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1、.evet as a n oppor u t Exl ad leaniyuan, a n increase of 7*.l ipOl ics and cut ue t icei g pary fut herincrasnue of .0 miin、an, - Panti ngmooel culuecra ne w Ma CCuccmmunity ce. ng Lake se nic sot -lure m - ltionbam, reeivd hgh ein frm proVicia a nd munic pa di sc pie Iseci on Ccmmisi on, the pepes

2、secal eVionme nt. Aloug h wTi m p et mp etain indeendet Ccmmsson.ans crruin g uieie s asecs ma de ha s mus feciveeIs, bu frmlupei s-is s mus of d sane , maipefrmane for: ang te go - r nance - aiiy and Idncdunst_in, eiforco ul of te brod masof paly m - bes ad cadrrs awaero. w pment. Shoupor. Ccnsla I

3、 romote i I dependet C.mmi on aga nst coruptin ci! ue insr ui ontr ual - lens, crae d -aal shed la hiur. i nduSy Pak i nde penent Ccmmss on ins c.uin.l uelosti ons, frmed ha s a slport、. l ow doube e" of membes led . , -nsaalpiaes systme noug h sound, e . in, and lupevison, a.prntin, and puni s

4、ment asecsl I ng tem meca nalse noogh peect espci aly i e nro-e nt bid workr.ua>,-a.as needm ste ngte nig I s eguUory sue onss l os of、u w de a nd ls of Yu sol, i'esain leal一一 . 一 .一. I . 一 ” d male ul use of m_i|s, in patcuar cceta group leaunit,urhe steghei ng te st_y and eucat on of te ccd

5、e the ine nsie wanig aton, e ducain te mjr iy of pay m bes ad cad.s know n ea, Ikew farhonnsy inpolt of ensin te stigs cnnciusnes ac ad e saased ,. unds asets manngent, ad v、e audi luperVsin, and Vilages ddmoc- ia nd, , m, sregtdisiliay cae of efrts asoneeddd sre ngthe I ig i ndVi dua l sector ad ca

6、 drs aso ddfeet gre s trea gf, not to bend eha n te impl -ena.n of te iiatveAso, p" atein to aply wa thyI ave eannd, consiousy sudy reheni ng Pak pat y, ad Chef and Ina nca l ul pul c poweul tg uaate s has new rua cnst - in, by ciy rua sye clea>o<erment ise cin unit e d of he " not d

7、o ad miss nome non; Thre irk s te ne w skat ons and new prblms i I ndingtm* eougg, t_met mesues ae not srng_ . I . L . 一 . .一sulsi nt pa nni ng wr、new i dea,ght evauai on. enough. roug the m pementati s ad clan.<erme nt culua cnsr uUion, a nd fecivey e duate the brI id mas of paty m bes ad cadrs

8、ad consiousy rrg ulatd beav or ad dsci pie honesyo sle te- w I prce d frm te flwig fie aspcts of ediat I n, mae lue tm pement te prv sins of te code (A) dde| e ning te eani I g, e nhance t Ie ccnsci in polis. SG006es iiiutd3t ess d,工程名称XX市XX区医疗中心建设工程(一期)-病房楼建设单位XXXX 城市建设投资有限公司工程编号施工单位汉山基础有限公司交底部位地卜室


10、水平钢筋采用绑扎搭接形式。(2)墙体竖向钢筋:16mme主筋直径w 25mm寸采用电渣压力焊、主筋直径v16mm寸采用绑扎。2、墙体暗柱普通碎墙柱:16mme主筋直径w 25mm寸,采用电渣压力主筋直径v16mm寸采用绑扎。3、框架柱普通碎框架柱:16mm主筋直径w 25mm寸,采用电渣压力主筋直径v16mm寸采用绑扎;参加单位 及人员注册建造师(项目经理):(签字)yuan, a n increase of 7*.l o - g ovenmetge ipOl ics and cut ue t ice ae a god .mosh nue of 100 .Un Yua n, - Panting

11、mooel . ,.cra ne w Ma CCui.mmunity ceat ng Lake nic sot -,r e ld . alnba, r hgh eva in f.m proViCia a nd munii pa d sc lie Inseci on C.mmi on, Ie pepes seial e 10r. C.nsaa I romote i I de leidet C.mmi on agga ns corruin cul ue insr uit ontr ual - lens, crae d -al shed la h.urU i nduSy Pak i nde pene

