



1、1Unit 6 Turn right!Period 1一、教学目标:1、掌握“left/right”的用法,理解policeman、solider等含义;2、能应用所学单词询问他人职业;3、能理解掌握对话中出现的名词单复数形式的不同表达。二、教学重点及难点;1、运用句型询问职业;2、对“left/right”作出快速反应;3、复数的规则变化及表达。三、教学步骤:Step1 Warping up:1、师生问候;2、reviewStep 2 Presentation and drill1、Dragon game :Ss count the nu mbers one by one ,(123)Ss

2、say the expressi ons like: 1 bird. 2birds .3 flags2、Ss practice the expressions with“teachers/doctors”T acts asolider: Turn left /right!Look! What am I now?3、Ss observe and guess .4、Study the new words“solider .soldiers/”Study: Left, right .Ss say and act with T, then play a game.Use the same way to

3、 learn“policeman/ policemen”5、Order a students to act with T, then learn to say“what are you /we?-You/ we are _”Step 3 Practices:Listen to the recorder;Read after the recorder;Practice in groups.Step 4 Consolidations:1、Game :Little actors :Ss act like some jobs, and practice the dialogue:Look, what

4、are we?- Are you _?-Yes, we are / No, we are not.2、Do the exercises;3、Homework : read and act the dialogue. Period 2一、教学目标21、巩固所学职业名称;2、能初步掌握对话中出现的名词单复数形式的不同表达。3、能听懂指令,做动作。二、教学重点及难点1、分辨左右,听懂指令;2、名词单复数形式的不规则变化;三、教学步骤:Step 1: Warming up:1 .Greetings;2. Game: Monkeys see, monkeys do;Hands up /down;Left

5、 / right;Turn left/ right.Go, stop, go .stop.Step 2: Presentation and drill:1. Ss act, T asks: What are they? Are they soliders?Ss: No, they arent.T: You are right .they are policemen.2. Ss learn to say the word“policemen”3. Ss find out some other words: woman / policeman / fireman / postman.T and a

6、 student act like a traffic police: Stop! Turn right! (查动作)What are we?Ss: Are you policemen / soldiers?T: No. We are traffic police.Ss learn to say the new word.Pay attention to: a traffic police, some traffic police.Step 3.Practice:1. Listen to the recorder read the new words in Part B after it.2.

7、 Game: Guess! (Part C)3. Read the story in Part C, then try to act.Step4: Consolidation:1. Make dialogues: You meet your classmates after 20 years, what willyou be ? How about the others? Imagine and dialogues2. Ss act.Step5:1. Do the exercises;2. Homework: Copy and read the words. Period 3一、教学目标1、能掌握字母组合在单词中的发音,能理解新单词;2、能掌握新单词的书写;3、能表演课文部分的歌曲,感受学习英语的乐趣。二、教学难点及重点 重点:字母组合在单词的发音; 学习歌曲的演唱; 难点:理解新单词。三、教学步骤Step 1 warming up 1、Greeting ; 2、listen to the song in Part F;板书:拦车检make the3F部分 将带有s的单词标红。T用拼读法读出单词。学生从听从说出s的语音。单个学生奖励。Game:金耳朵。 老师读单词 学生听, 如果有含s的音 学生说yes,没有说Tea sisterfather book drop Game:老


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