



1、初一英语竞赛试题学校:班级:姓名:考号:听力部分(20分)I.听录音,根你听到的问句选择正全的答语.()1. A Yes. I am going shopping.B. Yes. I am going to play computer games.C. No. I want to buy a T-shirt.()2. A. Her grandmother B. Her grandson C Her uncle()3. A. Because I want to enjoy the son and the sea.B. I'm going to the seaside.C .Yes. I

2、like the sea.()4. A. Yes it ' s rainy tomorrow.B. Because it ' s windy.C. I hope so.()5. A. Don ' t worry. I can help you. B. Bad luck.C.You' re aad boy.II .根据你所听录音内容,选出意思相同的一句:()6. A They are testing now.B They will test this week.C They are going to have a test next week()7 .A What

3、 are you going to do on the West Hill?B How do you go to the West Hill ?C Why not go to the West Hill?()8. A. Can I take a message for you ?B. Would you like to give him a message?C I want to give you a message.()9. A That is a small river.B There is not any water in the river.C I know the river wit

4、h water in it.()10. A Sorry ,she isn ' t here now.B I'm sorry, she is out of work now.C. Sorry, she is going out of the house.III .听问句,选择正确的答语。()11.A Because she is going to do some sightseeing.B Because she is going to see Chinese Culture.C Because she likes Chinese Culture.()12.A Because s

5、he likes staying in bed.B Because she wants to have a good sleep.C. Because he isn ' t going to school.()13. A At this weekend. B This week. C on Saturday morning.()14. A Because she is very busy.B Because she doesn ' t like Yang Kun : s concertC Because Han Hong isn ' t going there.()15

6、. A The twins B Jack Chou C Jay ChouIV.听短文,选正确答案:()16. Where does Zhou Hongs father work?A. In a shop B.In a hospital C At the theatre()17.Where does Zhou Hongs mother have lunch?A. In the factory B In the supermarket. C On the farm()18 Who will cook lunch at home?A Zhou hong's father B Zhou Hon

7、g s mother C Zhou HONG()19 When is the girl very busy?A Before the Spring Festival B After the Spring Festival C Before Christmas ()20 Why is Zhou Hong happy?A She has a good time during the festivalB She thinks it is good to help her parents.C Her mother often gives her some money.笔试部分I一一.单项选择(20分)

8、I.There isn't tea now. Would you like water?A. any, some B. some, any C. some, some D. any, any2. I know the man a black coat.A. in B . wear C . puts on D . with3. -Can I get you a cup of tea?A. That's very nice of you B. With pleasureC. You can, please D. Thank you for the tea4. Now let 

9、9; s begin our class. Boys,all your toy cars.A. put away B. put up C. take awayD. take in1 . -Waiter?-A cup of tea, please.A. What? B. Here you are. C. Yes? D. I' m coming.2 . -Could I borrow your ruler?-Yes, of course you.A. will B. could C. can D. must7. The radio it will be rainy later on.A.

10、tells B. says C. speaks D. talks8. What' s the weath由ke today?A. Sunday B. Sunny C. Summer D. July9. The rain will be very. It will rain this afternoon.A. heavy , heavy B. heavily, heavily C. heavily, heavily D, heavy, heavily 10.Happy New Year!A. Thank you B. The same to you C. Don' t say t

11、hat D. Me, too. 11. -David, what are you going to do tomorrow?A. SureB. Good idea. C. Iet ' s gdD. Nothing much12. Why not it yourself?A. do B. you do C. doing D. to do13. It ' s bad you read bed.A. for, to , inB. to, to, out of C. to, /, on D. for, not , in14. Would you like to the cinema w

12、ith me this evening?Yes, I ' d love .A. to go, to B. going, / C. go, to go D, /, to 15.Fuel will become.Oh, I won ' t buy it .A. expensive B. cheap C, good D. nice16. W川 everyone get a present at the party?_ Yes,.A they, will B he will C they do D he do17. I am looking forward the city again

13、.A visit B visiting C to visit D to visiting18. There going to be three concerts next month.A is B are C be D will be19. It will be good weather so there won ng ' t e stroA a; wind B a; winds C ;wind D ; winds20. Let her computer games; It ' s Sunday today.A to play B plays C play D playing二

14、.完型填空(15分)1 live in a small village.1 name is North Thoresby. It is in the east of England.The village is very old 2_ a history of 1600 years . It was much bigger than it is now.There were more than two3 people there 4_ it has now only 400 people. A lot of5_ have left the village. They go to work in

15、 larger towns and cities because there are 6_ jobs for them.There are only two small 7_ in the village, but we can buy everything we needfor life. There was a school a few years ago, but now it is _8 because the populationis too 9_.There are no cinemas or theatres.I like our village becauseit is sma

16、ll and quiet. But my elder sister doesn' like it. She wants 10 in a much busier city than the quiet village because there are more shops,cinemas, buses, and more jobs.()1.A ItB itsC it ' sD Its()2.A haveB withC hasD there is()3.A thousandsB thousand of C thousand D hundred()4.A andB soC beca