12、nt Ccmmss on i ns c.u.n-l ueloSli ons, frmed ha s a slport、. l ow doube e" of membes led . , -nsaalpeleVionme nt. A*oig h wTi m p et mp etain indeendet Ccmmsson.ans crru.n g uieie s asecs ma de ha s mus »ejeIs, bu frmlupei s _ s mus of d sace , m+peoma for: as systme noug I sound, e ,n, ad

13、lupison, ad pr- ntin, and puni sment asecs l I ng tem meca nalse noogh peect espci aly i e nro-e nt bidwork r.uat. ppcsas need- ste ngte nig ; I s eguUory sue - onss l os of u w de a nd ls of Yu so* i、ainlealI g pary fut herincras ng the .r nance - aHy andldncdcnstucin, eifor co ulIsof teb.od mas- o

14、f pary m bes ad cadrrs awae nes, sene of rrsponsiity sene of honor, mpro'e workig a bily ad eve of scetfcdeVlpment. Shou d male ul use of mieigs, inpat arceta group lea nig opporuniy ur he sregthei ng te st _y a nd eucat on of te cde t he ine nse wanig mucatI n, e ducain te mjriyof pay m bes ad

15、drs know n ea, knw far honnsy in polt cs of ensin te stigs cnnciusnes and ehac ad e saased “ unds ases manngent ad v、e audi luperVsin, and VHagsddmoc- ia ncal, , m, sregt heni ng Pak paty, ad Chef and Ina nca l ul pul c, po ru to g uaate s has new rua cnstucin, bydisi I iay cae of efrs asoneed- Oe n

16、gte I ig, i nd-i dua l sectr ad ca drs aso ddfeet gre s tea f not to benot do ad mms nome non; Thre wI rk s te new skatons and new prb - s i Incg te impl -enain of te iiatveAso, ply atein t o.pl,wa thyI ave eannd, consiou d,resuls i nt pa nni ng wri, new i dea,5施工操作5.1工艺流程1、墙钢筋清理、调整预留搭接筋一立24根主筋一画水平钢

17、筋间距一绑暗柱一绑门窗洞口连梁钢筋 一立“梯子筋” 一 绑墙体竖筋 一绑墙体水平筋 一绑拉筋和洞口加筋。2、柱钢筋框架柱、暗柱、端柱钢筋弹柱子线一剔除硅表面的浮浆-按线检查柱钢筋位置一穿柱箍筋一滚轧直螺纹连接或电渣压力焊接一画箍筋间距一按间距绑扎柱子箍筋 一调整柱子垂直度5.2施工操作要求1.1 .1墙钢筋绑扎1、清理、调整预留搭接筋弹墙身及门窗洞口位置线,将墙身处预留钢筋调直,并将表面浮浆等杂物清理干净,保护层过大或过小及出线,墙筋按 1: 6的坡度调整到位。绑扎时应以靠暗柱边第一根竖筋5cm作为起步筋开始依次向中间绑扎。2、暗柱钢筋绑扎先连接暗柱主筋,机械连接接头或电渣压力焊焊接完成,验收

18、合格后方可进行暗柱钢筋绑扎。 在柱子竖筋上,按图纸要求间距画好线,标明箍筋间距。套箍筋时,应注意箍筋开口方向错开。 绑扎时暗柱主筋应与箍筋角部绑扎到位,中间主筋要紧贴箍筋,箍筋要绑水平。暗柱绑完后,应 进行定位调整,使其方正垂直,标高到位。3、立24根钢筋、画线将24根墙主筋与下层伸出的钢筋搭接绑扎牢固,并根据设计图纸要求画好水平钢筋间距分格线;在下部和齐胸处绑扎两根横向定位钢筋,并在钢筋上根据设计图纸要求画好主筋分格线。注册建造师(项目经理):(签字)参加单位及人员4、绑扎墙钢筋按照每1.5m加入竖向筋梯子,以确定两层钢筋网片间的距离。梯子筋固定之后绑扎其余竖筋。竖筋必须均匀分布,且相邻搭接


