1、第一考试网1. 核能1.The large power generating capacity of nuclear power from a single source is ideal formeeting the power needs of the industrial, commercial and domestic sectors of a city.However, in the event of a nuclear plant accident, it potentially poses an extremedanger to the city's inhabitant
2、s. You are the governor of the city required to make thedecision on whether to go nuclear or not. What factors would you consider in yourdecision? Explain your reasoning.2.The process of nuclear power generation releases relatively low amount of thecompounds found in greenhouse gases comparison with
3、 power generated from otherenergy resources. Particularly coal and oil. It also has a large power generating capacityrelative to the materials consumed. Nuclear power is therefore an ideal source ofpower. To which extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.3.As a result of the regulatory meas
4、ures imposed on ageing nuclear plants bygovernments, owing to the risk to the population in the event of a nuclear accident,they are often required to retire them earlier than their designed lifespan. However, asnuclear plants provide carbon-energy, the premature ' shutdowns often result inadver
5、se effects on climate change, as they are replaced by coal or oil energy sources.You are required to propose solutions to this dilemma.第一考试网4.Nuclear 核能怎么怎么好,但是也对城市居民造成影响,让你作为城市组织者,是不 是该引进核能?有什么因素要考虑2. 温室1.Develocountries have in recent years started taking the lead in generating thepollution that r
6、esults in global war. This is because their rapid growth economieshave been built on energy-intensive heavy industries, which were mostly found indeveloped countries in the last century. Do you believe that they should the blame forglobal war? How do you propose they should manage the current situat
7、ion?2.Global warposes an ever-increasing threat to our planet as governments fail totake the steps necessary to sufficiently address the situation in order to contain thisthreat. We need to limit greenhouse gas emissions and deliberately slow the economicgrown rate in the world. Explain why you agre
8、e or disagree with these suggestions.3.第一考试网Global waris a problem that is increasingly haunting human beings. Some peopleare suggests that instead of trying to prevent it, we should just find a way of living withit. Is this a feasible option and to what extent do you agree with this proposal?3. AI1
9、.Artificial intelligence is the development of computer systems to perform tasks, usuallyor previously requiring human intelligence. Some concerns have been raised as towhere this development is leading us when considering the noticeable effects onemployment in certain categories of work. What are c
10、urrently its main applications as itaffects our daily lives and how is it influencing the way we live now and in the nearfuture?2.The application and widespuse of artificial intelligence is develorapidly. Somepeople have postulated that this development will ultimately result in its surpassing ofhum
11、an intelligence which is aly happening in many fields and lead to a revolutionin human affairs. These people believe therefore that we should control or regulate itsdevelopment. Are you to a certain extent in agreement with this viewpoint or not?Explain you own position in this regard.3.第一考试网Artific
12、ial intelligence surpasses that of human intelligence in many domains. It has beenprogrammed to master a variety of games, such as chess and poker, winningitschampion human counterparts. It has long ago supplanted humans in activitiesinvolving calculations, and is dominating manufacturing processes
13、more and more inthe form of robots. Do you have any concerns that the further development of artificialintelligence will result in its replacing human intelligence and driving human out ofmany of their current work opportunities in the near future? Give reasons for youranswer.4.The application and w
14、idespuse of artificial intelligence is develorapidly. Somepeople have postulated that its development will ultimately result in its surpassing ofhuman intelligence which is aly happening in many fields, and lead to a revolutionin human affairs. These people believe therefore that we should control o
15、r regulate itsdevelopment. Are you to a certain extent in agreement with this viewpoint or not?Explain you own position in this regard5.我们是否应该调节和人工智能的发展?4. 食品安全第一考试网1., a number of large scale food safety scandals arising from food contaminationor deliberate addition of carcinogenic dyes or other da
16、ngerous non-food additiveshavethe public fearful of locally produced foodstuffs. This has resulted in agrowing distrust of domestic food products. It has also increased public preference forfoods imported from overseas food producers who are regarded as ms of foodsafety, to the detriment of local ag
17、riculture and the local food industry. To what extentdo you agree or disagree with this opinion?2.3., a number of large-scale food safety scandals arising from food contaminationor deliberate addition of carcinogenic dyes or other dangerous non-food additiveshavethe public fearful of locally produce
18、d foodstuffs. This has resulted in agrowing distrust of domestic food products. It has also increased public preference forfoods imported from overseas food producers who are regarded as ms of foodsafety, to the detriment of local agriculture and the local food industry. To what extentdo you agree o
19、r disagree with this opinion?4.第一考试网In recent years, the public has become increasingly concerned over the issue of foodsafety. Scandals such as finding the presence of melamine, an organic base chemicalused in plastics, in milk powder, and Sudan Red, a carcinogenic colorant used to dyesolvents and
20、petrol, in sauces for KFC products, has naturally caused widesppublicfear. Food products, traders in food products as well asgovernment havevariously been blamed for the occurrence of this crisis. In your opinion, who should beable for this situation5.举例国内出现的很多食品安全问题,问谁应该对食品安全负责?5. Fintech1.Final te
21、chnology or fintech as it is commonly known, describes new technologyinnovations and applications in the finance sector, and is said to be a major disrupter oftraditional final ms of delivering final services. It is therefore an area ofmassive focus in the entrepreneurship and business start-up spac
22、e. List a few majorapplications of fintech in our daily lives and how there are able to influence the way welive.2.第一考试网The recent development of fintech cellular applications enabling mobile payment hasbeen widely embraced for use in our daily lives. Analysts in the finance and bankingsectors of the economy have predicted that this has signaled the end of the traditionalwallet, which represents the physical transfer of money. To what extent do you agree ordisagree with this opinion and cou
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