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1、7. Unit 1-2综合复习Name: _Date: _【知识要点】一、重点短语1. go for a walk2. find out3. dieout4. human being5. a long time ago6.challenge.to.7. and so on8. copy down9. forexample10. learn from11. be born in/on12.climb out13. look like /look for/look after/look up14.a large amount of15. from an early age16. traffic a

2、ccident17.used to do18. the number of/ a number of19. consist of =be made up of20. all kinds of21. order sb to do sth22.the rest of23. would like to do sth = want to do sth24. from thenon25. connect. to.26. promise to do27.in the countryside28. learn to do sth29. more than= over30. finally=at last =

3、 in the end二、重点句型-WORD格式 - 可编辑 -1. be as + adj. +as.和 一样2.I'm sure.我确定 3.It's+ adj. +to do sth做某事是 4. make sb do sth使得某人做某事5 have enough + n. + to do sth有足够的 做某事6. teach sb how to do sth教某人如何做某事7. begin to do sth开始做某事8.Would you like to do你想要做 吗?9.This is sb speaking.我是 (电话用语)10. .so that/ i

4、n order that . 为了 11. sb used to do sth某人过去常常做某事【随堂练习】一、根据句意及首字母填写单词。1. The woman bought three pieces of beef. They weighed 200 g_.2. I was late this morning because of the heavy t _.3. Our English teacher often asks us to take out our n _to take notes.4. We should not c _ others' homework.5. It

5、 rained s _ on her way to school yesterday morning, so she got wet.6. She was b_ in 1999.7. Six people were killed in the riot, i_ a policeman.8. Edison is one of the great i_ in the world. He invented many things.9. A large a_ of money was spent on the new house.10. We ll go to Shenzhen by plane i_

6、 of by train.二、根据汉语提示写出单词。-WORD格式 - 可编辑 -1. Pass the _ ( 剩余部分 ) of the apples to these children.2. _ ( 没有人 ) was in the room, so the man left.3. I _ ( 向 挑战 ) him to a game of soccer.4. _ (充满智慧的 ) parents seldom scold (责骂 ) their children.5. Some boys like to read books about _ (恐龙 ).6.My grandparent

7、slive inthe_ (乡村 ). Theygrowdifferent kinds of vegetables.7. In the afternoon, many old men go to play _(国际象棋 ) there.三、单选题。() 1. -Is there _ milk in the fridge.-Not_. I will go and buy _.A. some; many; someB. any; much; someC. any; many; someD. some; much; some() 2. - _ nice weather! It s sunny aga

8、in.- I don t agree. _ dry it is! I like rainy days.A. What; HowB. What a; HowC. How; HowD.How; What() 3. -The boy stole many things from the factory.-I _ him, because he _them in a big box.A. was unaware of; hideB. was aware of; hidC. was unaware of; hidD. was aware of; hide() 4. - I am tired and ca

9、n t go any farther.- Let s stop _ a rest.A. hadB. haveC. tohaveD.having() 5. -Remember _ water.-OK. I _.-WORD格式 - 可编辑 -A.nottopollute;won tB.don t pollute;don tC. not pollute; won tD. to not pollute; don t() 6. -Radios are much _ than computers.-However,thereare _ peoplelisteningto theradio than bef

10、ore.A. cheap; fewB. cheaper; fewerC. more expensive; moreD. expensive; many() 7.-Ithinkweshoulddo_toprotecttheenvironment.- That s true. I will go to work by bike _ taking abus.A. nothing; because ofB. anything; instead ofC. something; instead ofD. thing; because of() 8. -What do you _ Jack?-_, he i

11、s an honest person.A. think of; In my opinionB. take care of; To mysurpriseC. look at; In my opinionD. ask for; In addition() 9. -How much did you _ the necklace, Mrs. Li?-Oh, it _ me 2,000 dollars.A. payfor;costB.payfor;tookC. spend;costD. spend; took() 10.-HowcanI _ whattheweatherwillbe liketomorr