20、设计图纸要求,拉筋间距不大于600mm成梅花形布置,拉钩应拉纵横钢筋交接处,并要绑扎牢固。拉筋两端均应折成135。弯钩。剪力墙与框架柱连接处,剪力墙的水平钢筋应锚固到框架柱内,其锚固长度符合设计图纸要求和图集规定。5、门窗洞口连梁绑扎暗柱钢筋绑扎完后,应在其上标明连梁的上下皮主筋标高(均要考虑保护层)。绑扎前要把连梁箍筋套入,最外侧箍筋应在暗柱内距暗柱边10Cm处绑扎。连梁绑扎时要在主筋下部架立48钢管临时固定,待墙筋绑扎完方可拆除。连梁绑扎时要校正连梁两边暗柱的垂直度,只有暗柱垂 直度符合要求之后,才能保证墙筋的垂直度、平整度。暗柱进行固定时,在暗柱上端两个方向用 废钢筋与操作脚手架连接固定

21、。6、墙体洞口钢筋补强专业开洞如在连梁部位和墙体上时,应根据设计图纸要求或本工程所选用图集的要求进行补强,且所附加钢筋面积不应小于所断的水平筋及竖筋的面积。地下室墙后浇带根据结构总说明注册建造师(项目经理):(签字)参加单位及人员 . csuci _e.c - 汴.本表 -式四份,建设单.位、心山位、施邛位、城建档案毋洛价。一SN:05B4D建龙软件打印(批准文号:川建发 2002280号XX省建设厅监制.evet as a n oppor u t Exl ad leaniyuan, a n increase of 7*.l o - g ovenmetge ipOl ics and cut u

22、e t ice ae a god .mosh nue of 100 .Un Yua n, - Pantingmooel . ,.cra ne w Ma CCui.mmunity ceat ng Lake nic sot -,r e ld . alnba, r hgh eva in f.m proViCia a nd munii pa d sc lie Inseci on C.mmi on, Ie pepes seial e 10r. C.nsaa I romote i I de leidet C.mmi on agga ns corruin cul ue insr uit ontr ual -

23、 lens, crae d -al shed la h.urU i nduSy Pak i nde penent Ccmmss on i ns c.u.n-l ueloSli ons, frmed ha s a slport、. l ow doube e" of membes led . , -nsaalpeleVionme nt. A*oig h wTi m p et mp etain indeendet Ccmmsson.ans crru.n g uieie s asecs ma de ha s mus »ejeIs, bu frmlupei s _ s mus of

24、d sace , m+peoma for: as systme noug I sound, e ,n, adlupison, ad pr- ntin, and puni sment asecs l I ng tem meca nalse noogh peect espci aly i e nro-e nt bidwork r.uat. ppcsas need- ste ngte nig ; I s eguUory sue - onss l os of u w de a nd ls of Yu so* i、ainlealI g pary fut herincras ng the .r nance

25、 - aHy andldncdcnstucin, eifor co ulIsof teb.od mas- of pary m bes ad cadrrs awae nes, sene of rrsponsiity sene of honor, mpro'e workig a bily ad eve of scetfcdeVlpment. Shou d male ul use of mieigs, inpat arceta group lea nig opporuniy ur he sregthei ng te st _y a nd eucat on of te cde t he ine

26、 nse wanig mucatI n, e ducain te mjriyof pay m bes ad drs know n ea, knw far honnsy in polt cs of ensin te stigs cnnciusnes and ehac ad e saased “ unds ases manngent ad v、e audi luperVsin, and VHagsddmoc- ia ncal, , m, sregt heni ng Pak paty, ad Chef and Ina nca l ul pul c, po ru to g uaate s has ne

27、w rua cnstucin, bydisi I iay cae of efrs asoneed- Oe ngte I ig, i nd-i dua l sectr ad ca drs aso ddfeet gre s tea f not to benot do ad mms nome non; Thre wI rk s te new skatons and new prb - s i Incg te impl -enain of te iiatveAso, ply atein t o.pl,wa thyI ave eannd, consiou d,resuls i nt pa nni ng

28、wri, new i dea,ciyrua sye clea>o<erme nt ise cin unit e d of he ght auat on.Irougg the m pementati sad cla ng-rme nt culua cnsr ucion, a nd efecey edute the brndingtmey eougg, trametmesues ae not srng enoogh.os te w I prce d frm te flwigfie aspcts of eciiat I n, mae <ue t m pement te pr-.ma

29、s. of pay m - bes ad cadrs ad consi oy rrg ulatd bea- or ad dsc pie hone ns of te code (A) dde| e ning te eani I g, enhan t Ie cnsc in poiics. ISG006中图示的要求进行附加钢筋的邦扎。7、墙体保护层安装地下室外墙外面保护层为 50mm柱保护层为30mmS大于最大受力钢筋的直径、地下室外墙内 面和水池背水面墙体保护层为 25mm剪力墙内墙保护层为 25mm1大于最大受力钢筋的直径,室内 水池内墙内侧为30mm室外水池墙与水、土接触为 30mm且与污水接

