



1、2020年中考英语热点阅读汇总(一)Passage 1Where can you learn about the cultural relics( 文物)of our country? You may visit museums or read books, but now a CCTV show may give you a more fun way to lear n about them. The show is called Nati onal Treasure. Now, the Natio nal Treasure 2 was on show on CCTV 3 on Decemb

2、er 9, 2018.In National Treasure 2, it has 10 episodes (集).It shows 27 treasures from 9 museums across China. In order to make ancient culture relics come alive, the show uses different ways to explain the story history and culture beh ind them.Although it ' asshow about old relics, it looks mode

3、rn and technical. An IMAX -sized LED screen on the stage shows the treasures in detail. The treasures are prese nted by Nati onal treasure keepers, both famous people and com mon people. In stead of just telli ng the stories and history beh ind the treasures, the show in vites famous actors to be na

4、tional treasures keepers, and they act out the stories on the stage. The actors even use the funny words to make their performa nces in teresti ng and alive. For example, on the show, actor Zhang Ruoj un played Neier. TV viewers loved his performa nces.While telling the stories behind the treasures,

5、 National treasure keepers also tell their own stories. For example, an old man n amed QiuQ ingnian who is good at making n atural paints for repairi ng ancient paintin gs. For many years, he has bee n look ing for mines deep in side mountains. What he said and what he did both show his memes(文化基因).

6、0n the TV program, he shows TV viewers how to make natural paints.The show has become widely popular with its in terest ing plots, good performa nces and funny words. It has promoted (推广)ancient cultural relics and has en couraged more people to visit museums.1. What column(栏目)in a magazine might th

7、e passage come from?A. Health.B. History and culture.C. Sports. D. Science and tech no logy.2. The show Natio nal Treasure 2 was produced to.A. look for n ati onal treasure keepersB. make ancient cultural relics come aliveC. show the moder n tech no logyD. i nvite some famous actors to act out3. Wha

8、t does the un derl ined word plots ” in Paragraph 5 mean?A. 人物B.表达C.创作 D.情节4. From the passage, we can enjoy something from the show National Treasure 2 EXCEPT .A. actors ' good performa ncesB. the stories with in teresti ng plotsC. differe nt filmsD. the history and culture beh ind5. The writer

9、 ' s main purpose of writing the passage is.A. to tell us what n ati onal treasure keepers doB. to ask people to visit museumsC. to teach us the ways of making n atural paintsD. to in troduce the TV show Nati onal Treasure 2【答案】1. B 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. DPassage 2Do you have any online classes? It

10、is possible to take classes at home. All you need is a computer and a headset.However, most students don't seem to like online classes. According to a recent survey, only 33 percent of stude nts would take such classes. Over 1,500 stude nts from 10 cities took the survey.Many students said it is

11、 hard to focus on studying while taking online classes. This was true for Lian Ruohan,15, at the Affiliated High School of Peking Uni versity.“ There are no classmates, no real teachers watch ingcan surf the internet or do other things if I want to. It's harder to always stay focused," she

12、said.Lian prepares a lot before taking her classes to make sure she will pay attention. She also pushes herself to com muni cate with teachers. Stude nts can come up with or an swer questi ons while tak ing on li ne classes.But Wen Jiayi, 14, at the Yucai Middle School Attached to Chengdu No 7 High

13、School, thinks online in teracti on (互动)is n't eno ugh. “ The on li ne teachers don't really get to know me. When I don't hand in homework, all I get is a short message in stead of real concern (关心),” she said.Howeve r, online classes still have other advantages. saves time and money com

14、pared to taking offline classes. Also, if I don't un dersta nd some parts of a less on, I can watch it over aga in,” Lia n said.1. How many students would take online classes according the survey?A. About 400. B. About 500. C. About 600. D. About 700.2. Which of the following is Lian Ruoran'

15、 s opinion on online classes?A. There are both adva ntages and disadva ntages.B. The adva ntages are more tha n disadva ntages.C. She can lear n more through on li ne classes.D. On li ne in teract ion isn't eno ugh.3. The underlined word“ focus ” meansin Chinese.A.走神儿 B.集中精力C.理解 D.厌烦4. What '

16、; s Wen Jiayi ' s problem in taking online classes?A. She can ' t follow the teachers.B. The teachers can ' t answer her problems.C. The teachers on li ne care less tha n offline.D. She can ' t finish her homework in time.5. What ' s this passage about?A. The writer ' s view

17、on online classes.B. A survey about on li ne classes.C. The future developme nt of on li ne classes.D. How to take on li ne classes.【答案】CABCDPassage 4It ' s early in the morning and the alarm clock has already rung several times. You have to drag yourself out of bed and rush to school, afraid of

18、 missing the first school bell.As a school student, this is probably a common experience for you.But thanks to new rules, many students in Zhejiang and Heilongjiang provinces can now stay in bed longer than before.On Feb 23, the Zhejiang Department of Education published a new guideline ( 指导方针 ) tha

19、t asks primary schools to start school later, reported Xinhua News Agency.According to the guideline, start times could vary among different grades and seasons, with students in Grade 1 and 2 starting no earlier than 8:30 am. Some schools in Zhejiang province have been chosen to test this new guidel

