



1、用心爱心专心Period 3 Exte nsive Read ingThe Gen eral Idea of This Period:This period is about the reading of the passages:the differencesbetween a factand an opinion.lt can help the students make clear how to divide what a fact is and what an opinion is.Teaching Aims:1. Tra in the stude ntsreadi ng abilit

2、y.2. Lear n some useful words and drill.3. E nable the stude nts to know the differe nces betwee n a fact and an opi nio n.Teach ing Importa nt PointHelp the students to understand the passages and make sure how to divide a fact and an opinion.Teach ing Difficulties:1. How to improve the stude ntsre

3、adi ng ability.2. How to help the stude nts divide a fact and an opi nion in our real life.Teaching Methods:Asking and answering activity to check the studentsunderstanding of the text;in dividual,pair or group work to finish each task.Teach ing Aids:1. A tape recorder.2. A multi-media computer and

4、a blackboard.Teach ing Procedures:Step 1 Warmi ng up1. Greeti ngs.2. Check the an swers of the exercises about the attributive clauses.Step 2 Reading,Listening and WritingT:Today well learn a passage about facts and opinions,but before we cometo the text,please answer the following questions1. What

5、must a judge do in a trial?2. What is a fact?3. What is an opinion?Then check the an swers.T:Now please listen to the tape and make sure what the three people say aboutthe missing Amber Room pretending that you are judges.While you are listening you can take notesand fill in the forms.Decide which o

6、f the three people you think gaveStep 3 Readi ng on Workbookthat is about a com mon pers on who saves the cultural relicsRESCUE.Read the passage for the first time and an swerthe best evide nce.ln other wordsListe n to the tape for three timesand check the an swers.,find out who is giving the most f

7、acts.,then show some Ssnotes on the screenT:Aswerelicsares necessary for usto protect them.Afterall,they belong to the whole world.Today,well read a passageBIG FENG TO THE用心爱心专心Why does Big Feng want to save cultural relics?Suggested answer:Big Feng and his friends offer each other help whoever n ee

8、ds help.So Fengbelieves that his work to save cultural relics is a way to tha nk his frien ds.T:Now listen to tape,and answer the following questions1. What does“a big heart”mean?ln which ways does Feng Jicai show that he has a bigheart?2. Why does he think it is more importa nt to do this tha n to

9、write his no vels?3.It is very time-consuming(耗时的)and expensive for Feng Jicai to take careof cultural relics.Ca n you thi nk of some other ways to help him with his projects?First,the students discuss in pairs,then check the answers.Suggested answers:1. That he has a big heart means that he is very

10、 kind.You might say he is a gentlegiant.His real name is Feng Jicai,and he has written many novels about life inChina.Several years ago,he put down his pen and began to protect cultural relicsin Tianjin,where he lives.2. He knows the past is not only for us to enjoy but also for the childre n ofthe

11、future,so we should protect some old things such as the old streets andbuildings.And more people follow what hedoes,not what he says.So he thinks it isimporta nt to do this tha n to write his no vels.3. Yes,I think there are some other ways to help him with his projects.For example,he and hisfriends

12、 can make a video about the old streets and buildings and broadcast this program on TV so thatmore people can know the importa nee of protect ing the cultural relics and really take efficie nt acti onsto protect them.T:Now read the text again and answer how he saves the cultural relics of his hometo

13、w n.While the students read the text,the teacher should ask them to underline the key words that areuseful for them to an swer the questi on .Later,the teacher gives the an swers on the scree n.Suggested answer:In order to protect the cultural relics of his hometown, he goes out and doesa lot of thi

14、ngs as possible as he can.One of his biggest projects was to protectthe oldest street in Tianjin.Another projectwas more successful:he got thegover nment to buy some land in the cen ter of the city so it could not be sold to bus in esses.Not longago,he and other writers and artists took photos of th

15、e old parts of Tianji n.And the photos were putinto an expe nsive book that was very popular.A nd the money from the book helps his projects.T:Whocan list other famous cultural relics in China besides the ones mentioned in the read ing?Suggested answers:There are many cultural relics in China beside

16、s the ones men ti oned in thereading,such as:The Great Wall,The SummerPalace,Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties,theForbidden City,Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor,the West Lake and so on.Step 4 Discussi onT:After we lear n the passage about Big Feng,we know that every one can do用心爱心专心s

17、omething to protect our cultural relics,so now please discuss in groups what weshould do to protect our cultural relics.After five minutes,ask some Ss to tell their groupsideas and encourage the Ss to do it i n ourreal life.Step 5 Homework1. Do a research about one of the cultural relics in Ch ina.2. Prepare for the n ext class.Step 6 The Desig n of the Writi ng on


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