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1、1.“ Mike is often? absen ? t from classit if he goes on behavA. shall ? ing like that.B. will?虚拟语气”“ Tell him heC. would ? answe ? r forD. can(1) I promi ? se thatit be a great ? surprA. shoul ? d? get a nice prese ? nt on her birth ? ise to her? ”sheB. mustC. would ?shall ?2. You? day. ”“ WillD.? _

2、 pay too much atten? tion to your readiimpor ? tant.A.canno ? t? ng skill? , as it is soB. shoulC. mustn ? tD.needn? tIs John comin ? g by train drivi ? ng his car. ”A. must3.He shoul ? d, but he? not. He likes4.B. canC. needD. mayI heard ? they went skiin ? becau? se there ? was littlin the mount?

3、ains last winte ? r. e snow there ?. ”“IttrueA. may not beD. mustn ? t be Do you think ? he is lazy?A. may have thoug ? ht C. may thi nk ?6. You5.? be rightB.won? , but I dont be“IA. canB. couldshoul ? d1. I thougbut youA. shoulC. could ? n? so once, but I dont bet now.B. can have thougD. might ? th

4、ink ? t think ? you are.?C. must? htD.?练? ht you would ? n t mi nd. ”“ Well, as a matte ? r of fact I don? me first ?. ”? d askB. shoul ? d have asked ?C. must askD. must have askedt,2. I calle ?her voice ?A. must bed you yeste ? rday. A woman ? answe ? red, but I didn t recog”“ Oh, it? my aunt Jean

5、. ”C. might ? beB. must have bee n? nizeD. canhave bee n3. That car n earl? y hit me; I be kille ? dA. might ?C. may be kille ? d4. It s a very kind offerA. mustn ? t? , but I reallB. needn ?B. might ? have been killeD. may been kille ? d? y? accep ? t it.tC. can tD.don t5. The polic ? e still ? hav

6、en ? t found ?her, but they re doing ? all theyA. may6. YouA. needn ? t won tB. can? pract ? ise the drums ? whileB. might ? nC. must? the baby is sleepC. mustn ?D. will? ing. tD.? dy.B.needn ?n t have told7. You ? him the news; he knew it alreaA. needn ? t tellC. might ? n t tell8. As she s not her

7、e, I suppo ? se she _A. must goB. must have gonemight ? be going ?9. Are you still ? here? You ? _ home hours ? ago.A. shoul ? d goB. shoul ? d have goneC. might ? goD. may have gone10. I calle ? d you yeste ? rday. A woman? answe ? red, but I didnher voice ? . ”“ Oh, it? my aunt Jean. ”B. must have

8、 bee nD. might ? ? home.C. might ?got have toldD.t recog ? nizeA. must beC. might ? beD. can have been11. I ? _ have met him a long timeago. Both his name and faceare very famil? iar.A. mayB. can13. “ Shall ? we go shopp? ing? ” ? se none of the shops A. mustn ?shoul ? dn t14. They often ?A. mustn ?

9、needn? t15. I didn t see her in? n at the meeti ? ng.A. mustn ? tD. could ? n t? _ the test again17. Hego to tC. would ? Sorry ? , we ? are open.B. needn ? tD. shoul ? d? _ buy anyth ? ing now becauC.can tD.the resta ? urant ? stB. canformeals ? . TheyC. may not? bevery poor.D.themeeti ?ng roomthism

10、orni ? ng. Shehave spokeB. shoul ? dnC. needn ? t? , in which ? case, his mothe ? r will bevery disap? point ? ed.A. might ? failD. could ? have faile18.“ Why did n t she come to? ill. ”B. must have faile ? d C. shoul ? d fail ? dthe meeti ? ng yeste ? rday? ”I m notso sure. SheA. shoul ? d be might

11、 ? have beenB. shoul ? d have beenC ? . must beD.19. Why did you just sit and watchA. could ? helpD. must have helpe ? d? ? You B. shoul ? d helpme.C. could ? have helpe ? d20.“ You? your teach ? er forhelp.He is kind-heart ? ed. ”“ Yes. A whole? day?A. can ask, will waste?B. must have asked ? , had

12、 waste? dC. could?have asked ? , was waste? dD. shoul? dn t have asked,would ? be waste ? d21.Is there ? a fligh ? t to Lon do? n thiseveni ? ng?”“ There ?beIll phone ? the airpo ? rt and find it out.A. mustB. might ?C. would ?D.can22.“Show me your permi ? t, pleas ? e. ”“Oh, it s notin my pocke?t.

