1、手册编号HC/64版次A-0发放编号 中信海直COHCRAMP PROCEDURES机坪管理程序试用版发布 批准日期:201 年 月 日 中信海直机坪管理程序COHC RAMP PROCEDURES目 录CONTENTS内容章节页数 版本Contents ChapterPage Revision封面1 A-0Cover1 A-0目录2 A-0CONTENTS手册发放清单 2 A-0Distribution List修订记录 3-4 A-0Revision Records有效页清单 5 A-0List of EffeAtive Pagaes一般安全规定1 - 1.117 11 A-0GENERA
2、L SAFETY飞机牵引程序2 2.711 12 A-0 TOWING PROCEDURES启动/停车3 3.1212 15 A-0AIRCRAFT START-UP AND SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES发动机着火 3 - 3.5 15 16 A-0Engine Fires 漏油 3 3.6 16 A - 0Leaks加油/抽油START-UP/SHUTDOWN3 3.816 19 A-0REFUELLING/DEFUELLING具体机型加油程序4 17 A-0TYPE SPECIFIC REFUEL4 17 A-0燃油沉淀检查5 5.1.11
3、8 A-0 FUEL QUALITY CHECKS5 5.1.118 A-0飞机滑行程序6 6.518 19 A-0AIRCRAFT MOVEMENTS6 6.518 19 A-0具体机型滑行程序7 1.19 -20 A-0TYPE SPECIFIC7 119 -20 A-0MOVEMENTS1.一般安全规定GENERAL SAFETY1.1 操作区域1.1 Manoeuvring Area1.1.1 禁止烟火。1.1.1 No smoking or naked flames allowed.1.1.2 始终在飞行员的视野范围内接近运转中的飞机 。1.1.2 Always approach H
4、elicopters with rotors turning in view of the Pilot. NOTE: Do not approach or depart ANY helicopter to the front. 注意: 不要接近或穿越飞机前面。1.1.3 保持停机坪和附近周围区域的清洁,例如碎片和其他容易被旋翼气流吹起的物件。1.1.3 The landing area and adjacent areas are to be kept clear of debris and any other items likely to be blown around by rotor
5、down-draught.1.1.4 工作证要放在口袋里并扣好,不要挂在衣服外防止造成干扰。 1.1.4 Security ID cards are not to be worn whilst on the manoeuvring area, but should be securely stowed away in a pocket. 1.1.5 所有的车辆必须由中信海直的职工进行操作。1.1.5 All vehicle movements are to be controlled by a COHC Helicopters employee. 1.1.6飞机滑行、启动、试车时,确保无关人员
6、、车辆不得靠近受影响区域。1.1.6 When the aircraft is taxiing, starting, commissioning, ensure unrelated persons, vehicles should not be near the affected area.1.2 车辆1.2 Vehicles1.2.1 禁止把车辆放在无人看管的地方或在机场以超过15公里的速度行驶。 1.2.1 No vehicle shall be left unattended or exceed the speed of 15 KPH while moving on the Ramp A
7、rea.1.2.2 禁止驾驶车辆通过准备起飞或降落的飞机。1.2.2 No vehicle shall move on the Ramp Area during take-off and landing or while engine/rotors turning. 1.3.3任何时候,禁止驾驶车辆驶入滑行跑道1.3.3At any time, banned from driving vehicles on the runway1.3飞机1.3 Aircraft:1.3.1尽量把飞机停放在机头迎风方向的位置上。1.3.1 Should always be positioned facing i
8、nto the wind for starting whenever possible. 1.3.2飞机停放好后,必须确认刹车刹上,轮挡到位。 1.3.2 When aircraft is parked, must confirm brake, and the chocks is in place.1.3.3飞机停放好后,尤其在阴雨天,必须确保关好舱门、舱盖、堵好各种罩盖和堵头。 1.3.3After the plane parked, especially in the rainy days, must ensure that closed door, hatch, blocking all
9、 sorts of cover and plug. 1.3.4飞机停放位置需充分考虑其他飞机试车、滑行产生气流不会对其造成影响。 1.3.4 Aircraft parking positions need to take full account of other aircraft testing, taxiing produce air flow does not affect them. 1.4 地面电源设备1.4 Ground Power Units1.4.1 地面电源在不使用时要和飞机断开,在飞机旁边停放时要刹车并放轮挡。1.4.1 Ground Power Units must be
10、 unplugged from all aircraftwhen not in use.They may still be left parked adjacent to theready for future use, with the brakes fully applied and wheelchocks in place. 1.5 指挥飞机1.5 Marshalling 1.5.1在飞机到达前到达停放场地,检查滑行路线和停机场地,移去障碍物。 1.5.1 Before the arrival of aircraft, check the taxi route and stop site
