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1、新目标九年级话题复习 故事与诗歌学习目标:1.在情境中,使用分类法、联想法、排序法,掌握与话题相关的重点词汇和句型; 2.借助曲线图、思维导图,学会描述事件并根据指引创作短文;3.坚定意志,学会坚强,永不放弃。课前自学1、 单词。1.故事n. _ 2.诗歌n. _3.人物n. _ 4.名字n. _5.作家n. _ 6.冒险n. _7.困难n. _ 8.英雄n. _9.有意义的adj. _ 10.受欢迎的adj. _11.令人激动的adj. _ 12.有教育意义的adj. _13.勇敢的adj. _ 14.愚蠢的adj. _15.伟大的adj. _ 16.最喜欢的adj. _17.著名的adj.

2、 _ 18.使想起v. _19.学习v. _ 20.鼓励v. _二、短语。1. 从前_2. 永不放弃_3. 决定_4. 振作起来_5. 爱上_6. 继续_7. 向/从.学习_8. 被深深感动_9. 最后_10. 依某人看来_三、翻译句子。 1. 我最喜欢的中国民间故事是愚公移山。(favorite)_2. 我一看这个故事,就爱上了它。(fall in love with)_3. 愚公很勇敢,因为他一直尝试并没有放弃。(keep doing sth)_4. 当你在日常生活中遇到困难,这个故事能鼓励着你。(encourage)_5. 这个故事提醒我们,除非你努力去实现,否则你永远不知道什么是可能的

3、。(remind)_课中导学一、Word Bank ( 词汇 )1. Game1:Word Sky Wheel单词摩天轮(翻译成英文)2. 故事与诗歌的名词。(用Game1单词填空) 1). The of the story is Journey to the West. 2). Wu Chengen is the of the story. There are also many beautiful in the story.3). The Tang Monk, the Monkey King, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing are the main in the sto

4、ry. 4). The is about that the Tang Monk and his three protectors went to the Western Paradise(天堂)for the true scriptures(经书).5). They had an and overcame many . They never gave up. They were all . 3. 连线。 4. Game2: Word Puzzle (Tips:横6个,竖:4个) favoriteefpmeaningfulofbexcitingpasblrybigoumrmwxyrjrrlosi

5、llyakeiautevdevlatrsuyjgfebtenhardworkingeducational5.故事与诗歌的形容词 (根据所给首字母提示,用Game2单词填空)What do your think of the story?1). I think Journey to the West is f . It is p with people all over the world. The adventure is e . 2). In my opinion, Yu Gong is h . He is not s . The story is e . 3). It's m to

6、 read the story of Mulan. It's my f story. Mulan is b and g .6.故事与诗歌的动词 (听录音,完成句子)What can you learn from the story?1). This story us that you never know whats possible unless you to make it .2). As soon as I this story, I in love with it. From the story, I that Yu Gong was brave because he tryi

7、ng and never gave up.3). This story can me and me up when I difficulties in daily life.7.单词默写(在中文旁边写出英语单词)2、 Story Time.1. Put the sentences in the correct order.(排序)A. One day, one man said to Yu Gong that he could never do it. Because he was too old.B. Once upon a time, there was an old man named

8、Yu Gong. There were two mountains near his house. It took a long time to walk to the other side. Yu Gong decided to ask his family to move the mountains.C. In the end, a god was so deeply moved by Yu Gong that he sent two gods to take the mountains away.D. Then, Yu Gong said his family would continu

9、e to move the mountains year by year. 正确顺序: 2. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. , there was an old man named Yu Gong. _ two mountains near his house. It to walk to the other side. Yu Gong ask his family to . , one man said to Yu Gong that he could never do it. Because he was too old .The

10、n, Yu Gong said his family would move the mountains year by year. , a god was so by Yu Gong that he sent two gods to the mountains .3. Look at the pictures and timeline to retell the story. 课后检测1、 语法选择 History stories can open up our eyes. 1. you ever heard of the story of Mulan? It is a moving stor

11、y. In ancient China, Mulan lived with her parents and her little brother. When Mulan was young, her father taught her to read and write. Mulan was also good at 2. a horse, using a sword, and using a bow and arrow. One day, a general came and said that every family 3. send one man to join the army be

12、cause the war between Xiongnu and China was coming. Mulan was very worried. Because his father was too old and her little brother was too young. 4. , she didnt have an elder brother. Mulan decided to take her fathers place to join the army. She cut up her long hair and dressed up as a man. She rode

13、a horse to the military camp 5. saying a word. Mulan overcame many difficulties and worked very hard as a good man. During the twelve years, she won many wars and made great 6. in the wars. Everyone in the army was so proud of her. When the war was over, the emperor wanted to praise her. But Mulan n

14、either wanted to be an officer nor asked for a lot of treasure. She only wished to come back to her family. When she got home, she dressed in the clothes of a woman again. Her partners 7. escorted(护送) her back home were so surprised that they couldnt believe their eyes. Mulan was 8. real heroine(巾帼英

15、雄).The story of Mulan 9. into a cartoon movie by Disney company in 1998. And Disney made a new live-action called Mulan again. It was acted by Liu Yifei. It is one of 10. movies in 2020. The story of Mulan is popular all over the world now.( )1. A. HaveB. Has C. DoD. Did( )2. A. rideB. to ride C. ri

16、dingD. rode( )3. A. canB. mustC. mayD. will( )4. A. BesidesB. LuckilyC. ImmediatelyD. Therefore( )5. A. ofB. inC. withD.without( )6. A. instruction B.instrument C. contributionD.introduction( )7. A. whomB. whoC. whatD.whose( )8. A. aB. anC. theD. /( )9. A. makeB. madeC. was madeD. is making( )10. A.

