



1、()1、A.snallerB. shorterc.olderD. singer()2、A.feetB. arac.thanD. head()3、A.netreB. bothc.tonD. kilogram¥()4、A.couldB. wasc.didD. played二、逸出不同类的单词将答案序号写在题前括号内.(每题2分,共10分)城东小学人教版六年级下册第一次月考英语试题(二)、写出下列动词的过去式.I、visit 2、see3、read 4、stay ()5> A. tomorrow B. last weekend C. yesterday D. last Monday三

2、,选词填空(每翘2分,共10分)1. what ( do / did )you do last weekend?2. Ben jumps _ _( higher / high) than his brother.3. We( drink / drank ) some juice and watched TV in the afternoon.4. I am 1.65 ( metre / netres )tall.5. How (are / was ) your weekend?四、给图片选择答案.把短语序号写在相应图片下的括号里(每题2分,共10分A. cashed my clothes B.

3、 played football C. cleaned my roomD. He slept v*dl E. Tom is much Mronger五、单项选择.把正确答案的序号埴耳在题前的括号里,(每题2分,共20分)()1. I'm two years than you.A- young B. shorter C. younger()2. how big your feet?A. isB. areC. am)3. howareyou ?1* m 46kilograns.A. tallB. heavyC. old)4. The sun is getting lower and人 lo

4、werB. lowingC. low)5. The TVwork last night.A. doesn' t B. didn' t C. don' t)6. Chen Jiea cold all the weekend.A. had B . have C. has)7. she oftenclothes on Sundays. But last Sunday she clothes.A. washed rdon* t wash B. wash , didn' t washedC. washes, didn' t wash)8 Let' sthe

5、 new film aagazine.A. to buy B. buy C. bought)9. I wantto the shop !A. to go B. go C. went)10. that she last weekend?A. does, do B. do, does C. did, do六、连词成句,注意大小写、词间距(每小题2分,共10分)1. / you / Iho / is / than / older /2.What /are/ your /size / shoes /3.you /did/ weekend / ihat / last / do /*4.drank /in

6、/ ie / the / tea / afternoon /5.your /wafs / How / weekend /七、根据何句找答语.(每题2分,共10分)()1、ihat did you do on the weekend?A、Yes, it was.()2、hat does your mother do?B、Yes. I did.()3,Did you go hiking last weekend ?C、I' m writing an E-nail.()4、Vas it interesting?D She' s a writer.()5、ihat are you do

7、ing ?E、 I did my homework.八、根据短文内容,选择正确的答案.(每鹿2分,共10分)Wu Yifan had a busy weekend. On Saturday Borning, he 1 his schoolbag. Then he 2 to the park. In the afternoon. He 3 ny homework. Then He went fishing. On Sunday nomingv he 4 his rooa, andthen he visited his grandparents. In the afternoon he 5 foo

8、tball and watched TV.()1、A.washesB. watchedC. washed()2、A.wentB. goC. going()3、A.doesB. didC. do()4、A.cleanedB. closesC. clean()5、A.playingB. playC. played九、根短据文内容,判读对误对:错:“X”(每题2分,共10分)Hi, my naae is Sarah. I am in grade 6. I have many friends in ny class. John is a smart boy and he is thinner than

9、 roe. Lily is heavier than roe. She is very cute. Zhang Peng is stronger than me and he is very friendly. Mike and lu Yifan often play football together. They like sports. Mike* s feet are bigger than lu Yifan' s, but my feet are smaller than lu Yifan' s. I love ny friends. What about your friends?()1、 Wu yifan' s feet are smaller than Mik。' s.()2、 Sarah


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