江苏省启东市教研中心九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Period 5教案+学案+配套练习 牛津版_第1页
江苏省启东市教研中心九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Period 5教案+学案+配套练习 牛津版_第2页
江苏省启东市教研中心九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Period 5教案+学案+配套练习 牛津版_第3页
江苏省启东市教研中心九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Period 5教案+学案+配套练习 牛津版_第4页
江苏省启东市教研中心九年级英语上册 Unit 2 Period 5教案+学案+配套练习 牛津版_第5页
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1、9A U2 coloursColours 大小写 Period(5) Grammar AB教案Teaching Content:Period Grammar ABTeaching Aims:Aims of knowledge 1)To use “would ratherthan” to express preferences. 2)To use “preferto” to express preferences. Aims of abilities 1)To improve the studentssStudents communicative ability. 2)To improve th

2、e studentss judgementalStudents judge mental ability. Aims of emotion Arouse studentssStudents interest of learning English by telling them the differencedifferences between “would rather” and “prefer”.Teaching Important Points: Tell the students the difference betweeenbetween “would rather” and “pr

3、efer”.Teaching Different Points: How to use “would rather” and “prefer” to do some exercises.Teaching Aids: recorder , computer.Teaching Methods: listening,reading,speaking,understanding.Teaching Steps:Step One: Preview work 预习作业与交流 动词填空 1、Would you like (tell) me the story? 2、Do you want _ (have) a

4、 rest? 3、Would you _ (clean) the blackboard,please? 4、I didnt feel like _ (eat) anything this morning? 5、How about _ (go) _ (run)? 6、Youd better _ (sit) here. 7、Why dont you _ (visit) the local theatre? 8、Do you mind my _ (open) the door? 9、We prefer _ (play) in the playground after school. 10、I wou

5、ld rather _ (stay) at home at night. 11、I prefer _ (watch) TV to _ (read) Chinese on Saturday morning. 12、I would rather _ (fly) kites than _ (do) my homework at weekends. At last ask the students to read aloud and pay more attention to9,10, 11,12. Step Two: Presentation 交流展示点拨提高 Now,boys and girls,

6、when we talk about which one to choose between A and B,we often say “I like better” ,“I likemore”,”I would like”Today we will learn another two expressions about preferences.Such表述不够正确 as “would ratherthan” and “prefer to”. First: We will learn “would ratherthan”.意思是“宁愿而不愿”,“喜欢而不喜欢”,“与其不如”,它用以表达主语的意

7、愿,强调经过选择后做其中一件而不愿做另一件事。 在使用时,前后都必须表示并列的成分,than后用动词原形或名词。 它的否定句:would rather not do sth 当我们表示单纯喜欢做某事时可以只用would rather do sth。如果该句型前后连接的两动词相同则than之后那动词可省去。 For example: I would rather stay at home at night. I would rather not sit here. I would rather have juice than water. She would rather go out than

8、 stay at home on Sunday. Second: Finish the exercise “Planning to go shopping” on Page 31 in the book and ask Ss to read it. Third: So we get a rule now. We use an infinitive after “would rather” would rather do sth 宁愿做某事 not do sth 宁愿不做某事 do A than do B 宁愿做动作A不愿动作B do sth A than sth B 宁愿做A事不愿做B事wou

9、ld rather do A than do B Four: Next Ill teach you another expression about preference “Preferto” (Prefers Preferred) Prefer是动词, 意思 宁愿更喜欢,相当于Like betterPrefer A to B 意思:比起B来更喜欢A, A与B是平行结构,可以是名词、代词、动名词. 如果单纯更喜欢一件事,用prefer to doFor exemple: I prefer tea to coffee I prefer to stay at home I prefer singi

10、ng to dancing I prefer to walk rather than runFive: Finish the exercise “At the clothes shop” on Page 32 in the book and ask Ss to read itSix: so we also get a rulePrefer to do sth 宁愿做某事Prefer sth A to sth B 宁愿要sth A 不要 sth BPrefer doing A to doing B 宁愿做A事,不愿做B事Prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A事,

11、不愿做B事词组归纳正确,但是大小写有问题Step Three: PracticeUsing “would rather than” and “prefer-to” to make sentences两个词组拼写比规范1. sleep / go out 4. eat Chinese food / Western food2. buy books / buy clothes 5. go to the cinema / watch TV3. walk to the mall / take a bus there Step Four: ProductionDivide Ss into groups o

12、f 4. Each group must make 8 sentences and would rather than 4句 and “preferto” 4句. The first five groups will be given some small giftsStep Five 当堂检测 Have an examStep Six: Homework 1. Finish 当 Grammar AB2.Preview Grammar CD教后反思:牛津英语9A U2 Grammar AB 学案教案中的很多问题在学案中同时存在李玉燕 长江中学Teaching Content: Period G

