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1、姓名班级学号分数题目要求:请在单词后标明汉语意思(每空一分),然后做选词填空题,并将答案写到划线处(每空一分)。(总分 25 分)A. attitudes;B.boundaries;C.collective;D.confident;E.differences;F.relatively;G.subtle;H.sober;I.simply;J.links;K.dramatically;L.similarly;M.distant;N.sensitive;O.prospects;选词填空题答案: 1-5 :6-10People who have directly experienced floodin

2、g are morelikely to be worried about climate change and willing to adopt energy-saving behavior, according to a new study based on a recent survey of 1,822 individuals across the United Kingdom.The new study found that those who report experience offlooding express more concern over climate change,

3、see it asless uncertain, and feel more _ that their actions will have an effect on climate change. Importantly, theseperceptual (认知的 ) _ also translate into a greaterwillingness to save energy to mitigate climate change.Previouspsychologicalresearchsuggests thatmany peopleare 姓名班级学号relativelyunconce

4、rnedaboutclimatechangebecausetheyperceive it as a_ issue that will not directly affect them. But theauthorsofthenew studysay theirresultssuggestthatdrawing_ between local weather events and climate change islikelytobea usefulstrategyforincreasingconcernandaction.An earlierstudy conducted aftermajor

5、. floodsin1998 and2000 found_similarlevelsof concernin thosedirectly affected by flooding and those who did not have thatexperience. But given that_ severe flooding eventsstruck England since 2003, the British research team decidedto revisit the issue.Elke Weber a professor of business and psycholog

6、y atColumbiaUniversity calledthe findingssurprisingandimportant.Followingthe failedclimate change negotiationsinCopenhagen,the _forsufficientpublicconcernabout climatechange and politicalwillto reducecarbonemissions have seemed dim. However, recent events in Tunisia( 突尼斯 ), Egypt and other countries

7、 have shown that increasesin the perceivedeffectiveness of individual and_actioncanchange_andbehaviorsquicklyand_. The new studys findings,Weber added, providea glimmer of hope thatsimilartippingpoint dynamics mightexist in the domain of climate change.姓名班级学号分数题目要求:请在单词后标明汉语意思(每空一分),然后做选词填空题,并将答案写到划

8、线处(每空一分)。(总分 25 分)A. apparentlygeniusintimate;B. excel;E.; H. ultimate; ; D.insightful; I.;F.investigate;L.unknown;O. positively;选词填空题答案: 1-5 :6-10AlbertEinstein,thefatherofmodern physics,is themostinfluentialphysicistofthe 20th century.Most people considerEinstein to be a_, and yet he made a/an_per

9、sonal observation. He said,“I have no special talents. Iam only passionately curious.” There s both humility andhope in that statement.Peopletend toassumehe has specialtalents that lead to brilliance._, talent canhelp achieve brilliance, but it is not enough. It starts withcuriosity.Asadistinctiveva

10、lue,curiositymeansinquisitiveness (好追根究底 ) or eager to_ _ andlearn more. For some, curiosity comes naturally, and all theyneed to do is to_ it up. For others, fear holds them姓名班级学号back from being inquisitive.That sortof statementonly feeds the _ fearthatprevents real learning and growing. But when y

11、ou encourage acurious_, like Einsteins, you feed the hunger toexplore the_ and test new theories. Thats whatleads to mastering a subject and becoming known as an expert. So what about you Are you passionately curious Have you found a way to create a powerful effect with your curiosity, takingone ins

12、ight and building it into another one If so, you havethe potential to_ to greatness, and change the world like whatEinstein did.And ifyou thi nk about a_for success, consider Einstein s famous equation of E=mc2. You can come up with a new way of using the equation, which is Excellence = Mastery x Cu

13、riosity2. There is power in curiosity for curiosity has its own reason for existing.姓名班级学号分数题目要求:请在单词后标明汉语意思(每空一分),然后做选词填空题,并将答案写到划线处(每空一分)。(总分 25 分)A.accessible;B.constant;E.investigationprograms;F.Limits;M.rewarding;G.;N.technology;O. ;typical选词填空题答案: 1-5 :6-10In 2015 Doreetha Daniels received her

14、 associate degree in social sciences from College of the Canyons, California. ButDaniels wasn t a_. student: She was 99 years old.Talkingabout her graduation,Daniels indicatedthatshe wantedto get her degree simply to better herself; her six years ofschool during that _ were a testament to her determ

15、ination, and commitment to learning.will,Few of us willpursue collegedegrees at Danielsage, oreven as mid-indicate thatcareer professionals (though recent_increasingnumbers of people are pursuing collegedegrees at advanced ages). Almost all of us have_on our time and finances due to kids,socialorgan

16、izations,work, and more that make additional姓名班级学号formal education impractical or impossible.For some of us, learning isn t simply about earni ng degrees. Books, online courses, MOOCs, professional development programs, and other resources have never been moreabundant or_, making it easier than ever

17、 to makea habit of lifelonglearning.Every day, each of us is offeredthe opportunityto pursue intellectualdevelopment in ways thatare _ to our learning style.The Economistrecentlydetailedtheways inwhichourrapidlyshiftingprofessionalsituation the disruptive( 颠覆性的 ) power of automation, the increasing

18、number of jobs_ expertisenecessitatesthatworkersfocuscontinually on mastering new technologies and skills. A CBRE report estimated that 50% of jobs would be redundant by 2025duetotechnological_.TrendsincludingAI,robotics,and offshoring( 外包 ) mean_ shiftsin thenature of work. And surviving these shif

19、ts requires continuallearning and personal growth.The reasons to continue learning are many, and the weightof the evidence would indicate that lifelong learning isntsimply an economic imperative but a social, emotional, andphysicalone as well.Welivein an age of abundantopportunityfor learning and de

20、velopment. Capturing that opportunitycan be one of lifes most_ pursuits.姓名班级学号分数题目要求:请在单词后标明汉语意思(每空一分),然后做选词填空题,并将答案写到划线处(每空一分)。(总分 25 分)A.across;B.active;C.experience;选词填空题答案: 1-5 :6-10Lookingforrelaxation and rejuvenation (恢复活力)or high-energy adventureLook no_ thanHawaii a top place to unwind and

21、be inspired by Hawaiisbreathtaking scenery and natural_.ofThe islands your vacation.of Aloha have some great options for every day Oahu, Kauai, Maui, Molokai, and Hawaii (also_ as The Big Island), have their own character anddifferent landscapes. Its easy to fly or cruise between theislandsso you ca

22、n_ more than one duringyour stay.The Hawaiian Islands are home to a diverse range of experiences,姓名班级学号from whale watching, snorkeling and surfing, to witnessing an_ volcano,hikingthe Grand Canyon of the Pacific,and drivingthe spectacularHana HighwayHawaii is a tropical_, complete with a laid -back Polynesianlifestyle.Famed golf architects have designed sensational courses_ scenic settingsby the ocean with lava fixtures,andhelpingt


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