13、It?.A. might ? fall outB. could ? fall outC. shoul ? d have falle ? n outD. must have falle?n out23.Look at these ? track ? s. It?be a wolf. ”“ Dont be so sure.Ithi nk? it?be a fox. ”A. must; could ?B. may; might?C. n eed; mustD. could ? ; need24.“ Did Jim come? ” I don t know. He?while ? I was out.

14、A. might ? have comeB. might ? comeC. mush have comeD.shoul ? d have come虚拟语气?析1.1 forge ? t where ? I read the artic ? le, or I? it to you now.A. will showB. would ? show C. am going ? to showD. amshowi ? ng2. It looks ? as if he were drunk ? . ”“So it does.?. ”A. He d bette ? r give up drink ? ing

15、B. He shoul ? dn t have drunkso muchC. Healt ? h is more impor ? tant than drink ?D. I wonde ? r why he isalway ? s doing ? so3. “ Mary looks ? hot and dry ”“So? you if you had so high a fever?.A. doB. areC. willD. would ?4. “ He will come tomor ? row. ”“But I d rathe ? r he? the day after ? tomor?

16、row.A. will comeB. is comin ?gC. cameD. hadcome(1)“ Shall ? I come tomor?row ? ”I d rathe ? r you?. ”A. won tB. did ntC.don tD.would ? n t(2) I ve told him about?丄”it.“ But Id rathe ? r you?. ”A. didn tB.hadntC.don tD.would ? n t(3)“ He will take you as well.“ But Id rathe ? r he?. ”A. won tB. did n

17、tC. doesn ? tD.would ? n t5. All the docto? rs in the hospi? tal in sis? ted that hebadly? wound? edand that heat on ce.A. shoul ? d be; be opera ?ted onB. were; must be opera? tedonC. was; shoul ? d be opera ?tedD. was; be opera ? ted on(1) The patie ? nt insis ? ted that he?ill and?to the hospi ?

18、tal.A. wasn t, wasn t sentB. wasn t, shoul ? dn t be sentC. shoul ? dn t be, wasn t sentD. shoul ? dn t be, shoul ?dn t be sent(2) The man in priso? n in sis ?ted that he?nothi ? ng wrong ? and? _ set free.A. shoul ? d do, shoul ? d beB. had done, shoul ? d beC. had done, had bee nD. shoul ? d do, h

19、ad been 1 advis ? ed that he?to the hospi? tal at once, but he in sis? ted thathe? quite ? well then.A. was sent; feltB. be sent; was feeli? ngC. he sent; feelD. shoul ? d be sent; shoul ? dfeel6.? smoki ? ng, he would? not have got cance? r in the lung.A. Was he given ? upB. Had he given ? up C. Di

20、d he give虚拟语气1.“I still? ”? haven ?练t thank ? ed Aunt Lucy for her prese ? nt. ”It s time youA. do2. If I hadn? have done.t been luckyB. didC. had? enoug ? h to meet you. I reallD. would ? what I wouldD. If he gave upA. don t knowB. hadn t known ?C. wasn t knowi ? ngD. would ? n t know3. “I ve told

21、every ? one about ? it. ”“Oh, I d rathe ? r you ?. ”A. don tB. hadn tC. could ? n tD.would ? n t4. It has been raini ? ng for a day, but even thoug ? h it hadn t raine ? d, we? there ? by tomor ? row.A. can t getB. won t getC. hadn t gotD.would ? n t get5. “Do you know his addre ? ss?”“ No, I also w

22、ish I? where ? heA. kn ew, liveB. kn ew, lives ?C. kno w, lives ?D. kno w, lived?6. “Isn t it about ? time you? to do morni ? ng exerc ? ises? ”“Yes, itis. Would ? you like to join us? ”A. begin ?had begun ?7. It is hard for me to imagiB. have begun ? C. beganne what I wouldbe doing ? today ? if Iin

23、D.love, at the age of seve n A. would ? n t have falle,with the Melinn B. had not falleda Cox Libra ? ry in my hometn C. shoul ? d fallown.D. were to fall8. He hesit ? ated for a momen ? t befor ? e kicki ? ng the ball, other ? wise hea goal.A. had score ? dB. score ? dC. would ? score ?D.would ? ha

24、ve score ? d9. If only he?_ quiet ? ly as the docto ? r in str ? ucted ? , he would ? n otsuffe ? r so much now.A. liesB. lay10. Witho ? ut the air to hold some of for us to live.A. would ? be freez ? ing coldC. would ? be froze ? n coldC. had lainthe sun s heat, the earthD. shoul ? d lieat night ?

25、B. will be freez ? ing coldl ? yD. can freez ? e coldl ? y13. When a penci ? I is partl ? _.A. break ? shad been broke ? n14. But for the help you gave me, Ithe examinatio ? ns.11. Yeste ? rday, Jane walke ? d away from the discu ? ssion ? . Other ? wise, shesomet? hing she would ? regre ? t later ?