11、s, removal of obstacles.1.5.2 只能使用国际通用的指挥手势。1.5.2 International Marshalling signals must be used at all times.1.5.3 在日间使用手或指挥棒。1.5.3 During DAYLIGHT - Hands or Wands must beused.1.5.4在夜间要使用发光的指挥棒。1.5.4 During DARKNESS - Illuminated Wands must be used.1.5.5飞机进入机坪时,指挥信号和引导标示线应清晰详细。指挥员应该依照飞行员的要求指挥飞机离开停
12、机坪。1.5.5Marshalls will be detailed whenever necessary to Marshall aircraft entering the ramp area. Crew shall Marshall aircraft away from the ramp area as requested by Pilot.1.6 灭火瓶警戒1.6 Fire Fighting 1.6.1 当每次飞机启动时,对应各种机型的灭火瓶要放在规定的位上。1.6.1 Fire Extinguishers for various types ofAircraft are provide
13、d on the ramp theseMust be positioned by the aircraft prior to every start-up.1.6.2 所有外场工作人员必须要熟悉操作灭火瓶。1.6.2 All Ramp Personnel must be familiar with their operation.1.6.3 灭火瓶要每天进行检查并每12个月由有资质的协议单位检查。1.6.3 Fire Extinguishers shall be checked daily and are inspected at 12 month intervals Normally by
14、Contract Companies.1.7 航线放行人员的职责1.7 Line Engineers are Responsible for:1.7.1 确保所有的油车/地面设备在不使用时停放在规定的地方。1.7.1 Ensuring that all Refuelling/GroundEquipment when not in use is placed in the areas marked out for this purpose.1.7.2 确保所有的地面设备固定好防止受旋翼气流或大风影 响而造成移动。 1.7.2 Ensuring all ground equipment is se
15、cured against movement due to rotor Downdraught or wind conditions.1.7.3 当各种地面设备例如电源车,行李车,冲洗发动机车等停放在飞机旁边时要确保其已刹车并放置好轮挡。1.7.3 Ensuring the wheel brakes and wheel chocks of ground equipment, i.e. power supplies, baggage trolleys, engine wash rigs, etc are applied or in place when they are near helicop
16、ters.1.7.4飞机最终滑出时,评估飞机滑出路径,注意可能出现的危险及障碍物1.7.4When the plane finally slide, slide path assess aircraft, watch out for hazards and obstacles that may arise1.8 飞机系留和保护1.8 Covering and Security:1.8.1 机械师负责套上或取走旋翼套,机身套,各种堵盖和尾桨固定插销 注意:这是飞行员飞行前取走所有这些物品的最终职责。1.8.1 Engineering is responsible for fitting and
17、removing of Blade Socks, Aircraft Covers, Blanks and Tail Rotor Gust Locks. NOTE: It is the ultimate responsibility of the pilot to ensure that these items are removed prior to start-up. 1.8.2 由当班队长来决定哪架飞机需要系留过夜停放。1.8.2 The Shift Supervisor shall decide which aircraft require securing for overnight
18、parking.1.8.3 机械员应在机械师的监管下协助系留飞机,尾桨固定插销应由机械师负责安装。1.8.3 Labourers under Engineering supervision shall help to secure the aircraft. GUSTLOCKS shall only be fitted by Engineers.1.9 地面电源的使用1.9 Use of External Power1.9.1 当飞机启动,抽油和打开客舱灯进行清洁时如有可能要尽量使用地面电源。1.9.1 External power should be used, if possible, f
19、or start-ups, also for defueling requirements and cabin clearing operations when cabin lights are required. 1.9.2使用前,确认设备接头完好无损,并没有影响使用的积水、油迹和杂物1.9.2 Before use, make sure the device connector intact and there is no water, traces of oil and debris in it. 1.9.3在使用完地面电源、气源后,特别是在雨天,必须及时盖上电源车、气源车插头护套和关闭
20、飞机端插座盖板。 1.9.3 After have finished using ground power, especially in the rain, the plug must be promptly covered sheath device on and off aircraft end outlet cover. 1.10 车辆驾驶 1.10 Carriage of Personnel1.10.1 外场牵引车: 只允许驾驶员一人乘坐,如工作需要可载一人,但该乘员的安全必须得到保证如:护栏等。 驾驶员全权负责使用牵引车时所要进行的操作. 所造成的一切后果由驾驶员一人承担。1.10.
