



1、8A Unit 3集体备课Comic strip & welcome to the unit1. exercisev. You should exercise more.n. 1) U 运动 take/do exercise.2) C 习题 do eye/morning exercises2. keep fit=keep healthykeep adj保持处于某种状态keep doing 使一直做某事2. come on 快点 Come on,we'll be late! (表示鼓励)加油 Come on,丫ou can do it! 得了吧 Oh come on, don &

2、#39;lie.3. Let ' s enjoy ourselves!enjoy on eself=have a good time=have fun doing 做什么事做得开心4. Read the back of the postcards 看明信片的背面the back of 背面 the front of 正面5. I took a boat trip un der the famous Harbour Bridge and went past the Opera House. take/have/go on a trip to sp.go past=pass6. We ar

3、e sitti ng in a little coffee shop by_the River Sei ne.by prep.在 旁边、手边(比near更近)sit by the fire/ the win dow/ Jane7. It is a beautiful buildi ng with a big garde n and many trees.with具有伴随a girl with long hairChina is a country with a long history.8. Block 3第三栋block大楼,(4条街道之间的区域)街区9. search on the Int

4、ernet for some in formati on= search the Internet for some in formatio n10. How Iong/ wide/ old/ tall/ high/deep/ heavy is it?11. It weighs over 100000 tons. How much does it weigh?Its weight is over 100000 tons. What is its weight?It is over 100000 tons.How heavy is it?Reading12. visit sbvisit some

5、 place13. I'm doing fine here.我在这里挺好。fine是副词,常用于口语。Things are going fine. 事事顺利。114. in vite sb to sp.in vite him to my party#in vite sb to doin vite him to join in my party#15. a fine warm day晴朗暖和的一天#16. clear adj. 易懂的,明确的 The question isn 'very clear. 晴朗的in a clear blue sky 一片蔚蓝的晴空中17. traf

6、fic Ubusy/ heavy trafficThere was much/ heavy / busy traffic that morni ng.traffic jam 交通堵塞18. arrive in Suzhou/ Jiangsu Provinee/ China 较大的行政单位用in,其余用 atarrive at/in -reach - the cin emaget toWhen did you arrive yesterday?When will you get/ arrive here/there/ home?19. can 'wait to do I can '

7、;wait to get my Christmas gifts.for sth I can 'wait for my Christmas gifts.20. get on/off a coach/bus/tra inget in to/out of a car/taxi21. place of interest 景点interest n.令人感兴趣的事(或人)兴趣 show/ have interest in (doing) sthHe has great in terest in work ing on his web pages.I m interested in this int

8、eresting place of interest.22. be made of 由制成(性质不变)be made from 由制成(性质改变)be made in 在(某地)制be made by sb 由(某人)制23. The Golde n Gate Bridge looked just like the one back home too.(back in the USA) too.24. for on eself 亲自:Go and see (for) yourself!为了某人自己: He cooks for himself.by on eself 独自;独力 =al oneS

9、he spe nt Christmas by herself.You can 'move the rock by yourself.Grammar25. via经过;通过 此处类似于 by email26. 在比较句型中常用that及其复数those替代前面的内容,that= the+ n.those= the+n.复数The weather in Suzhou is as nice as that i n Paris.The stude nts in Class 1 are more hard-work ing tha n those in Class 2.27. pull hims

10、elf up the rocks 沿着岩石往高处攀登28. Luckily, she passed the exam.副词做评注性状语,对后面整个句子做出评价。Luckily, she failed the exam.29. keep their secret to themselves保守秘密不告诉任何人keep sth. to on eself保守/保留某事keep sth. from sb.瞒着某人某事 keep sth for sb为某人保守某事=keep their secret from othersfor on eself 为某人自己;亲自 dress on eselfenjoy

11、 on eself look after on eself反身代词常见固定搭配:teach on eself sth= lear n sth by on eself by oneself= alone 独自地;独立地 help on eself to someth ingthink of on eselfIntegrated skills30. the basketball final 篮球决赛final n.(又作 finals)决赛 the World Cup Final ; semifinal 半决赛期终考试 When do you take your fin al? adj.最终的;决定的 decisionadv. ly = at last= in the end31. take place (经过安排计划)发生happen(偶然)发生e.g. Where will the wedd in g/party take place?When did the accide nt happe n to him?32. cheer for our team v.喝彩;欢呼 cheer sb. up (使)高兴 / 振作起来He took his daughter to the ballet to cheer her up. cheerful adj. a son


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