1、同义词(组)间同义句转换训练Letter A1A litter / a bit / a bit of 一点儿,少许她可以和你一起去,因为她懂一点儿法语。She can go with you because she knows _French.虽然我比他年龄小,但我比他高一点。Im younger than him but Im _ taller than him .2A lot of / lots of / many / much 许多的,大量的许多艺术家将在晚会上露面。_ artists will show
2、 their faces at the party.那个女人有许多钱,但她并不幸福。The woman has_ money ,but she isnt happy.3Actually / in fact 事实上,实际上我原以为工作会很难,事实上却很容易I thought the work would be difficult. _, it is very easy.4 again and again / over and over again 一次又一次地我再一次告诉你别那么做Ive told you not
3、 to do that_.5 .all / whole 所有的,整个的全城的人都在忙着打扫街道。a. _ the city are busy cleaning the streets.b. The_ city are busy cleaning the streets.6 .also / too / as well 也不要嘲笑他,他也是我们其中的一员a. Dont laugh at him, hes _ a member of us.b. Dont laugh a
4、t him, hes a member of us _.7. another / one more / another+数字+n(pl.) / 数字+ more + n (pl.) 再一个,另一个我还没吃饱呢,我想要一块蛋糕。Im not full yet. I want _ cake.会议还没有结束,我恐怕你还得再等三十分钟。The meeting hasnt finished yet, Im afraid you have to wait for _ minutes.8. a quarter / one fourth
5、四分之一我们学校四分之一的学生收到过这样的信。_of the students in our school have received letters like this.9. arrive in (at) / get to / reach 到达当他们到达车站时,火车已离开十分钟了When they _ the station, the train had been away for ten minutes.当她到达日本的时候,她突然觉得很孤单。When she _ Japan, she suddenly felt lonely.10
6、. as as / (not) as as / not soas (不)和.一样Jane和Jim一样高。Jane is _ Jim.他没有我胖。He is _ me.11. as as possible / as as one can 尽可能.尽快跑回家告诉你妈妈这个好消息。Run home as fast as _ to tell your mother the good news.12. at once / right away / right now / immediately
7、160; 立刻你应该立刻回到你的座位上而不是在走廊里闲逛You shouldnt hang out in the corridor but go back to you seat_.13. at risk / in danger / in trouble 在危险中, 有麻烦如果你们发动战争,无辜的生命就会受到威胁。If you go to war,innocent lives will be put _.14. at times / sometimes
8、 有时他是一个好人,但有时他的脾气可真坏。He is a good man, but he can be really bad-tempered _.15. at the moment / now 现在, 此时她和她妈妈正在谈婚礼的事。She is talking about her wedding with her mother_.16. at the age of/ when sb.+ be +years old
9、 在岁时他的父母在六岁时离婚了。a. His parents divorced when he was six_.b._, his parents divorced.17. although / but 虽然但是虽然我现在不擅长英语,但我会努力的。a. _ I am not good at English right now, I will work hard.b. I am not good at English right now, _ I will work hard.18. al
10、l over / all around 全.全国也找不出几个像他这样的人。You can find few people like him_ the country.Letter B1. because of / because 因为因为下雪的关系,交通堵塞。a. There is a traffic jam _ the snow.b. There is a traffic jam,_ it snows.2. because of / due to 因为因为暴风雨
11、的关系,他不能去旅行了。He cant go for his journey_ the storm.3. be bad for / be harmful to 对.有害的别再抽烟了,那对你身体不利。Dont smoke any more , its_ your health.4. be going to / be about to / will 将会马上就下雨了,你最好还好呆在家里。It _ rain,youd better stay at home .5. begin / start &
