



1、台北市壽險公司業務人員角色壓力與其工作態度關係之研究以努力及信任為干擾變項研究生:黃意婷指導教授:鄭仁偉 銘傳大學管理科學研究所摘要 壽險業務人員工作環境所面臨的團體眾多,當個人角色行為難以完全符合所有角色期望時,將為人員帶來角色衝突的困境。若人員缺乏執行任務的相關訊息時,將極易陷入角色模糊的狀態。鑑此,企業當局對業務人員角色壓力問題的關切與重視,導使其發揮應有的工作態度與績效,乃是不容疏忽的重要課題。就實際業務工作而言,業務人員是否具備自我驅策力,將重大影響個人或組織的業務績效與目標。對競爭日趨激烈的壽險業言,如何提高人員對組織的信任程度,進而有效傳達公司優良產品及形象,實為業務主管的工作重


3、負向的影響關係。The Relationship between Role Stress and Job Attitude among Salespeople of Life-Insurance Companies in Taipei with Effort and Trust as Moderator VariablesStudent:Yi-ting Huang Advisor:Jen-wei ChengGraduate Institute of Management ScienceMing Chuan UniversityAbstract Salespeople often work in

4、 different role sets. Role conflict happens when focal persons role behaviors are difficult to fit role senders expectations. Role ambiguity occurs when individuals lack clear expectations about their role, methods for fulfilling the role, and consequences associated with role performance. Thus, its

5、 important to value the problem of role stress of salespeople for the business community. Moreover, salespeoples work-related effort would affect strongly individual or organizational performance. They are important tasks of how to increase the extent of organizational trust of salespeople, and prom

6、ote good production and image of the company for managers in the intensive competition of insurance companies. Most prior studies about role stress neglected antecedents of role stress, so a purpose of the study is to specify it. This study also intends to probe the correlation between role stress a

7、nd salespeople job attitude(job satisfaction and job stress) and by introducing work-related effort and trusting the organization as the mediator variables to clarify their true relationship. The subjects of this study are mainly the 382 salespeople of the 24 Life-Insurance Companies in Taipei. The

8、statistical methods are analysis of correlation, regression, and ANOVA. The result generally supports that feedback and formalization influence negatively perceived role stress. Furthermore, role clarification will promote job satisfaction and reduce job stress. Results also indicate the negative relationship between rol


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