



1、陕旅版小学三年级上英语复习要点一、复习下列单词:水果类:apple orange pear 动物类:dog cat fish lion tiger monkey rabbit bear panda elephant文具类:pen pencil pencil-box book bag ruler eraser crayon 玩具类: plane ship bike ball kite car 饮料类:water milk juice 数字类:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 颜色类:red yellow orange white b

2、lack brown blue green 二、牢记下面的对话:1.向别人问好应该说:A:Hello!/Hi! B:Hello!/Hi! 2.问别人的名字应说: A:Whats your name ? B:My name is/names 3.跟新朋友见面应说: A:Nice to meet /see you ! B: Nice to meet /see you ,too./Me,too.4.早上见面应说: A:Good morning ! B:Good morning!5.下午见面应说:A:Good afternoon! B:Good afternoon!6晚上见面应说:A:Good eve

3、ning! B: Good evening!7.睡觉前道别应说:A:Good night! B: Good night!8.看见久未见面的朋友问好应说:A:How are you?B:Im fine/well .Thank you ./Fine.Thank you.9.跟别人分手应说;A: Goodbye/Bye-bye. B: Bye/Bye-bye. A:See you . B: See you10.对于他人的帮助或称赞应说:A:Thank you . B:You re welcome.11.介绍新同学或新朋友时应说:A:This is B:Nice to meet you . C:Nic

4、e to meet you ,too.12.问别人在什么班级时应说; A:What class are you ? B:Im in Class 数字.13.祝他人生日快乐应说:A:Happy birthday to you ! B;Thank you.14.祝他人圣诞快乐应说:A: Merry Christmas! B; Merry Christmas!15.祝他人新年快乐应说:A:Happy New Year! B: Happy New Year! 三、掌握重要句型:1.-Whats your name ? -My name is Li Shan .2.-Whats this ? -Its

5、an egg/apple/orange/ eraser/umbrella/elephant.3.-Whats that? -Its a cat/lion /plane/kite/pear/book/pen/crayon.4.-Is this a cat? -No,it isnt .Its a tiger.5.-Look!I have a bag./toy. - How nice !6.-Do you have a book /pen? -Yes , I do ./No, I dont.7.-What do you have ? -I have some crayons. 8.-Whats in

6、 your bag? -Look, I have a book.9.What are these ? -They are kites/cars/monkeys.10.-What are those? -They are ships/bikes/lions.balls.11.Are these/those bears? -Yes, they are. No, they arent.12.Are they pandas ? -Yes, they are. No, they arent.13.-How many rabbits/books/dogs do you have ? -I have nin

7、e rabbits./seven bikes /eight dogs.14-What color is it ? -Its black/white/brown/red.15.-What color are they? -They are blue/green/orange/yellow.16.-What color are these monkeys? -They are brown.17.-I have an orange orange. How nice !18.-Are those animals? -Sorry, I dont know.19.I have cats. But I dont have tigers.


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