12、#160; 开始她两周前就开始上英语课了,但她还不能记住所有字母。She_ her new English lessons two weeks ago , but she couldnt remember all the letters .6. be famous / known+ as / to / for 著名, 出名她因美貌出名 ,我们都很羡慕她。a. She_ a beauty, we all admire her .b. She_ her beauty, we all admire her.7. be like
13、/ look like 看起来像露西看起来和姐姐莉莉很像。Lucy_ her sister Lily very much .8. be willing to do / want to do 将要, 打算麦克要在下个月去中国学习汉语。Mike_ go to china to study Chinese next month .9. be worried about /worry about 担心
14、 刘明很为他接下来的口语考试担心。a. Liu Ming _ his following oral test .b. Liu Ming cant stop_ his following oral test .10. bothand / not onlybut also 不但而且新学期开学以来,他的身高体重都有所增加。Since the new term began,he has increased_ his height_ his weight.11. borrowfrom / lendto
15、0; 借张妍借给周宇一本生物书。a.Zhang Yan _ a biology book _ Zhou Yu.b.Zhou Yu _ a biology book _ Zhang Yan.12.by air / fly to / by plane / on the plane 坐飞机刘薇坐飞机去成都参加一个会议。a.Lui Wei _ Chengdu to take part in a meeting.b.Liu Wei went to Chengdu to take part in a meeting_.13. buy sth. f
16、rom sb. 从某人那买某物sell sth. to sb. 把某物卖给某人妈妈从店主那买来了肉。a. Mom _the meat _ the shopkeeper.b. The shopkeeper _the meat _ Mom.14.by oneself / on ones own / alone 靠某人自己,独自赵强的父母上班去了,赵强自己一个人待在家里。Zhao Qiangs parents left for work, so
17、Zhao Qiang stayed at home_. Letter C1. can / be able to / have the ability to do 能够你能告诉我去图书馆的路怎么走么?a. _ you tell me the way to the library?b. _ you _ tell me the way to the l
18、ibrary?c. Do you _ to tell me the way to library?2.call on / visit 拜访上周六,李梅去她的外国朋友玛利家拜访了一下。Last Saturday, Li Mei _ her foreign friend Mary.3.cant catch up with / fall behind 落后上次事故之后,她的成绩落在班级同学之后。After the accident, she _ other studen
19、ts in her class.4.changeinto / turninto 改变你能把这些水变成美味的汤么?Can you _ the water _ delicious soup?5.close /s hut up 关闭外面刮大风了,你能把窗户都关上么?Its blowing strongly outside. Can you _ all the windows?6.cross / go
20、 across 穿过穿过红绿灯,在你右边就是超市。_the traffic lights, and the supermarket is on your right.e up with / think of / have an idea 想到她想到如何提高英语听力的好方法。She _ a good method to improve her English listening.e from / be from
21、0; 来自你知道那个黄头发, 蓝眼睛的小男孩来自哪个国家吗?Do you know where the boy with the yellow hair and blue eyes_?Letter D1. decide / make up ones mind / make a decision 作决定她不能决定哪条裙子更适合这场音乐会。She cant _ which dress is better fo
22、r the concert.2. die / pass away 去世她两年前就去世了,我们仍然很想念她。She _ two years ago, but we still miss her every much.3. dont know / have no idea 不知道我不知道怎样使用微波炉。a. I _ how t
23、o use the microwave.b. I _ about how to use the microwave.Letter E1. each of / every one of 每一个在那次事故中,我的每个脚趾都受伤了。_ my toes was hurt in that accident.2. ever if / ever though &
24、#160; 尽管,即使尽管她有时很烦人,但我还是喜欢她。I like her,_ she can be annoying at times. Letter F1. favorite / like best 最喜欢西瓜是我最喜欢的水果。a. Watermelon is my _fruit.b. I _ watermelon _.2.
