



1、A Listening Course 4 施心远主编听力教程4 (第2版)答案 Unit 5 Section One: Tactics for Listening Part 1: Listening and Translation 1. Stocks, bonds, land-people invest in different things and for different reasons. 股票、债券、土地-人们由于不同原因进行不同的投资。 2. But all investors share the same goal. 但是所有的投资者都有一个共同的目标。 3. They want

2、to get more money out of their investment than they put into it. 他们希望通过投资获得比所有投入的资金更多的货币回报。 4. The money they invest today provides capital for future growth in the economy. 他们今天的投资为将来经济的发展提供了资金。 5. Investors have to decide how much risk they are willing to take and for how long. 投资者必须决定自己愿意在多长的时间范围

3、内承受多大的风险。 Section Two Listening Comprehension Part 1 Dialogue The Bank Manager Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1. D 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. C Part 2 Passage Stock Market: How it Works Ex. A. Pre-listening Question What

4、do you know about stock market in China? The Shanghai Stock Exchange was founded on November 26th, 1990 and in operation on December 19th the same year, and Shenzhen Stock Exchange was established on December 1st, 1990. Ex. B: Sentence Dictation 1. A wave of selling triggered widespread price declin

5、es in stock markets from New York to Australia. The Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 508 points in the panicked rush to sell. 2. The stock market is the means through which previously issued corporate stocks, shares of ownership in a corporation, are traded. 3. However, the forces influencing th

6、e prices of corporate stocks are quite different from those influencing the prices of goods and services. 4. People and organizations who buy and hold stock do so for the incomes they hope to earn. 5. When Black Monday finally reeled to a close, many a portfolio had lost over a fifth of the value it

7、 had the day before. Ex. C: Detailed Listening.1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. C Ex. D: After-listening Discussion 1. What is “Black Monday”? On October 19, 1987, a wave of selling triggered widespread declines in stock markets from New York to Australia. That day is “Black Monday”. On that da

8、y, there were hardly any buy orders, and the markets were flooded with sell orders. Over 600 million shares were traded on the New York Stock Exchange-more than twice the NYSEs average sales volume. The Dow Jones Industrial Average of the prices of 30 stocks of major US companies lost 22.6 percent o

9、f its value on that memorable day, plunging 508 points in the panicked rush to sell. When Black Monday finally reeled to a close, many a portfolio had lost over a fifth of the value it had the day before. 2. Do you like to be a broker? Why? Open. Script of Passage: Stock Market: How It Works On Mond

10、ay, October 19, 1987, a wave of selling triggered widespread price declines in stock markets from New York to Australia. ON that day, now infamous as “Black Monday”, over 600 million shares were traded on the New York Stock Exchange-more than twice the NYSEs average sales volume. The Dow Jones Indus

11、trial Average of theprices of 30 stocks of major US companies lost 22.6 percent of its value on that memorable day, plunging 508 points in the panicked rush to sell. What is the stock market, and how is it affected by the forces of supply and demand? The stock market is the means through which previ

12、ously issued corporate stocks, shares of ownership in a corporation, are traded. Stock exchanges are organizations whose members act as intermediaries to buy and sell stocks for their clients. About 80 percent of all stock trading in the United States takes place at the New York Stock Exchange. Ther

13、e are other stock exchanges in the United States as well as in Paris, London, Sydney and Tokyo. How are stock prices determined? The answer, as you might expect, is by supply and demand. However, the forces influencing the prices of corporate stocks are quite different from those influencing the pri

14、ces of goods and services. People and organizations who buy and hold stock do so for the incomes they hope to earn. The incomes depend on dividends paid to stockholders, changes in the incomes they hope to earn. The incomes depend on dividends paid to stockholders, changes in the price of stock over

15、 time, and the expected return compared to the return on alternative investments. On any given day in the stock market, there are orders to buy and orders to sell. The orders to buy constitute the quantity of a stock demanded at the current (or anticipated) price per share, while the majority of pro

16、ducts by European toilet and tissue paper manufacturers. 3. Where are the fibers used by European toilet and tissue paper companies taken from? The fibers are taken from natural forests in South Africa, Asia, Europe and across the Americas. 4. What have most of the toilet and tissue paper manufactur

17、ers failed to do? Most of the companies have failed to take effective measures to prevent illegal or controversial timber from being used in their products. Script of News Item Two: The international conservation group, WWF, has accused European toilet and tissue paper manufacturers of contributing

18、to global deforestation by not using enough recycled material. A spokesman said more than a quarter of a million trees were in fact being flushed down toilets or discarded as rubbish each day. The report found alarmingly low levels of recycled fibers in the vast majority of products and said the fib

19、ers were instead being taken from natural forests in South Africa, Asia, Europe and across the Americas. Using virgin forest to make toilet paper, says the report, is wasteful and unnecessary. The report also warns that illegal and unsustainable logging and conflicts over land rights still exist in

20、many of these areas and that all but one of the companies have so far failed to take effective measures to prevent illegal or controversial timber from being used in their products. News Item 3 Ex. A: Listen and summarize the news item This news item is about the warnings from specialists that clima

21、te change can drive some species of migrating animals towards extinction. Ex. B Listen to the news and complete the following outline Findings: Climate change can drive some species of migrating animals towards extinction. Reason: Birds, mammals and reptiles are finding it increasingly difficult to

22、follow their usual migrating patterns. Examples: 1. The spreading Sahara Desert could make it impossible for swallows to make the epic journey from Southern Africa. 2. Rising sea levels will destroy many coastal habitats for turtles and wading birds. 3. Warmer oceans could lead to some turtle species becoming entirely female. Script of News Item 3 Scientists are warning that climate chang


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