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1、2011年高三备考英语“好题速递”系列选择题一、单项填空 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)1 The librarian promised to get the book for me _ she could remember who last borrowedit.A in caseB if onlyC even ifD ever since2 No matter how frequently _ , the works of Shakespear always attract a large audience.A being performedB to be perfor

2、medCperformingD performed3 I bought a new type of cellphone, which was the _ of all my classmates.A wishB respectC envyD admire4 How many people are still leading _ life under _ poverty line in the world? Perhaps one fourth.A a; theB a; aC /; /D the; /5 Mrs. White bought a _ wallet for her husband.A

3、 black leather smallB small leather blackCblack small leatherD small black leather6 _of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend _ her.A Warning; followingB Having warned; followingCHaving been warned; followingD Warned; followed7 So how is your new roommate? She really _ . S

4、he s always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her,she always makes rude remarks.A turns me offB turns me downCturns me outD turns me over8 Can I help you? I d like to buy a present for my mother s birthday, _ at a proper price but of greatuse.A thatB the oneC whichDone9 Have you got _

5、 books for the train journey? It will take you 20 hours to _ inHarbin.A large quantities of; getB a great deal of; stayCa good many of; liveD a good supply of; arrive10 After the new technique was introduced the factory produced _ cars in 1994 as the yearbefore.A as twice manyB as many twiceCtwice a

6、s manyD twice as11 In his speech, he drew attention to the poor desert nation, _ about 3.6 million people arehungry.A whichB thereC whereDfor which12 On their arrival, they found the people suffering the quake were _ food and watersupplies.A in praise ofB in honor ofC in face ofDin want of13 How abo

7、ut paying a visit to Mr. Richardson, our former history teacher? Good ideA I will e mail him today, so he _ know _ to expect us.A may; whenB would; whyC will; howD shall; why14His friends offered to _ the next time he was in town so that he wouldn t have to pay fora hotel.A place inB put him upC bac

8、k him upD turn him out15 Unluckily, when I dropped in, Dr. Smith _ , so we only had time for a few words.A . was just leavingB. has just leftC. had just leftD. just left二、完形填空It s no use. Mum,” said Joh nny. I m just no good at dancing. ”“You ve got to keep trying. Tonight will be 1= , dear. Try a t

9、urn with that pretty Lisette. ”Joh nny _3_. Every Saturday ni ght used to be the best of the week. He and his pare nts went to the _3_ at the Club,where his hero, Alcide, played the accordion( 手风琴)with the band. But lately everyth ing had cha nged. Now that Joh nnywas older, he was4_ to dance with a

10、 girl!_5_ Johnny and his parents arrived at the Club, music had already started . Johnny got up his _6_ to approachLisette. May I have this dance ?” Johnny asked That s all right, ” said Lisette. Johnny struggled to keep up withLisette s _7_ steps, but he was always one beat behind her. Then Johnny

11、heard his friend Pierre say, Look! Johnny hastwo left feet ! ” 8_ burst from the crowd . Johnny _9_ and ran outside, determined never to go to another dance.The next Saturday, Alcide 10_ to Johnnys house for some potatoes. He happened to hear Joh nny play ing theaccord ion. Alcide s eyes 11_. Bring

12、that accord ion and play some songstonight,, Alcide said . Then he drove off, leaving Johnny staring open mouthed 12 him.At the Club, Joh nny sca nned the crowd for Lisette and 13_ her. The band played for a long time before Alcide said, Dear frien ds, I got a _14_ for you toni ght. Young Joh nny is

13、 going to join us ! ”_15 一, Johnny stepped up on theplatform, his eyes on the floor. He began to play,and the band _16_ behind him. When the song ended, he heard cheers. Johnny kept playing until the dance was _17. You did a fine job tonight. Play with us again next Saturday night , ”Alcide said . Y

14、es, sir! ” said Johnny. 18 he went outside, Johnny saw Lisette and her friendsnear the door. Lisette stepped _19_, smiling. You played really good tonight !” she said.Thank you,” Johnny blushed(脸红).As he walked on, Pierre _20_ moved out of the way for him to pass.Joh nny patted his accord ion. Come

15、to think of it, in his whole life, he had n ever once see n Alcide out on the dancefloor.1. A . difficultB . troublesomeC . differe ntD . terrible2. A . answeredB . sighedC . smiledD . laughed3. A. platformB . appo in tme ntC . meet ingD . dance4. A . expectedB . in vitedC . allowedD . chosen5. A. I

16、fB . Si neeC. ThoughD . When6. A . spiritsB . feeli ngsC . courageD . stre ngth7. A . smoothB . clumsyC . slowD . small& A. ShoutsB . LaughterC . ApplauseD . Cheers9 . A . broke awayB . went outC . broke upD . turned out10 . A . ranB . walkedC. droveD . cycled11 . A . openedB . rolledC. sharpene