13、rammar ABTeaching Aims:Aims of knowledge 1)To use “would ratherthan” to express preferences. 2)To use “preferto” to express preferences. Aims of abilities 1)To improve the studentss communicative ability. 2)To improve the studentss judgemental ability. Aims of emotion Arouse studentss interest of le

14、arning English by telling them the difference between “would rather” and “prefer”.Teaching Important Points: Tell the students the difference betweeen “would rather” and “prefer”.Teaching Different Points: How to use “would rather” and “prefer” to do some exercises.Teaching Aids: recorder , computer

15、.Teaching Metheds: listening,reading,speaking,understanding.Teaching Steps:Step One: Preview work 预习作业与交流 预习作业:动词填空 1、Would you like (tell) me the story? 2、Do you want _ (have) a rest? 3、Would you _ (clean) the blackboard,please? 4、I didnt feel like _ (eat) anything this morning? 5、How about _ (go)

16、_ (run)? 6、Youd better _ (sit) here. 7、Why dont you _ (visit) the local theatre? 8、Do you mind my _ (open) the door? 9、We prefer _ (play) in the playground after school. 10、I would rather _ (stay) at home at night. 11、I prefer _ (watch) TV to _ (read) Chinese on Saturday morning. 12、I would rather _

17、 (fly) kites than _ (do) my homework at weekend.当堂训练题: A Finish the exercise:Planning to go shopping on P.31 in the book.and ask Ss to read it.B . Work out the ruleC Finish the exercise: At the clothes shop on P 32 in the book and ask Ss to read it. D Work out the ruleE 用wouldrather and prefer to 结构

18、来造句1、 sleep / go out2、 buy books / buy clothes3、 walk to the mall / take a bus there4、eat Chinese food / Western food5、go to the cinema / watch TV at home F. Using would ratherthan and preferto to make sentences freely词组写法不规范当堂检测题:用preferto和wouldrather来完成句子。 1. Most Grade 9 students _ skating _ bowl

19、ing. Howere?. Grade 7 students _ go bowling _ skating.2. About 90% of students of both Grade 7 and Grade 9 _ go shopping at the weekend _ on weekdays.3. Half of the students _ Chinese food _ Western food.4. Around 80% of the girls _ (go) to the cinema _ watch TV. While 95% of the boys _ watch TV _go

20、 to the cinema.5. About 10% of the students _ country music _ pop songs.6. Amy _ wearing jeans _ formal clothes.7. All students _ taking the bus _ walking.8. Jack _ (prefer) _ (stay) at home to see a film when he was young.9. What a heavy rain! Mike _ (prefer) _ (watch) TV at home to _ (go) out.10.

21、What about _ (play) football now? I would rather _ (listen) to music at home than _ (play) football. Its too hot outside.11. Tom prefers _ (swim) to _ (run). Lets ask him _ (take) part in our _ (swim) Club.12. Simon _ (would) rather _ (chat) with his friends on the Internet last night.牛津英语9AU2 Gramm

22、ar AB 配套练习题李玉燕 长江中学一、词汇:A根据句意、中文、首字母完成句子。 1. _(慢跑) is good for our _ (健康). 2. She _ (更喜欢) apples to oranges. 3. Try to spend as much time as you can r_ youselfyourself. 4. Please p_ the wall green.5. At last he _ (know) that he had a mistake.6. Colours can change our _ (feeling)B. 用所给词适当形式填空 1. Hell

23、 never forget his _ (sad) in the past ten years. 2. Shoes are a _ (protect) for the feet. 3. Vitamins are essential(必需的) for healthy _ (grow). 4. Which TV set should I choose? Its hard for me to make a _ (decide). 5. Can you make youselfyourself understood in English without any _ (difficult). 6. It

24、 is a _ (please) to work with you.C. 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. He said his pen needed _ (repair). 2. Wed better _ (not stay) in Shanghai any longer. 3. I would rather _ (sing) than _ (dance). 4. Would you mind _ (talk) to me? 5. We all enjoy the book Harry Potter _ (write) by JK Rowing. 6. Sandy Kept _ (chat)

25、 with others on the Internet.二、选择填空( )1.Jack will prefer _ when he has time. A. sleep B. to sleep C. sleeping D. sleeps( )2. I prefer _ to _. The snow makes we excited. A. skate / ski B. skating / skiing C. to skate / ski D. skate / to ski( )3. Some of my classmates_ cartoons _ dramas. A. prefer / t

26、o B. would rather / to C. like / befter D. like / less( )4. It seemed that it _ so fast. A. to happen B. happens C. had happened D. happened( )5. The oils(油) she _ different colours and smells. A. used has B. to use have C. used have D. using have( )6. Its not my blouse. It may be _. A. some one B.