12、ow?-Why not read the _ section in a newspaper?A. look out; sportsB. find out; weatherC. get out; entertainmentD. keep out; business-WORD格式 - 可编辑 -() 11. - I didn t pass my math exam.-_.A. Well done!B. Congratulations!C. What a pity!D. I am glad to hear that.() 12. The doctortold me not to eat_ sweet

13、s and_ meat.A. too many; too muchB. too much; too manyC. too many; too manyD. too much; too much() 13. Our English teacher usually advises us _ aloudin the morning.A. reading B. to read C. reads D. read() 14.She looks _ today because she got good newsfrom her sister.A.angryB.angrilyC.happyD.happily(

14、) 15.Could you give us some _ on how to improve myspoken English?A. adviceB.suggestionC.advicesD.suggest() 16.- Jim, do you enjoy playing _ piano?- No, I like playing _ chess.A. a; /B. a; theC. the; aD. the; /() 17.- Are you _?- No, I come from _.A.French;IndiaB. French;IndianC. France;IndiaD. Franc

15、e; Indian() 18.- Thomas Edison was one of the greatest _ inAmerica.- I can't agree with you any more. He made a lot of _-WORD格式 - 可编辑 -during his life time.A. inventors; inventionB. inventors; inventionsC. inventor; inventionsD. inventor; invention() 19. - Why do you _ the doll, Kitty?- Because

16、it _ my little sister in Wuhan.A. is like; is likeB. is like; likesC. like; is likeD.like; likes() 20.Myparentspromised_ whenIfinishedmyhomework.A. go for a walkB. to going for a walkC. goes for a walkD. to go for a walk() 21. - _ people died in the traffic accident yesterday.- It was said that _ pe

17、ople who died in the accident was more than 50.A. A number of; the number ofB. The number of; anumber ofC. A number of; a number ofD. The number of; thenumber of() 22.Theman_us_ a game ofPing-Pongyesterday. We all lost.A.asked;ofB.asked;toC. challenged;ofD.challenged; to() 23. - This pot is beautifu

18、l, but I can't see its material (材料).- It is made _ clay.A. atB. ofC. fromD. in() 24. - Do you know when the scientist _?- Yes. Itis on _.-WORD格式 - 可编辑 -A.wasborn;August 8th,1923B.born;1923,August 18thC. was born; 1923, August 18thD. born; August18th, 1923() 25.-Wouldyou likesomethingto drink,si

19、r?-_.A. No, I dontlike itB. Yes, I like itC. No, I'd like toD. Yes, please四、完形填空。Mr Brown is 70 years old. One day he went to his _1_. He said he had an ache in his left _2_. The doctor looked over his leg, but couldn't _3_ anything wrong. So he _4_ the old man a physical examination. Then h

20、e thought he knew the answer.The doctor gave Mr Brown some _5_ and said, "I'm sorry. The ache in your leg is caused by old age. There is _6_ I can do about it. I hope the medicine can make you feel_7_."Theoldmanwasvery_8_tohearthat.Hecried,"That's impossible!"The doctor s

21、aid, "I'm a doctor. OK. _9_ did you know itwas not caused by old age?Theoldmananswered,"I'mnota doctor,butI knowyou're wrong. My right leg is fine.""So what?" asked the doctor."Well, they are of the same _10_!”() 1. A. sonB.doctorC.friendD. teacher-WORD格式 -

22、可编辑 -() 2.A. legB. armC. earD. hand() 3.A. lookB. makeC. haveD. find() 4.A. boughtB. toldC. gaveD. did() 5.A. booksB.medicineC. picturesD. water() 6.A. somethingB.anythingC. everythingD. nothing() 7.A. kindB.betterC.worseD. nice() 8.A. happyB. surprisedC. quietD. relaxed() 9.A. WhatB. WhereC. HowD.

