



1、专项提升:Module1 语法专练一、完成句子,并体会其用法1. 当周凯的妈妈看见他没穿夹克衫向前门走时,她焦急的注视着他。When Zhou Kais mother saw him_ _ the front door without a jacket on, she_ him anxiously.(名词转化为动词)2.并且我不是太重,所以我从不需要节食或类似的事情。And Im not too heavy, so I never have to _, or anything like that. (名词转化为动词)3. -你知道约翰先生生病住院了吗?-不知道。很遗憾听到这个消息,我去看看他。

2、 -Do you know Mr. Johnson has been ill in hospital? - No. Sorry to hear that. I _ _ _ _ him. (临时决定要干的事情)4他计划今晚到电视台讲话。He _ _ _ _on TV this evening.(表示“计划,打算要干的事情)5看这乌云,要下雨了。. Look at the dark clouds. It_ _ _ _.( 表示根据现在的迹象,对未来进行推断)二、will & be going to 用法比较用will & be going to 填空(1) -Why are you

3、 taking down all the pictures? - I _ repaper the room.(2)-This is a terribly heavy box. - I _help you to carry it.(3) We _die without air or water.(4) If it is fine, we _go fishing.(5) Look at these black clouds- there _be a storm.三、用方框内的单词的正确形式填空并将其归类。book flower hand head name nurse picture taste1

4、. Were going to the cinema tomorrow. I _ the tickets yesterday.2. This ice cream _ delicious! You should try some.3. They are going to _ their baby daughters after her grandmother.4. This plant will _ in early summer.5. Im looking forward to the wedding on Saturday. I can _ what the bride and the gr

5、oom will look like.6. Can you _ me the magazine, please?7. He _ for the door as soon as he had finished his homework.8. She_ her mother until she was well again. 归类:表示物件的名词_表示身体部位的词_某类职业的名词_ 某些抽象名词_四、单项选择1 - Are you still very busy? - Yes, I _ the report for the manager and it wont take long.A. have

6、 just finished B. am just finishing C. had just finished D. am just going to finish2 -What are you going to do this afternoon? -I am going to the cinema with some friends. The film _quite early ,so we _ to the bookstore after that.A. finished; are going B. finished; go C. finishes; are goingD. finis

7、hes; go3 My younger brother _be 15 years old next year. A. is going to B. will C. is to D. should4 Lets keep to the point or we _ any decisions. A. will never reach B. have never reached C. never reachD. never reached5. I think it is necessary for my 19-year-old son to have his own mobile phone, for

8、 I sometimes want to make sure if he _ home for dinner.A. comeB. comes C. has comeD. will come6. If you _ attend the party, youd better leave now.A. willB. are going toC. are about toD. should7. -What will you do if it _ tomorrow? -We have to carry it on, since weve got everything ready. A. rainB. r

9、ainsC. will rainD. is raining8. It is really very dangerous. One more step, and the baby _ into the well.A. falls B. is fallingC. will fallD. is going to fall9. The film _ the life of Chinese students in America.A. drawsB. paintsC. picturesD. speaks10. Most of the apples produced in this area are _

10、to JapanA. shippedB. shippingC. boatedD. boating五、翻译句子1. 你昨天预定飞机票了吗?(book)2. 她每天都在照顾她年迈的母亲。(nurse)3. 每次他来到北京,他都要游览长城。4. 努力学习,你会在英语上取得更大进步。5. 你打算今天下午干什么? 我打算听音乐。6. 快点!我们要赶不上火车了。7. 如果他打算参加这个竞赛,他最好做好准备。参考答案:一、1. heading towards eyed 2. diet3. will go and see 4. is going to speak 5. is going to rain.二、(

11、1)am going to (2)will (3)will (4)will (5)is going to 提示:will表示不是事先考虑过的,即说话时刻才考虑的,例如(2);表示一种倾向或习惯动作,例如(3);用于条件状语的主句中,表示意愿,例如(4)。 be going to do 表示事先考虑过的,即说话时刻之前已经考虑过的,例如(1);表示按照某种迹象即将发生某事,例如(5)。三、1. booked 2. tastes 3. name 4. flower 5. picture 6. hand 7. headed 8. nursed 归类: book picture flower head

12、 hand nurse taste name四、1. 答案:B解析:be doing 是现在进行时表将来。D项中 be going to finish 是打算完成,不合题意。2. 答案:C解析:第一个空是表示按照时刻表规定将来发生的动作,应该用一般现在时;第二个空用进行时表示将来,故选C。3. 答案:B解析:will 表示按照自然规律将发生的事情。4. 答案:A解析:句意:我们要切题,否则我们永远也达不成一致意见。在此句中,will 表示某种倾向。5. 答案:D解析:if在句中引导宾语从句,意为“是否”。根据句意:我认为我19岁的儿子有必要有自己的手机,因为我有时候想核实他是否来吃晚饭。宾语从

13、句中应用will do表将来。B项是在if引导的条件状语从句中,若主句是表将来的动作,则用一般现在时表将来。6. 答案: B 解析:be going to 可以用在条件句中表示将来, will则不行。句意:如果你打算参加这次聚会,你最好现在就走。C项 be about to表示正要干某事,与句意不符。7. 答案:B 解析:主句是将来时,条件状语从句用一般现在时代替将来时。8. 答案:C解析:句意:真的是非常危险。再向前一步,小孩就会掉入井中。在“祈使句+连词+陈述句”句型中,陈述句中用“will+动词原形”。9. 答案:C解析:考查动词辨析。句意:这部电影描绘了在美国的中国学生的生活。draw

14、“拖,拉,拽画”;paint“画,给上颜料”;picture “描绘,描述”;speak “说,讲”根据句意选C。10. 答案:A解析:句意:这个地区种植的大部分苹果都运往日本。ship 可以用作动词,意为“用船运送”,因为是被动语态,故选A。五、1. Did you book a seat on a plane yesterday?2. She nursed her aged mother every day.3. Each time he comes to Beijing, he will visit the Great Wall.4. Work hard, and you will make great


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