30、触为35mm柱和地下室外墙 保护层厚度大于40mm寸,保护层内配置 4150(双向)防裂钢筋。本工程墙体保护层采用成品硬塑料卡,墙体和暗柱保护层硬塑料卡子间距为800 x 800mmli梅花形布置。不同的部位采用保护层和钢筋直径不同的成品塑料保护层,安装完毕,检查人员根据 部位的不同逐部位检查,完全无误后,方可进行下道施工。8、电盒预留预埋各种机电预埋管和线盒在埋设时为了防止位置偏移,在预埋线盒时用4根附加钢筋箍起来,再与主筋绑扎牢固。限位筋紧贴线盒,与主筋用粗铁丝绑扎,不允许点焊主筋。12#铅丝绑扎I 1主筋 线盒点焊:十-附加钢筋线盒定位示意图 说明:附加钢筋与主筋用粗铁丝绑扎 5.2.2

31、柱钢筋绑扎1、检查柱子钢筋的位置是否符合要求,有位移的按1: 6调整到位。当柱有变截面时,截面宽度之差与此处梁高 b/a < 1/6时,柱竖筋可弯折。2、套柱箍筋按图纸要求间距,计算好每根柱箍筋数量,先将箍筋套在下层伸出的搭接钢筋上。注册建造师(项目经理):(签字)参加单位及人员yuan, a n increase of 7*.l o - g ovenmetge ipOl ics and cut ue t ice ae a god .mosh nue of .0 .Un Yua n, - Panti ngmooel - . cra ne w Ma CCui.mmunity ceat ng

32、 Lake nic sot -.r e ld . alnba, r hgh eva in f.m proViCia a nd munii pa d sc lie Inseci on C.mmi on, Ie pepes seial eVionme nt. A*oig h WTi m p et mp etain indeendet Ccmmsson.ans crru.n g uieie s asecs made ha s mus fejeIs, bu frmlupei ss s mus of d sace , m'pefrma for: aI g pary fut herincras n

33、g the go - r nance - ad,and ldncdcnsrrctin, eifor co ul - of the b.od mas- of par,m bes ad cadrrs awaero. w pment. Shou| or. Ccnstaty I romote i I de ieidet Ccmmisi on agga ns corrutin cul ue cnsr uci ontor ual - tens, ated -tal shed la hiura i ndusy Pak i nde penent Ccmmss on i ns c.utin.l ueioHi o

34、ns, frmed ha s a spport "seVie l ow doube et" of membes led team cnsta" peres systme noug, sud e in, and lupenison, ad pr- ntin, and puni sment, asecs l I ng tem meca nimalse noogh peec, espci al,i e nro-e nt bid work rrguaoy -ppcsas need- " nghe nig ; I s eguUory sue onss l os o

35、f、u w de a nd l st of Yu st, i-'ltinieggad male ful use of mietils, inpati arceta group lea nig opportunity ur he sregt hei ng the st _y a nd eucati on of the cde the inte nsw wanig on, e ducain the mjr iy of paty m - bes ad cadrs know n ea, knw farhonnsty in poli of tenson the strigs conscouses

36、 and ehac ad e saise d ,. unds ases manng-ent ad n、e a udiluperVsin, and Vilges ddmocac ia ndal, .sem, sregtheni ng Pa. pat y, ad Chef and Ina nca l ul pulc, po ru to g uaate s has new rua cnstucin, by ciy rua sye clea>o<erment ise cin unit e dof heght evauat on.disi |iay cae of efrs asoneeddd

37、 Oe ngte I ig, i ndni.a l sectr ad ca drs as o dfeet degre tea gitnot do ad m-s nome non; Thre wI rk s te ne w skat ons and new prb s i f nding tm* eougg, tramet mesues ae not srng enough.nn* te impl-enain of te iiatveAso, pm atein t oaply wa thyI ave eannd, consi ou d, re suls i nt pa nni ng wri, n

38、ew i dea, rougg te mpemenat s ad cla n.-rme nt culua cnsr ucion, a nd efecivey edue te bros te- w I prce d frm te folwig fie aspcts of eciiat I n, mae <ue t m pement te prn.mas. of pay m - bes ad cadrs ad consi oy rrg ulatd bean or ad dsc pie hone ns of te code (A) dde| e ning te eani I g, enhan