23、When() 10. A. ageB. problemC.matterD. reason五、阅读理解。ACome and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from America. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things at you. Thelovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you, and thegiraffes from Zam

24、bia are waiting to look down on you.Tickets:Grown-ups: $2.00Children: Over 12: $1.00-WORD格式 - 可编辑 -Under 12: FreeKeep the zoo clean!Do not touch, give food or go near the animals.Opening time:Monday Friday: 3:00p.mSaturday & Sunday 4:00p.m( ) 1. How many kinds of animals are talked about in the

25、passage?A. FourB. FiveC. SixD. Seven() 2. Now Mrs. Smith is in the zoo with her two sons, one is14 years old, the otheris 8. How mucharethe ticketstogether?A. $4.00B. $3.00C. $2.00D. $1.00() 3.Which of the following in the visiting time?A. 9:30a.m, MondayB. 3:30p.m, TuesdayC. 3.00p.m, SaturdayD. 8:3

26、0p.m, Sunday() 4.From the passage we can guess theanimal“ giraffe”must be very _.A. tallB. shortC. strongD. fat() 5.Which of the following can we do in the zoo?A. To give some food to the dogsB. To touch the monkeys on the headsC. To watch the animals outside of the cagesD. To get close to the bears

27、BSam is a university( 大学 ) student. His favorite sport is football. And his favorite football star is Kaka. In his university there isa biggym( 体育馆 ) infrontof thelibrary.Everyafternoonhe-WORD格式 - 可编辑 -likes to play football with his friends in it.Todayis Friday.Hehastwo lessonsinthe morning.Oneisch

28、emistry( 化学 ) and the other is history. In the afternoon hehas English. English starts at half past two, and finishes atfour. After class, he does his homework first in the library. Andthen he inviteshisEnglishfriendsKarlandSimonto playfootball in the gym.() 6 . Where is the gym in Sam s university?

29、A. next to the classroomB. in front of the libraryC. behind the gymD. sorry, I don t know()7. How many lessons does Sam have on Friday?A. fourB. fiveC. sixD. three()8 . A. When does Sam s English finish on Friday?A.at14:00B. at15:00C.at 13:00D.at16:00() 9. Does Sam have history on Friday afternoon?A

30、. Yes, hedoesB. No, he has history onFriday morningC.No,hehasn thistoryon FridayD.Yes, he has2history lessons() 10. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Sam likes to play footballB. Sam s friends are all from EnglandC. He has two lessons on Friday morningD. Sam does his homework first after English

31、 class on Friday六、情景对话。A.theatreB. ideaC. showD.organizeE.becauseF. pop-WORD格式 - 可编辑 -Kitty:I hearMr.Wangtoldyouto organizea modelshow.When is it?Lily: It will be on next Sunday. Come and help me. I hope ourmodel show will be asuccess. I m nervous because I don tknow how to _1_ a show before.Kitty:

32、I ll phone my cousin, Ricky. He can help us _2_ hehas organized a model show before.Lily: That s a good _3_ . I hope he s not too busy.Kitty: Don t worry. His show is over, so he haslots of timenow. I m sure he d like to help.Lily: I wish we could have our show at a big _4_.Kitty: I wish we could ha

33、ve a lot of _5_ stars in the show.That s true.B. What did you dothen?C. You have done a good job.D. Why did youcall the phone?E.Howdidtheyhappen?F.Didpeoplecall the police?G. I don't agree with you.A: Tony, is your community safe now?B: Yes. However, there were some cases a few years ago.A: _1_B

34、: At first, the community was poorly managed. So some thieves often came and stole things.A: How terrible! _2_B: Yes. But they solved few of the cases because the thieveswere too tricky(狡猾的 ).A : _3_-WORD格式 - 可编辑 -B: We were careful with strangers and the community made the management better.A: _4_.

35、 The thieves will have no chance to steal.B: _5_. We no longer worry about our things.七、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The man comes from _ (Indian).2. _ (sudden), all the lights in the building went out.3. He is a great _ (invent). He invented many things.4. The writer expressed himself _ (correct) in English.5. I

36、 would like _ (climb) mountains when I am free.6. There are all kinds of _ (animal) in the zoo.7. There are 10 people in the room, _ (include) me.8. There were many _ (fossil).9. Lang Lang is not only a pianist, but also a _ (music).10. It was amazing _ (hear) such a beautiful song at the party.11. We all went to my grandpa's home to celebrate his_ (eighty) birthday.12. The duck wished to have the ability


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