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1、栏目栏目导引导引第一部分必修第一部分必修1Unit 3高考英语总复习-第一部分-基础考点聚焦-Unit3-Travel-journal课件-新人教版必修19behaviour (n.) 行为行为10insurance (n.) 保险保险11break (v.) 违反违反12pedestrian (n.) 行人行人13spit (v.) 吐痰吐痰14traffic rules 交通规则交通规则15keep.in mind 牢记牢记16traffic lights 交通信号灯交通信号灯17a place of interest 名胜古迹名胜古迹18from home and abroad 来自国内

2、外来自国内外第一部分必修第一部分必修1Unit 3【试题展示】【试题展示】(2016哈尔滨六中二模哈尔滨六中二模)假如你叫李华,假如你叫李华, 最近在浏览新西兰最近在浏览新西兰的中学网站时,的中学网站时, 看到一位名叫看到一位名叫Tom的学生的留言,的学生的留言, 他计划他计划在暑假期间到中国的哈尔滨旅游,在暑假期间到中国的哈尔滨旅游, 希望能有一名中国学生希望能有一名中国学生做他的导游。你对此很感兴趣。请你根据以下要点提示给做他的导游。你对此很感兴趣。请你根据以下要点提示给他写一封他写一封email, 介绍相关情况。主要内容:介绍相关情况。主要内容:1.希望做他的导游;希望做他的导游;2.打

3、算如何给他做导游;打算如何给他做导游;3.期盼他的回复期盼他的回复第一部分必修第一部分必修1Unit 3【佳句背诵】【佳句背诵】1.What we should do is that we should not throw rubbish everywhere.我们应该做的事情是不要到处扔垃圾。我们应该做的事情是不要到处扔垃圾。2.With the help of modern science and technology, traveling becomes easier.在现代科技的帮助下,在现代科技的帮助下, 旅行变得旅行变得更容易了。更容易了。3.The sooner preventi

4、ve measures are taken, the better it would be.越早采取预防措施越好。越早采取预防措施越好。第一部分必修第一部分必修1Unit 3【佳作欣赏】【佳作欣赏】Dear Tom, Recently, while browsing a senior high school website of New Zealand, I saw the message you posted on it. I get to know your wishes that you intend to travel in Harbin during the summer vacat

5、ion with a Chinese student as your guide.第一部分必修第一部分必修1Unit 3 Learning this news, I am really willing to travel with you and introduce Harbin to you. I know as a brilliant guide I am supposed to make your journey interesting and meaningful. For one thing, I will keep you company to visit numerous gre

6、at places of interest and enjoy the wonderful sightseeing. For another, I am going to tell you something of Harbins history.I am looking forward to the reply from you. I wish you could give me this honor.Yours sincerely, Li Hua第一部分必修第一部分必修1Unit 31_(vi.)骑自行车骑自行车2_(vt.) 说服;说服; 劝说劝说3_(n.) 态度;态度; 看法看法4_

7、(n.) 旅行;旅行; 旅程旅程5_(n.) 风景;风景; 视野;视野; 观点;观点; 见解见解(vt.) 观看;观看; 注视;注视; 考虑考虑6_(n.)& (vt.) 预测;预测; 预报预报7_(n.)& (vt.) 运送;运送; 运输运输cyclepersuadeattitudejourneyviewforecasttransport8_(n.) 时间表;时间表; 进度表进度表(vt.) 为某事安排时间为某事安排时间9_(adj.) 顽固的;顽固的; 固执的固执的10_(n.) 保险保险11_(n.)不利条件;不利条件; 不便之处不便之处_(n.)有利条件;有利条件; 优

8、势优势12_(vt.)组织;组织; 成立成立_(n.)组组织者织者_(n.)组织组织_(adj.)有组织有组织的的13_(vi.)毕业毕业 (n.)大学毕业生大学毕业生_(n.)毕业;毕业; 毕业典礼毕业典礼schedulestubborninsurancedisadvantageadvantageorganizeorganizerorganizationorganizedgraduategraduation14_(vt.)更喜欢;更喜欢; 选择某事物选择某事物(而不选择其他而不选择其他事物事物)_(n.)偏爱;偏爱; 爱好爱好15_(vt.)决定;决定; 确定;确定; 下定决心下定决心_(a

9、dj.)坚决的;坚决的; 有决心的有决心的_(n.)决心决心16_(v.) 依赖;依赖; 信赖信赖_(adj.)可依赖的;可依赖的; 可靠的可靠的_(adv.)可靠地可靠地preferpreferencedeterminedetermineddeterminationrelyreliablereliablyreliablerely2He _to surf the Internet rather than do anything else because playing computer is his _. (prefer)3My son is a _in physics, and he _fr

10、om Peking University in 2012. I still remember the day when I went to his _. (graduate)4Li Hua is a young man with great _. He _ to go to Tibet after graduation. _never to come back before he could make a big fortune, he left home without saying a word. (determine)preferspreferencegraduategraduatedg

11、raduationdeterminationdeterminedDetermined1_ 自从;自从; 自自以后以后2_ 喜爱;喜爱; 喜欢喜欢3_ 关心;关心; 忧虑;忧虑; 惦念惦念4_ 毕业于毕业于5_ 下决心;下决心; 决定决定6_ 投降;投降; 屈服;屈服; 让步让步7_ 照常照常ever sincebe fond ofcare aboutgraduate from.make up ones mindgive inas usual8_ 梦想梦想9_ 在某处或某一时刻在某处或某一时刻 10_ 张贴;张贴; 搭建搭建11_ 一方面一方面, 另一方另一方面面12_ 迫不及待地做迫不及待地做

12、某事某事dream ofat one pointput upfor one thing.for another.cant/can hardly wait to do sth.graduated frommade up my mindEver sincedreamed ofgave inbeen writing his essay there ever sinceIt was years of hard work that(should) haveThe book is difficult to understandNo matter how busy you areto buyinterest

13、edgraduatingwho/thatAlthoughproperlyuptoshowingsurprisedis coming2Look, the plane full of food and clothes _(take) off soon to help the victims in the earthquake.3Do you have any plan for this Sunday?Yes, I_(go) shopping with my friends.4A recent survey shows the number of people who shop in stores_

14、(decrease), while far more are shopping online.5My headache _(kill) me. It seems that the medicine I have taken doesnt work at all.is takingam goingis decreasingis killingprefer to be praised rather than be scoldedwould be praised rather than be scoldedwould rather be praised than be scoldedprefer b

15、eing praised to being scoldedto persuadedeterminedto studydetermineddeterminationwhich determines our futuren.风景风景n.观点,观点, 看法看法n.视野视野vt.观看观看love each other and care about each otherread my mindkeep in mindfix his mind onmade up my mind to study harder rather than waste precious time ongive ingaveawaygiving offgave outhad stolen(should)


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