1、lWhat is heroic couplet?lWhat are Chaucers contributions?lWhat is ballad ?lFather of English poetrylThe first in the Poet s Corner lin Westminster AbbeylEdmund Spencer lCharles DickenslThomas HardylRudyard KiplinglRobert BrowninglAlfred TennysonlGeoffrey Chaucer, was laid to rest in Westminster Abbe
2、y because he had been Clerk of Works to the palace of Westminster, not because he had written The Canterbury Tales.lLord Byron: died in 1824 but was finally given a memorial only in 1969. lShakespeare, buried at Stratford-upon-Avon in 1616, had to wait until 1740 before a monument, designed by Willi
3、am Kent, appeared in Poets Corner.lborn in a wine merchant family, page to Elizabethlb r o a d a n d i n t i m a t e acquaintance with persons high and low in all walks of lifea.French period in French Romance of the Rose The Book of the Duchessb. Italian period in Latin The Legend of Good WomenThe
4、House of FameThe Parliament of FowlsC.English period in English Troilus and Criseyde The Canterbury Talesl(1) Messenger/forerunner of Humanism(13041374) Petrarca lThe first important realistic writerlcharacters: people of all walks of lifeltheme: individuals relation to the societylAn encyclopedia o
5、f the 14th century heroic couplet:an iambic pentameter having the lines rhyming in pairsl每行十音节、双行一尾韵每行十音节、双行一尾韵: 每行五个音步每行五个音步,每个音步有两每个音步有两个音节个音节,第一个是轻音第一个是轻音,第二个是重音第二个是重音lO could I flow like thee, and make thy stream alMy great example, as it is my theme! alThough deep yet clear, though gentle yet n
6、ot dull;b lStrong without rage, without oerflowing full.b purified London dialect12Iambic Pentameter - - - - - - To be, | or not | to be: | that is | the question: - - - - - - Whether | tis nob | ler in | the mind | to sufferlSamuel Johnson The Vanity of Human WisheslOliver Goldsmith The Deserted Vi
7、llagel John Keats LamialJohn DonnelJohn Dryden lAlexander Popel1. basic factsl1 general prologuel32 pilgrims l24 taleslUpper class (Knight, Squire, church people) lLearned professions (Physician, Man of Law) lLanded gentry (Franklin) lMedieval manor people (Miller, Reeve) lMercantile class (Shipman,
8、 Merchant) lGuildsmen (Haberdasher, Dyer, etc.) lLaborer (Plowman) She is an example of the basic human paradox which places what people are in opposition to what they think they are or pretend to be.lHer blue eyes, red mouth, the shape of her nose, the width of her forehead, her ornaments and dress
9、, her table manners, her particular brand of French, her pets and her tenderness about mice, her name Eglantine, her smile full simple and coylAll these show the great charm of the Prioress as a woman.PrideWrathEnvyImmodestylust curiositiesWhat is the thing that a woman desires most?1. The Canterbur
10、y Tales was written in _. A. Old English B. Middle English C. Modern English D. Current Modern English2. Pilgrims travel to the shrine of St. Thomas Becket at Canterbury in _.A. March B. April C. May D. June3. _ pilgrims plus Chaucer are assembled at the Tabard Inn in the southern part of London.A.
11、25 B. 27 C. 29 D. 314. Chaucer was a master of the heroic couplet which consists of two rhyming lines in iambic pentameter. Iambic pentameter meansA. the line has 6 feet, and an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable.B. the line has 6 feet, and a stressed syllable is followed by an u
12、nstressed syllable.C. the line has 5 feet, and an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable.D. the line has 5 feet, and a stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed syllable.5. When he died, Chaucer was buried in the Poets Corner.a. Westminster Abbey b. Normandyc. Canterbury d. Sout
13、hward6. Chaucers earliest work of any length is this “ ”a translation of the French “Roman de la Rose” by Gaillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meung, which was a love allegory enjoying widespread popularity in the 13th and 14th centuries not only in France but throughout Europe.a. Troilus and Criseyde b.
