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1、语言点快速复习 Book (a)1. go straight 一直朝前走2. go the gate 穿过大门3. room 男性卫生间4. a famous 一个著名的艺术家5. take sth. with sb.随身携带6. in the of doing sth. 希望干7. lose 失去信心8. in the family 在家里的车库里9. this way 就这样10. get work an artist 找一个当画家的工作11. be pleased sb. 对表示满意12. the east coast 在东海岸13. the Disney parks 经营狄斯尼乐园14

2、. be strict sb. 对某人要求严格15. be strict sth. 做事严谨16. sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事17. be polite 对某人有礼貌18. a wonderful 美丽的景象19. at the of the tower在塔顶20. as as the coast (能看到)海岸线那么远21. a button 按电钮22. be for sth. 为做好准备23. be brought 被端上来24. get you need 得到你所需要的25. anything interest 任何有趣的事26. have no 不知道27. Wou

3、ld you if I smoke here? 我在这吸烟你介意吗?28. office 不吸烟的办公室29. Go ! 请用吧!30. of tobacco 香烟的销售31. fall 睡着32. be burnt 烧毁33. one of 三分之一的34. the health of the 全民族的健康35. die smoking 死于吸烟36. be reduced 30% 被减少了30%37. in the 16-19 age 在16-19岁的年龄段(的孩子)38. with 和比起来39. give 放弃40. the problem smoking 吸烟所产生的麻烦41. ge

4、t sb. the habit of 染上的习惯42. the habit of养成习惯43. be used sth. 习惯于事44. compare sth. 把比做45. It is a to meet you. 见到你很高兴。46. I can it myself. 我自己可以对付。47. talk sb. 和某人谈话48. language 体态语49. ones head 点头50. countries 说英语的国家51. hands with sb. 和某人握手52. the first time 首次53. It is the to do sth. 按风俗做54. kiss s

5、b. and goodbye 接吻问候或告别55. some research 做一些研究工作56. sit your feet pointing at another 坐着的时候而你的脚同时对着别人57. follow the 入乡随俗58. stand to sb. 站的离某人很近59. one 互相60. keep a certain away 保持一定距离61. be quite a distance 和某处有一段距离62. live in the 住在乡村63. the meanings of 姿势语的意义64. with sb. 和某人交际65. a room 餐厅66. at 究

6、竟67. same as 和一样68. a of China Daily 一份中国日报69. give a 上演节目70. They are to be very good. 据说他们很棒。71. the newspaper editor 报社总编72. the main 大事件73. the events 采访大事件74. get down doing sth. 着手干75. a time to do sth. 安排时间干76. a interview 面对面的会谈77. information 复核资料78. look information 查阅资料79. money and time

7、节省时间和金钱80. work newspaper 在报社工作81. this situation 在这种情况下82. as as possible 尽快83. photos 拍照84. in the day 在一天的晚些时候85. put sth. 把放在一起86. type sth. computer 把输入电脑87. photos 冲洗照片88. on the page 在头版89. make necessary 做必要的改动90. write the for each story 为故事写篇名91. enough 足够的空间92. There is no more time . 不再有

8、多余的时间了。93. printing machines 快速印刷机94. newspapers 发报纸95. the newspaper 最新报纸96. news 国内新闻97. news 国际新闻98. in the week 在未来的一周里99. be popular sb. 受的欢迎100. cut the of 缩小的开支101. ones English 提高的英语水平102. care 喜欢103. a meeting 举行会议104. a telephone interview 进行电话采访105. learn sth.得知106. a good way doing sth.

9、一种做某事的好办法107. plays 导演戏剧108. the art of the 戏剧艺术109. at the beginning在一开始的时候110. practise the play 排练戏111. put the play 上演戏剧112. the of the dialogue (戏剧)台词113. act a in a play在剧中扮演一个角色114. the of ones action某人的演出风格115. add sound films给电影配音116. be certain sth. 对有把握117. be for sth. 因某事而被授予荣誉118. the t

10、o the film history 对电影事业的贡献119. The film was in California. 电影以加里福尼亚为背景。120. the gold 淘金热121. so 到目前为止122. in ones search 寻找123. in a small house 在一个小木屋里124. knife and fork 一付刀叉125. every mouthful 每一口都吃得很香126. set 出发127. in the 在空中128. bring 哺育,呕吐129. this kind 此类130. What a ! 太不好意思了!131. stamps 收集邮

11、票132. be of different and 大小不一,形状各异133. It is to do sth. 做是常见的事134. the of the coin 硬币的面值135. different kinds of metal together 各种不同的金属融在一起136. look 四周查看137. a pot many metal coins 一个装有很多硬币的罐子138. mines 金矿139. It is that 人人皆知140. It is that 某事很有可能发生141. ones advice 遵循某人的忠告142. sth. with sb. 和某人交换东西(

