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1、话题话题39 期待效应期待效应基础知识自测基础知识自测一、单词识记一、单词识记 1. _ n. 教授教授2. _ n. 皮夹;钱包皮夹;钱包3. _ n. 结果;效果结果;效果4. _ n. 小偷;贼小偷;贼5. _ adv. 适当地;适当地; 恰当地恰当地properly professorwalletoutcomethief6. _ adj. 麻烦的麻烦的; 讨厌的讨厌的7. _ n. 身份身份; 地位地位; 职位职位8. _ n. 洗衣店洗衣店9. _ vt. 背叛背叛; 显露出显露出10. _ vt. 谴责谴责condemn troublesomestatuslaundrybetray

2、11. _ n. 惊讶惊讶; 惊愕惊愕12. _ vt. 俯视俯视; 忽视忽视13. _ adj. 杰出的杰出的14. _ adj. 优秀的优秀的 n. 上级上级15. _ adj. 有效的有效的, 起作用的起作用的effective amazementoverlook brilliant superior二、单词拓展二、单词拓展 (A) 单词派生单词派生 1. _ vi. 犹豫犹豫; 踌躇踌躇 _ n. 犹豫犹豫; 踌躇踌躇 _ adj. 迟疑的迟疑的; 犹犹豫不定的豫不定的hesitanthesitatehesitation2. _ n. 舒适舒适; 安慰安慰 vt. 安慰安慰 _ adj

3、. 舒服的舒服的; 舒适的舒适的 _ adj. 不舒服的不舒服的; 不安的不安的 _ adv. 不舒服地不舒服地; 不自在不自在地地uncomfortablycomfortcomfortableuncomfortable3. _ n. 音乐音乐 _ adj. 音乐的音乐的; 与音乐有关的与音乐有关的 _ n. 音乐家音乐家musicianmusicmusical4. _ vt. 抢劫抢劫; 抢掠抢掠 _ n. 抢劫犯抢劫犯; 盗贼盗贼 _ n. 抢劫抢劫(案案), 抢掠抢掠robbery robrobber5. _ n. 惊骇惊骇; 令人怖的事令人怖的事物物 _ adj. 可怕的可怕的; 恐怖

4、的恐怖的horriblehorror6. _ n. 机会机会; 运气运气; 大笔的钱大笔的钱 _ adj. 幸幸运的运的; 侥幸的侥幸的; 吉吉 祥的祥的 _ adj. 不幸的不幸的; 令人遗憾的令人遗憾的 _ adv. 不幸地不幸地; 令人遗憾地令人遗憾地unfortunatelyfortunefortunateunfortunate(B) 灵活运用灵活运用1. At the concert, the _ played various _ instruments proficiently. (music)1. 第一空名词作主语第一空名词作主语; 第二空形容词作第二空形容词作定语。句意:定语。

5、句意:“音乐会上音乐会上, 音乐家熟练音乐家熟练地演奏各种乐器。地演奏各种乐器。”musicianmusical 2. To our disappointment, the so-called _ hotel turned out rather _. (comfort)2. 第一空形容词作定语第一空形容词作定语; 第二空形容词作表第二空形容词作表语语, 由语境可知由语境可知, 表示表示“令人不舒服的令人不舒服的”。3. The _ in Thursdays _ unexpectedly _ nothing. (rob) 3.句意:句意:“星期四的抢劫案中抢劫犯竟然什星期四的抢劫案中抢劫犯竟然什

6、么也没有抢到。么也没有抢到。”comfortableuncomfortablerobber(s)robberyrobbed4. The _ murder case in the _ film made us screamed in horror. (horror)4.第一空是形容词作定语;第二空是名第一空是形容词作定语;第二空是名词作定语,表示词作定语,表示“恐怖片恐怖片”。句意:。句意:“那部恐怖片中恐怖的谋杀案让我们惊那部恐怖片中恐怖的谋杀案让我们惊恐地尖叫起来。恐地尖叫起来。” horriblehorror 5. He _ failed in the interview though h

7、e thought himself always a fortunate boy. (fortune)5.副词作状语,表示副词作状语,表示“不幸地不幸地”。句意:。句意: “尽管他总是认为他是个幸运的人,但尽管他总是认为他是个幸运的人,但在那次面试中还是不幸地失败了。在那次面试中还是不幸地失败了。”unfortunately1. _ 一般来说一般来说2. _ 结识结识; 与与相见相见3. _ 就就来说来说; 从从角度角度4. _ 再一次再一次三、短语翻译三、短语翻译 once more generally speakingmake ones acquaintancein terms of.5.