14、 A Red, Red Rosec. Romance of the Rose d. Piers the Plowman7. Chaucer composes a long narrative poem named “ ”based on Boccaccios poem “Filostrato”.a. The Legend of Good Women b. Troilus and Gressiec. Romance of the Rose d. Piers the Plowman8. In his literary development, Chaucer was influenced by t
15、hree literatures.Which one is not true?a. French literature b. Italian literature c. English literature d. German literature1. Definition lA narrative song, or an oral form of verselComposed by common people during a long period of timelAn important stream of the Medieval folk literature2. Stylistic
16、 Features of the Ballads lSimple, plain language or dialect of the common people with colloquial, vivid and, sometimes, idiomatic expressionslComposed in couplets or in quatrains known as the ballad stanza, rhyming abab, with the first and third lines carrying 4 accented syllables and the second and
17、 fourth carrying 3. lA dominant mood or tone, either tragic or comic. lMaking full use of hyperbole with actions and events much exaggerated. lUsing refrains and other kinds of repetitions. lBorder Ballads:wars between England and ScotlandlBallads about Robin HoodlBallads with a love theme:the strug
18、gle of young lovers against their feudal familieslSea balladslBallads about domestic lifelsome about supernatural ghosts and spiritsa . h i s h a t r e d f o r t h e c r u e l oppressors and his love for the poor and down-troddenb.strong, brave and cleverc.tender-hearted and affectionate for the poo
19、r and down-troddend.his pure love for Mariane . h i s s i m p l e l o y a l t y t o t h e monarchylGet up and bar the doorlAbout Chaucer lAbout popular balladsl1.Finish the exam-related exercises.l2.Preview Shakespearel1) his major plays and sonnetsl2) about “to be or not to be”(meaning)l3) about so
20、nnet 18 (retorical device, theme)l4)about The Merchant of Venice(theme)53Exam-related exercises n1. _, the “father of English poetry” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born in London in about 1340.nA. Geoffrey Chaucer B. Sir Gawain C. Francis Bacon D. John Drydenn2. The most fa
21、mous cycle of English ballads centers on the stories about a legendary outlaw called _.nA. Morte dArthur B. Robin Hood nC. The Canterbury Tales D. Piers the Plowman54n3. In his lifetime Chaucer served in a great variety of occupations that had impact on the wide range of his writings. Which one is n
22、ot his career? _.nA. engineer B. courtier C. office holder nD. soldier E. ambassador F. legislator (议员)n4. The representative work of _ is Decameron.nA. Shakespeare B. Geoffrey Chaucer C. Boccaccio55n5.Chaucer was the first important poet of a royal court to write in _.nA. French B. English C. Latin
23、n6. The pilgrims went to Canterbury in order to _.na. visit the city b. worship Thomas a Becket c. do business d. worship Jesus Christn7. According to the original plan, Chaucer expected to finish _.na. 120 stories b. 100 stories c. 140 stories d. 130 stories56n8. The one who proposed the story tell
24、ing in the Canterbury Tales is _.na. the poet b. the knight c. the boss d. the monkn9. The perfect character and the worst character in the Canterbury are _.na. the knight and the wife of Bath b. knight and the prioress c. the knight and the friar d. the knight and the pardoner57n10.Chaucer is calle
25、d the founder of English realism because he describes the classes of English feudal society except _.na. businessman and teachers b. nobles and yeoman nc. plowman and royal members d. kings and serfsn11. The characters in the Canterbury Tales can be divided into the following groups except _.na. rur
26、al dwellers b. church members c. burgesses d. nobles58n12.One of the following events played a greater part in Chaucers writing _.na. his marriage with a girl of the noble family b. his visit to Italy nc. his duty as controller of customs d. his participation in the Hundred Years Warn13.The language
27、 used by Chaucer is called _.na. old English b. middle English c. modern English d. contemporary English59n14.Robin Hood is similar to King Arthur in that _.na. both of them are Welsh men b. both of them are legendary figures nc. both of them are historical figures d. both of them are half historica
28、l and half legendaryn15. English ballads were collected into books in the _ century.na. 13th b. 14th c. 17th d. 18th60n 16.The common themes of ballads can be summed up as the following except _.na. class struggle b. loves c. wars d. religious ceremonyn17. Chaucers contribution to English literature
29、 lies in the fact that he introduced the rhymed stanzas from France and that he _.na. made London dialect foundation of modern English b. wrote the first English blank versenc. wrote the English sonnet d. made London dialect foundation of medieval English61n18. The work that presented , for the firs
30、t time in English literature, a comprehensive realistic picture of the medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is most likely_. A. William Langland Piers PlowmanB. Geoffrey Chaucers The Canterbury TalesC. John GowerConfessio AmantisD. Sir Gawai
31、n and the Green Knight 62n19. In The Legend of Good Women, Chaucer used for the first time in English the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter, which is to be called later_.A.The Spenserian stanzaB.The heroic coupletC.The blank verse D.The free versen20.The basic note of Chaucers style is_.na. the fu
32、sion of humor and genial satire nb. the fusion of irony with sarcasmnc. the fusion of humor with epigrams nd. the fusion of humor with irony63n21. Ballads appeared during the periods from 14th to 18th century in the history are usually the literature of _.na. common people b. upper class nc. courtie
33、rs d. middle classn22. _was the first buried in the Poets Corner of Westminster Abby.na. Southey b. Francis Bacon nc. Shakespeare d. Chaucern23.The second period of Chaucers literary career includes mainly the three longer poems written prior to The Canterbury Tales. Choose the one from the followin
34、g.na. The legend of Good Woman nb. The Book of the Duchesnc. The Rape of Lucrece nd. The Romaunt of the Rose64n24. Chaucers main contribution to the English literature lies in the followings except _.na. introducing the rhymed stanzas from French poetrynb. establishing English as the literary langua
35、genc. writing the first English blank versend. making the London dialect the foundation for the modern speech65n25. All the following qualities can be contributed to Robin Hood except _.na. bravery b. irreverence and hate for the king nc. love for the poor d. orthodoxn26. The General Prologue is not only to present _but also tries to reveal the authors intention in bringing together a great variety of people and narrative materials to unite the diversity of the tales by allotting them to a diversity of tellers engaged
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