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1、Unit 7 Food FestivalTopic 2 Im not sure whether I can cook it well.教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元第二个话题在复习上个话题的基础上,引入新的内容包括步骤的表达,描述方式的副词,做饭材料、做饭所用厨具以及吃饭所用的餐具等词汇。主要句型有提供帮助Would you like me to help you?赞美和鼓励Well done!请求得到允许Would you mind if I?就餐用语help yourself to some以及提醒和警告remember (not) to 语法包括whether/if引导的宾语从句;副

2、词的比较级和最高级。本话题语音部分的内容包括/t/和/d/的区分以及升降调的区分。此外,本话题贴近学生生活实际,从教学生做各种食物到不同国家的餐桌礼仪和饮食文化,学生不仅可以学到语言知识还可以培养生活技能,拓展文化意识。第一课时:Section A- 1a, 1b, 1c ,2a,2b第二课时:Section B-1a,1b,1c,2 Section A-3a, 3b第三课时:Section C-1a,1b,1c ,4第四课时:Section C-2,3 Section B-3,4a, 4b第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functions, 1,2,3, Project

3、第五课时(Section D-Grammar and Functions, 1,2,3, Project)教学设计思路:本节课主要活动为Section D -1和本话题重点知识的复习。在复习环节里,利用习题的方式复习副词的比较级和最高级,并学习新词汇pick up 和southern。课堂上适当的习题检测能够高效地反馈学生对某一部分知识的掌握程度。在Task1-Reading中,将阅读理解分为三个小任务:1. 速读文章,找到中心句。2. 再读课文,根据课文内容填表。3. 根据表格复述课文。Task2- Grammar的复习活动借助2 来完成。通过采访和转述的方式复习if/whether引导的宾

4、语从句。并将课本活动2中的转述增加为“I ask Tom ”和“Beth asks me”两种要求。为的是增加人称转换的训练。在Task 3-Writing的活动中,学生看图讨论鸡汤的做法,并做报告。复习步骤副词。 Project以活动的方式复习本话题所学的重点知识。具体操作:将全部分成七个小组,每个小组以一个国家的名字命名。小组讨论自己所在国家的餐桌礼仪,之后每组选出两名同学表演当地的餐桌礼仪,同时其他同学用目标语言讨论此二人的做法是否符合当地礼仪。然后小组内完成关于不同国家餐桌礼仪的短文。组间互相学习和批改。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握

5、新词汇southern, pick, pick up, seafood(2)复习whether/if 引导的宾语从句的用法。(3)复习单音节副词的比较级和最高级。 (4)复习步骤的表达方式。(5)了解不同国家的饮食习惯。2. Skill aims: (1)能从有关不同国家的饮食风俗的语段中找出有关信息,理解大意。(2)能够用英语谈论不同国家的饮食风俗。3. Emotional aims:在了解中国风俗文化的同时,乐于接触和了解国外风俗文化,从而更好地为弘扬中国文化服务。4. Culture awareness:了解各国饮食习惯,做个有国际视野的人。. The key points and di

6、fficult points1. Key points:(1)复习whether/if 引导的宾语从句的用法。(2)复习单音节副词的比较级和最高级。 (3)复习步骤的表达方式。(4)了解不同国家的饮食习惯。2. Difficult points: 用英语谈论不同国家的饮食习惯。. Learning strategies1. 在学习中善于利用图画等非语言信息理解主题。2. 学会合作完成任务,共同提高。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/图片V Teaching proceduresStage 1(3mins):Getting students ready for learning Step

7、Teacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Greet the students and get them ready for learning. Play the tape recording of the song Sovereign Light Café.T: Good morning, everyone!T:Its a fine day today. How are you feeling?T: Thats great! A lovely weekend is coming. I want

8、 to recommend a beautiful song Sovereign Light Café. Lets enjoy it.Focus their attention on the teacher. Enjoy the song Sovereign Light Café.Ss: Good morning, MissSs: Very well.Remark:这一环节的目的是要创造学习英语的氛围并使学生静下心来,开始新的学习。可以采用多种方式,如唱歌、游戏、值日报告、自由讨论等。Stage 2(5mins): RevisionStepTeacher activityS

9、tudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Show some exercises to review comparative and superlative degrees of adverbs and learn the new words.T: OK. Lets begin the last lesson of this topic. Look at this picture. What is she doing? T: Yes. She is picking up shells.In the southern part of Chi

10、na,People living near the seas canpick up shells on the beaches.Look at the three pictures. Whopicked up more shells? And whopicked up the most of the three? Lucy Tom AliceT: Very good. “More” and “most” are the comparative and superlative degrees of adjective “many”. Now lets do some exercises to r

11、eview comparative and superlative degrees of adverbs. Please fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given words. 1. Ben jumps _ (high) than some of the boys in his class.2. Does Nancy sing _ (well) than Helen? Yes, she does.3. Of all the students, Wu Dong runs _ (fast).4.Yang Lin goes to be

12、d _ (late) than Su Yang every day.5. Who gets up _ (early), Tom, Tim or Jack?T: You can check your answers with your partners. Do you have any questions?Complete the exercises to review comparative and superlative degrees of adverbs and learn the new words.Ss: 拾贝壳。S1: Tom picked up more shells and A