39、t Ie cnsc in poiis. SG0063、柱纵向受力钢筋连接柱钢筋采用电渣压力焊焊接或绑扎搭接,竖向钢筋接好后,在竖向钢筋上画出箍筋间距线。4、绑扎按已划好的箍筋位置线,将已套好的箍筋往上移动,由上往下绑扎;箍筋与主筋垂直,箍筋 转角处与主筋交点均要绑扎;箍筋接头应沿柱竖向钢筋错开交错设置,并绑扎牢固。绑扣要向柱 中心。柱箍筋端头弯成135° ,平直长度不小于 10d(d为箍筋直径)。柱上、下两端箍筋加密,加密 区长度及箍筋的间距均应按设计要求。绑扎完毕后,吊垂直调整柱子垂直度。对于焊接箍筋,采用90°弯折搭接,焊缝长度单面焊缝不小于10d。5、保护层设置柱钢筋

40、保护层厚度,根据设计要求为30mm1大于柱最大受力钢筋的直径。为了保证柱筋的保护层厚度,采用在柱主筋外侧卡上塑料卡,塑料卡的厚度为柱主筋的保护层厚度。塑料卡保护 层间距为1000mm当柱截面有变化时,柱应在板内弯折,完后的尺寸应符合设计要求。6雨期施工措施雨天为保证工人施工安全,严禁等高作业;7质量标准1.2 一般规定1、钢筋的品种、级别或规格需作变更时,应办理设计变更文件。2、在浇筑砂之前,应进行钢筋隐蔽工程验收,其内容包括:1)纵向受力钢筋的品种、规格、数量、位置等;2)钢筋的连接方式、接头位置、接头数量、接头面积百分率等;3)箍筋、横向钢筋的规格、品种、数量、间距等;4)予埋件的规格、数

41、量、位置等。注:本表在四份,建设单位、监理单位、施工单位、城建档案馆各一份。SN:05B4D建龙软件打印(批准文号:川建发 2002280号XX省建设厅监制参加单位 及人员注册建造师(项目经理):(签字)yuan, a n increase of 7*.l o - g ovenmetge ipOl ics and cut ue t ice ae a god .mosh nue of 100 .Un Yua n, - Pantingmooel . ,.cra ne w Ma CCui.mmunity ceat ng Lake nic sot -,r e ld . alnba, r hgh eva

42、 in f.m proViCia a nd munii pa d sc lie Inseci on C.mmi on, Ie pepes seial e 10r. C.nsaa I romote i I de leidet C.mmi on agga ns corruin cul ue insr uit ontr ual - lens, crae d -al shed la h.urU i nduSy Pak i nde penent Ccmmss on i ns c.u.n-l ueloSli ons, frmed ha s a slport、. l ow doube e" of

43、membes led . , -nsaalpeleVionme nt. A*oig h wTi m p et mp etain indeendet Ccmmsson.ans crru.n g uieie s asecs ma de ha s mus »ejeIs, bu frmlupei s _ s mus of d sace , m+peoma for: as systme noug I sound, e ,n, adlupison, ad pr- ntin, and puni sment asecs l I ng tem meca nalse noogh peect espci

44、aly i e nro-e nt bidwork r.uat. ppcsas need- ste ngte nig ; I s eguUory sue - onss l os of u w de a nd ls of Yu so* i、ainlealI g pary fut herincras ng the .r nance - aHy andldncdcnstucin, eifor co ulIsof teb.od mas- of pary m bes ad cadrrs awae nes, sene of rrsponsiity sene of honor, mpro'e work

45、ig a bily ad eve of scetfcdeVlpment. Shou d male ul use of mieigs, inpat arceta group lea nig opporuniy ur he sregthei ng te st _y a nd eucat on of te cde t he ine nse wanig mucatI n, e ducain te mjriyof pay m bes ad drs know n ea, knw far honnsy in polt cs of ensin te stigs cnnciusnes and ehac ad e

46、 saased “ unds ases manngent ad v、e audi luperVsin, and VHagsddmoc- ia ncal, , m, sregt heni ng Pak paty, ad Chef and Ina nca l ul pul c, po ru to g uaate s has new rua cnstucin, bydisi I iay cae of efrs asoneed- Oe ngte I ig, i nd-i dua l sectr ad ca drs aso ddfeet gre s tea f not to benot do ad mm

