已阅读5页,还剩22页未读 继续免费阅读




1、優質全方位學習工作坊系列優質全方位學習工作坊系列推行活動的策劃表推行活動的策劃表 檢視每一階段的分界點計畫與籌備活動前解說活動過程階段階段 2 2階段階段 3 3階段階段 4 4階段階段 1 1階段階段 5 5活動後解說跟進預備篇預備篇行動篇行動篇總結篇總結篇.hk/cd/lwl/4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011解說:促進反思的過程 反思的三個層面 認知層面 所學到的新知識與技能 情意層面 過程上的感受、體驗和產生的情緒變化 過程層面 推行過程的細節及順暢程度4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0

2、001 0100 1011關係的建立、互信為基石關係的建立、互信為基石 選擇合適的時間 解說不宜在開始的階段進行 營造開放和信任的氣氛 強調保密原則,不會隨意公開別人的分享 意見與感受是沒有對錯之分 耐心聆聽的態度 容許有選擇發言與否的權利 留意語言與非語言的信息4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011欣賞與鼓勵 你睇我好、我睇你好 強調優點,培養互相欣賞的文化 寫出一個優點,或一句讚美的說話 為何你會覺得同學有這個優點? 是什麼事令你對同學有這份讚賞? 你覺得剛才被人稱讚的感覺怎樣?(可預先印備一些讚美的語句)4251 10011 0010 1010

3、1101 0001 0100 1011解說的原則 目標清晰 良好的互信關係 必須參與 彈性方法 欣賞與鼓勵 持續進行 足夠的時間與空間4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011The 4Fs (Active Reviewing Cycle, Roger Greenway)三面鏡反思法 (香港青年協會) CEC (Thinking routine, Project Zero: Harvard University)A cycle of meta-learning (Chris Watkins, 2000)Reflection Strategies4251 1

4、0011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011Learning experiences Vs TimeGood experiencesNot so good experiencesTime4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011Fs 反思法 Facts 事實(經驗回顧) Experience Feelings 感受(分享感受) Reflection Findings 發現(學習檢視) Generalization Future 將來(前瞻探索) Application4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0001 01

5、00 1011三面鏡反思法 鏡 (Mirror)經驗回顧 過程中,有那些特別的經歷、趣聞或困難? 放大鏡 (Microscope)深入探究 這些感受或體會為何出現?其他人有沒有相同的感處受? 這種經歷是怎樣出現?其他人是否有相同的經歷?你當時有什麼反應或處理方法?為什麼這樣處理?有值得學習的地方嗎?4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011三面鏡反思法 望遠鏡 (Binoculars) 經驗轉化 這些學習體會與你日常生活有那些相似的也方? 對你有什麼影響?將來可以應用出來嗎? 若有下一次機會,你會如何改善?4251 10011 0010 1010 1101

6、 0001 0100 1011CEC thinking routine ConnectHow are the ideas and information presented CONNECTED to what you already knew? ExtendWhat new ideas did you get that EXTENDED or pushed your thinking in new directions? ChallengeWhat is still CHALLENGING or confusing for you to get your mind around? What q

7、uestions, wonderings or puzzles do you now have? 處境:參觀完博物館後,同學告訴你,他什麼也學不到。4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011A cycle of Meta-learning Purposes for learning (WHY) Strategies you were using (HOW DO) Effects of your learning (WHAT RESULT) Feelings while you were learning (HOW FEEL) Context of your

8、 learning (WHEN, WHO WITH, WHERE) How about their combination?4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011A cycle of Meta-learning Purposes: What purposes did you have in mind? To meet requirement? To beat others? To get through? Out of interest? To please others?4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011

9、A cycle of Meta-learning Strategy: How did you set about it (the learning)? What did you do? Did you alter as you went? What strategies did you not use? Effects: Did your results fulfill your purpose? What helped/hindered in the learning? What went well/not well? Did you meet any blocks? How did it

10、progress over time? Thinking, feeling, strategy.4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011A cycle of Meta-learning Feelings: What did you enjoy/not enjoy in the learning? What risks did you take? What surprises did you have? Context: Did you work with others? What influences on your learning did you n

11、otice? What interactions with other people did you notice, find helpful / unhelpful?處境:同學完成了一次經歷整整兩個月的專題研習。4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011Activities for debriefing 透過講 (Telling) 舉行正式或非正式的小組討論/分享 邀請學生於家長日/學校開放日/典禮中公開分享經歷和感受 透過寫 (Writing) 撰寫日誌/日記/網誌(Blog) 工作紙 於校刊/報中投稿 撰寫感謝信/意見書/改善計劃書4251 1001

12、1 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011Activities for debriefing 透過做 (Doing) 製作攤位或展板展示學習成果 製作一幅大壁畫或砌圖 排演一套有關活動的話劇/廣播劇 透過閱讀 (Reading) 閱讀關於是次活動的資料或刊物 搜集更多有關資料4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011Learning Log Why your purpose in learning: e.g. what is important to me in this work and why? How your strategy

13、in learning: e.g. which way did I go about this task? Results effects you noticed: e.g. what helped me in this learning and what got in the way? Feelings involved in the learning: e.g. how did I feel when I started the task and how did that influence what I did? Context issues: e.g. how did I work w

14、ith the group on a task? What resources were useful? Did I influence the context?4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011Learning LogTo reflect on: a particular lesson or task connections between different activities or lessons your reactions to something you read important incidents in your learnin

15、g any blocks you come across in your learning what you are learning about your approaches to learning what you are learning about the changes you make and the risks you take4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011Critical Thinking (SOLVED Model)Convergent Thinking S: State the problem O: Open Discus

16、sion L: List any possible solution V: Veto unacceptable solution E: Evaluate other solution D: Decide and do the most acceptable and possible one4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011Creativity (Divergent Thinking) Whats next?.4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011解說核對表Do 要Dont 不要焦點是組員焦點是教師正面負面足

17、夠空間沒有空間讓組員自己說話替組員代言具創意因循 / 規格化解說不斷在進行只在階段完結時進行安全環境不安全環境切合組員的能力超過組員的能力尊重組員的選擇分享強迫 / 勉強組員分享保護私穩泄露私穩4251 10011 0010 1010 1101 0001 0100 1011 Abuse of Reflection Depth of Reflection Dispositions for reflection Incentive of Reflection Culture of Reflection Tool for ReflectionReflection:ADDICT ModelC. Beard & J. P. Wilson (2002) The Power of Experiential Learning a handbook for trainers & educators, Kogern PageJ. H. Falk & L. D. Dieking (2002) Learnin


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