27、someone elses C. someones D. some one elses( )7.- What an amazing proformanceperformance!. It is the most interesinginteresting magic show. -But Im afraid it wont interest _. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody( )8. _ wonderful music it is! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a( )9. The pair o

28、f jeans looks nice _ Sandy and she looks nice _ blue. A. on / in B. in / on C. for / on D. to / in( )10. Could you tell me what _ like? A. doesnt she B. does she C. isnt she D. she is三、句型转换1. I prefer playing tennis to watching TV at weekends (同义句) _2. I prefer white to blue (同义句) _3. Danid would ra

29、ther play football than fly a kite (同义句) _4. She doesnt know how she can make home pages. (简单句) _5. Helen didnt go shopping yesterday because of the heavy rain. (复合句) _四、完形填空Mothers LoveThe following is a true story. It happened in the north of Australia, where many animals live in the forest.Lise,

30、a 33-year-old woman, was 1 lunch in the kitchen while her three-year-old son, Barney, was playing alone in the backyard.Suddenly, a cry of Barney came into the mothers ears, and Lise 2 into the backyard and found a big 3 trying to eat the boy as its delicious dich?! Lisa was 4 and quite angry. She m

31、ade up her mind to 5 he son from the snakes mouth. Lisa forgot 6 she faced and picked up an old hoe(锄头) 7 the ground and hit the snake hard.One, two With the hoe, Lisa hit the snake again and again. The little boys 8 and breath were getting weaker and 9 . Lisas heart was broken and she got 10 mad. T

32、hen Lisa put aside(搁到一边) the hoe and threw herself to the snake, opened her mouth and bit into its back.By and by a small piece of the snake was bit off. Lisa 11 up the hoe again and hit the ournd hard. The snake was so badly hurt 12 it left the boy and moved back into the 13 quickly. It had 14 imag

33、ined how human beings has such strong 15 ! On halfway home, the big snake died.It was the mothers love that saved the little boy.( )1.A. sellingB. studyingC. cookingD. buying( )2.A. ranB. fellC. climbedD. flew( )3.A. tigerB. lionC. bearD. snake( )4.A. tiredB. interestedC. pleasedD. frightened( )5.A.

34、 saveB. meetC. treatD. put( )6.A. whenB. whatC. whereD. How( )7.A. underB. inC. fromD. over( )8.A. voiceB. noiseC. ideaD. smile( )9.A. weakB. weakerC. loudD. louder( )10.A. hardlyB. alreadyC. alwaysD. nearly( )11.A. pickedB. threwC. putD. caught( )12.A. whileB. andC. butD. that( )13.A. kitchenB. for

35、estC. roomD. backyard( )14.A. everB. evenC. neverD. just( )15.A. feetB. fingersC. teethD. eyes五、阅读理解The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all the morning. They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds (钻石) from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the polic

36、e that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House. While two detectives were keeping guard at the

37、door, two others opened the parecel. To their surprise, the precious (珍贵的) parcel was full of stones and sand!( )1. The detectives were waiting at the airport for _. A.two hours B. three hours C. the whole morning D. the whole afternon?( )2. The detectives were expecting _. A. the thieves from South

38、 Africa B. a parcel of diamonds to South Africa C. a precious parcel at the airport D. a parcel of stones( )3. They stayed at the airport in order to _ . A. see who would steal the diamond B. stop the parcel from being stolen C. meet somebody from South Africa D. send a parcel( )4. _ detecives? open

39、ed the parcel. A. Two B. Four C. Five D. Six( )5. At last the detectives _. A. found nothing but some worthless things in the parcel B. found the parcel had been taken away befor? the plane arrived C. didnt receive the right parcel D. caught the thieves六、补全短文A man was travelling in England. He didnt

40、 know 1 English. One day when he was sitting by the window of a restaurant, having lunch, he 2 a voice: “Look out!” So he put his head 3 of the window to find out what was 4 outside. Just then a basin of dirty water poured (倒) over his head. Then 5 basin of dirty water came. He was very 6 . He shout

41、ed, “Damn you(该死的)! See 7 you did just now.” A man happened to pass by and 8 at him and he got 9 angrier. One of the men in the restaurant said to him, “You must be a foreigner. Look out 10 English means Be careful.”1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ . 5._6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._9A Unit 2 Grammar A B 学案答案启东市长江中学 李玉燕一 预习题.

42、1.to tell 2. to have 3. clean 4. eating 5. going, running1. sit 7. visit 8. opening 9. to play 10. stay 11. watching ,reading 12. fly ,do二当堂练习题 书本P.31 1.would 2. than 3. go shopping 4. shop 5. have 6. than 书本P.32 1. I prefer the blue dress to the red dress.1. I prefer the white clothes to the colour

43、ful clothes.2. I prefer the sports bag to the school bag.3. I prefer the yellow T-shirt to the green T-shirt.4. I prefer staying at home to going shopping.5. I prefer sleeping to going out. Make sentences using “would rather thanand “preferto” 1. I would rather sleep than go out./ I prefer sleeping to going out./I prefer to sleep rather than go out. 2. I would rather buy book


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