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1、PESTEL analysisis based on political, economic, social-cultural, technologicalenvironmental and legal. It describes a framework of macro-environmental factors used in the environmental scanning component of strategic management.Political factors are basically how thegovernment intervenes in the econ

2、omy.Specifically, political factors has areas includingtax policy, labourlaw, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, and political stability.Economic factors include economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates, the inflation rate. These factors greatly affect how businesses operate and

3、make decisions. (Interest rates impacts company's cost of capital, business growth and expands. Exchange rate impacts the cost, supply and price of imported goods.)Social factors include the cultural aspects and health consciousness,populationgrowth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and e

4、mphasis on safety.Technological factors include technological aspectslike R&D activity, automation, technology incentives and the rateof technological change. These can determine barriers to entry, minimum efficient production level and influence the outsourcing decisions. Technological shifts w

5、ould affect costs, quality, and lead toinnovation.Legal factors include discrimination law, consumer law, antitrustlaw, employment law, and health and safety law. These factors can affect how acompany operates, its costs, and the demand for its products.Environmental factors include ecological and e

6、nvironmental aspects such as weather, climate, and climate change, which may especially affect industries such as tourism, farming, and insurance.Porter'sWe forces analysis is a framework for analyzing the level of competition within an industry and business strategy development.Threat of new en

7、trants :The existence of barriers to entry (patents, rights, etc.).Government disadvantages independent of of of product costs or sunk toloyalty to established profitability (the more profitable the industry the moreattractive it will be to new competitors).Network effect.Threat of substitutes :Buye

8、r propensity to price performance of switching level of product of substitute products available in the of of close substitute.Bargaining power of customers :Buyer concentration to firm concentration of dependency upon existing channels of leverage, particularly in industries with high fixed switchi

9、ng costs relative to firm switching information down of existing substitute price advantage (uniqueness) of industry (customer value) total amount of trading.Bargaining power of suppliers :Supplier switching costs relative to firm switching of differentiation of of inputs on cost and of substitute o

10、f distributionconcentration to firm concentration solidarity . labor unions).Supplier competition: the ability to forward vertically integrate and cut out the buyer.Industry rivalry :Sustainable competitive advantage through between online and offline of advertising competitive concentration of tran

11、sparency.Porter's DiamondThe National Diamond is a tool for analyzing the organization ' s task environment.The NationalDiamond highlightsthat strategicchoices should not only be a functionof industrystructure and a firm ' s resources.And this model states fou r principaldeterminants of

12、national competitive advantage: a. Factor conditions b. Firm strategy structure and rivalry c. Demandconditions d. Related and supporting industriesa. Factor conditionsHuman Resources(skill,price)/physical resources(land,climate,locationrelative)/knowledge(科技,educationalinstitution)/capital(investme

13、nt)/infrastructure(transport,communication,housing)b. Firm strategy structure and rivalryNational performance in particular sectors is inevitably related to the strategies and the structure of the firms in that sector. Competition plays a big role in driving innovation and the subsequent upgradation

14、 of competitive advantage . Since domestic competition is more direct and impacts earlier than steps taken by foreign competitors, the stimulus provided by them is higher in terms of innovation and efficiency.c. Demand conditionsDemand conditions in the domestic market provide the primary driver of

15、growth, innovation and quality improvement.d. Related and supporting industriesFor many firms, the presence of related and supporting industries is of critical importance to the growth of that particular industry. A critical concept here is that national competitive strengths tend to be associated w

16、ith "clusters" of industries.Besides above four factors, chance and government always are the essential elements impacting on four principal determinants of national competitive advantage.OpportunitiesOpportunities always are hard to come by and uncontrollable, hence once facing achance, w

17、e will firmly grasp. Under this new era, polity, economy and various factors bring a great deal of opportunities, and the more fierce competition also bring more chances.Government "acting as a catalyst and challenger; it is to encourage - or even push - companies to raise their aspirations and

18、 move to higher levels of competitive performance ”. They must encourage companies to raise their performance, stimulate early demandfor advanced products, focus on specializedfactor creation and to stimulatelocalrivalry by limiting direct cooperation and enforcing anti-trust regulations.Boston Cons

19、ulting Group MatrixThe Boston classification classifies business units in terms of their capacity for growth within the market and the market's capacity for growth as a whole.Assessing rate of market growth as high or low depends on the conditions in the market. High market growth rate can indic

20、ate good opportunities for profitable operations.Relative market share is assessed as a ratio: it is market share compared with themarket share of the largest competitor.Relative market shareMarket growthStarsQuestion marksCash cowsDogsStars require capital expenditure in excess of the cash they gen

21、erate, in order to maintain their position in their competitive growth market, but promise high returns in the future. Strategy: buildCash cows need very little capital expenditure, since mature markets are likely to be quite stable, and they generate high level of cash income.Cash cows can be used

22、to finance the stars. Strategy: hold or harvest if weak.Question marks must be assessed as to whether they justify considerable capital expenditure in the hope of increasing their market share.Strategy: build or harvestDogs: may be ex-cash cows that have now fallen on hard times. Although they will

23、show only a modest net cash outflow, or even a modest net cash inflow, they are cash traps which tie up funds and provide a poor return on investment. Strategy: divest or holdSWOBnalysis (alternativelySWOTnatrix) is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses,opportunities, and threats and is a structured

24、planning method that evaluates those four elements of an organization, project or business venture.Strengths : characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over others.Weaknesses: characteristics of the business that place the business or project at a disadvantage relative to

25、 others.Opportunities : elements in the environment that the business or project could exploit to its advantage.Threats : elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project.Customer relationship management (CRM)is an approach to managing a company's interaction with

26、 current and potential customers. It uses data analysis aboutcustomers' history with a company and to improve business relationships with customers, specifically focusing on customer retention and ultimately driving sales growth.The CAGE Distance Framework identifies Cultural, Administrative, Geographic andEconomic differences or distances between countries that companies should addresswhen crafting international strategies.CulturalDistanceAdministrativeDistanceGeographicDistance


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