8、 _ 需要需要6. _ (声音、画面声音、画面)逐渐模糊逐渐模糊7. _ 改变或冒充成改变或冒充成8. _ 带或领带或领进来进来show.in in need offade outpass.off as.9. _与与妥协妥协10. _ 抢夺某人的东西抢夺某人的东西11. _ 一把一把; 少量的少量的12. _ 震惊震惊; 惊讶惊讶in amazementmake a compromise withrob sb. of sth.a handful of四、课文回顾四、课文回顾 Eliza Doolittle, a poor flower girl who was ambitious to imp

9、rove herself, came 1_ the west end of London. She made a living by selling flowers in the streets. One day, she met with Professor Higgins who was 2_ expert in phonetics, convinced that the quality of a persons English depended on his or her position in society. from an Professor laughed at Elizas t

10、errible English and promised proudly that once 3 _ (teach) to speak properly, the girl could pass 4 _ off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party. Eliza thought that 5_ was a chance for her to change her life. So she went to Higgins house and asked him to teach her but 6_ (refuse

11、). taught herself it was refused At that time, professors friend Colonel Pickering, an officer in the army, was interested in the girls 7 _ (educate). He bet with the professor 8_ he might not teach Eliza successfully,9 _ made the proud professor accept Eliza 10_ a student and decided to teach her n

12、ot only pronunciation but also cation that which as 五、句子改错五、句子改错 1.There is pouring with rain and cab whistles are blowing in all direction.2.Nearby a flower girl wears dark garments and a woollen scarf is also sheltering for the rain.Itdirectionswearingfrom3. She is dirty and wearing the

13、 shabby dress.4. Eliza leave the room, and Henry suddenfeels very upset.5. Tomorrow I want you to order the meatand buy to me a new pair of glove.gloves aleavessuddenly重点词汇讲练重点词汇讲练1. mistaken adj. (见解或判断上见解或判断上)错误错误的;不正确的的;不正确的 (wrong in an opinion or judgment) 例句例句 I am afraid you were mistaken abo

14、ut me. 恐怕你误会我了。恐怕你误会我了。be mistaken about误解误解mistakefor 把把错当成错当成by mistake 错误地;弄错错误地;弄错make a mistake 犯错犯错搭配搭配运用运用 根据提示完成句子。根据提示完成句子。 I am sorry, _(我我错怪你了错怪你了). He mistook me _ my twin brother. He took his colleagues motorbike _mistake. by was mistaken about you for2. classify vt. 分类;编排;把分类;编排;把归类归类

15、例句例句 The books in the library are classified according to the subject. 图书图书馆的书按学科分类。馆的书按学科分类。 be classified into 被分类为被分类为 classify sb./sth. as sth. 将将划分划分为为classifyby/according to 根根据据分类分类 搭配搭配 联想联想 sort out 分类分类 派生派生 classification n.分类分类运用运用 根据汉语提示完成英文句子。根据汉语提示完成英文句子。 Only eleven of these accident

16、s _ (被划分为被划分为) major. The documents _(被分成被分成) four groups. We usually_ types of character _ (将将划分为划分为) good and bad.as were classified asare classified intoclassify3. remark vt. 评论评论;谈论谈论 n. 言论;评论言论;评论 例句例句 He made a number of rude remarks about her performance here. 关于她的表演,他在这里做关于她的表演,他在这里做了许多无礼的评论

17、。了许多无礼的评论。make a remark on就就发表意见发表意见remark on/upon 评论;议论;谈论评论;议论;谈论搭配搭配运用运用 根据汉语提示完成英文句子。根据汉语提示完成英文句子。 It is rude _ _(评论他人的外貌评论他人的外貌). He didnt _(对妻子的新衣服不对妻子的新衣服不做评论做评论), which made her a little annoyed.make any remark on herto remark on/upon othersappearance wifes new clothes4. compromise vi. & n.

