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1、八年级下Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? (Period 1)编制人:张平梅【学习目标】1 单词和词组:allow, wrong, guess, Whats wrong? look through, big deal, work out2 句型:What should sb. do? Why dont you talk to your parents?3. 讨论问题和困难以及如何提建议。【学习重难点】重点:使用重点句型讨论问题和困难以及如何提建议。 难点: 1. 熟练运用重点句型What should sb. do? Why dont / do

2、esnt sb. do sth.? 2. 学会给他人提出建议。 【使用说明与方法指导】:自学1a,并讨论自己在学习和生活方面遇到的问题。5min (5分钟)A翻译下列短语足够的睡眠_ 太多家庭作业_和朋友闲逛_ 和.打架_给.打电话_ 哪儿不舒服? _ 快速查看_ be angry with_a big deal_ allow sb. to do_hope things work out _talk about .on the phone _B Do you have any problems?(可仿照1a的句子) _ 【探究案】探究1. allow 作动词,意为_,常用结构allow sb.

3、(not)to do 例 My father allows me _.(爸爸不让我抽烟。)allow 的不同搭配:allow sth./doing sth.We dont allow _.(我们不允许在学校玩电脑游戏。) allow sb. Sth: She allows her daughter _.(她给女儿一辆新自行车。)探究2. Why dont you do sth.?是一个否定疑问句,意为_。常用来征求意见和提出建议,相当于_句式。例:为什么不和朋友逛逛呢?Why dont you_? =Why not _? 【训练案】1 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Mary _ (allow

4、) me _ (watch) TV.2. I have to _ (do) the _ (dish).3. Why _ (dont) he _ (have) a rest?4. Mr.Wang gave me some _ (advice).5. Peter is _ (look) through a magazine.2 按要求完成下列句子。1. Whats wrong with Lucy?(同义句) _ _ _ with Lucy?2. 这个数学题太难了我做不出来。This math problem is _ difficult _ I cant _ _ _.3. He is too yo

5、ung to join the army.(同义句) He _ old _to join the army.4. 为什么不向老师寻求帮助呢?Why dont you _ your teacher _ _?(同义句)Why _ _your teacher _ _?5. 我不擅长弹钢琴。 Im not good at _ _ _.八年级下Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? (Period 2)编制人:房敬敬【学习目标】1 单词和词组:relation communication argue instead whatever nervous

6、offer explain get on with 2句型:运用Why dont you ? 结构表示建议。 【学习重难点】Why dont you ? 结构表示建议。情态动词should的用法。【掌握技能】能询问、陈述自己或他人的困难和麻烦;能针对别人的困境提出解决的办法和建议。【情感目标】与家人和谐相处;遇到问题主动和家人、朋友沟通,虚心听取他人意见。【预习案】 阅读课本3a,独立翻译下面的短语和句子。1. 和某人相处的好_ 2. 提供帮助_3. 当他们吵架的时候,就像有大片黑色的乌云笼罩着我们家。 _4. 我总是感到孤独和紧张。 _5. Why dont you sit down and

7、 communicate with your brother? _【探究案】探究1. 辨析elder和older: Also, my elder brother is not very nice to me. elder 是形容词,意为“_”,只可指人。是old的一种比较级形式,主要用于表示家庭成员之间的长幼关系,用来比较年龄大小,只能用在名词前,作定语。 older 也是形容词,意为“年龄较大的”或是“较旧的”,可指人也可指物。在句中可以作定语,也可以作表语。即学活用:My _ sister is three years _ than I.探究2. offer 及物动词,意为“主动提出;自愿

8、给予;提供” 主动提出做某事_. 给某人提供某物;提供某物给某人offer sb. sth.=_即学活用:I couldnt offer any help to him.=_.探究3. 辨析instead 和instead of instead 是副词,意为“代替,反而”,常放在句首或句尾。instead of 是介词短语,意为“代替.,而不是.”位于句中,后接名词、代词宾格、介词短语或动词-ing形式。即学活用:I wont go to Shanghai. Ill go to Beijing_. A. instead of B. instead C. after all D. in all探

9、究4:Why dont you.? 意为“_?”相当于“Why not.?”两个句型后面都接动词原形,常用来征求意见,提出建议或表示疑问。其答语通常是“Good idea./Sounds great./OK.”等。拓展:用来表示提建议的常用句型 (1)What/ How about.? .怎么样?(2)Lets. 让我们. (3)Shall we.? 让我们.好吗?即学活用:1. -I have so many after-school classes that I dont have enough time to rest. -Why dont you_to your parents? A.

