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1、地产项目 项目惊喜不断 点亮缤纷双旦2020.12.26-12.27圣诞嘉年华玩转圣诞2021.01.01-01.03辞旧迎新定格美好时光Planning ideas活动亮点缤纷冬季,我们走进地产项目项目,一起探索真正的双旦情缘。借助双旦契机,让我们一起给身边的亲人、朋友、爱人带去祝福,一起期待、迎接美好的一年。共同感受地产项目项目的惊喜活动氛围。Colorful winter, we walked into the Evergrande harbor, together to explore the real couple.With the help of shuangdan opportu

2、nity, lets bring blessings to our relatives, friends and lovers around us, and look forward to a wonderful year together.Feel the surprise activity atmosphere of Evergrande harbour together.1、圣诞元旦假期,全民的狂欢假期,也是商业活动推广的旺季。打造一次别开生面的圣诞元旦活动,让全城客户在这里尽情狂欢,一起感受一场纯粹的主题活动之旅;2、通过营销中心举办圣诞 / 元旦系列主题活动,活跃营销中心案场氛围,增

3、加售楼处人气,让到访客户深刻感受项目品质,加深客户印象;3、同时活动期间,穿插整点宣讲环节,为客户宣传项目价值点,建立客户联动,促进项目销售。Activity purpose 活动目的Active CONTENTSThe colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins. A jack-o-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one s

4、ide. Candles are usually placed inside, giving the face a spooky glow.01.活动概述 Active elements02.活动规划 Active packaging03.氛围营造 Visual displa04.活动推广 emen display活动主题:节日礼缤纷,双旦欢乐颂活动时间:2020年12月26-27日 09:0016:00 2021年01月01-03日 09:0016:00活动地点:地产项目项目营销中心活动基调:惊喜 、狂欢、互动活动对象:自然到访客户、前期意向客户邀约人数:100组客户 / 天惊喜不断 - 点

5、亮缤纷双旦圣诞嘉年华玩转圣诞How to play the ChristmasX X X X项目 缤纷双旦 12.26-12.27圣诞节主题活动The colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins. A jack-o-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. Candles are usually placed ins

6、ide, giving the face a spooky glow.CHRISTMASActivity time planning 活动流程规划 In this golden autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the city活动时间活动内容8:30 开始前期,工作人员点位就位09:00-12:00 / 13:00-16:00圣诞盆栽蛋糕DIY圣诞手机链DIY圣诞面具DIY09:30-11:30 / 13

7、:30-15:30 圣诞照片拍摄 10:00/11:00/14:00/15:00 乐队演奏10:00-16:00精致茶歇品鉴10:00-16:00圣诞老人到访派发圣诞糖果互动16:00 活动结束圣诞狂想曲活动期间(10:00 / 11:00 / 14:00/ 15:00)现场配有圣诞乐队定时暖场,演绎人员穿着圣诞元素装饰进行演奏,营造现场欢快、热闹的节日氛围。(每场演奏15分钟)In this golden autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together t

8、he urban elite of the cityIn this golden autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the cityIn this golden autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the city圣诞百变

9、摄影屋现场搭建活动主题背板,客户可以在区域进行变装拍照,同时现场会为到访客户提供变装道具拍摄的照片可以现场打印,客户可以立即带走,留作一份纪念。In this golden autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the city圣诞精致茶歇营销中心为客户准备圣诞节精致茶歇,让你的味蕾得到大大的满足。同时现场设有主题果盘,让您现场感受美食带来的幸福。(80份/天)In this golden autumn Oct

10、ober, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the city圣诞老人互动 派发圣诞糖果活动期间安排两名工作人员穿着圣诞老人的服饰进行互动巡游,背着圣诞老人的礼袋分发代表甜蜜、幸福的糖果,营造节日欢乐气氛。活动期间(10:00 -16:00)圣诞老人背着他的圣诞口袋全天为到访的小朋友派发圣诞礼物。只要到访就有圣诞圣诞糖果,哇!难道是走进了童话王国了吗?.(100份/天)In this golden autumn October, we s

11、tarted a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the city玩转美食 / 圣诞盆栽蛋糕烘焙还记得圣诞节里那精致的卡通蛋糕吗?活动期间,到访客户都可以烘焙一份专属的盆栽蛋糕。(80份/天)In this golden autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the city玩转

12、手工 / 圣诞手机链DIYIn this golden autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the city想拥有一个自己创意的手机链吗?想体验制作过程的喜悦与收获吗?圣诞期间恒大港湾,带着对艺术的憧憬DIY一个只属于自己的作品吧!(80份/天)玩转快乐 / 圣诞面具手工制作玩转圣诞,圣诞小精灵要整装待发了。手工制作的特别设计的半脸式面具,你就是派对中最亮眼的星星!(80份/天)In this golden

13、autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the cityThe colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins. A jack-o-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face ca