21、1 RAMP TRACTORS: Only the driver is allowed on the tractor. The driver of the tractor is TOTALLY responsible for ensuring this requirement is complied with. Failure to comply will result in action being taken against that person responsible. 1.10.2外场牵引车在夜晚行驶时应注意行车灯光使用,并且尽量防止在夜航飞机降落滑行过程中使用车辆或牵引飞机。 1.
22、10.2Outfield tractor driving at night should pay attention to the use of traffic lights, and try to avoid at night during taxiing the plane landed using a vehicle or towing aircraft.1.11叉车操作1.11 Fork Lift Trucks1.11.1 只有经过培训并获得公司授权的人员可以驾驶叉车. 严禁用叉车以任何形式或方法来运输人员. 只有装上可站人的货斗时才允许人员在上面站立. 当运输时需要人员协助固定货物时
23、,必须站立在货斗里. 叉车驾驶员全权负责使用叉车时所要进行的操作. 所造成的一切后果由驾驶员一人承担。1.11.1 Only qualified persons nominated by the Chief Engineer may drive a company Fork Lift. The carriage in any form or manner of persons on forklift is strictly forbidden. The only time a person may stand on a forklift is when an approved platform
24、 is fitted. Where equipment is carried which requires physical support then the persons involved MUST walk beside the forklift. The driver of the forklift is TOTALLY responsible for ensuring this requirement is complied with. Failure to comply will result in action being taken against that person re
25、sponsible.2飞机牵引程序 概述 (更多操作程序参考第七节和机务工作程序手册HC/6404-22)TOWING PROCEDURES GENERAL (Refer to section seven- aircraft type for further instructions and Engineering working procedure manual HC/6404-22).2.X牵引前检查Check Before Towing 2.X.1牵引车必须处于良好的工作状态,并确认刹车性能良好。 2.X.1 Tractor must be in good working conditi
26、on, and confirmed good braking performance. 2.X.2牵引航空器用的牵引杆必须有安全销(剪切销),以保证在拖推过程中出现超负荷时航空器不受到损坏,并且牵引杆要专人定期检查、确保牵引杆的完好性。2.X.2 Tow bar for aircraft must have a safety pin. Someone shouldcheck it regularly.2.X.3 牵引飞机前,牵引车驾驶员需关注飞机周围警戒人员动态,防止出现沟通不畅,造成飞机碰撞或碾压警戒及周围人员。 2.X.3 Before towing aircraft, tractor d
27、river alert staff to be concerned about moving around the aircraft to prevent miscommunication caused the plane crash or rolling around and alert staff.2.1 牵引人员2.1 Towing Team2.1.1在停机坪、滑行道、机库、飞机清洗区等牵引飞机时,应有监护人,监护人员的数量和位置应根据飞机的牵引路线、区域的复杂情况、能见度、飞机的停放密度等情况决定。2.1.1When towing in the ramp, taxiway, hanga
28、r, aircraft cleaning zone, the guardian should be in place, the number of the guardian should be based on the location of the aircraft 、 the towing route、the complexities of the region、visibility、aircraft parking density circumstances.2.1.2 每当牵引飞机时必须告知当班机械师。2.1.2 The Shift Supervisor must be informe
29、d before any towing operations take place.2.1.3 被指定的牵引车驾驶员负责整个飞机牵引过程的指挥. 他要确保在每次牵引飞机时所有的警戒人员都在位. 在每次牵引飞机前要告知每个人所担负的责任。2.1.3 The Tractor Driver is designated as the commander of the towing team. He is to ensure that all team members are in place before any towing operations take place. He is to brief
30、 all team members of their responsibilities before any towing operations take place.2.1.4 牵引车驾驶员要确保牵引飞机时所经过的路线没有任何的障碍物,要时刻确保每个警戒员都在自己的视野范围内。2.1.4 The Tractor Driver is to ensure that the route is clear of all obstructions and that he maintains visual contact with the obstacle clearance lookout.2.2 牵
