



1、八年级英语Units 1-8综合单元能力测试题笔试部分(85分)I.词汇运用。(15分)1 .同义替换。(共8小题,每小题1分)( )1. The man is very wise, and he often helps people solve some difficult problems.A. strongB. SillyC. clever( )2. When I realized my mistake, it was too late for me to correct it.A. disagreedB. UnderstoodC. made( )3. The computer is e

2、xpensive and I am not able to buy it.A. at a high price B. at a low priceC. with good quality( )4. His new invention is beautiful but itpractscalotA. UsefulB. CheapC. strange( )5. The movie is fantastic, and all of my best friends like it.A. wonderfulB. Friendly C. comfortable( )6. He looks stupid.

3、In fact, he is very clever.A. smartB. FoolishC. excited( )7. Could you lend some notes to me? I only have some coins with me.A. paper moneyB. WalletsC. treasure( )8. He has several pens. So I can borrow one from him.A. anyB. FewC. someii.词汇释义。(共3小题,每小题1分)( )9. A(n)is a written or spoken explanation

4、at the beginning of a book or speech.A. IntroductionB. Agreement C. advertisement( )10. A(n)means a person who is in someone' home by invitation, either for a short time or to stay.A. loserB. ActorC. guest( )11. If something is, it is very big and hard to move.A. wideB. HugeC. smalliii.根据上下文线索猜词

5、。(共4小题,每小题1分)( )12. The song is among young people. They like it very much.A. popularB. SpecialC. different( )13. My father likes to things in his free time. He often makes some things people have never seen.A. challengeB. DevelopC. invent( )14. The bird has two beautiful, and they can help it fly h

6、igh in the sky.A. earsB. WingsC. legs( )15. Wd ve grown up We should learn to think by ourselves and not always our parents.A. take onB. depend onC. look onII .语法填空。(每小题1分,共l 0分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。When I ' m groing up, I don ' t hear the words love you “fr

7、om my father. If your father neversays them (16)you when you are a child, it 'll get harder and harder for him to say thosewords as he gets (17)(old). I can 'remember when I last (18)(say) those words tohim either. I decided (19) (make) the first move. In the next phone conversation I Said,

8、Dad I love you!"There was a silence (沉默)at the other end and Dad was (20)(surprise) to answer, “Wellthe same back to you! "Dad, I know you love me; you will say what you want to say, “I cried.Fifteen (21)(minute) later my mother called and nervously asked, " Pau(22)(be) everything OK?

9、”A few weeks later, on the phone my father said, Paul, I love you. "I was at work (23)the tears were running in my eyes as I (24) (final) “ heard " the love. As we both sat there in tears we knew that this special moment took our relationship to (25)new way. Both of us were glad to see tha

10、t.III .完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共1 5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。When Juliet was a baby turtle (海龟),her mother protected her all day long so that_26_would hurt her. But as she grew older, she enjoyed _27_ by herself to explore (探索) new beaches.She wanted to get a vehicle (车辆)to explore the world, for turt

11、les were very, very _28_. So she asked her mother to buy her a moped (机动脚踏两用车) so that she could go off and explore new lands. But Juliet's mother _29_. I"m not goingto buy you a moped because it's very dangerous for turtles - it is not made for us.”Juliet was _30_ about this, so she de

12、cided to _31_ an old moped herself. Finally, Juliet found an old moped near the beach. Without a second thought, she took it and went off. As she rode, the moped was going very _32_, and it was getting more and more difficult to _33_.Suddenly, a bird flew onto Julie t. s face and made her fall over.

13、 She broke a leg and with great _34_ , Juliet crawled ( 爬行)back to the beach to see her mother, who was very worried about her.Mum, I ve learnt my _35_. Mopeds aren't made for turtles. We move slowly, but the important thing is to be safe. ”()26. A. anythingB. nothingC. something()27. A. going o

14、utB. setting forC. leaving off()28. A. smartB. fastC. slow()29. A. agreedB. refusedC. thought()30. A. unhappyB. pleasedC. excited()31. A. buyB. look upC. look for()32. A. fastB. slowlyC. carefully()33. A. solveB. controlC. catch()34. A. speedB. differenceC. difficulty()35. A. classB. chanceC. lesson

15、IV.,阅读理解。(每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项.AWhen Chloe arrives home from school, she always makes a cup of coffee and then goes to herbedroom. This is her favorite time of day. The house is quiet and she can play with her pet rats (鼠)- Zena and Roxy. Most people don ' t like rats;

16、theyink rats are dirty. A year ago, Chloe didn' tlike rats either. Then one day, her friend Martin showed Chloe his pet rats and Chloe saw how clever and lovely they were.“If you can have cats and dogs as pets, then why not rats? ” she thought. When one of Martin' srats had babies, Chloe ask

17、ed her mum if she could have two pet rats as her birthday present. Her mum and dad didn ' t like the idea, but thenoe got an excellent school report and they decided to give Chloe the present she wanted.There' one very important rule, “ saidmumoe “ The rats live in your bedroom and they neve

18、r go to other rooms, especially not the kitchen!"In her room, Chloe made a small swing ( 秋千)in the rats ' cage. Roxy and Zena like it very much. Roxy loves to explore. She climbs on the furniture and goes under Chloe ' s bZdna is quieter and likes sitting on Chloe s shoulder when Chloe

19、sends messages to her friends or reads a book.()36. Why did Chloe choose rats as her pets?A. Because she didn ' t like rats before.B. Because she thought rats were lovely and clever.C. Because her friend asked her to do so.D. Because she didn't have other choices.( )37. What can we know from

