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1、Unit 3精美词句( Useful words and sentences) Word and phrasesrelaxing visiting spending time babysitting bike riding go sightseeing fishing take walks how longSentences:(1)What are you doing for vacation?-Im visiting my grandmother.(2)When are you going?- Im going next week.(3)How long are you staying?-W

2、e are staying for two weeks.(4)Show me your photo when we get back to school.(5)He thought about going to Greece or Spain.(6)I asked her about her plans. 听力训练( Improving your listening skills.)Practicing listening and answer the questionMake some questions and answer them according the tape.For exam

3、ple:What is Hector doing? What is Susan doing?What is molly doing? When is Hector going?When is Susan going? When is Molly going? 翻译高手(Good at translating)1、 放假你打算做什么?2、 我准备和我的朋友一起那段时光。3、 那听起来真有趣。4、 感谢你今天和我交谈。5、 那里总是阳光明媚,气候温暖。 资料荟萃(Additional materials)Find someone who is NameGoing to the beach Wang

4、 LingVisiting friendsPlaying sportsGoing shoppingTalking a walk 模仿秀,脱口秀(Practicing your speaking)Jane: What are you doing for vacation, Jan?Girl: Im spending time with my friends.Jane: That sounds like fun!这个练习是为了锻炼学生的口语表达能力,通过简单的模仿使学生更能熟练地运用本单位的知识点和运用到生活中。 本地链接:(some back ground knowledge and the l

5、ocal customs and culture)New Years Day is coming. What are you doing?Where are you going? There are some interesting places in my city, like Dangjiacun, Zima Temple, Wen temple, Old Town and so on .you can go to visit the famous places for vacation, Ask students to write a plan for vacation. 佳篇赏析(go

6、od compositions from Ss)With July coming, the summer holidays begin, Boys and girls in England will have a two-month holiday.The holidays are the best time of the year for most children. They can spend most of their time in swimming, camping and traveling with their parents. The most enjoyable place

7、 is the seaside, some children are lucky enough to like near the sea, but for those who live far from the sea, their parents will take them to the seaside for the holidays.Why do children like spending their holidays at seaside?Its because they like the sand, the sun, the cool wind and the salt wate

8、r there, more than anything else, of cause, there are lots of new things to see, nice things to eat and exciting to do. 文思飞扬(To be a better language)During the National Day is coming, you are leaving for Hainan. Please make a plan for your vacation. You can use these words.During the National Day, v

9、acation, leave for, on 29th, by plane, stay, beach, fishing, shopping, sightseeing, helpforgetUnit 4 精美词句(useful words and sentences)Words and phrasesget to, how far, bicycle, subway, car, bus, train, bus, train, bus stop, train station, bus station, subway station, minutes, kilometers, miles, trans

10、portation,Sentences:(1) How do you get to school? -I ride my bike.(2) How long does it take? -It takes about forty minutes.(3) How far is it? -Its ten miles.(4) Thomas wants to know what she thinks lf the transportation. 听力园地(Improving you speaking)This activity provides guided listing and writing p

11、ractice using the target language as usual, we should make some questions and ask students to listen and answer them in order. 翻译高手(good at translating)(1) 我花一天的时间做作业。(2) 上海的天气怎么样?(3) 他是怎样上学的?(4) 你去哪里度假?(5) 动身前往,搭车,到达,带到学校去多远,居住的地方 资料荟萃(Additional materials)Read the students Book On Page82、83Find so

12、meone who lives 10 miles from school.Walk to school/take a bus to school /take more than an hour to get to school/and so on 模仿秀、脱口秀(Practicing your speaking) This activity provides guided oval practice using the target language. Point out the sample conversation in the box. Ask two students to read

13、it aloud, and then help us to get into small groups and talk about your vacation plans, 本地链接(Some back ground knowledge and the local customs and culture) This activity provides writing practice using the target language. List the students ideas on the board, let students use the words in the board

14、to write about how students at your school get to the class. Ask a few students to read their work to the class. 佳篇赏析(good compositions from students) The bicycle is really an import and means of transport- ation in china. Bicycles have become more and more popular in china. People ride bikes to the

15、ir workplaces, to shopping centers, to schools and so on .During the rush hour you can often see a bailing sea of bicycles running in all directions with the largest number of bike riders in the world, China is often referred to as the kingdom of bicycles. There are many advantages about the bicycle, For example, bicycles do not cause air or sound pollution, compared w


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