25、160; fall off / fall down from 掉落他从树上掉下来,摔伤了他的胳膊。He _ the tree and hurt his arm.3. found / set up 建立同学们建立了一个保护环境的小团体。The students_a group to protect the environment4. finally / at last / in th
26、e end 最后最后,她终于赢得了一百米比赛的冠军。_ ,she won at the one hundred meter race. Letter G1. get on well with / get along well with 与.相处融洽虽然他第一次来我们的家乡,但他和这里的人
27、们相处的很融洽。Though he came to our hometown the first time, he_the people here2. give back/return归还你明天就得把书还给图书馆。Youll have to_the book to the library. Letter H 1.
28、; have a good time /enjoy oneself玩得很高兴,过的很愉快我们在圣诞节那天玩得很高兴。We_on Christmas Day2. have a book at / take a look at / look at 看请把书翻到第57页,看一下第三段的内容。Please turn to Page 57 and _ the third paragraph.3. have a pain in stomac
29、h / have a stomachache 胃痛因为胃痛得厉害,他今天没有去上学。a. He didnt go to school today, because he _great _.b. He didnt go to school today, because he had a great_.4. hear of / hear about 听说我从叔叔那听说了测试的结果。I _ the result of the test from my unc
30、le.5. hear from / receive a letter from 收到的来信她收到了她的加拿大朋友的来信非常高兴。She is very happy to _a Canadian friend.6. how come / what about 怎么样秀秀的生日那天我们去滑雪怎么样?_ going skiing on Xiuxius birthday?7. how come / what if / why 为何她为何哭得那么伤心?a. -She cri
31、ed so sadly. -_ ?b. _ did she cry so sadly for?c. _ did she cry so sadly? Letter I1. in / wear 穿那个穿紫色连衣裙的人是我的英语老师。The woman who _ a
32、purple dress is my English teacher.2. in order to do / in order that / to do /s o that 为了,以便为了给妈妈买一份母亲节礼物,他做了两份兼职工作。_ buy his mother a present for Mothers Day , he took two part-time jobs.b._ he could buy his mother a present for Mother s Day ,he took two parttime jobs.c. He took t
33、wo parttime jobs, _ he could buy his mother a present for Mothers Day .3.instead of / in place of 代替这道食谱可以用牛奶代替奶油。 You can use milk _cream in this recipe Letter K1.keep off
34、/ keep away from 远离切莫靠近悬崖边,那太危险了。_the edge of the cliff, Its dangerous. 2. keep sb from doing/stop sb (from) doing / prevent sb(from) doing 阻止做什么也挡不住他鸣不平a. Nothing would _ him _ speaking out against injustice. b. Nothing would _ him speaking out agains
35、t injustice.3.knock / knock at / knock on 敲门 听!有人在敲门。a. Listen! Someone is _ the door.b. Listen! There is _ at the door. Letter L1.
36、learn buy oneself / teach oneself 自学没有人教他,他是自学的。a. Nobody taught him .He _it_.b. Nobody taught him .He _.2. likebetter than / preferto 和 相比 更喜欢比起滑冰来,约翰更喜欢游泳。John _ swimming _ skating.3. long long ago/ onc
37、e upon a time 从前很久以前一个古老的城堡里住着一个美丽的公主。_, there was a beautiful princess living in an old castle.4. look after(well)/take (good) care of 照顾, 照看汤姆不能和我们一起去,他得在家照顾他的妹妹。Tom cant go with us ,because he has to _ his little sister at ho
38、me. 5. look forward to / expect to 期望,盼望他期望有一天会出国留学。a. He _ going abroad to study.b. He _ go abroad to study. Letter M1.mayde / may be / perhaps
39、 可能她的钥匙打不开车门,这可能不是她的车。a. She cant open the door with the key ._the car isnt hers.b. She cant open the door with the key ._The car _ not _ hers.2.more than /over 超过 超过一百个人尝了这个新品种的食物。_a hundred people tried this new kind of
40、food. Letter N1.no matter what / whatever 无论什么无论你在盒子里找到什么东西,它们都属于安妮。_ you find in the box ,they belong to Anny.2.no matter when / whenever 无论什么无论你什么时候来看我,我都会像亲人一样对你。_ you com
41、e to see me ,I will treat you as my relative.3.no longer / not .any longer 不再许多年过去了,她已经不再是小女孩了。a. A few years passed. She is _a little girl.b. A few years passed .She is _a little girl_.4.no more / not .any more 不再这个孩子不再哭了。a. The baby _ cried.b. The ba
42、by _ cry any more. Letter O1.on a visit to / visit 拜访,看望他打算周末去看望他的姥姥。a. He is going to be _ his grandma this weekend.b. He is going to _ his grandma this weekend.2.one day /
43、some day 某日只要我努力学习,总有一天会达到我的目标。 As long as I try my best to study hard ,I will reach my goal_.