18、妥协;折衷妥协;折衷 例句例句 He asked more than I was willing to pay, so we compromised with each other on a price. 他的要价他的要价超出了愿意付出的数目,因而我们就超出了愿意付出的数目,因而我们就价钱问题做了折衷。价钱问题做了折衷。搭配搭配make a compromise with与与妥协妥协by compromise通过妥协通过妥协运用运用 根据汉语提示完成英文句子。根据汉语提示完成英文句子。 In my view, its wise of you to _ (跟她妥协跟她妥协).a compromi

19、se with her / compromise with hermake The dispute between the two countries was solved _ (互相让步互相让步).by compromise5. overlook vt.俯视;忽视;不理会俯视;忽视;不理会 例句例句 You have overlooked several mistakes in the work. 你忽略了工作你忽略了工作中的几个错误。中的几个错误。overlook意为意为“忽略忽略”,多指由于草率、,多指由于草率、放任或没有注意到而忽视某事。放任或没有注意到而忽视某事。ignore指有意识

20、地拒绝,不给予理睬,指有意识地拒绝,不给予理睬,后面可以接后面可以接sb. sth. ,不跟不定式。,不跟不定式。比较比较运用运用 根据汉语提示完成英文句子。根据汉语提示完成英文句子。 The house on the hill _ (俯瞰着山谷俯瞰着山谷). He_ (没看出有个拼写错误没看出有个拼写错误) on the first page.overlooked a spelling mistake/overlooks thevalleyerror原句原句 A gentleman passes and hesitates for a moment. 一位男士经过一位男士经过, 犹豫了片刻。

21、犹豫了片刻。(B8 P29)例句例句 The shock made her hesitate for a moment but she quickly came to herself again. 这一打击使她踌躇片刻这一打击使她踌躇片刻, 但很快就又恢复正常了但很快就又恢复正常了。6. hesitate vi. 踌躇踌躇, 犹豫犹豫搭配搭配hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做某事犹豫做某事; 不愿不愿做某事做某事hesitate about (doing) sth. 在在(做做)某某事上犹豫不决事上犹豫不决拓展拓展 without hesitation 毫不犹豫地毫不犹豫地运用运用

22、 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 我们要毫不犹豫地抓住任何可我们要毫不犹豫地抓住任何可以学习和提高的机会。以学习和提高的机会。We must _ _.and improvementnever hesitate to graspany chance/opportunity of study 也许我们都曾在继续上大学还是也许我们都曾在继续上大学还是直接去就业的问题上有过犹豫不决。直接去就业的问题上有过犹豫不决。Its likely that all of us _ _. hesitated about whether to go tohave evercollege for

23、further study or to finda job原句原句 the English that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days. 你瞧那个姑娘你瞧那个姑娘, 英语说得那样糟英语说得那样糟, 命中注定要命中注定要在贫民窟呆一辈子了在贫民窟呆一辈子了。(B8 P30)例句例句 His laziness condemned him to failure. 他的懒惰注定了他会失败他的懒惰注定了他会失败。7. condemn vt. 谴责谴责; 判刑判刑, 定罪定罪; 声讨声讨; 使使注定注定搭配搭配condemn sb.