12、以物易物)143. throw 扔掉144. a of used stamps 一大包用过的邮票145. day covers 首日封146. sooner later 迟早147. a kind of stamp 某一种信封148. It is great .真有意思。149. to do sth. 能(有足够的钱)干什么150. an American 美国口音151. fill cars gas 给汽车加油152. generally 一般说来 153. speak same way 用相同的方式说话154. languages 官方语言155. from France 从法国来的定居者

13、156. struggle sth./sb. 开展反对某人(事)的斗争157. below 零度以下158. the of winter temperature 冬天的平均气温159. all the year 全年160. be famous sth. 因为而著名161. a of fresh water 淡水供应162. a great of coal 大量的煤163. of dogs 成队的狗164. of snow 雪块165. live fish and meat以鱼,肉为主食166. holes in the ice 在冰上打洞167. of seals 海豹的皮168. make

14、 of sth. 利用169. bones 在骨上刻字、画等170. gas 天然气171. to 提到,谈到172. clear (天气)放晴173. drive   (把车)开走174. leave her she is. 别挪动她。175. Take it 别紧张176. give sb. first 给某人急救177. give care to sb. 给某人以药物治疗178. the way 嘴对嘴的方式179. on ones 仰面躺着180. as often is necessary 尽可能更多次数181. the bleeding 止血182. hold 举着,(交

15、通)阻滞183. deal sth. 处理184. be by an animal 被动物咬伤185. the cold 冷水笼头186. put round fires 给炉火安上安全罩187. out of (手)够不着188. reach 斜身去够东西189. a clean 一条干净的手帕190. mistake 由于误会191. throw 呕吐192. pay to sth. 注意193. with 相配,相适应194. the earth 拯救地球195. a lecture pollution 关于污染的演讲196. be fit sth. 适合于197. hear sth.

16、听说某事198. standing 站着的空间199. a population 人口众多200. in the of the desert 在沙漠的中心地带201. Cattle one cause of the problem. 牲畜是其中的一个问题。202. to do sth. 干不成功203. land 贫脊的土地204. . answers 建设性意见205. Good soil is . 土壤流失。206. blow sth. 风把吹走207. . rain 酸雨208. time time again 一次又一次209. . the air 污染空气210. a power s

17、tation 核电站211. . injured 受伤的人212. lose ones 失明213. one narrow 一条窄窄的入口处214. be in sth. 存在于215. the of the lake 大湖的水量216. an oil 油轮217. . the northwest coast 在海岸线的西北方218. die 灭绝219. be killed food 因为没有食物而致死220. . lands 干燥的土地221. three of tiger 三个种类的老虎222. a of sth. 的总数223. an trip 一次有组织的旅行224. fill th

18、e answer 填上答案225. the of the trip 旅行的目的226. an plant 一个不认识的植物227. a well-kept 一个保守的秘密228. a tree 一棵倒下的树229. . tests 做实验230. go off 单独走开231. be 迷路232. be busy sth. 忙于干233. . my joy 使我高兴的是234. turn 变成235. in place 在适当的位置上236. point 指着237. a of smoke 一层(烟云)238. When I washed the coat, the colour. .当我洗这

19、件衣服时,衣服掉色了。239. give ones money 把某人的钱找还给本人240. Im not that . 我不那样傻。241. It looks it hasnt been following the instructions.好象衣服没有按照说明去洗。242. at the 在裁缝店里243. . sb.为某人服务244. in the room 在后屋245. try 试穿246. have sth. sb. 随身携带247. judge sb. his looks 根据像貌来判断某人248. put sb. the trouble of doing sth. 使某人陷入麻

20、烦249. give ones to sb. 给某人找零头250. To sell such a suit that to a millionaire. 把这样一件衣服给一个百万富翁。251. do sb. the to do sth. 帮助某人一个的忙252. make clothes ones own measure 根据某人的尺寸做衣服253. depend sb./sth. 依赖某人或某事254. the day tomorrow 后天255. sth. with sb. 和某人订购256. wait time 等一段时间257. . ones life 一生258. drop 顺便拜

21、访259. show sb. 领某人出去260. once a time 从前261. do the buttons 系钮扣262. two bottles of 两瓶酒263. laugh sb. 嘲笑某人264. take sb. 看重某人265. what was 更糟的是266. be suitable sb./sth. 对某人很合适267. keep 擅自留下268. put 放下,记下269. or 否则270. be sth. 追求 271. come 从离开,脱落272. . the thing 正是此物273. Is there anything the ? 出了什么事?27

22、4. There is no to be worried. 没有必要着急。275. be anxious sb./sth.对某人担心276. get the river 过河277. wash 冲走278. find a way 找到返回的路279. My shoes press my foot.我的鞋挤脚。280. up 高达281. . the day-time在白天282. push sth. 推倒283. wake 醒来284. blow sth. 风把刮倒了285. The road is 路被封锁了。286. . trees 正倒下的树287. have escapes 幸免一死288. It is not to do sth. 做不安全289. . electricity lines折断的电线杆290. call sb. 请某人来291. cut fallen trees 把树截成小段292. repair


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