47、160; 有一天,一个奇怪的老太太敲了我的门。_, a strange old woman knocked at my door .3. on foot / walk 步行你经常步行去学校吗?a. Do you often go to school _ ?b. Do
48、 you often _ to school ?4. other / others / the other / the others 其他的我们应该尽力帮助身边的其他人。a. We should try our best to help _ people around us.b. We should try our best to help _ around us.班级里的1/3的同学坐公交车上学,其他的步行去上学。a. One third of the students in our class go to
49、school by bus , _ students go to school on foot.b. One third of the students in our class go to school by bus , _ go to school on foot .5. ought to / should 应该我们应该使用纸张的双面以减少浪费。We _use both sides of the paper to
50、 reduce wastes . Letter R 1. return / come back 回来你什么时候会从大连回来?When will you _from Dalian ?2. rich people / the rich 有钱人大多数有钱人都很慷慨a. Most of _ ar
51、e generous.有钱人花钱很谨慎。b._ always use their money cautiously. Letter S1. shall we / lets 让我们一起.我们一起去操场打篮球吧!a. _ go to the playground and play basketball? b. _ go to the playground and play basketball。2. switch on / turn on 打开
52、请帮我空调打开。_ the airconditioner for me , please.下雨时最好不要开电视。Youd better not _ the TV when its raining .3. spend / take / cost / pay for 花费我花费了15天时间找那本书。a. I _ fifteen days in looking for the book .b. It _ me fifteen days to look for the book . &
53、#160; Letter T1. take a break / have a rest 休息我可以休息一下吗?Can I _ ?他直道结束才休息。He didnt _ until he finished it.2. take part in / join in / participate in 参加,加入你参加学校的篮球队了吗?Have you _ the school basketball team? 3. tooto / sothat / enough
54、0; to 太而不能他太小了,不能上学。a. He is _ young _go to school.b. He is _ young _he cant go to school.c. He isnt old _ go to school. 不同结构间同义句转换训练1. 用两种语态进行转换 我每年在花园里种一棵树。a. I _ one tree in the garden every year. b. One tree _ in the garden e
55、very year. 你们必须每天打扫教室。a. You _ your classroom every year. b. Your classroom _ every day.2. 运用复合句和不定式进行转换 我希望有一天我能登上月球。a. I hope that _ visit the moon some day. b. I hope _ the moon some day. 他告诉我如何使用电脑。a. He to
56、ld me _he _a computer. b. He told me how _a computer.1. 运用两种时态进行转换 珍妮的奶奶两年前去世了。a. Jennys grandmother _ two years ago.b. Jennys grandmother _ for two years.c. Jennys grandmother _ since _.d. Two years _ since Je
57、nnys grandmother died.e. It _ 2 years since Jennys grandmother died. 你不用跑了,火车20分钟前就开了。a. You dont have to run. The train _for twenty minutes.b.You dont have to run. The train _twenty minutes ago.2. 运用感叹句的两种句式进行转换 这个男
58、孩多么善良啊!a. _ boy he is! b. _ the boy is! 这首乐曲多么优美啊!a. _the music is! b._ music it is!3. 用it做形式主语来进行转换 他能很容易地完成这份工作。a. He can finish the word _. b. It is _for him to finish the word.
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