31、引路线2.2 Towing Route2.2.1 牵引车驾驶员要准确地按照地面上的黄色线路来行驶 。 牵引飞机时千万不要超越黄色停止线.有机轮的直升机停其前轮不要超越黄色停止线. 滑撬式直升机停其前横臂不要超越黄色停止线。2.2.1 The Tractor Driver must accurately follow the Yellow Main Gear Towing Lines. The Tractor Driver must never tow any aircraft further than the Yellow Stop Line. In the case of wheeled a
32、ircraft this means the Front Main Landing Gear. In the case of the un-wheeled this means the Front Cross Tube.2.3 拐弯角度2.3 Towing Angle2.3.1 不要以超过牵引杠和飞机中线的夹角90度来开始牵引飞机。2.3.1 No tow shall be started with the towing arm at an angle of more than 90o from the centre line of the aircraft.2.4 牵引速度2.4 Towin
33、g Speed2.4.1 当遇上恶劣天气时要减速; 大风大雨和沙尘天气都会容易造成事故所以要特别的小心。2.4.1 Must be reduced in inclement weather; high winds, rain and grit can be a potential hazard and must be observed as such.2.5 通过狭窄路段 2.5 Towing in Confined Space2.5.1 当要通过狭窄危险的路段时,队长要在场并亲自指挥。2.5.1 The Shift Supervisor must be present when any to
34、wing operations are being conducted in confined spaces.2.6 牵引飞机2.6 Towing the Aircraft2.6.1 当牵引没有负载的飞机时牵引车驾驶员要特别地小心,任何失误都会对起落架造成严重的损伤。2.6.1 The tractor driver must exercise extreme care when taking the initial weight of the aircraft being towed. Failure to do so can result in extreme damage being ca
35、used to the landing gear.2.7 夜间牵引2.7 Darkness2.7.1 在夜间牵引飞机时要同时打开飞机的位置灯和防撞灯。2.7.1 When towing in darkness no aircraft is to be moved without first switching on the Position Lights and Anti-Collision Lights.3.飞机起动和停车程序3.AIRCRAFT START-UP AND SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES3.1 概述3.1 General 3.1.1 所有飞机应当按照以下详细的操作程序
36、来监控飞机的起动关车。 3.1.1 All aircraft shall be monitored on start and shutdown as detailed in these procedures.3.1.2 自起动是指飞机可以使用机载空中电瓶或APU来进行起动3.1.2 An internal start is when an aircraft uses its own internal batteries or integral auxiliary power unit (APU).3.1.3 在飞机起动或关车过程中,旋转中的主旋翼会由于的大风的原因上下摆动,其往下摆动的幅度足以
37、到达人的高度以下。因此,在启动或关车时,除了必要的地面人员以外,其他人应当站在旋翼的旋转平面之外3.1.3 Blade sailing is a condition which happens to helicopter in very high winds during the rotor engage cycle at start-up or when shutting the rotor down. In these conditions the main rotor blades can flap to within the height of a human being. Start
38、 crew will remain as close to helicopter as possible. ALL PERSONNEL OTHER THAN START-CREW SHALL REMAIN OUTSIDE the disc area of all helicopters during all start-up and shutdowns.3.1.4 地面辅助电源设备APU要放在旋翼的旋转平面之外。3.1.4 External Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) will be positioned outside the sweep of the main r
39、otor disc.3.2 强风起动3.2 High Winds3.2.1 飞机应当在迎风的方向进行关车3.2.1 Helicopters should be shut-down facing into the wind.3.2.2 当发动机起动时,在发动机进气道区域和旋翼的旋转平面范围内,应当收好所有挂在衣服上的松动的物品如:帽子。3.2.2 Loose articles of clothing (e.g. hats) are not to be worn in the area of Engine Intakes or rotor disk area when engines are tu
40、rning or about to be started.3.3起动程序3.3 Start Procedures3.3.1 在指定的地方放置好灭火瓶。3.3.1 Place fire extinguisher into position - hose uncoiled.3.3.2 插上地面电源并按飞行员的指示打开开关。3.3.2 Plug in external power and switch on at pilots command.3.3.3 飞行员会在挡风玻璃前给出一个手指或两个手指来指示要启动的发动机,并要求检查起动时周围无障碍物。注意: 在单数日起动一发,在双数日起动二发3.3.3
