PEP版小学英语人教版五年级上册 Recycle 1教学设计、说课稿_第1页
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1、 “共同体”课例展示活动教学设计 -小学英语人教版五年级上册 Recycle 1 课时项目五上Recycle1第一课时教学目标1. 能够完成P32-33页的活动,复习巩固Unit 1-3的核心语言,并运用于实际;2. 能够理解视频短文大意并完成任务型听力和阅读;3.部分学习能力较强的学生能仿照示例,自主输出小短文。重难点分析重点:1. 在情景对话中复习所学句型和词汇,培养学生的复习意识。 2.在听力和阅读任务中复习句型和词汇。难点:能在语境中灵活运用所学的语言知识,总结输出小短文。教学策略1.利用PPT图片和视频资源教学。2.在语境和语篇中教学。媒体准备PPT教学内容主题语

2、境A trip to visit Yuncheng School语篇类型对话语言知识语音无词汇复习句型1. -Whats she/he like? 2.-What do you have on ? 3.-Whats your favourite food?-Hes/Shes . -I have . -My favourite food is .Its/Theyre .语法能正确分辨特殊疑问句和一般疑问句,并能正确回答分辨食物类单词的单复数形式语言技能1.能自己读懂文中的对话内容,找出对应人物。2.能通过听录音找出关键信息,完成听音选择任务。3.能根据示范与同学合作完成对话。学习策略能合理安排学

3、习和生活作息时间,加强体育锻炼,热爱学习生活。文化知识感受中外文化差异。教学过程具体步骤教师活动学生活动二次备课Step 1 1.Greeting2.Introduce myself3.Divide Ss into 3 teamsStep 2 Lead in1. Warm-up:Words game.2.Setting scenes (Invite Ss to visit Yunchen School)Step3 Review U11.Introduce our teachers. Show the picture,let Ss guess “Whats he / she like?”2.Ra

4、ise the questions about their teachers. 3.Lets talk (3mins)Let Ss practice with partners(teachers)Step4 Review U21. Introduce my school timetable to Ss . T: This is my school time table.We have English , maths, PE on Mondays.Let Ss watch the video : Alice introduce the timetable.T raise some questio

5、ns.2. Listen to the tape of Alice again.Circle the right answer.4.Lets talk (3mins)Let Ss practice with partners(timetable)Step 5 Review U31. Lead in : After these classes, we will go for lunch.Show the menu of my school.2. Divide the words of food into two parts: Countable and Uncountable3.Lets tal

6、k:Whats your favourite food?4.Let Ss watch the video : Bruce introduce the menu.T raise some questions.Q1: Whats his favourite food?Q2: What's his classmates fovourite food?Step 5 Sum up1.According to the blackboard ,finish the passage.2.Show time.Step 6 homework1. 熟练的朗读Unit1、2、3中对话2.背写Unit1、2、3

7、重点单词3.小练笔My school life.T: Good morning, boys and girls. Im Miss Yi. Im from Yunchen primary school. Nice to meet you!1.T:Read the words as soon as you can.T:These are our teachers.Look at the picture,Whats he / she like? Is she/he ?T:Whos your teacher?T help Ss to finish the dialogue.T raise some q

8、uestions.Q1: How many reading classes do they have on Fridays?Q2: What's Alice's favourite class ?Check the answers.T help Ss to finish the dialogue.T: look at the picture.What would you like to eat?T:Lets divide words .T:Whats your favourite food? Why?Check the answers.T help Ss to finish t

9、he passage.Ss: Nice to meet you, too. Miss Yi!Ss say the words: kind、strict、Monday、sandwich.S1:Shes/Hes .S2:My teacher is .S3: Yes,she/he is. No,she/he isnt.S1:Whos your XX teacher?S2:My XX teacher is XX.S1:Whats she/he like?S2:Shes/Hes XX.Ss:They have two reading classes .Ss:English class.Ss listen

10、 to the tape .And do the task paper.S1:What do you have on XX ?S2:I have XX on XX.S1:Id like some XX.Ss: fish is uncountable. XX is countable. .S1:My favourite food is XX. Its/Theyre XX.Ss listen to the tape .And do the task paper.Ss read the passage by themselves.评价方式教师评价、学生互评板书设计Recycle 1My teache

11、r is .Hes/Shes .schoolI have on the .My favourite food is .Its/Theyre .活动作业Introduce your school life in English.教学反思PEP版小学英语人教版五年级上册 Recycle 1课例展示活动说课稿大家好!我是来自XX小学的XX。今天我讲课的内容是:PEP人教版小学英语五年级上册 Recycle1第一课时。我将从课标要求、设计立意、教学过程几个方面大致介绍一下我的这堂课。首先英语课程标准指出,各种语言知识的呈现和学习都应从语言使用的角度出发,为提升学生“用英语做事情”的能力服务。教师要通过

12、创设接近实际生活的各种语境,采用循序渐进的语言实践活动,培养学生用英语做事情的能力。 基于以上指导思想,我把本节课定为语言实践课。内容是围绕五年级上册 前三单元进行的小复习,第一单元是主题是“Whats he like?”人物性格类,第二单元主题是“My week”星期课程类,第三单元主题是“What would like to eat?”食物类。基于这三个主题元素,我创设了今天课程的语境主题,也就是以一个新老师的角度带孩子参观我的学校,同时也在和孩子们相互了解的过程中来串联起全部的学习内容。旨在让学生通过对前三单元的重点单词和句型的练习,灵活的运用到真实的情景中。教学过程大致分成了四个部分。首先向学生自我介绍,导入话题带孩子们参观我的学校。第一部分,从介绍老师入手,带学生复习了Unit1单词和句型后再让学生介绍自己的老师,唤醒学生的已知和实际,再通过生生合作选择一位最喜欢的老师进行描述,把所学的内容综合运用到生活中;第二部分,用本校学生视频介绍的方式呈现和介绍课程表,拉进与孩子们距离的同时,让孩子们带着任务去观看和了解完成问题,再进行生生


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