20、ine, which is expected to be used in other areas in 2019.A similar guideline was announced by the education department in Heilongjiang province on Feb 24. Since the new semester began in March, students from all primary and junior high schools in the province have been required to arrive at school n

21、o earlier than 8 am. And senior high school students are now required to arrive at school no earlier than 7:30 am.These changes are aimed at making sure students get adequate (足够的 ) sleep and enough time for breakfast. Before the guideline was published, many primary school students in Zhejiang were

22、 required to arrive at school as early as 7 or 7:30 am, which left many of them arriving feeling tired and hungry.According to a 2016 study by the Zhejiang Department of Education, only 54.1 percent of students in Grade 4 slept nine hours or more a night, while the required sleep time for primary st

23、udents is 10 hours.These changes have received much praise.tely'(l明确地)welcome the move, since this will ensurea mother sEverybody(保证) my son has enough time for breakfast, which is vital for his health and growth,”from Hangzhou, whose son is a first-grade student, told China Daily. Pushing back

24、school times isn't unique toChina. ln the United States, schools in at least 21 states began to start school later in 2017, as various studies have shown that later school start times could benefit students, reported The Atlantic.For example, according to a 2015 report by the Centers for Disease

25、 Control and Prevention in the US, later school start times could help improve students' health and study performance.Just as Mary Carskadon, a sleep expert from Brown University, US, told The Atlantic,“when they ' re awake. ”1. From the passage we can know that some students may before.A. d

26、rag himself out of bedB. rush to schoolC. miss the school bellD. All of the above2. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?A. Heilongjiang and Zhejiang began to start school later.B. The guideline is aimed at making sure students can sleep better and eat more healthily.C. Some parents

27、are against these changes.D. A report show that later school start times can make students ' health and study better.3. This new guideline is expected to be used in every area in Zhejiang in .A. 2018B. 2019C. 2020D. 20214. We can probably find the passage in a .A. fashionmagazineB. math bookC. n

28、ewspaperD. scientific report【答案】 14 DCBCHe was a journ alist and a political critic ( 政治评论家 ).But to most people, he is the most in flue ntial martialarts no velist in the Chin ese-speak ing world.Louis Cha Leun g-y ung, better known by his pen n ame Jin Yong, passed away at the age of 94 on Oct. 30

29、 th2018 in Hong Kong.During his lifetime, Jin Yong wrote 15 martial arts novels. Over 300 million copies of his books have beensold around the world. He also created some of the most well-known characters in the history of Chinese literature,in cludi ng Guo Jing, Wei Xiaobao and Lin ghu Chong.Jin Yo

30、ng was not the first pers on to write about the martial arts world known as jia nghu, but no one can deny(否认)that he has written some of its best stories. His works were not only a joy for people to read, but also helped to shape Chinese people' s spirits and values in recent 十年deJin( Yong once

31、said,“ wuxia (martialarts no vels) is not so much about wu (kung fu), but mainly about xia, a comb in atio n of courage, justice and self-sacrifice (自我牺牲).”These values have bee n passed on to gen erati ons of Chin ese through his books, as well as a large nu mber of movies and TV shows that have be

32、en adapted from his novels.“ JinYong turns novels into an encyclopedia (百科全书 )of Chinese history, medicine, geography, mathematics .” Bost on Uni versity professor Petrus Liu told NPR.Jin Yong once said that he hoped people would still read his books even 100 or 200 years after his death. We can say

33、 as long as the noble (高尚的)qualities that are mentioned in his stories never die out, neither will his great works themselves.1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Louis Cha is Jin Yong' s pen name.B. Jin Yong was the first man that created jia nghu.C. Jin Yong

34、' s works have a strong in flue nee on Chin ese people' s spirits and values in recent decades.D. Jin Yong' s values of wuxia are only passed on through his books.2. Which of the followi ng words can replace the un derl ined word”?“ adaptedA. cut off B. set up C. came out D. made up3. Wh

35、at ' s the best title of this passage?A. An in flue ntial jour nalistB. King of wuxiaC. Martial arts worldD. Jin Yong ' s books4. This passage may be read in .A. an advertiseme ntB. a n ewspaperC. a meeti ng no ticeD. a novel【答案】CDBBPassage 5Imagi ne you walk into a store. Stran gely eno ugh

36、, you see no staff ( 店员)in side. You pick up things and prepare to wait in line and pay. But even more oddly , there is no cashier at all. So what has happened to this store?Well, you may have entered Tao Caf , a cashless store created by Chinese e-commerce giant( 电子商务巨 头)Alibaba. In July, the publi

37、c got to see the store for the first time at Alibaba ' Taobao Maker Festival in Han gzhou.The 200-square-meter store sells drinks, fast food and snacks. It can hold up to 50 shoppers at a time. To enter and shop, people only need a smartphone with a Taobao app and an Alipay account (账户).By scann

38、ing their Taobao QR code ( 二维码),shoppers are followed with cameras for facial recognition. The store has also digitalized ( 数字化)all goods and their placement on the shelves. So when shoppers pick up goods, the system will be able to“ watch ” and “ remember ” their select ion.When shoppers are ready to leave , they don '


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