



1、用心 爱心 专心- 1 -宁夏银川二中2012届高考英语百日冲刺完形填空精选系列(二十一)完形填空While in the army there was nothing I disliked so much as the map-reading course, for the simple reasonthat I always felt 1 even with a map in my hand. For weeks I had_2 awake at night thinking of the 3 test Iwould have to face at the end of the cours

2、e. 4 the evil day arrived. It was my responsibility to lead a smallband of soldiers back to camp from the middle of 5 . We were driven out in a(n) 6 lorry and left in aploughed field with 7 to get back to camp as quickly as possible.Well knowing my 8 , the soldiers smiled as they saw me looking at t

3、he map and they made all sorts ofhelpful suggestions. I folded the map up, put it in my pocket, and aid that we would 9 _ east. After walkingthrough the cornfield for over an hour we came to a wide stream. I looked at the map 10 . It seemed to be11 with masses of thin blue lines. But which 12 line w

4、as this stream? In despair, we sat down in the cool_13 and I feel 1ike 14 the map into the water. Fifteen minutes later, a boat passed and I asked theboatman if he could give us a 15 to the nearest village.I 16 that we had been out for a walk and _ 17 _ got lost. The boatman invited us on 18 _ and I

5、 felt _19when he told me that he had helped hundreds of soldiers to pass their map-reading test! Not long _ 20 , wegot off that boat and, following the boatmans instructions, took a bus into the village and got back to camp.C. puzzling D. lostC. slept D. laidC. practical D. specialC. As a result D.

6、After allC. nowhere D. forestC. ordinary D. damagedC. informationD. instructionsD. strength14. A. tearing B. throwing C. striking D. destroying15. A. liftB. rideC. favorD.service16. A. declared B. pretendedC. admittedD.described17. A. altogetherB. almostC. possibleD.somehow18. A. boardB. boatC. purp

7、ose D. platform19. A. afraidB. foolish C. fortunateD. interested20. A. ago B. late C. afterwards D. awayI grew up poorliving with my wonderful mother. We had little money, but plenty of love and attention. Iwas 1 and energetic. I understood that no matter how poor3. A. basicB. actual4. A. At last B.

8、 At once5. A. village B. downtown6. A. closed B. advanced1. A.stupidB. blind7. A. suggestions B. introductions8. A. weakness B. thought C. task9. A. head B. point10. A. gradually B. therefore11. A. fillB. full12. A. similar B. particular13. A. tentB. shadowC. go to D. guideC. merely D. againC. cover

9、ed D. separatedC. correct D. wonderfulC. shore D. shade用心 爱心 专心- 2 -a person was, he could still 2 a dream.My dream was3 . By the timeI was sixteen, I started playing baseball. I couldthrow a ninety-mile-per-hour fastball and 4 anything thatmoved on the footballfield. I was also 5: My high school co

10、ach was John, who not only believed in me,but also taught me 6 to believe in myself. He 7 me the difference betweenhaving a dream and remaining true to that dream. One particular 8with Coach Johnchanged my life forever.A friend recommended mefor a summer job. This meant a chancefor money in my pocke

11、tmoney for a new bike, new clothesand the 9 of savings fora house for my mother.Then I realizedI would have to 10up summer baseball to handle the work schedule,and that meant I would have to tell John I wouldnt be playing.When I told John, he was 11as I expected him to be.“You have your wholelife to

12、 work,”He said.“Your12 days are limited. You cant afford to wastethem.”I stood before him with my head13 , trying to think of the 14 thatwould explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in mypocket was worth facing his 15 in me.“How much are you going to make at this job,

13、son?”He asked.“3.5 dollars anhour,”I replied.“Well,”he asked,“is $3.5 an hour the price of a dream?That simple question made 16 for methe difference between 17 somethingright now and having a 18 . I decided myself to play sports that summer and thenext year I was 19 by the Pittsburgh Pirates to play

14、 baseball, and was 20a$20,000 contract(agreement). In 1999, I bought my mother the house of my dream!1. A. happyB. politeC. shyD. honest2. A. liveB. affordC. makeD. need3. A. athleticsB. musicC. businessD. money4. A. kickB. playC. passD. hit5. A. rightB. popularC. luckyD. confident6. A. howB. whyC.

15、whenD. whether7. A. gaveB. taughtC. broughtD. asked8. A. accidentB. matterC. problemD. experience9. A. aimB. ideaC. startD. purpose10. A. keepB. endC. giveD. pick11. A. madB. mournfulC. frightenedD. shameful12. A. livingB. playingC. workingD. learning13. A. movingB. noddingC. shakingD. hanging14. A. answersB. excusesC. wordsD. ways15. A. sadnessB. regretC. hopelessness D. disappointment16. A. directB. clearC. strai


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