2012年中考英语复习资料 七上 Units 7-8_第1页
2012年中考英语复习资料 七上 Units 7-8_第2页
2012年中考英语复习资料 七上 Units 7-8_第3页




1、2012年中考英语复习资料 七上 Units 7-8重点句型1 How much is the red sweater?Its eight dollars.2 How much are these white pants?Theyre ten dollars.3 Can I help you ?What color do you want ?Here you are .Ill take it/them.4 When is your birthday?My birthday is January fifteen.5 How old are you?Im thirteen.6 When is th

2、e school trip?Its April 19th.重点语法基数词的构成及用法构成:11-12的表述1-12各有各的形式,即one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve。213-19的表述13-19的数字皆以-teenti:n结尾,其中,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen和nineteen分别由four,six,seven,eight,nine加后缀-teen变成的,eighteen中只保留一个t。thirteen,fifteen分别由three和five转花而来。320-

3、90数字的表达20-90的数字皆以-ty结尾,其中,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety分别由six,seven,eight和nine加后缀ty构成,eighty中只保留一个t。其他同上。420-99之间的数字的表达20-99之间的数词须在十位和个位之间加连字符“-”,如twenty-five。5百位以上的数字的表达以及读在表达百位以上的数字时,必须在百位,十位和个位之间加and,在读音时也应读上and,如:104可表达为one hundred and four,486读作four hundred and eighty-six。6“万”的表达.英语中没有万和亿单词,只有百(h

4、undred),千(thousand),百万(million),十亿(billion)。英语中表示“万”时,用10千。如:forty thousand四万。表示“亿”时需用百万来表示。如:two hundred million两亿。7.1,000以上的数字,从后向前数。每三位数加“,”。第一个“,”前为thousand,第二个“,”前为million,第三个“,”前为billion.3,333,333,333读为three billion,three hundred and thirty-three million, three hundred and thirty-three thousan

5、d,three hundred and thirty 8.hundred,thousand,million 前有若有具体数字时,要用单数形式,但如果他们后面有of ,则要用复数形式。同时,前面不能再加具体的数目。序数词的构成及用法1 第一,第二,第三分别为first,second,third.2 第四到第十九都有相应的基数词加th构成,有几个特殊,即fifth,eighth,ninth,twelfth.3 第几十把y改为 i加eth. twentieth,ninetieth4 序数词之前要加定冠词或代词。但序数词表名词时,可不用冠词。Who won first? 序数词表“再一”,“又一”时不

6、用定冠词,只需在前面加a He failed once .Then he tried a second time.5序数词的缩写形式是在数字后面直接加上序数词最后两个字母构成。1st,2nd,3rd,4th,21st,22nd,34th6 100以上的序数词的表示方法 第100为100th (读作 one hundredth),101st 读作one hundred and first,其他的依次类推分数的表示法1 分数的表示法:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大与一时,分母用复数形式。 2|3 two thirds 3|5 three fifths2 整数与分数之间用and 连接。 One

7、 /an hour and a half3 分数的用法结构为“分数+of+the+名词”表示“。的几分之几”,当其作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于短语中名词的复数 One third of the shop assisstant in this departmentstore men年月日的表达法公元1900年:读作 nineteen hundred. 公元1908年:nineteeen and eight或nineteen hundred and eight 或one nine oh eight2004年11月25 日:November 25(th),2004(thNovemb读作Novem

8、ber (the) twenty-fifth,two thousand and four.在表示时间时,英语中常用日月年或月-日-年的顺序。如2004年6月1日在英语中可写为:June1,2004或1June ,2004 或1/6/2004 或1.6,2004。在美国也可写为 6/1/2004或6,2004时间的表达法8:21读作twenty-one past eight 或eight twenty one8:56 读作four to nine 或eight fifty-six8:30 读作eight-thirty 或 half past eight在表达时刻时,如果在30分钟内,可用past

9、 和after,如9:25 作 twenty five past nine 或twenty-five after nine.如果超过30分钟,则用to ,如9:55读作 five to ten 1,-Whats the date today?-Its _. A Saturday. B June C June 1st 2,Can you see any potatoes in_picture? A the second B second C, two 3,I hear we will have a_holiday in_.A, two days, two days time B, two-day

10、, two days time C, two days, two-day time 4,The_man on the left is Beckham, a famous football player. A, two B, second C, three5,He believed his lucky number was ten, so he decided to live on the _ floor. A lowest B, ten C, tenth 6,-Which class won the match in the end? -Im not quite sure. Maybe_ di

11、d. A, Class Third B, Class three C, third Class D, Class Three7-How often are the Olympic Games held?-_ four years. A, Every B, Each C, In D, For8-Could you please tell me what time it is now? -Certainly, its_. A, ten and twenty B, twenty past ten C ten twenty D,both B and C9 Although I failed four

12、times, my father encouraged me to have a_try. A second B, third C, fourth D fifth 10 LiuXiang, 21 , is an Olympic winner in the _hurdles(跨栏).Were proud of him. A,110-metre B,110-metres C,110 metre11Harbin is a beautiful city._ people come here to visit the Sun Island every year. A,Thousands B,Thousa

13、nd of C,Thousands of 12,Nanjing is a city with many places of interest._ tourists come here every year. A,Thousand of B, Thousand C, Thousands D, Thousands of13,-How many people are there in Changsha? -About six _. A, million B, millions C, millions of14,-How many students are there in your newly bu

14、ilt school? -Two thousand in _classrooms. A, four B, fourth C, forty D, the fortieth15,Our summer holiday is coming. Two _ the students in our school will go to the beach. A, hundred B, hundred C, hundred of D, hundreds of16,The old tower looks nice. Its about_. A, twelve-meter-high B, twelve-meters

15、 high C, twelve-meter high D, twelve meters high17,In the past few years, many tall buildings have been built in our city. The tallest is an _that stands in the centre. A,80-floor building B,60-floor buildings C,80-floor buildings D,70-floors building18,-Do you know when the PLA was founded?- _. A,

16、On October 1,1949 B, On August 1 ,1927 C, On July 1,1921 D, In May, 192219,-Whats the population of the world? -Its more than _. A, five billion B, six billion C, seven billion D, eight billion购物时的日常用语1 我能帮你吗?What can I for you ?Can (may) I help you? Is there anything I can do for you? May I do something for you?2 Which shirt.do you like? What size (color, kind.)do you want ?What about these (those)?What e


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