



1、婚礼主持词英文版Minister:We are gathered here today to witness the comingtogether of two people, _ and _, whose heartsand spirits are entwined as one。 They now desire toprofessbeforeallthe worldtheirintentionhenceforthto walk the road of life together。To these two young people , thismarriagesignifiesthe bir

2、th of a new spirit, a spirit which is a partof each of us, yet not of any one of us alone。 Thisbirthofspiritremindsus of spring , theseason whenalllifeisrebornand loomsagain 。 Itisappropriate ,therefore , that this wedding of _ and _ be inthespring , and thatitbe underthe open sky , wherewe are clos

3、e to the earth and to the unity of life,the totality of living things of which we are part。The beliefsand thoughtsaboutlovewhichmotivatethese two people are perhaps best expressedinthewordsof poet Kahlil Gibran:You were born to be together, and together youshall be forevermore。You shallbetogetherwhe

4、nthewingsofdeathscatter your days。Ay, you shall be together even in your silentmemory。But let there be spaces in your togetherness,And let the winds of the heaven dance between you。Love one another , butmake not a bondage of love 。Let it rather be a moving sea between the shoresof your souls。Filleac

5、h otherscup, butdrinknot from one cup 。Give one anotherof your bread , buteat not of thesame loaf 。Sing and dance togetherand be joyous , butleteachof you be alone,Even as the strings of a lute are alone, thoughthey quiver with the same music。Giveyourhearts ,butnotintoeachotherskeeping ,For only the

6、 hand of life can contain your hearts。And stand together, yet not too near together,For the pillars of the temple stand apart,And the oak treeand the cypressgrow not in shadow。Minister to Bride:Do you _ , knowing this mans love for you andreturning it, realizing his strengths and learningfrom them,

7、recognizinghisweaknesses and helpinghimto overcome them, take_ to be your lawfullyweddedhusband?Bride:I do 。Minister:Place the ring on his finger。Minister to Groom:Do you _, knowingthiswomans love foryou andreturning it, realizing her strengths and learningform them, recognizingher weaknesses and he

8、lpingherto overcome them, take_ to be your lawfullyweddedwife?Groom:I do 。Minister:Place the ringon her finger。 Letthese ringsserveas locksnotbindingyou togetherbutas keys , unlockingthe secretsof your heartsforeach otherto know, andthus bringing you closer together forever。And now _ and _, seekingthe fulfillmentoflove and marriage, find again that the poet Gibranspeaks for them:Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself。To wake at dawn witha winged heartand givethanksto another day of loving。To restatthenoonhourandmeditateecstasy;To re


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