14、rved on one side. Candles are usually placed inside, giving the face a spooky glow.辞旧迎新 定格美好时光Freeze frame happy momentX X X X项目 缤纷双旦 01.01-01.03元旦节主题活动NEW YEARS DAY恰逢元旦跨年之际,感谢老业主的陪伴,让我们一起喜迎元旦。营销中心通过举办元旦主题暖场活动,融洽邻里关系、促进与客户之间交流,延续项目传播热度,营造销售洽谈氛围。同时通过参与性强的活动来维系客户关系,回馈老业主,形成老带新营销。On the occasion of New

15、 Years day, Evergrande harbour thanks for the company of the old owners, lets welcome New Years day together.Marketing center through the New Years Day theme warm activities, harmonious neighborhood, promote communication with customers, continue the project dissemination heat, create a sales atmosp

16、here for negotiation.At the same time through strong participation activities to maintain customer relations, feedback to the old owners, the formation of the old and new marketing.Activity time planning 活动流程规划 活动时间活动内容8:30 开始前期,工作人员点位就位09:00-12:00 / 13:00-16:00民俗艺术吹糖人民俗艺术手工剪纸儿童灯笼DIY09:30-11:30 / 13

17、:30-15:30全家福拍摄(1.2日)10:30/14:30 变脸表演10:00-16:00中式茶歇品鉴10:00-16:00财神派发元旦福袋16:00 活动结束In this golden autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the city打造元旦家庭日,一次全家人的幸福留影,为你留存当下最美好的记忆,全家福照片方式呈现,祝愿2021年,全家人健康红火Create Evergrande harbor N

18、ew Years day family day, a happy family photo,For you to keep the best memories of the moment, in the form of a family photo,Wish the whole family healthy and prosperous in 2021新中式复古刺绣长袍国粹戏服吉祥纸鸢东方美学元素 X 潮流时尚元素Oriental aesthetic element X fashion elementHuacai eye crownLup take umbrellaNational costu

19、meEmbroidered robesIn this golden autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the city(2021.1.2日)现场布置拍照DP点这出场景占据了最适合留影的C位,配备了专业摄影师与设备,拍出的照片可以打印带走。Harbor Family Happy photo Studio合家欢乐照相馆民俗艺术吹糖人活动期间,民俗艺术家现场展示传统手艺吹糖人,同时将吹好的艺术品,送给到访参与活动

20、的客户,邀请来宾一同品味吹糖人的乐趣。(80份/天)In this golden autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the city民俗艺术剪纸活动期间,现场展示传统手艺剪纸艺术作品。同时客户可以在老师的指导下,亲自体验剪纸艺术的魅力。(80份/天)In this golden autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light

21、 luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the cityIn this golden autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the city民俗艺术手工灯笼红红火火的灯笼是我国元旦佳节必不可少的元素,象征着新的一年红红火火。现场设置纸灯笼DIY环节,家长带着孩子们亲手制作美丽的纸灯笼。(80份/天)中式精致茶歇元旦活动期间,到访客户可以品尝到地道的中式糕点(

22、凤梨酥、桂花酥、巧克力饼、蔓越莓饼)(80份/天)In this golden autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the city定格节日习俗 / 财神派发元旦福袋活动现场安排真人财神玩偶装扮人员,为来宾们派发福袋小礼品,以此活跃现场氛围,增添浓郁的节日气息。活动期间,到访的客户可以获得元旦佳节福袋一份。福袋内可能放有徐福记糖果、巧克力等礼品。带给到访的您,一份不一样的惊喜。(100份/天)In this

23、golden autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the city定格传统文化 / 川剧变脸活脱脱一副面孔,热辣辣一丝震颤。川剧变脸千变万化,神秘莫测。一同感受中国非物质文化的神奇。In this golden autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urb

24、an elite of the city洽谈区9A展示区域活动主形象水吧沙盘乐队演绎入口【圣诞】活动执行人员配备 活动区域人员备注乐队演绎4人专业乐队演唱手工DIY区1人(盆栽蛋糕、手机链、面具DIY)活动执行人员圣诞老人互动2人圣诞老人人偶装扮人员活 动 场 地 布 局 规 划Marketing center layout planning【元旦】活动执行人员配备 活动区域人员备注全家福拍摄1人专业拍照摄影师民俗DIY区1人(剪纸、吹糖人、手工灯笼)专业民俗制作老师变脸表演1人专业变脸表演老师财神派福1人财神人偶装扮人员洽谈区9A展示区域活动主形象水吧沙盘全家福拍摄入口手工DIY区域茶歇区茶

25、歇区民俗DIY区域变脸表演In this golden autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the city活动主形象 / 区域摆放圣诞/元旦活动主形象展板。In this golden autumn October, we started a romantic and poetic journey of light luxury, let us do together the urban elite of the city元旦灯笼墙 / 现场摆放灯笼墙进行元旦节日氛围营造。In this golden autumn


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