41、 Pilot will request clearance for start-up by indicating which engine by holding up one or two fingers with the hand held in the vertical position close to the windscreen.NOTE: No.1 Engine starts first on odd dates, No.2 Engine on even dates.3.3.4 地面人员会在确认飞机周围无障碍物后给出一个手指或两个手指的起动手势。3.3.4 Ground crew
42、will check area around aircraft is clear of debris and personnel. If clear will give the signal to start by holding up one or two fingers as applicable.3.3.5 在成功完成启动周期后,飞行员会用两只手给出一个断开的手势来要求断开地面电源3.3.5 On completion of the start cycle the Pilot will request external power to be removed by making a br
43、eaking action with both hands.3.3.6 地面人员会给出一个“大拇指”的回应手势,然后断开地面电源并防好在与飞机保持安全距离的地方。3.3.6 Ground crew acknowledges with a “thumbs up”, then removes the external power supply and secures it at a safe distance.3.3.7 在完成相关检查后,飞行员会要求起动另一台发动机,地面人员会在确认周围安全后给出一个同样的回应手势。3.3.7 After necessary checks have been c
44、ompleted the Pilot will request clearance to start the other engine, if area is still clear, the ground crew will give the signal to start in the same manner as the other engine.3.3.8 当飞行员准备好后给出一个移开轮挡的手势。3.3.8 When ready the Pilot will signal chocks away (wheeled aircraft only) by waving both hands
45、across each other.3.3.9 当地面人员移开轮挡后会给出一个“大拇指”回应手势 。 3.3.9 Ground crew removes chocks and reply with the same signal and thumbs up.3.3.10 当飞行员完成所有的系统检查后会给出一个“大拇指”的手势来确认飞机可以滑行或起飞。3.3.10 Pilot will give thumbs up indication that all system checks have been completed and the aircraft is ready to lift / t
46、axi. 3.3.11 地面人员会在飞机滑行或起飞前把灭火瓶移到安全的地方。3.3.11 Ground crew will remove the fire extinguisher to a safe distance before lift / taxi.3.3.12 地面人员会站在一个安全的地方给出一个最后“大拇指”手势以告知飞行员可以安全地起飞了。如果有任何对安全造成影响的情况出现,飞行员会给出一个“切喉”的手势并关车3.3.12 The ground crew may depart to a safe distance, providing the Pilot with a final
47、 “Thumbs Up” indicating the aircraft is clear to lift. If any of the procedures become unsafe for any reason, the Pilot should be advised to shut down by making a signal of a cutting action across the throat.3.3.12 夜间起动: 跟日间起动的程序是一样的。(如果有需要,可以用发光的指挥棒或火把来指挥).3.3.12 Night Start Up: Procedures are the
48、same as daytime.(Handler will acknowledge the Pilots signals by means of illuminated wands or torch if required).3.3.13 湿起动: 这是由于上次起动不成功,没完全燃烧的余油积聚在尾喷管上所造成的,当下次起动时,余油就会在尾口上燃烧并冒出火焰使尾喷管后面和下面部分的机身遭到火烧。当出现这种情况时,正常情况下飞行员会选择起动另一台发动机,转而尝试再次起动上一台发动机,如果尝试失败,则通知负责的机械师。3.3.13 Wet Start: These are caused by res
49、idual fuel being left in the Turbine/Exhaust area of an engine after failure to reach a full ignition cycle. Where this happens and the next start is successful, the residual fuel sometimes ignites and burning fuel is blown out of the exhaust. This can result in burning fuel running down the fuselage below or aft of the exhaust duct. Where a start fails the Pilot will normally elect to start the other engine, then return to the failed engine for a second attempt. Should this attempt fail, engineering aid/advice shall be called.3.4 湿起动
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