17、dD . wide ned12 . A . offB . withC . afterD . for13 . A . caughtB . searchedC. soughtD . spotted14 . A . surpriseB . puzzleC . storyD . joke15 . A . Struggli ngB . Trembli ngC . Wan deri ngD . Whispering16 . A . got roundB . joined inC . turned aroundD . showed off17 . A . inB . outC . overD . on18

18、. A . AsB . BecauseC . Un tilD . So19 . A . backwardB . forwardC . on wardD . dow nward20 . A . stillB. evenC . everD . almost三、阅读理解ACharles Blackma n : Alice in Won derla ndAn Exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV), Australia10 June -12 August 2007Ven ue(地点)The Ian Potter CenterAdmiss

19、ion Free entryCharles Blackman is famous for his beautiful painting of dreams. In 1956 , he heard for the first time Lewis Carroll s extraordinary tale of Alice in WondehtasiiOry of a Victorian irlwho falls down a rabbit hole. meets a lot of funny characters and experience all kinds of things .At th

20、at time . Blackman wsife was suffering form progressive blindness. The story of Alice moving through the strangesituations. often disheartened by various events , was similar to his wife s experiences. It also reflector so much of his ownlife. All this contributed to the completion of the Alice in W

21、onderland paintings.Illustrator WorkshopGo straight to the experts for an introductory course in book illustration. The course includesan introduction to the process of illustration and its techniques, workshop exercise and group projects.Date Sunday 17 June &Sunday 5Aug. 10am 1pmVenue Gas Works

22、 Arts ParkWonderful WorldCelebrate the exhibition and ChildrenWeekswBiothokspecial activities just for the day.including a special visit from Alice and the White RabbitDate Sunday 24 June , 11am 4pmVenue Exhibition Space . Level 3Topsy- TurvyVisit the exhibition or discover wonderful curiosities in

23、artworks in the NGV Collection andmake a magic world in a box. Alice and the White Rabbit will be with you. Walt Disney sAWonderland will be screened Dates Sunday 8, 15, 22, 29 July , and Tuesday 24-Friday 27 July , 12noon 3pmVenue Theatre, NGV AustraliaDrawing WorkshopDistortions of scale ( 比例失真 )

24、can make artworks strange but interesting . Find out howCharles Blackman distorted scale in his paintings to create a curious world . then experiment with scale in your own drawings.More information upon booking.Date Friday 27 July, 10:30am-3pmVenue Foryer , Level 31Charles Blackman s paintings come

25、 fromAhis admiration for Lewis CarriollBhis dream of becoming a famous artistChis wish to express his own feelingsDhis eagerness to cure his wife s illness2 Which two activities can you participate in on the same day?AIllustrator Workshop and Wonderful WorldBIllustrator Workshop and Drawing Workshop

26、.C. Wonderful World and Topsy -Turvy.D Topsy-Turvy and Drawing Workshop.3.To understand the Alice in Wonderland paintings, you should go toA . Exhibition Space . Level 3B. Gas Works Arts ParkC.Theatre , NGV Australia4.Activities concerningchildrenA.on June 24, 2007C.on July 24, 2007s books are to be

27、 heldB.on July15, 2007D.on August 5, 2007Below is a web page from Google.OlympicModern Olympic GamesThe complete results archive of summer and winter Olympic games, with winners lists, statistics,national anthems and flags of all countries since 1896.www. olympiC.it/english/home-16kEnvironmentBeijin

28、g steel plants to run at the lowest level of cost during 2008 Olympics 2007-03-11 Beiji ng ableto treat 90 pct of waste water 2007-02-05 Air quality in Beiji nghas improved over the past six years2007-02- 01-Green Olympics dream coming trueen. B planned route ofOlympic torch relayBeijing announced t

29、he 2008 Olympic Games torch relay route and set off the Olympic Games torchon Thursday.Green Olympics is one of the three concepts of the Beijing Games, ofBeiji ng Olympics?Gree n OlympicsEnvironmental Symbol of Beijing Olympics?Green Olympics officially announced on Saturday,24 September 2005. The

30、symbol, created using a calligraphic art form, is composed of huma n andtree-like shapes, n_head/blog/show.dml/92155-18kGree n Olympics Forum In Beijing 2004On behalf of BOCOG, Wang Wei, executive vice preside nt of BOCOG, gave a prese ntati on aboutGree n Olympicsntroduced the environment protect i