10、 talking B. to talk C. talk 2. Why not_your friends for help when you are in trouble. A. ask B. to ask C. asks D. asking八年级下Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? (Period 3)编制人:张伟红【学习目标】1. 掌握以下词汇:copy, return, anyone2. 重点短语spendon., be afraid of., notanymore3. 情态动词could 与should 的区别;although引导让步状语

11、从句,so that引导目的状 语从句及until引导时间状语从句。4. 能够正确运用所学的句型询问他人遇到的麻烦并能给出合理的建议。【学习重难点】1.重点:询问他人遇到的困难及给出建议。2.难点:灵活掌握本课遇到的句型和短语,并能学以致用【使用说明与方法指导】:积极与人合作,注意倾听,积极思考遇到问题主动请教。1. 各小组自己朗读 Grammar Focus中的内容, 相互帮助理解,观察并总结建议的表达,完成4b。2. 先独立完成4a, 然后小组讨论although,so that及until所引导的状语从句。3. 仿4c,解决实际问题【预习案】1 翻译下列短语:study until mi

12、dnight_; school grades _study for a test _; copy others homework _speaking in front of people_; not.any more_二、用could, should完成句子1.- Whats the matter? - Ive got a headache. _ you help me?2. Dont cry. You _ tell me what has happened first.3. _ you buy me a new dictionary?4. Tom _ read at the age of 4

13、.5. We _ the school rules.三、【探究案】1. 在组内熟读Grammar Focus,并讨论观察could, should 的用法could, should 都是_动词,后面都跟_, 否定在后面直接加_ 构成,分别缩写成_和_.should 意为_。我们要多考虑他人。We _ _ about others.could 意为_。在疑问句中征求他人的许可,语气比can委婉客气,但是回答此类问句,必须用_(答语中不能用_)。同时could是can的过去式形式。我能玩你的玩具吗?可以。_ I _ with your toys? Yes, you _.她四岁就能读书。She _

14、_ at the age of 4.Why dont you v.? 你为什么不。呢?(表示建议应该做某事 You should + v.)你为什么不尝试呢?_ _ _?提建议的表达方式及其答语句式回答Why dont you do sth.?你为什么不做某事呢?你为什么不行上学?_ _ _ _ to school?Why not do sth.?你为什么不做某事呢?周末为什么不去购物?_ _ _ shopping on weekends?What/How about doing sth.?做某事怎么样?明天踢足球怎么样?_/_ football tomorrow?Lets do sth.让我

15、们一起做某事。我们休息吧!_ _ a break!. had better do sth. 最好干某事。她最好马上看医生。She had better go to the doctor.Would you like to do sth.?你愿意去干什么?你愿意和我去钓鱼吗?_ _ _ _ finishing with me?肯定回答好主意。_ _.听来好极了。_.当然。_. / _.没问题。_ _.我同意你。I _ _ you.否定回答恐怕不是这样的。Im _ _.不,让我们······ No, lets .我不这样认为。I _ _

16、_.对不起,我不能······ Sorry, I _ .我很乐意,但是······_ _ _, but .2. although,so that, untiluntilprep. & conj.直到;在之前我一直等到午夜。I waited _ _.我一直到妈妈回家才去睡觉。I _ go to bed _ my mother came home.although conj.尽管,即使(引导让步状语从句,不能与but连用)尽管他很小,但他懂得很多。_ he is

17、 young, he knows a lot.so that为了, 以便。 经常引导目的状语从句,在句中与情态动词(can, could)连用为了赶早班车他经常早起。He often gets up early _ _ he could catch the early bus. 操练:although,until,so that填空a. Let's get there early _ we can get good seats.b. _ hes very rich,he spends little on clothes.c. We played _ it got dark. d. Ke

18、ep going _ I tell you to stope. She was saving money _she could buy a car.f. Once he starts a job he won't stop _ it's finished.g. He's the basketball team's best player _ he's the shortest one on the team八年级下Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? (Period 4)编制人:代君梅【学习目标】1. 知识目

19、标:掌握短文中的重点单词与短语,能用重点短语造句。2. 技能目标:通过阅读训练掌握根据前后文猜词意的技巧。3. 情感目标: 了解中国及一些其他国家中学生们普通存在的生活及学习上问题,别人的生活现状及他们苦恼,知道学习知识是很重要的事情,但它并不是生活的全部。【学习重难点】1. 教学重点:1) 掌握本课时出现的生词及用法。2) 阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。2. 教学难点: 阅读2b部分的短文并完成相关要求。【预习案】一预习课本p30,翻译下列有关课外活动的短语。1.做家庭作业_ 4.use the Internet _2.看电影_ 5.have after-school l

20、essons _3.做运动_ 6. hang out with friends _二阅读30页2b课文,完成下列判断题,正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. Chinese children have to take so many after-school classes on weekends these days. ( ) 2.Cathy Taylor really wants her three children to be successful, so she believes these after-school activities are important for them.( )

21、 3. Linda Miller thinks parents should send their small kids to all kinds of classes. ( ) 4. Linda thinks some parents push their kids too much. ( ) 5.Alice thinks kids shouldnt have time to relax and think for themselves.【探究案】探究一:Others are practicing sports so that they can compete and win.其他人正在练习体育运动,这样他们就能参与竞争并获胜。others作代词,意为“其他的人或事物”,表示复数意义,其后不接名词,相当于“other+复数名词”。辨析:the other, the others, others与anotherthe other:


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