20、 the first sentence in the second paragraph?A. Nobody likes rats as pets.B. Cats and dogs are people ' s best pets.C. It ' s OK to have rats as pets.D. We can ' t have rats as pets.()38. Why did Chloe ' s parents allow her to keeps as pets?A. Because they also liked pet rats.B. Becau

21、se they didn ' t want to bupresent.C. Because they thought rats were very clever and lovely.D. Because Chloe did very well at school. ()39. What is Roxy like?A. Active.B. Quiet.C. Clever.D. Lazy.()40. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Zena and Roxy are Chloes classmates.B. Rats are the best pets

22、.C. Chloe spent too much time on her pets.D. Not all people like rats.Penguins (企鹅) learn how to swimA zoo in England sets up a school for its little penguins. Workers there help penguins to learn how to swim and hunt. If penguins are not good at swimming and hunting, they will not catch anything. T

23、he penguins arc called the Humboldt Penguins. These endangered (濒危的)animals mainly live in SouthAmerica and the zoo in England has over 40 of them.The big bird in the streetsBusy traffic could be quite unpleasant and it got even worse when a big bird ran among the cars. It is unknown where the ostri

24、ch ( 鸵鸟)ran away from but people from a Chinese city would never forget its crazy run. The ostrich was almost as fast as the police cars. It was difficult to catch it. But in the end, they caught the big bird.Birds stopped a building projectA building project in a Chinese city was stopped because of

25、 some surprising guests. Thousands of birds began to build their nests in the ground foundations (基础)which cover an area as large as a football field. Local people said this kind of birds normallybuilt nests in mud ( 泥)and they were here to have little birds and raise them. The work on the building

26、will start again when the young birds will be able to fly.()41. What can penguins learn at the school?A. To jump and swim.B. To swim and hunt.C. To jump and sing.D. To sing and hunt.()42. What can we know about the Humboldt Penguins?A. T5hey mainly live in the zoo.B. They live in North America.C. Th

27、ey are in danger now.D. They can swim and hunt well.()43. What can we know from the second passage?A. Where the ostrich ran away from.B. The ostrich ran fast on the road.C. People didn't catch the bird at last.D. The ostrich died in the end.()44. What does the underlined wordrefer golests ”A. So

28、me birds.B. Foreigners.C. Workers.D. Local people.()45. Which is TRUE according to the passages?A. The building will start again when winter comes,B. The ostrich ran faster than the police cars.C. There is a school for students in a British zoo.D. Local people said the birds were here to have little

29、 birds and raise them.CIs it true or false? Is A or C the right answer? How do I solve this problem? What do I write for this passage? Argh! I nnIngrouii of time! If I fail this test, my parents are going to be mad!Tests! They can be totally stressful(压力大的)!Do you know that these days students in th

30、e US take more tests than ever before? It seems that no matter what grade or school you ' ren, you' relways taking tests. And if you get nervous before and during a test, you' re ncfacto eeemstudents who do very well in schoolworkhave trouble in exams. Test taking can be much easier and

31、less stressful if you pick up some useful habits and skills.Kitty, 11, said,“ When I know I am going to hesteI do get pretty stressed sometimes. But if I prepare for the exam well, I will not be so stressed. So the best thing to do is to stay at school and prepare for the exam. ”Alyssa, 12, said, “

32、When I get stressed durintest, I will stop to take a couple of deep breaths. It usually helps. ”Lily, 10 , said “I get nervous only in the ISTtest. But how do I deal with it? I tell myself that I can do it. When you come across a difficult problem, pass it and come back later, or guess.()46. What &#

33、39; sithetfon of the first paragraph?A. To introduce how to solve problems.B. To lead to the topic.C. To show us how to take a task.D. To explain the disadvantages of test.()47. What does the underlined sentence nof yone re' mean?A. It means that only you are worried in a test.B. It means that m

34、ost of the students are not afraid of tests.C. It means that excellent students are good at tests,D. It means that many students are nervous before or during tests.()48. What is Kitty ' s advice?A. Guessing the answer when you ' re not sure.B. Taking deep breath when you feel nervous.C. Prep

35、aring for the exam well.D. Asking your classmates for help before tests.()49. What will Alyssa do when she feels stressed during a test?A. She will ask her parents for advice.B. She will listen to some light music.C. She will take some deep breaths and calm down.D. She will tell herself that she can

36、 do it.()50. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. Why students feel stressful about test taking.B. How to succeed in tests.C. The way to feel less stressful about test taking.D. The way to answer difficult questions in tests.DModern graffiti (涂鸦)began in big cities in the United States in the

37、1970s. In New York, young people wrote their names or tags"(标签)on walls around the city.A teenager called Demetrius wrote his tag ” TAKI 183 " on walls and in stations in NewYork, Other teenagers saw Demetrius tag ahds started writing their tags too. Soon, there were tags on walls, buses a

38、nd trains all over New York,Then, some teenagers started writing their tags with aerosol (喷雾器)paint. Their tags were bigger and more colourful. Aerosol paint graffiti became very popular in the 1970s and 1980s.In some countries, writing or painting on walls is a crime. Sometimes, graffiti artists have problems with the police. In other countries, artists can draw and paint in certain places. For example, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, street artists can paint pictures on walls and houses. Some tourists visit Sao Paulo just to see the street art! In Bristol, UK, there is a street art festiva


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