31、on work of BMG and BOCOG , and an sweredseveral questi ons such as protect ion of cultural Quizzes and OlympicGames TriviaWho was the founder of the Modern Olympics? In which cities were the modern Olympic Games dueto be held/ scheduled during the ?war years i., 1916, 1940, and 1944?In which three y

32、ears of theModer n Olympic Games wereMore questi olympic_games.html-12kOFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THEOLYMPIC MOVEMENTaimed at young researchers engaged in scholarly research on the Olympic Movement, its historyand values, and the impact of theFull story SPORT AdCQR3P2005/A ncient Olympic Her

33、itage and Moder n Olympic Games in Athe ns 2004As put forward in the various official texts, the Olympic symbols of ancient Olympia, the Olympicflame and the Marath on race are bridges betwee n the an cie nt and the moder n Olympic Games,/re nda news/k no wledge detail.asp?id=911-106k1.

34、 When was the environmental symbol of Beijing Olympics made public?D.Foyer, Level 3A.On January 23, 2005.B.On September 24, 2005.C On February 5, 2007.DOn March 11, 2007.2 Which of the following websites is designed for young researchers interested in the Olympics?A EnvironmentB Green Olympics Forum

35、 In Beijing 2004C Olympic Games Quizzes and Olympic Games TriviaD OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE OL YMPIC MOVEMENT3 Which website provides a complete list of the winners in the Olympic Games?A Olympic Modern Olympic GamesB Green Olympics Forum In Beijing 2004C Environmental Symbol of Beijing Olympics ?Gree

36、n Olympics DAncient Olympic Heritage and Modern Olympic Games in Athens 2004 4What do we learnfrom the above web page?A Beijing has made efforts to improve its air quality.B The Olympic torch relay route has not been planned.C The Olympic flags will be on display in Athens.D A quiz on the Olympics w

37、ill be held in Beijing.非选择题一、 短文改错此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。 对标有题号的每一行作出判断: 如无错误, 在该行右 边横线上画一个勾(V);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜 线划掉。此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(人),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不要改。I went to the Summer Palace on last week. At the gate I happe

38、ned to meet some Americatourists. I greeted him in English and then we began to chat. I got to know that they were collegestudents travel in China They were busy with taking pictures and were much impressed with thechanges had taken place in the past few years. After which, we went boating on a lake

39、 and had a goodtime. We exchanged our email address so that we could write to each other on the future. Theythanked me again and again. I was very glad to have a chance to practising my oral English二、 书面表达:假如你是李芳,是学校广播室的播音员,请就以下新闻内容编辑一篇发言稿在下午的广播时间里播出:2010 年 1 月 13 日,星期二,加勒比岛国海地首都太子港发生里氏 7 级地震。地震估计将导

40、 致 4.5 至5 万人遇难, 另有 300 万人受伤或无家可归。 首都太子港将近 50% 的房屋被损毁, 目前海地首都太子巷到处是一片废墟。 地震后,国际社会纷纷伸出援助之手包括捐衣服, 食品和药物。 中国国际救援队也于 1 月 14 日抵达海地, 并立即展开搜救工作; 医务工作者 们也已经在海地建立了流动医院,救治当地的受伤民众。【写作要求】只能使用 5 个句子表达全部的内容。【评分标准】句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。参考词汇:Haiti 海地 PortauPrince 太子港 at a scale of 7 on the Richter calculations 里氏 7 级

41、参考答案单项选择1.Boif only 只要” ;in case万一,假如;以免”;even if 即使,甚至”;ever since 自从”。B 项符合语意。2D 。作品与演奏是被动关系,故用过去分词作状语。3.C。envy 意为羡慕之物”;wish 希望”;respect尊敬”;admire 欲望”。4A 。 lead a life 习惯搭配; under the poverty line “在贫困线下” 。5.D。 “大小颜色原料中心词” ,符合形容词排列顺序。6.C。第一空可填 warned 或 having been warned,表被动完成作原因状语; 第二空因为 friend和

42、follow 是逻辑上的主动关系,填 following ,符合“ with 名词 doing ”独立主格结 构,表伴随状语。7.A。turn sB . off “使某人厌烦;使某人不感兴趣”。& D。one 相当于 a present,表示泛指,充当 present 的同位语。9.D 。从题意可知,考查“到达”的表达法, get to a place; arrive in a place ;同时考查“大量的;许多”的表达方式; a good supply of “大量”。10.C。 考查倍数表达法。 句意为“自从引进新技术,工厂在1994 年的汽车的产量是 1993 年的两倍”。 此