24、 for (doing) sth. 因因(做做)某事而某事而责怪某人责怪某人condemn sb. to判刑,使某人陷于判刑,使某人陷于境境地地condemn sb. to do sth. (判判)罚某人做某事罚某人做某事联想联想 accuse sb. of sth. =charge sb. with sth. 因某事指责控告某人因某事指责控告某人 运用运用 填入一个适当的介词。填入一个适当的介词。 The judge condemned him _ three years imprisonment _ his guilt. The man was condemned _ a liar _ n

25、ever telling the truth. fortoforas原句原句 And I came to England to make your acquaintance. 我也正是我也正是到英国来找你的。到英国来找你的。(B8 P30)例句例句 Im glad to make your acquaintance. 很高兴认识你。很高兴认识你。8. acquaintance n. 熟人熟人; 相识相识; 了了解解; 知道知道搭配搭配make ones acquaintance=make the acquaintance of sb. 与某人相识;结识某与某人相识;结识某人人have some

26、 acquaintance with有点熟有点熟悉悉;有点了解;有点了解提醒提醒 acquaintance作作“熟悉,认识熟悉,认识”讲时,讲时,为不可数名词;而作为不可数名词;而作“熟悉的人熟悉的人”讲时,为讲时,为可数名词。可数名词。运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 我是在北京大学学习时结识那几我是在北京大学学习时结识那几位教授的。位教授的。It was when studying in Peking University that I _ _ .acquaintance of several professorsmade the 如今我们不仅要懂些英语如今我

27、们不仅要懂些英语, 而而且要精通它。且要精通它。Now not only _ _ , but also _.we should know it wellshould we havesome acquaintance of English原句原句 Generally speaking, people are more polite to those who they think一般来说一般来说, 人人们对那些他们认为们对那些他们认为的人更加礼貌。的人更加礼貌。(B8 P30)例句例句 Generally speaking, girls work harder than boys.一般来说一般来说

28、, 女生比男生更勤女生比男生更勤奋。奋。9. generally speaking 一般来说一般来说; 一般而言一般而言frankly/strictly speaking 坦率坦率/严严格地说格地说judging from 根据根据判断判断联想联想运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 一般来说一般来说, 选专业比选大学更为选专业比选大学更为重要。重要。_, the choice of majors _.Generally speaking is more important than thechoice of universities 一般来说一般来说, 学习越勤奋学

29、习越勤奋, 进步也进步也就越快越大。就越快越大。Generally speaking, the harder you work, the rapider and greater progress youll make.原句原句 those who they think are of a higher social class. 那些他们认为社会那些他们认为社会地位较高的人。地位较高的人。(B8 P30)例句例句 His words are of considerable influence on me. 他的话对我影响很大。他的话对我影响很大。10. of + n. 的的; 样的样的说明说明

30、介词短语介词短语“of+名词名词”在句子中常作在句子中常作表语、定语或补语,用来说明人或事物的表语、定语或补语,用来说明人或事物的性质或特征。性质或特征。“be of+抽象名词抽象名词”相当于相当于该抽象名词的同根形容词。常见的有:该抽象名词的同根形容词。常见的有:be of valueno value=valuablevaluelessbe of helpno help=helpfulhelplessbe of useno use = usefuluseless运用运用 As the summer vacation is drawing near, its necessary to make

31、 a plan in advance.=With the summer vacation _ , its _ to make a plan _.of time approachingof necessityahead 重要的不是不犯错误重要的不是不犯错误, 而是知而是知错能改。错能改。It is _ _that _ _. not never making mistakesbut correcting themimportance/mattersis of原句原句 Correct all these sentences in terms of grammar, spelling, etc, so

32、 that she can use them properly. 改正这些句改正这些句子的语法子的语法, 拼写等拼写等, 以便她能正确使用。以便她能正确使用。(B8 P31)11. in terms of 就就来说来说; 从从的角的角度度例句例句 Think of the new product in terms of energy and resources it can help to save. 请从节省能量请从节省能量和资源的角度来评估这种新产品。和资源的角度来评估这种新产品。运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 就学习效果而言就学习效果而言, 合作学习比独合作学习比独自学习优胜。自学习优胜。_, studying in groups is superior to studying alone.In terms of learning effect 每个孩子应该根据自己的兴每个孩子应该根据自己的兴趣爱好来选择读书


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