17、 hotB. hotter D. hottestD. the hottest2、 短文填空 There was a young man who was always unhappy. He became annoyed easily because 1. little things all the day. In order to feel comfortable, he asked an old man 2. was wise for help. “ No matter 3. I do, I cant be happy. Please help me! What should I do? ”

18、 the young asked. The wise man said to the unhappy young man 4. : “Go and buy a small bag of salt in the market.” 5. the young man came back, the wise man put some salt into a glass of water and mix them up. He asked the young man to 6. the water. Then the wise man asked: “ How does it taste?” The y

19、oung man pulled a long face and said: “It is bitter and salty.”Then,the wise man took the young man to the lakeside. The wise man put the salt into the lake and asked the young man to taste the lake 7. . The wise man asked: “Is it salty?” The young man said : “No, it is pure and sweet.”The wise man

20、smiled and said: “ The pain in our life is just like the taste of 8. . How much we can suffer 9. on what size of vessel(容器) you put it into. If you put it into a small vessel, you will suffer more pain. The larger vessel you put it into, the 10. pain you will get.”1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._

21、10._3. 书面表达 假如你是李娜,受疫情影响,你的美国笔友Tina也停学在家上网课,但她不适应这种学习模式想放弃。请你以“My Favorite Chinese Folk Story”为主题,用英文写一封信,介绍你最喜欢的中国民间故事, 并鼓励她不要放弃学习。内容包括: 1. 介绍一个你最喜欢的中国民间故事并表达对这个故事的看法。 2. 简单介绍这个故事(包括故事的人物、情节发展和结局)并谈谈你从这个故事中学到的知识或道理。 3. 建议她读这个故事并鼓励她永不放弃。作文要求:1. 不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。Lever AMy Favor

22、ite Chinese Folk Story Im sorry to hear that you want to give up your study. _ _ _ Level B:My favorite Chinese Folk story Im sorry to hear that you want to give up your study. My favorite Chinese folk story is _ _ Once upon a time, there was/were _In the end,_ _From the story, I learn that _ I hope

23、you can _ _参考答案:课前自学一、单词1. story 2. poem 3. character4. name5. writer 6. adventure7. difficulty 8. hero9. meaningful 10. popular 11. exciting 12. educational 13. brave 14. silly/stupid 15. great 16. favorite17. famous 18. remind 19. learn 20. encourage二、短语1. once upon a time2. never give up3. Decide

24、 to4. cheer up5. fall in love with6. continue to7. learn from8. be deeply moved by9. in the end10. in ones opinion三、句子1. My favorite Chinese folk story is Yu Gong Moves a Mountain.2. As soon as I read this story,I fell in love with it.3. Yu Gong was brave because he kept trying and didnt give up. 4.

25、 The story can encourage you when you meet difficulties in daily life.5. This story reminds us that you can never know whats possible unless you try to make it happen.课中导学1、 Word Bank1. Game1:Word Sky Wheel单词摩天轮(翻译成英文)character, writer, name, adventure, poem, difficulty, hero, story 2.故事与诗歌的名词。(用以上G

26、ame1单词填空) 1). name, 2). writer, poems, 3). characters, 4). story, 5). adventure, difficulties, heroes3. 连线。略4. Game2: Word Puzzle (Tips:横6个,竖:4个) 横:favorite, meaningful, exciting, silly, hard-working, educational 竖:famous, brave, great, popular5.故事与诗歌的形容词 (根据所给首字母提示,用Game2单词填空)What do your think of

27、the story?1). famous, popular, exciting 2). hard-working, silly, educational, 3). meaningful, favorite, brave, great6.故事与诗歌的动词 (听录音,完成句子)What can you learn from the story?1). reminds, try, happen2). read, fell, learned, kept,3). encourage, cheer, meet 7.单词默写 名词:character,writer,name, adventure, diff

28、iculty, hero 形容词:famous, popular, exciting, hard-working, brave, silly, great,meaningful, favorite, educational 动词:remind,encourage, read, learn二、Story Time.1. Put the sentences into the correct order. BADC2. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.1) . Once upon a time, There were, took a long

29、time, decided to, move the mountains2) . One day3) . continue to4) . In the end, deeply moved, take, away3. Look at the pictures and timeline to retell the story. Once upon a time, there was an old man named Yu Gong. There were two mountains near his house. It took a long time to walk to the other side. Yu Gong decided to ask his family to move the mountains. One day, one man said Yu Gong was too old to do that. But Yu Gong said his family would continue to move the mountains ye


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