26、.A. had saidB. saidC. might ? sayD. might ?have said12. You didn t let me drive ? . If wein turn, youso tired?.A. drove ? ; didn t getB. drove ? ; would ? n t getC. were drivi ? ng; would ? n t getD. had drive ? n; would ? n thave goty in a glass ? of water ? , it looks ? as if itD.B. has broke ? n

27、C. were broke ? nA. would ? have passe ? d B. would ? pass C. would? n t have passe? dD. would ? n t pass2010?真汇1. (全国 I 29) . Just be patie ? nt .You_? ? ? _ excep ? t the world ? tochang? e so soon.A. can t B. needn? t C. may not D. will not2. (全国 II 17 ) . I m afrai ? d Mr. Hardi ? ngsee you now

28、. he s busy.A. can tB. mustn? t C. shoul? dn t D. needn ? t3. (安徽卷32? ? ago, as a stronA. would ? be bee n4. (北京卷23?in the PersoJack descr ? ied his fathe ? r, who? g-wille ? d manB. would ? have been C. must be.-Good morni ? ng. Ive got an appoinnel Depar ? tment? a brave ? boy many yearsD.must hav

29、e? ntmen? t with Miss Smith-Ah, good morniA. might5.(北京卷34?:? ng. YouB. mustbe Mrs. PeterC. would? s.D. can-Yes.IfAnd my veget ?A. would ? nthave died6.(福建卷29?).-The weath ? er has been very hot and dry.it had raine ? d even a drop, thing ? s would ? ables ?.die B.).Teach ?under ? 12to ride bicycA.

30、not allowbemuch bette ? r now!did nt die C.had nt diedtheirD.would ? nters recom? mend paren? ts? les to schoo ? l for safet ? y.C. mustn ? child ? rencould ? nt allow?7.(湖南卷29?).If he? ?my advic ?e, he would ? n 1t have lost hisjob.A. follo? wedB. shoul? d follo? w C. had follo? wedD. would?follo ?

31、 w8.(湖南卷23?).You ?buy a gift , but you can if you want to.A. mustB. mustn? tC.have toD. dont have to9.(江苏卷25?).-1 have n ?t got the refer?ence book yet, but Ill have atest on the subje? ct next month ?-Dont worry? . You ?have it by Frida? y.A. could?B. shall?C. mustD. may10.(江苏卷34?).Georg? e isgoing

32、 ?to talk about ? the geogr ? aphy of his count? ry, but Idrathe ? r he?more on its cultu? re.A. focus?B. focus? edC. would? focus ?D. had focus? ed11.(江西卷23? ). I have told you the truth?I keep repea? ting it?A. MustB. CanC. MayD. Willt allow ?B. do not allowD.? tant for healt? h, but12.(辽宁卷26? it)

33、.Docto ? _ be regul ?A. canB. will? rs say that exerc ? ise is impor ar exerc ? ise.C. must13.(山东卷25?D. mayhave watch ? ed that movie? itll give me horri? ble dream ? s.A. shoul ? dnt B.neednt C. couldD. must n14.(陕西卷23?-No, youA. might ? n t ? t).-May I take this book out of the readi .You read it

34、in here.ng room?B. wonC. neednD. must n15.(四川卷3).rm afraiI take the book out?A. Will? d not.B. MayC. MustD. Need16 (天津卷9)he arriv ? ed half an hour earlyA. n eed n? t B.Markhave hurriwould ? n? ed. After ? driving at top speedC.mustn?D.could17.(天津卷 15? ). - John went to the hospi -If he? tai aloneA.

35、shoul ? d tellB.tells ?C.18.(重庆卷21).Youpark here! Its an emergA.would ? n tB.needn?tC.?t19.(浙江卷 17? ). You _have a wrong? numbe? r,;me about ?it, I wouldthat n ame here.? ency exit. could ? n t? have gone with him.told D.had toldD.mustn.There? s no one ofA. needB. canC. mustD. would20.(浙江卷 10? ) . H

36、ad I known? about? this compu? ter progr ?am, a huge amounB. had bee n saved? t of time and energ ? y _A. would ? have been saved ?C. will be saved ?21.(上海卷 29? ). - Sorry ? , Profe ? nment? yeste ? rday.D.was savedssor Smith ? . I did nt finis? h the assigA. must-Oh, youB. mustnhave done it as yest

37、eC. shoul? t? rday was the deadl ? dD. shoul? ine.? dnt1.【】?选。【析】选? A。shall ?(1)?。如:Shall ? I help you?你Shall ? I ope n the win do? w?打开吗?(2)?、告诫、警口、威胁、叩令、规疋、必然性等(?人称)。如:You shall ? suffe ? r for this.你?吃苦头的。(威胁)Each compd? titor ? shall ? wear a numbe? r.?码。(规定)You shall ? hear every ? thing ? asso

