



1、.非谓语动词的五个常考易混构造考点 1. 习惯做某事: be/get used to doing sth. 习惯做某事 used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 be used to do sth. 被用来做某事2019 广东卷写作 As a child, he never left his parents, sohe didntget used to dealing with everything in school independently. 小时候他从来没有分开过父母, 因此他不习惯独立处理学校的各种事务。2019 广 东 卷 写 作 Itused to takeseveral

2、days to hearfrom each other, but now it takes only several minutes, even ifthey are in two different continents. 过去要花几天时间收到对方来信, 但是如今只要几分钟, 即使是在两个不同的洲。2019 广州一模写作 White Tea is good for health if drunkfrequently and canbe used toprevent disease like high bloodpressure and help relieve the pain of too

3、thache and fever. 常饮白茶有益安康, 白茶可用来预防高血压等疾病, 还可以减轻牙疼和减少发烧。考点 2. 尽力做某事: try our best to do sth. 尽力做某事 do whatever/what/all/everything we can to do sth. 尽力做某事 make every effort to do sth. 尽一切努力做某事 spare no effort to do sth. 不遗余力做某事 take pains to do sth. 努力做某事2019 湖 南卷写作 From this unusual experience, I l

4、earnthat we should be thankful to those who always do good deeds andalso be ready todo what we can to helpothers. 从这次不寻常的经历中,我认识到我们应该感谢那些做好事的人, 也应乐于尽力帮助别人。2019 福建卷写作 And parents are alwaysmaking everyeffort to createa comfortable environment for their children, butunfortunately, they have forgotten

5、a fact that no one can grow upwithout experiencing pains and difficulties. 父母总是尽力为孩子们创造一种舒适的环境, 但不幸的是, 他们忘记了一个事实:没有人可以不经历痛苦和困难而成长。2019 福建连城一中模拟写作 Besides, ittakes constantefforts to makeour dreams come true, so it is of much importance for us to make the most of our time andtry our best to accumulat

6、emore knowledge and strengthen our abilities in everyaspect. 此外, 让我们梦想成真需要不断的努力, 因此充分利用时间、 努力积累更多知识、 增强我们各方面的才能对我们相当重要。2019 福建卷写作 The moral of the story is that we shouldspare no effort to acquireknowledge and never get discouragedeasily no matter how difficult the situation may be. 这个故事的寓意是, 我们应该不遗

7、余力地获取知识, 不管多么困难的情况下, 决不轻易气馁。考点 3. 花费时间 / 金钱做某事:sb. spend time/money in doing sth.=devote time/moneyto doing sth. 某人 花费时间 / 金钱做某事 it takes sb. time/money to do sth. 花费某人时间 / 金钱做某事 sth. cost sb. time/money 某物 / 某事花费某人时间 / 金钱 sb. pay money for sth./to do sth. 某人花费金钱做某事 sb. waste time/money in doing sth

8、. 某人 浪费时间 /金钱做某事2019 全国 II 卷写作 We ll alsospend somefun timetogethersinging, dancing andplaying games, which we hope willmake them happy. 我们也会一起度过快乐光阴, 唱歌、 跳舞、做游戏, 希望这会让他们快乐。2019 浙江卷写作 Besides, she oftendevotes her sparetime to helpingothers. She deserves the honor and we shouldlearn from her. 此外, 她经

9、常利用空闲时间帮助别人。 她应得这个荣誉, 我们应该向她学习。2019 上海卷写作 Secondly , I will buy some tools to helpthem repair their school buildings, desks and chairs. This willcostme 1,000 yuan. 第二, 我将买一些工具帮助他们修理学校建筑和课桌椅。 这要花费我 1000 元。2019 全 国 新 课 标 卷 写 作 Id also like to know howmuch I have topay for the course and whether accomm

10、odation isincluded. 我也想知道要付多少钱学这个课程, 住宿费是否包括在内。考点 4. 做某事有困难 / 很开心 / 很成功: have difficulty/trouble/a hard time in doing sth. 做某事有困难 have fun doing sth. 做某事很开心 succeed in doing sth. 做某事很成功2019 山东卷写作 What worries me a lot is that I am reallyhaving trouble in collectinginformation and using the language.

11、令我担忧的是, 我在搜集信息和使用语言方面有困难。2019 浙江卷写作 Chinese students celebrate their birthdays in different ways, but the most common way is tohave fundrinking, singing and dancing.中国学生用不同的方式庆贺生日, 但最常见的方式是通过饮酒、 唱歌和跳舞来取乐。2019 广东卷写作 With the help of local media, so far hehassucceeded in finding32 twins, including 17

12、males and 15females coming from 13 countries. 在当地媒体的帮助下, 到目前为止, 他已经成功地找到了 32 个同年同月同日生的人, 包括来自 13 个国家的 17 个男性, 15 个女性。考点 5. 值得做某事: be well worth doing 很 值得做某事 be worthy of being done=be worthy to be done 值得做某事 It is worthwhile to do/doing. 做某事是值得的2019 浙江卷写作 Good opinions are worth sticking tobecause they can benefit us all. 好的观点值得坚持因为他们对我们有益。2019 江苏泰州调研写作 However, not every book is worthy of being read because some boo


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