13、lice picked up the most of the three.Ss:Ss: No.利用习题的方式复习副词的比较级和最高级,并学习新词汇pick up 和southern。Remark:课堂上适当的习题检测能够高效地反馈学生对知识的掌握程度。Stage 3(10mins): Task 1-ReadingStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Individual activity)Ask the students to skim the passage in 1 and find the topic sentenc

14、e.T: We have talked about the table manners in different countries in this topic. But do you want to know the eating habits in different countries?T: Well then lets read a passage about eating habits in different countries. First, skim it and find the topic sentence.T: Have you found the topic sente

15、nce?skim the passage in 1 and find the topic sentence.Ss: Yes.Ss:S1: Yes. People around the world have different eating habits略读课文找到中心句。2(Individual activity)Show a table about the passage. Then ask the students to retell the passage according to the table.placeWhat to eatWhat to useNorth America, A

16、ustralia, EuropeChinasouthern partnorthern partcentral and western partpart of India/Thailand/Korea/T: Good job. Now read the passage again and complete the table.T: Have you completed the table? Im sure you can retell the passage according to the table. You can prepare for one minute. T:Time is up.

17、 Who would like to have a try?Complete the table about the passage. Then retell the passage according to the passage.Ss:Ss:再读课文,根据课文内容填表并在表格的帮助下复述课文。Remark:设计表格有助于学生对细节的关注和理解,同时为复述做好准备。Stage4(7mins): Task2-Grammar StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Pair work)Review the object cla

18、uses. Finish 2.T:Good job! Its time for Task2-Grammar. What important grammar have we learned in this topic?T: You are right. Now work in pairs. One is a reporter, Beth, the other one is a boss of a restaurant, Tom. You should make an interview according to the notes in 2.T:Its so easy, isnt it? But

19、 now I want you to report your interview using object clauses like the example. You should begin with “I ask Tom” or “Beth asks me”. Who would like to have a try?T: You did quite well. When you use object clauses to report, you should pay attention to the personal changes.Interview and report. Finis

20、h 2Ss: The object clauses caused if/whether.Ss:P1:S1: I ask Tom if the most popular food in his restaurant hot dogs. And he says it is.S2: Beth asks me whether the sausages in my hot dogs different from those in others. And I say they are.P2:利用采访活动和转述句子复习宾语从句。Remark:将课本2中的转述活动增加为“I ask Tom ”和“Beth a

21、sks me”两种要求。提醒学生注意人称的转换。Stage 5(9mins): Task3-WritingStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Group work)Ask the students to write a short passage about how to cook chicken soup while review the step words.T: Hi, boys and girls. Do you remember how to cook fried rice and noodle?T: Good.

22、 You should cook step by step. Lets try to learn how to cook chicken soup. Look at the pictures in 3 and talk about how to cook chicken soup in groups.T:Now lets write a passage about how to cook chicken soup. You should use the step words to make your description clearer.T: Can you report your cook

23、ing steps? Who would like to have a try?Look at the pictures in 3. Then talk about them and write a passage about how to cook chicken soup.Ss: Yes. Ss:讨论3的图片并写一篇怎样制作鸡汤的小短文。复习步骤的表达。Remark:1.在学习中善于利用图画等非语言信息理解主题。2. 学会合作完成任务,共同提高。Stage 5(8mins):ProjectStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpo

24、se1(Group work)Divide the class into 7 groups named America, France, Thailand, India, China, Cuba and Japan. T: Time for Project. Today well do a class activity about eating actions. Now we have seven groups in our class. Group1 is named after America, Group 2 is France, Others are Thailand, India,

25、China, Cuba and Japan in turn. Please discuss the eating actions in the country your group belongs to. And then you should act them out. Other students discuss their actions according to the example on Page70.T:OK. Which group would like to be the first to act out your countrys eating actions?Discus

26、s the eating actions in different in groups. Then two students in each group act out the eating actions. Other students discuss whether they are polite or not.Ss:G1:Ss: Whats he /she doing? Is it polite to ? 2(Group work)Ask the students to write a passage about table manners in different countries.

27、 T: You did quite well. And Im sure you had a warm discussion. Now lets work in groups and try to write a short passage about table manners in different countries.T:Have you finished your compositions? Now exchange your compositions with the group next to you. You can learn form others compositions

28、and correct for them if necessary.Write a passage about table manners in different countries.Ss:Ss:Remark:1.教师组织活动的语言一定要简洁清楚。务必让学生明白教师的意图。 2.活动操作:将全部分成七个小组,每个小组以一个国家的名字命名。小组讨论自己所在国家的餐桌礼仪,之后每组选出两名同学表演当地的餐桌礼仪,同时其他同学用目标语言讨论此二人的做法是否符合当地礼仪。然后将讨论结果写成一篇关于不同国家餐桌礼仪的短文。 3. 学会合作完成任务,共同提高。Stage 6(3mins): Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Encourage the Ss to summarize the key points T: Class will be over soon. We should summarize what we have learned in this lesson. Lets begin!Summarize what they have


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