38、on as you come.你?况了。()(1) D.2.【】?选。【析】选? A。canno? t too 语??的达,“太,无论怎 ?,越越”。如:You can t be too caref? ul. 你越 越?好。You can t prais ? e the too much.?大加赞扬。We canno?t work too much for the peopl? e.人??头?的。A womar?canno ? t have too many cloth? es. 人的?? 。6.:? can never ? , impos ? sible ? 等too ? 似思。It is

39、impos ?sible ? to get there? too soon.越?越好。【】选B?或Co【析】? Do may推测,mayn ot“(?) ”o的 He shoul ? dHe shoul ? d come by train? but ,语? ?的He likes? drivi ?ng his car,定?选D。, 选B,因can?推测?定 。【】?选。【析】? c,?的 becau ?se there? was littl ?e snothere?语?定,然“? ” ?“滑”应a,选 could ?n t be,即选 Co选Ao人的?语,的?思“? ”,即?况推测,故应 “+?

40、 ”;又因can推测?疋,故选Ao选A。人的?语,的?思“? ”,即?况推测,故应 “+? ”;又因 can推测?疋如:3.4.5.,故选AoYou? be rightA. canB. could?C. must D. shoul? d【】?选。【析语上?,C、D宜选,在剩的A?和 B ,?然选了? A,?在?选ca? n, 选?could? ? 却B ?Ao语语?,c? an推测?性?,?定或?,?定 ;could ?推测?,却? 定和?? , but I don? you are.t thi nk的can?定,且的could ?can即 ?如:“ be (get,My fathe ?练析

41、?】?上的差别,在?况,论上 ?或上 ?析Anyon? e can make mista ? kes.seem, becom? e) +形容”,unrea ? sonab?r canbe verycould ?并 比can语气?定。的人can? Bo的性le.oo 二接”等。如:1.选 Bo shoul ? d接?“应?, ”,?备。2.选Bo况?的定推测?,宜“+ ? ”? ?疋?Bo:can推测?定3.选Bo?上?的,migh? t +推测?的?,则may might ? +【,女口 He may might ? have gone.? 走了。4.选 CO6.选 CO mustn? t 在

42、?cant,且语气? O7.选Bo “needn? t +? ”的思:必?上 了。上思? “你 必?告?消息的,因()了”。 ,knewo8.选 B。must 接??况的?定推测,a疋? 了O9.选 B。shoul ? d 接?a应? ?O10.选B。况?的定推测?,宜“+? ?定?B。:can推测? ?疋O12.选Aomay have done sth?的?推测?ao13.选CO上?的语推? ocan ta”O14.选B。上?的语推? ocan t推测,“”O16.选D。could ? n t have done sth?况推?测,a?况”。17.选A。的? will bea?”的? ? B

43、和Db语?Co18.选D上?,天?开,推测?应?天,故A和? CO 语上?,然上? I m not so sure ,?的推测?大握,故选Do19.选CO上的?? ?的? 的,故A 和? CO语?Do20.选cocould ? n t have done sth在? 备,?上?。第二填was waste? d,的?的? o21.选Bo的? 1 ll phone ?the airpo ? rt and findit out人?的推测? 大握?,故选might ?。选 A,语气太, 语;选D, 语?惯,因can?推测?定?o22.选D然“在?在? ”,“ ”应在? ?故A和? B。比较选C?和D?

44、的思,选 D?o24.选AoDon t be so sure? 应填 mu? st。第二填的 ? could? 推测,?形在?,语气较?,推测?的1 can?定和? 疋? o25.选Ao? “” 在?,故E3;I dont know选C?语气太定? ?适;选D的 ?思a应? ” ?语?。虚拟语气 ?点1.【】?选。【析】选? Bo 上的?语? 的or?虚拟的?,即 or=if I didnt forge ?t where ? I read the artic? le (? 在??的一一上? 了)o2 . 【】?选,?drunk ?的?【析】? Do息? It looks ?as if he were drunk? 的虚拟语?气,然?了虚拟语气?,a了”,的?好? 了,的? Db3.【】容易选A?或Co选A?的性?质应致;选 C ,?if语?, 语气上?, 应?。【析】?Do析如:(1) “so +助+ 语.?的,a”。如:He likes ? to watch? TV, and so do I.?视,。When an ima?Is and pla nt ?s disap ? pear, so willman.消?的,人?消。(2)?的if语?的语?的虚拟语?气(重?的息)?would ?will,即应选


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