43、处用的是“倍数+ as+ adj.+ n.+ as”的形式。11.C。考查非限制性定语从句。在从句中作状语,所以只有C 项符合要求。12.D。考查介词短语。本句意思是“受地震灾害的人们缺乏食品和饮水的供应”。in want of“缺乏” ;in praise of “表扬” ;in honor of “纪念” ;in face of “面临”。13.A。 so 相当 so that,“以便”,目的状语从句中的谓语动词常用情态动词+动词原形,may 表示“可能” ,从对话语境可知, when to expect us 意思为“什么时候等候我们” 。14.B。put sB . up “为”提供食宿

44、”。15 A 。 when 从句表示过去某一时间点, was just leaving 表示“正打算离开” ,进行时表示 将来时。完形填空1.C。根据前面 Johnny 的话及下文可知,母亲强调:今晚与往常不同。故答案选C。2.B。根据上下文可知,Johnny 不善于跳舞,面对母亲的强迫只能是唉声叹气。3.D。整篇文章都是谈论 Johnny 参加舞会的事情,此处指 Johnny 和父亲来到了舞会现场。4.A。根据上下文可知,这里应选A,表示母亲希望他去和女孩跳舞。5.D。根据后面的“ musichad already started”可知,前面表示时间,故答案选D。6.C。选项 A 指“精神”

45、;选项 B 指“感情”;选项 C 指“勇气”;选项 D 指“力量”。根据语境, Johnny 做自己不擅长的事情需要的是勇气,故答案选C。7.A。考查语境理解。描述跳舞的舞步好时,应选A,指舞步的娴熟。& B。考查语境理解。从上文的Pierre 的取笑可知,人们在嘲笑他,故答案选B。9.A。选项 A 意为“逃脱,挣脱”;选项 B 意为“出去”;选项 C 意为“打碎”;选项 D 意 为“结果是,证明是” 。根据语境可知答案选 A。10.C。根据后面的“ Then he drove off ”可知,Alcide 是驾车来的,故答案选 C。11.D。 从后面 Alcide 所说的话可推知,

46、Johnny 的手风琴表演使 Alcide 感到吃惊, 从而眼 睛睁得大大的,故答案选 D。12. C。考查语境理解。根据上下文内容可知,答案选 Co13. D。选项 A 意为“抓住”;选项 B 意为“搜查”;选项 C 意为“寻求”;选项 D 意为“发 现”。根据前面的scan.for.可知,答案选 D。14.A。选项 A 指“令人意外的人或东西”;选项 B 指“难题”;选项 C 指“故事”;选项 D 指“玩笑”。根据语境可知,人们对 Johnny 擅长演奏手风琴并不了解,想象不到,故选A。15.B。根据下文的描述可推知,Johnny 步入舞池时全身颤抖。16.B。 表演时, 演出者应在舞台中

47、央,而乐队围绕在他身后,故答案选B。17. C。 Johny 一直演奏到舞会结束,故答案选 C。18.A。 根据 we nt 与 saw 两个动作的先后关系可推知,答案选A, 表示当 Joh nny 出去时,他看见了 Lisette 及她的朋友。19.B。 根据后面 Lisette 说话和微笑可推知,Lisette 应该是向他走近,故答案选B。20.B。选项 A 意为“仍然”,表示和原来一样;选项 B 意为“甚至”,表示事情发展的程 度;选项 C 意为“过去曾经” ;选项 D 意为“几乎,差不多” ,暗含虽然差一点但是还没有。根据语境可推知,答案选 B。阅读理解A1. C解析:这是一道推理题。

48、根据第一段 一 The story of Alice .,was similar to his wifes experienee.Italso reflected so much of his own life. All this eontributed to the eompletion of the Alice in Wonderland paintings.可以推断出作者认为Alice 的遭遇和他妻子的经历相似,(这个小说)也很大程度反映了作者的生活,所以作者画了这些画。所以画画的目的是表达作者的感受。2. D解析:这是一道细节判断题。根据对于Topsy-Turvy 和 Drawing

49、Workshop 的介绍,这两个活动都在 27 July 开放,具体时间在 12 noon-3 pm 有重叠,所以可以在同一天参加。3. D解析:这是一道推断题。根据对于Drawing Workshop 的介绍,一 Find out how Charles Blackmandistorted scale in his paintings to create a curious world.可以推断出这个展览是对于CharlesBlackman 绘画技巧的一个展示,所以想要理解作者这幅画,应该去参观这个展览,地点在Foyer,Level 3.。4. A解析:这是一道推断题。根据对于Wonderful world 的描述,一 Celebratethe exhibition andChildren s Book Week with special just for the day.可知这个展览是关于儿童书籍的展览,时 间是 24 June,2007。B1. B解析:这是一道细节题。根据短文中的一 Environmental Symbol of Beijing Olympics ?GreenOlympics ,officially announeed on Saturday,24 September 2005 可判断出北京奥林匹克运动会的绿色


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