17、useD but()5.A homesB familiesC housesD buildings()6.A moreB manyC muchD good()7.A libraries B shopsC schoolsD hotels()8.A openB freeC closedD different()9A largeB muchC manyD small()10.A liveB to liveC livingD to living三.阅读理解(20分)(A)Bill and Samare good friends. They often go to school together and

18、play games after school. They don ' t have watches. They don ' t know what time it is. But they can ask a manin the hat under the tree. His watch is very nice. They can go to the window of the classroom, too. There they can see the clock on the wall in the classroom. Now it is about four o&#

19、39; clock. It ' s time togo home. They must put on their clothes and go home.1. Sam and Bill are good fiends in.A. the same school B. different schoolsC. No2 Middle School D. the classroomB. Bill and Sam are brothers.C. Bill and Sam are in the same class.D. Bill and Sam like playing games.BWell,

20、 boys and girls, we are nearly back to Briton. We really had a good trip to Cambridge today, where we visited the famous university town, did a lot of shopping in the downtown. And now, I ' dke to say something about tomorrow ' tsip to another universityOxford. It is to the south of London.

21、It has longer history than Cambridge, but is much older and smaller. It has fewer colleges and smaller population. We' ll startfrom the school at 10:30, one hour later than this morning, as it is Sunday. There are much fewer buses on Sundays and they are much later than usual. We' ll start a

22、 litterlater so that some of you who live far from the school may have enough time to get to school by bus. Remember , ten thirty tomorrow morning. The same bus will get to school at ten twenty. It is about two hours' bus ride to Oxford. Please bring your luncas we did today. Well, here we came

23、back to the school. Good bye and see you tomorrow.6They have been to 色过)today.A. London B. Oxford C. Cambridge D. Briton7. They left for Cambridge at on Saturday.A 10:30 B 9:30 C 10:20D 12:302. They often after schoolA. play football B. play basketball C. play games D. do homework1 Where can they kn

24、ow the time?A. They don ' t want to know the time.B. From a man in the hat under the tree.C. See the clock on the wall in the classroom.D. Both B and C4 Bill and Sam after school is over.A. play at home B. see their watchC. play in the school D. put on their clothes5 Which of the following ( 下列)

25、statements( 陈述)do you think is right?A. Bill and Sam are in the same grade.8. Oxford than Cambridge.A has a larger population B has a longer history C has more colleges D is much newer9. Why will they leave for Oxford later than today?A Because Oxford is much nearer.B Because there are much fewer bu

26、ses that today and usually they are much later than usual.C Because their driver will be late that dayD Because the school will close later that day.10. The bus is now coming from to.A Briton; Cambridge B Cambridge; BritonC Oxford; BritonD Briton; Oxford四.智力题(共10小题,每小题1分,共计10分)1 Why is the letter&qu

27、ot;A” like 12 o ' clock? Because it is in the middleof.2 . “Tom, 100k at your room." Tom's nether says. “Canyou do something now?It ' s at sixes and sevens ” .“OK, mum. I' ll do it at once( 立亥8-10.John, Bob and Bill are friends. I don ' t know what each of them does.I only k

28、now: one of them is a teacher; one is a doctor and one is a worker. know too: John is older(比-大)than the teacher; the worker is younger (比-小)than Bob; and Bill is not as old as (不比-大)the worker. Please tell :J). ” Tomanswers. What does “sixes and sevens “ mean in Chinese?3 .Two teachers teach at the

29、 same school. One is the mother of the other' sson. What relation( 关系)are they to each other?5 . If two cats are before a cat, and two cats are behind a cat, and a cat is in the middle, how many cats are there in all?6 . The total( 总)age of two boys is now seventeen. What age will it be in six y

30、ears' time?7 .Where does afternoon always come before morning?8 .John is a;9 .Bob is a;10 .Bill is a.5 .根据句意及首字母完成单词:(10分)1. They' ll have long h and lots of free time.2. It will g warm at the North Pole in the future.3. The teacher won ' t write on a blackboard with c.4. The f day of a

31、week is Thursday.5. D cars and buses on icy roads is very dangerous.6. The little girl likes d her room with flowers and funny toys.7. What ' s h there? Is there anything wrong.8. With the help of s, we ' ll know more about our study.9. The baby feels very c, so he sleeps very well.10. Why d

32、on' t you p your room white? It ' s much brighter.6 .根据动词适当形式填空:(10分)1. Would you like(are) with us ?2. Next Sunday we(have) an English party.3. Most students have some problems(read) some English story.4. there(be) a class meeting next Friday.?7. What are you going to do for your(come) week

33、ends?9.late for school next time.(not be)7. Everyone(do) some sightseeing now. They are enjoying the sun and the sea. Some of them(have) a picnic, and the others(get) the camera ready for (take) photos.七.补全对话:(10分)A:1.B:I am going to the stadium to watch football games on Sunday morning.A:2.B :It ' s going to saa 9:00.A:3.B :Yes I am going to ride my bicycle there.A:4.B: No, Tom isn ' t going with me.A: Wh


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