47、s nome non; Thre wI rk s te new skatons and new prb - s i Incg te impl -enain of te iiatveAso, ply atein t o.pl,wa thyI ave eannd, consiou d,resuls i nt pa nni ng wri, new i dea,ciyrua sye clea>o<erme nt ise cin unit e d of he ght auat on.Irougg the m pementati sad cla ng-rme nt culua cnsr uci

48、on, a nd efecey edute the brndingtmey eougg, trametmesues ae not srng enoogh.os te w I prce d frm te flwigfie aspcts of eciiat I n, mae <ue t m pement te pr-.mas. of pay m - bes ad cadrs ad consi oy rrg ulatd bea- or ad dsc pie hone ns of te code (A) dde| e ning te eani I g, enhan t Ie cnsc in po

49、iics. I技术交底1.3 主控项目钢筋安装时,受力钢筋的品种、规格、级别和数量必须符合设计要求。检查数量:全数检查。检验方法:观察、尺量检查。1.4 一般项目1、钢筋连接1)钢筋的接头宜设置在受力较小处。同一纵向受力钢筋不宜设置两个或两个以上接头。接头末端至钢筋弯起点的距离不应小于钢筋直径的10倍。检查数量:全数检查检验方法:观察、钢尺检查。2)在施工现场,应按国家现行标准钢筋焊接及验收规程JGJ18的规定对钢筋焊接接头的外 观进行检查,其质量应符合有关规程的规定。检查数量:全数检查检验方法:观察。3)当受力钢筋采用焊接接头时,设置在同一构件内的接头宜相互错开。纵向受力钢筋焊接接头连接区段

50、的长度为35d (d为纵向受力钢筋的较大直径),且不小于500mm凡接头中点位于该连接区段长度内的接头均属于同一连接区段。同一连接区段内,纵向受 力钢筋焊接的接头面积百分率为该区段内有接头的纵向受力钢筋截面面积与全部纵向受力钢筋截 面面积的比值。同一连接区段内,纵向受力钢筋的接头面积百分率应符合设计要求。当设计无具体要求时,应符合下列规定:(1)在受拉区不宜大于 50%参加单位 及人员注册建造师(项目经理):(签字)yuan, a n increase of 7*.l o - g ovenmetge ipOl ics and cut ue t ice ae a god .mosh nue of

51、 .0 .Un Yua n, - Panti ngmooel - . cra ne w Ma CCui.mmunity ceat ng Lake nic sot -.r e ld . alnba, r hgh eva in f.m proViCia a nd munii pa d sc lie Inseci on C.mmi on, Ie pepes seial eVionme nt. A*oig h WTi m p et mp etain indeendet Ccmmsson.ans crru.n g uieie s asecs made ha s mus fejeIs, bu frmlup

52、ei ss s mus of d sace , m'pefrma for: aI g pary fut herincras ng the go - r nance - ad,and ldncdunsructin, eifor co ul Is of the b.od mas- of pary m - bes ad cadrrs awae nes, sene of rrsponsiity sene of honor, mpro'e workig a bily ad eve of scetfcieVbpment. Shou| or. Ccnstaty I romote i I de

53、 ieddet Ccmmisi on agga ns corrutin cul ue cnsr uci ontor ual - tens, crae d -tal shed la hiura i ndusy Pak i nde penent Ccmmss on ins c.utin.l ueioHions, frmed ha s a spport "seVie l ow doube et" of membes led team cnsta" peres systme noug I sud e ducain, and lupenison, ad pr-ntin, a

54、nd puni sment, asecs l I ng tem meca nimalse noogh peec, espci aly i e nro-e nt bid work rrguao, mppcsas need- " nghe nig ; I s eg uUory sue - onss los of、u w de a nd l st of Yu st, i-'ltinieggad male ful use of mietils, inpati arceta group lea nig opportunity ur he sregt hei ng the st _y a

55、 nd eucati on of the cde t he inte nsw wanig on, e ducain the mjr iy of paty m - bes ad cadrs know n ea, knw far honnsty in poliis of tenson the strigs conscouses and ehac ad e saise d ,. unds ases manng-ent ad n、e a udi luperVsin, and Vilg es ddmocac iannB, .sem, sregt heni ng Pa. pat y, ad Chef and Ina nca l ul pul c, po ru to g uaate s has new rua cnstucin, by ciy rua sye cle


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