLittle Mozart learned very _ and began
8、to _ music by himself at the age of _.What an _ child !amazingmusiclittlewellbeautifulquicklywritefive录音录音1a-P671. Soon Wolfgang played as well as his big sister, Nannerl. 不久,沃尔夫冈就和他姐姐娜奈尔弹得一样好。不久,沃尔夫冈就和他姐姐娜奈尔弹得一样好。 as as 和和一样一样 Eg: 我爸爸抽烟没以前那么多了。我爸爸抽烟没以前那么多了。 My father doesnt smoke _ he used to. 2. H
9、e was an amazing child, a born musician. 他是一个神童,一个天生的音乐家。他是一个神童,一个天生的音乐家。as much as1的名字的名字2.1978年的秋天年的秋天3.一个一个17岁的高中生岁的高中生4.Larry Mullen looked for some musicians _ a band.你能说出你这样填的理由吗?你能说出你这样填的理由吗?5.eg.I need another 5 apples.=I need 5 more apples.他找了另外三个男孩。他找了另外三个男孩。He found _.=He found _.6逐渐了解逐渐了
10、解7.在在20世纪世纪80年代年代8.亲密的朋友亲密的朋友9.建立建立10.最后最后 the name ofin the fall of 1978a 17-year-old high school studentto formget to knowin the 1980sclose friends(动词不定式表目的)(动词不定式表目的)set upanother 3 boys3 more boysat lastWork in pairs. Interview your partner Work in pairs. Interview your partner about his/her fav
11、orite musicians life about his/her favorite musicians life story. Write down the key information. story. Write down the key information. The following questions may help you.The following questions may help you.Beethoven When we write about a person, it is important to mention the general opinion fi
12、rst and then use a story to support your opinion. 1. Who is your favorite musician ?2. What do you think of him/her ?3. Why do you like him/her ?4. How did he/she learn music ?5. Do you know anything about him/her when he/she was young ? My favorite musician is Celine Dion. Her songs sound beautiful
13、. One of her famous songs is My Heart Will Go On. She loved singing when she was a child, and she practiced hard. The song Beauty and Beast made her popular all over the world.根据中文提示完成句子根据中文提示完成句子。1. Celine Dion is going to _(举行(举行 音乐会)音乐会)at the Music Hall tomorrow.2. Are you good at _(拉小提(拉小提 琴)?琴
14、)?3. Guilin _ (以(以闻名)闻名) its beautiful mountains and waters.4. As we know , some film stars and singing stars _ (来去匆匆)(来去匆匆).give a concertplaying the violinis famous forcome and go quickly1. We are looking for some_ (music).We want them to write music for us.2. The Beatles is one of the most famous
15、 rock _(band) in the world.3. _ _(最后最后)we found the answer to the problem.4. I made many friends in my school time, but only two are my_ _ (亲密朋友亲密朋友)5. We plan to go to the concert with_ _ _ (另外四个朋友另外四个朋友) tonight.6. They want to_ _(组建组建)their own band, but they need a drum player.7. People _ _ _ _(全世界全世界)still enjoy U2s music very much.8. She is_her book,but she cant _it.(找找)musiciansset upanothe
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